Too Woke for MAL Since 2020
Left MAL's forums for Discord on 02/27/2020. Friend request me at InkSpider#0305 SEE YOU, SPACE COWBOY... I'm a big dork who likes anime, games, fiction and other nerdy crap. I write quite a few reviews, so feel free to check those out if you're interested, and I pop by the forum now and then. If you just want to yak about anime or recommend something, feel free to message me. A few things to know about me: -I am blatantly biased towards Cowboy Bebop, because it was the first anime I watched that wasn't stupid. It is the reason I am into anime. -I prefer to backlog completed series and seasons rather than watch things that are still airing. -I like short series, and am unlikely to watch anything with over 100 episodes. -I usually try to review things with some objectivity. -As of December 26th, 2019, I have mastered the legendary Dual Drop technique. I can now drop two anime at once. -I am a feminist. -This does not mean I hate you if you are a man. -This also does not mean that I hate you if you like problematic stuff. -I like some problematic stuff too. -In the time it took you to read this, I seduced both your girlfriend and your mother. We are currently enjoying a lesbian threesome. -Even though I often act like I hate anime fans, there is a good chance I don't hate you. -I am living in the real world. -Bang. What the 1-10 numbers mean to me: 10 = Beautiful work of literature in animated form. Any flaws are insignificant to enjoyment of work and development of themes.Must watch. 9 = May have some small annoying flaw or an underdeveloped theme, but still has great literary merit. Must watch. 8 = Not necessarily literary, but highly entertaining with few or no flaws in terms of execution. Alternately, a show with large flaws or problematic elements that still has significant literary merit. Should definitely watch. 7 = Has significant flaws that detract from its value, but still quite entertaining. Probably worth watching once. 6 = May have something that sets it apart from other shows, but also has major flaws. May have good moments, but is not consistently entertaining. May watch. 5 = Middle of the road. Probably not worth watching. 4 = Mediocre at best, may have values but has so many flaws that it is difficult to enjoy. Probably not worth watching. 3 = Painfully bad, with only small redeeming value. Do not watch. 2 = An utter failure on a technical level with seemingly no redeeming values. Alternately, a very offensive show (molestation played as a joke/fanservice, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc.) with small redeeming value. Do not watch. 1 = Morally repulsive and without merit or even admirable elements of technical craft. Reserved for the lowest of the low. Do not watch. My Viewing Habbits -I like to sample the first episode of several series in between episodes of what I'm watching, so I can figure out what I have to watch next. If the first ep is absolutely horrible, I drop it. If the first ep is okay, I add it to my personal Might Watch stack. If the ep is good, I add it to my To Be Watched stack. -I don't like to juggle more than 2 series at any given time. -I'm always looking for new series to add to my To Be Watched stack, so if you want to shoot me a recommendation based on my scores and favorites, go for it. New to MAL? Can't seem to stop pissing people off? Why not read my handy, dandy, 100% foolproof Anime Community Survival Guide!?: NOTE: This is a work of satire, intended purely as comedic, and should not be taken seriously. The attitudes expressed here do not represent the sincere beliefs of the author. Don’t be salty, m’kay? 1. Don’t admit to liking any major Shonen series- This includes Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online and plenty others. Bringing up your enthusiasm for these series will immediately lead everyone around you to dismiss you as a noob with no taste beyond the most popular and advertised series. Besides, most of these shows have huge, obvious flaws that critics have torn into countless times, and you’d have to be an idiot to still enjoy them. 2. Don’t criticize any major Shonen series- Come on now, you really think you can get away with ragging on some of the most popular anime in existence? Shonen fans are willing to stick with series running anywhere between 175 episodes and 900. These shows aren’t just something they watch, they’re something they live for, and any criticism you issue to their favorite series will be interpreted as an attack on their personal identity. You will not make it out alive. 3. Don’t admit that you’re a woman- Seriously, don’t. Nobody’s going to believe you anyways. 4. Don’t admit to liking any horror series- Elfen Lied, Hellsing, Deadman Wonderland, Parasyte, Tokyo Ghoul, etc. No matter how well-written or moving you find them, no matter how great the music, art or action, people will insist that you only watch them because you’re a freak who gets off on gore. 5. Don’t criticize any horror series- Hard-core horror anime fans will laugh at you and say you’re a pussy who’s simply too weak to handle the series, no matter how depraved what they are defending is. 6. Don’t admit that you’re gay- Admitting that you’re a pedophile is fine though, for some reason. 7. Don’t admit to liking any Slice of Life or Moe series- Stuff like K-on!, Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star. Liking series like this will make people think you’re pretentious and boring. It also makes people think you’re a pedophile, which is not fine in this context, and only in this context, for some reason. 8. Don’t criticize any Slice of Life or Moe series- Slice of Life and Moe fans have been the target of ridicule within the community since before Digibro declared K-on! to be the best thing in existence, and they are goddamned sick of having their shows bashed on. You do not want to invoke that pent-up anger. Criticizing SoL and Moe will lead SoL and Moe fans to label you as immature, violence-obsessed and incapable of enjoying anything other than a main-stream action series. 9. Don’t admit to liking Ecchi, Harem or any other fanservice-heavy series- And get those jiggling boob GIFs and panty-shot laden signatures the fuck out of here, you creep. Fanservice series are idiotic, as a rule, and only exist so hopeless virgin neck-beards will have something to fap to. 10. Don’t criticize Ecchi, Harem or any other fanservice-heavy series- You will be accused of being gay (which, as you remember, is vastly less acceptable than being a pedophile). Alternately, you will be accused of being a pretentious dick-wad who is incapable of relaxing and watching a show for the fun of it. Alternately, you will be accused of being a prudish hypocrite who wants everyone to be ashamed of their sexual urges. 11. Don’t admit to liking Yaoi- If you like yaoi, you are either gay or a woman (and as noted above, both of these things are unacceptable). God help you if you ship a yaoi coupling for any Shonen series. If you do, you will be labeled a crazed fujoshi. 12. Don’t criticize Yaoi- You don’t want to piss off the crazed fujoshis, do you? 13. Don’t admit to liking “Anime-esque” shows- You know what I’m talking about. Avatar the Last Airbender, Teen Titans, Steven Universe, etc. These are made in America, and are therefore not anime, even when they have the same artwork style, obvious roots in the genre and references to beloved anime. They were not made in Japan, and therefore, they have no worth. So don’t bring them up. 14. Don’t admit to being a Feminist- People will immediately assumed that you are both a woman and gay (both of which are unacceptable, as noted above). If you insist that you are a man and straight, you will immediately be labeled a blue-pilled beta Fedora white knight. Whatever the fuck that means. 15. In fact, don’t mention anything even vaguely political- This includes literally everything that is not anime. 16. Don’t admit to preferring dubs over subs- Seriously, have you never heard a 4kidz dub? Have you not seen the horrors that dubs have wrought, how they disregard and distort the original author’s intentions? Even if you think the dub for a particular series is good, everyone knows that Japanese is a superior language, and everything spoken in it simply sounds more passionate, profound and beautiful. Dubs are the fare of plebs and children. 17. Don’t admit to preferring subs over dubs- Everyone is sick of the dub vs. sub debate, and more than that, everyone’s sick of sub-elitists like you acting like they’re better than everyone else. You think that last line of dialogue sounds clumsy and stupid in English? Believe me, if you actually understood the language that you are insisting on listening to, you’d know that it sounds just a ridiculous in its Mother Tongue. 18. Don’t admit to liking anything that is well-written and popular- Because it’s over-rated and everyone’s sick of hearing about it. 19. Don’t criticize anything that is well-written and popular- What are you, some kind of non-conformist hipster elitist who thinks they’re better than everyone else? GTFO. 20. When in doubt, bash Boku no Pico- Because while being a pedophile is perfectly acceptable, being gay isn’t. So who’d want to watch a show about a gay pedophile? That’s horrible and stupid, and those people are horrible and stupid. Laugh at them. 21. Traps and futanari aren’t gay, though- LALALALALALA, I’M NOT LISTENING TO YOU!!! 22. Don’t admit to liking anything that is well-written but obscure- Yeah, that’s just what we need. Another goddamned series to add to our To-Watch lists. If it was really good, it’d be more popular anyways. You probably just criticize Naruto and SAO because you’re salty over the fact that your favorite anime isn’t more popular. 23. Don’t criticize anything that is well-written but obscure- Haven’t you heard of the concept of punching down? Why would anyone give a shit about how some obscure series they’ve never watched and never will screwed up? 24. Don’t criticize things- Because, I mean, like, who are you to say that some things are better than other things? Are you the Things Quality Police, you smug mother-fucker? WELL, ARE YOU!? 25. Don’t admit to liking things- It’s easier this way, really. 26. Don’t become a part of the Anime Community- Because no matter how well you follow the above rules, you’re going to piss off someone anyways. 27. In fact, don’t interact with the Anime Community. Ever. We’re not worth it, anyways. If you enjoyed reading that, maybe you'd also enjoy the MAL International Anthem? Note: As is only befitting the dignity and depth of thought displayed by the members of MAL, the following anthem is set to the tune of "All Star" by Smash Mouth. Enjoy. Verse 1 Some-BODY once told me That MAL was gonna troll me, Now I ain’t the meanest fan on the site. They were calling it my fault, With a forum full of salt, Got to find a better use for my ni-ight. The bait starts coming and it don’t stop coming. The flame-war starts and you better start running. No one wants to hear where you’re coming from. Your reply’s shit, and the whole thread’s dumb. So much to watch, so many weebs, There’s no time for reading the OP. You’ll never pedo if you don’t loli. You’ll never get banned if you don’t start trolling. Chorus Hey now, You Otaku. This is not a friendly place. If it’s good it’s over-rated. If it’s different, it’s shit taste. This community’s getting old. Only open minds break the mo-old. Verse 2 It’s a bad place, and it won’t get better If you swear and rage just like a bed-wetter, Though the hentai fans begs to differ, Judging by the self-proclaimed panty-sniffers. My sense of hope is wearing pretty thin. Try to make a point, but I know I can’t win. My conscience is clean, how ’bout yours? We’ve got a reputation that we can’t afford. Chorus Hey now, You Otaku. This is not a friendly place. If it’s good it’s over-rated. If it’s different, it’s shit taste. This community’s getting old. Only open minds break the mo-old. Verse 3 Some feminist fan said, “Don’t let them into your head. This community isn’t built for girls.” I said, “Yep, That’s sad to admit. I could use someone to just talk with, And we could all use a kinder worrrrld.” Well, the bait starts coming and it don’t stop coming. The flame-war starts and you better start running. No one wants to hear where you’re coming from. Your reply’s shit, and the whole thread’s dumb. So much to watch, so many weebs, There’s no time for reading the OP. You’ll never pedo if you don’t loli. You’ll never get banned if you don’t start trolling. Chorus Hey now, You Otaku. This is not a friendly place. If it’s good it’s over-rated. If it’s different, it’s shit taste. This community’s getting old. Only open minds break the mo-old. [Fart noises to the tune of melody, fade.] |
All Favorites Favorites
Anime (10)
Perfect Blue
FLCL Alternative
Asagao to Kase-san.
Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Koukaku Kidoutai
Serial Experiments Lain
NHK ni Youkoso!
Cowboy Bebop
Character (10)
Nitori, Shuuichi
Hourou Musuko
Kirigoe, Mima
Perfect Blue
Tenjou, Utena
Shoujo Kakumei Utena
Koumoto, Kana
FLCL Alternative
Kusanagi, Motoko
Koukaku Kidoutai
Kuroki, Tomoko
Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!
Iwakura, Lain
Serial Experiments Lain
Spiegel, Spike
Cowboy Bebop
Satou, Tatsuhiro
NHK ni Youkoso!
Nakahara, Misaki
NHK ni Youkoso!
All Comments (279) Comments
Forgotten Neverland is boring, idk I dont like almost any anime really.
Yeah, it's a reallly good anime. No doubt that haha.
Same here, can't wait to see the sequel film soon when it gets subbed later as well as the second season too when it comes out whenever :3.
Nothing is perfect, so no offense and I got a friend on Anime Planet named Megane who hates battle shounen too. I'm more into action drama entertainment these days.
I have to admit, there is just too much battle shounen these days plus too much raunchy comedy these days too, like enough is enough. Btw, I watch more X-Files than anime these days.
(Also you just seem really funny and self aware, and cool in general. When I joined I was surprised at how many weebs embraced the stereotypical media representation of them as vaguely sexist, homophobic, and generally turning their personal frustrations into the trollification of a community started to bond over the things people love.)
I'm very slowly and not so surely making my way through the first Pokémon season right now - raw for Japanese practice. It's not the greatest masterpiece ever made but it's surprisingly fun!
It's funny you should mention PreCure, I'm just working on getting into the franchise myself. I've started with Mahoutsukai Precure, on the recommendation of my friend and local PreCure expert and I'm loving it so far.
Yorimoi was one of my favorites in the season it aired in, I hope you'll continue to enjoy it.
I agree Mob Psycho Season Two is better than season one in many ways, especially things like character development (When I have an anime in my favourites it means the whole series/franchise so season 2 is included in that)
I remember watching that scene, it was airing seasonally at the time and I spent the whole week just thinking about it. It was the worst because I couldn't jump to the next episode or anything