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Jul 11, 2009 4:03 PM
Jun 2008
i don't really know what it is with this movie, the art looked very awful at times and it was a fairly basic story but the movie was just awesome. (side note: i watched it after catching up till ep 408, so i'm used to much better animation/art)

The way luffy finished that lion guy was just great, also the ending of the story was very well done.

It was nice to hear the opening/ending song from way back again.

All in all a great movie
Oct 21, 2009 9:07 PM

Feb 2009
Entertaining movie, a lot of funny moments and a great final battle.
Nov 12, 2009 12:19 PM

Mar 2009
I enjoyed it 4 out of 5.

Nov 18, 2009 6:45 AM

Sep 2008
It was realy quite enjoyable!!

The drawing was ok too (We're talking about yr2000 here hehe ^ ^)

The story was super good too, and so was the ending!

and like always it brings back memories, seeing those OP and ED again after so many years have passed ...

4.5/5 movie!

"To others, this might be worth nothing.
To me, this is plenty enough. Please do not destroy this place.
This is the place where my most precious treasure sleeps."

"Gold? Gold can't laugh, it's just like a rock."

rly loved watching this ^.^

When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth.
Jan 21, 2010 11:24 AM

Dec 2008
I agree; other than the older animation (which really would be okay if you're not too far in the series to begin with), this was a good movie with a good story line. Ending was unexpected and satisfying.

"If you don't risk your life, you can't create a future." ~Monkey D. Luffy
Feb 3, 2010 8:23 AM

Aug 2009
Pretty good movie. Nothing out of the ordinary. It just felt like an extended One Piece episode. All in all, it was a movie worth watching :)
May 15, 2010 10:29 PM

Nov 2009
I honestly didn't like it. ;x But ehh. I was also watching a REALLY shitty quality version.
Aug 1, 2010 5:53 AM

Dec 2009
I was ok , nothing too special but not bad either ...
Oct 15, 2010 4:52 AM

Oct 2008
Pretty good. I liked it. :)
Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.~
Oct 16, 2010 5:58 PM
Apr 2010
haha,oh wow that was worse than movie 8 -___-
Nov 11, 2010 1:21 AM

Jun 2009
I enjoyed it. This is my first experience with the first 4 crew members together as actual comrades and their chemistry was great. Actually liked this more than the 17 episodes I watched before it, because of what I just mentioned. Plus the fight scenes weren't unnecessarily drawn out like the tv series(so far) has been guilty of.
"Yes, I have been deprived of emotion. But not completely. Whoever did it, botched the job."

- Geralt of Rivia
Nov 18, 2010 10:19 PM

Aug 2010
Was an okay movie.
Feb 13, 2011 12:55 PM

Aug 2010
It was decent enough, very funny above all else. Some good quotes too and as mentioned great to hear the original OP again, but the storyline came across as an extended One Piece filler episode to me.
Aug 28, 2011 10:13 AM

Aug 2010
Decent enough for a 50 minute episode.
fuck everything and rumble
Apr 16, 2012 7:55 PM

Mar 2012
I think it's good enough.
Aug 18, 2012 12:32 PM

Feb 2012
Just watched it on TV, the video quality is absolutely terrible since it's so old but even putting that aside, it was forgettable for me.
Sep 4, 2012 1:18 PM

Oct 2010
An extended episode, but a great one nonetheless. A lot of funny comedy in this one, and a story without serious pretentions but anyway entertaining enough, the villain of the day was maybe a little wasted, but I don't even think it detracts this movie from being a perfect sample of the style of this series and the qualities by which I am enjoying it a lot so far. 8.5/10
Sep 8, 2012 3:09 PM

Sep 2011
Yeah just a extended ep, but I still had fun, I was especially laughing when

Luffy vs the gold guy was also fairly fun
Thatguy31Sep 8, 2012 3:13 PM
Oct 27, 2012 12:50 PM
Manga DB Admin
Aug 2012
Just the way i like One Piece. Funny, relaxing, simple.

There were very funny moments.
Dec 1, 2012 4:35 PM

Mar 2012

Quintessence of One Piece. Stupidity of Luffy made me cry from laugh plenty of times (10+ for sure). Really great first movie. Hope other'll be the same good.
Jan 19, 2013 4:04 AM

Jan 2013
It was a great movie. When Luffy and Zoro we're tied together that was hilarious :D
"And this guy tied to me is Zoro"
Aug 26, 2013 3:02 PM

Aug 2011
The visuals and animation hit me like a huge wave of nostalgia.

Lol'd when gramps was telling the story and the part where fell off the cliff only to have Luffy asking him if he had died ahaha.
Luffy is forever a massive idiot and I love him for it.

Also enjoyed it when he was tied up with Zoro and how they just carried on like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Sep 6, 2013 1:41 PM

Jan 2008
I don't remember Zoro ever being that deep, even at the beggining... It felt so OOC.

"And what then? Did you die?"
Nami: ~facepalm~

How far was the manga when this movie hit the theaters? Whole fight with El Drago seemed like a rehash of every fight up to Don Krieg which put me off a bit. I understand Luffy didn't have many moves by then but still...
El Drago positively surprised me, finally an antagonist who doesn't want to kill his crew and straightforwadly tries to achieve his goal without three thousands of gambits up his sleeve. And he was stupid! :D
Feb 22, 2014 6:16 PM

Mar 2011
I miss that "old crew", no Chopper and Brook (obviously) was just perfect for me and when was simply a girl, not walking/talking boobs.

A good movie, with a simple but interesting plot. Outdated animation, that sometimes looked like a 80's work, but I don't really care. ^^
Apr 29, 2014 3:21 AM

Jan 2014
El Drago just like a Super Saiyan at 41min XD
Amazing movie,though. Great addition! ^_^
Jun 24, 2014 1:52 AM

Oct 2013
Pretty good movie,and it was funny a lot.7/10

Jul 12, 2014 12:47 PM

Nov 2010
That was good. i liked the story.

Sep 9, 2014 2:36 PM

May 2013
That was amazing.
Sep 21, 2014 9:54 PM

Jun 2014
That was actually better than I expected. Usopp still best character!

Oct 18, 2014 4:49 PM

Nov 2011
Ahh. That hit my One Piece itch. The story was better than I expected it to be; it was simple, but fun.

It was nice to see a shorter fight with Luffy. Luffy's dismay that the Udon guy didn't die was a bit humorous. A focus on the common people is something I feel could be explored a bit more in the main series, so I liked seeing that here.

I'm satisfied.
Apr 28, 2015 11:23 AM

Mar 2014
the art looked very awful at times. Nothing out of the ordinary. But I had a few good laughs.

Jul 5, 2015 1:33 AM
Aug 2013
I enjoyed this movie quite a lot, it had background for the characters, action, comedy and some emotional scenes. The action and the powers weren't worked on at all, but I still gave it 8/10.
Sep 17, 2015 6:48 AM

Apr 2010
I enjoyed this movie as well. :)
Mar 3, 2016 1:38 AM

Aug 2012
I'm going to be honest, I liked this movie a lot more than I have most One Piece movies. Now, at the moment, that's not really noticeable because I've given pretty much every One Piece film a 7 but this is definitely at the higher end of the "7" spectrum than say Strong World (which pretty much just scraped by with a 7 thanks to the movie's visual flair, otherwise that's an easy 6). There's not a whole lot to talk about with this film though, it's a short, very funny (there were tons of great jokes, mostly with Luffy) movie that captures the essence of One Piece very well. The plot suffered a bit from predictability (namely with the nature of Tobio/Ganzo's relationship [& how Woonan ties into that]) but my biggest problem with the film was Golass (the sub I watched had a different name but I'm going with MAL's) fight with Zoro. The reveal that he didn't want to work from El Drago was poorly implemented, I even went back to watch the scene where Drago tells him to kill Usopp to see if they hinted at it but they didn't (& the movie did hint at stuff using the visuals [Ganzo's facial expression when Tobio was telling Luffy & Zoro about Woonan made his connection to Woonan clear]).

Still, those aside I didn't have much problem. Luffy vs. Drago was short & sweet, the movie had plenty of funny jokes (most of them have been repeated on here already but I also loved early on when Nami blamed him for eating a month's supply of food in three days only for him to shoot back that he did in two) & while the visuals seemed to be criticized here, I honestly thought they had that old 90's charm. I know it came out in the 2000's after coming in here but animation takes time so it's less bothersome. Though I am annoyed to learn that I watched this one day short of it's anniversary day. Either way, 7/10, as I previously alluded to.
Mar 6, 2016 3:23 AM

Mar 2016
Above my esperances^^ After the catastrofic first OAV it's refreshing^^
Jul 11, 2016 1:30 AM

Mar 2015
This movie being the first of 12 was a fun watch! Watched it after episode 18 so I wasn't too far in that the animation quality would put me off and I was in-between arcs so nothing out of place for a movie that wasn't canon anyway.

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Aug 26, 2016 12:37 PM

Sep 2014
The art and animation style looked very different than again I saw this movie for the first time after watching episode number 753 lol :D

Anyway still had a good time watching this movie and realized how far OP came :)
Oct 9, 2016 10:20 PM

Jan 2015
A great Movie :3
El Drago vs Luffy was really good :3
Gorash vs Zoro did not take long lol still entertaining :3
The OP & ED gives that nostalgia feeling and I feel sad (in a good way when the ending song plays those picture covers from the manga) just to realize how much the Straw Hats has proceeded and how long a journey it's been, and it's still going on, I hope i'm still alive when that day where I witness the ending of One Piece ^w^

I love One Piece <3
"No matter what painful things happens, even when it looks like you'll lose... when no one else in the world believes in you... when you don't even believe in yourself... I will believe in you!"

Feb 21, 2017 9:43 AM
Jul 2018
"One is a great pirate, one sells oden" - amen lord

lmao this was kinda fun, I don't know why anyone expected him to be alive though. Isn't he a legendary pirate whose legend has been passed mouth by mouth for hundreds of years? wtf bois

I was very into the manga so I finished the restaurant arc before this and I can't help but feel the similarities. This was kind of a worse version of the restaurant arc rly.
Apr 20, 2017 7:26 PM

Dec 2016
I don't know why but sometimes it is nice to watch old One Piece animation!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 3, 2017 11:59 AM

Dec 2015
Definitely not as bad as I expected, but it was pretty boring overall, it felt more like a OVA side story than a movie, I would not go to the cinemas to watch this tbh.
I also heard the animation wasn't the best, but I guess that's the impression most anime fans get when they see hand-drawn animation from the 90s, I quite like it though. 5/10.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Nov 13, 2017 4:49 PM

Jan 2014
Okay it was extremely hard trying to find this movie, but I'm glad I finally found it. It was decent. Not too good, not too bad.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 28, 2017 6:07 AM

Jun 2016
Jokes were lacking substance and came so quick this movie felt like a bad slapstick comedy. Drago was so boring we'll all forget he exists in 10 minutes after we finish the film. And the movie followed the same formula as we've in the show already, multiple times actually, bringing absolutely nothing new to the table. We have Nami wanting money, Luffy standing up for someones dreams that an evil guy stepped on, Zoro fighting the convenient sword pirate, and we even got Coby 2.0. I will concede that the ending was touching, but the flashback with the Oden guy and the pirate was melodramatic.

5/10, it was decent filler but there's absolutely no reason to watch this unless you NEED more OP. But since OP is so long by the time you catch up, just rewatch it. I'll never recommend this film, predictable, boring, and vapid.
Mar 1, 2018 12:39 PM

Nov 2016
Nice movie,made me feel a bit nostalgic.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Oct 31, 2018 2:38 PM

Mar 2018
Surprisingly enjoyable to watch.
May 29, 2019 7:23 AM

May 2016
The ending music really threw me, so naturally I shed a few tears of nostalgia.

All in all, a good film, I thoroughly enjoyed the terrible animation (I also miss it) - final fight was good, and the story was enjoyable. Onto the next!
Jan 17, 2020 9:34 AM

May 2016
I'm only a little over a hundred episodes in but hearing the first opening and ending themes already made me feel nostalgic. This rendition of the ending theme in particular was the best version I've heard of the song for sure.

There were a lot of funny moments with the Straw Hat Crew and it's amazing that eating that many oden only cost them 11 belly! Gramps being a big part in Woonan's ambitions and eventual enlightenment even though he's certain that his friend died was touching and Luffy eating the crushed oden so the old man's life's work wouldn't go to waste was a powerful moment.

The weakest part of the movie is the action, surprisingly since the enemies weren't much but this was a good movie.

Apr 7, 2020 6:14 AM

May 2019
It was decent, i watched this after episode 18.
Aug 2, 2020 9:56 AM

Aug 2019
ummm so why do I remember this? I didn’t watch this movie before but it feels like I already watched it, or maybe I watched it and I don’t remember that

This movie was sooo good, I really enjoyed watching it
Oct 13, 2020 7:56 AM

Sep 2019
It was pretty decent. 5/10
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