I l l u m i n a t e t h e d e p t h s o f y o u r d r e a m
W i t h h i s t o r y ' s s t a r l i g h t .
W h i l e t h e s e a s i n g s a t n i g h t ,
R e s t y o u r h e a d q u i e t l y .
S t a y w i t h i n t h e r e a c h o f t r a n q u i l i t y
U n t i l y o u r s a d n e s s f a d e s a w a y .
C l o s e y o u r e y e s f o r j u s t a m o m e n t ,
A n d g i v e y o u r s e l f t o m e .
W h i l e t i m e c o n t i n u e s i t s e n d l e s s f l o w ,
T h e v o i c e o f a t h o u s a n d g u s t s o f w i n d
W i l l c a r r y t h a t s o n g t o e t e r n i t y ,
A n d l e t i t e c h o f o r e v e r
W i t h i n t h e i r m i d s t
U n t i l y o u r s a d n e s s f a d e s a w a y .
C l o s e y o u r e y e s f o r j u s t a m o m e n t ,
A n d g i v e y o u r s e l f t o m e .
A n d t h e n , a f t e r o p e n i n g y o u r e y e s ,
T e m p t a t i o n w i l l l i e b e f o r e y o u .
O n c e y o u g r a s p t o m o r r o w i n y o u r h a n d s ,
T e m p t a t i o n w i l l l i e b e f o r e y o u .
T h e e n t i r e w o r l d f r o m b a c k t h e n
W i l l o n e d a y s i n g t h a t s o n g .
B y t h e n , t h e l i g h t w i l l h a v e t i r e d o f w a i t i n g ,
A n d w i l l o v e r c o m e
T h e d a r k n e s s .
O u r h e a r t s a r e b e a t i n g f a s t ,
A n d o n c e w e h e a r t h a t s o n g ,
O u r j o u r n e y w i l l b e g i n .
W e ' l l f l y o n w h i t e w i n g s .
Y o u w i l l t u r n t o w a r d s t h e f u t u r e w i t h a n o t h e r ,
A n d j o u r n e y i n t o t h a t o p e n s k y ,
W h i l e s p r e a d i n g y o u r w i n g s .
I'm a young adult who's been lightly interested in anime from my early teenage years and more heavily interested since late 2013. Over the course of that time I have gone through a number of perspective changes, but the short of it is I like the medium in general and enjoy both discussion and analysis.
About My Ratings:
My basic views of fiction are posted here, but it doesn't reveal my individual tastes and values. Values-wise I'm always looking for narratives and developments, be they concerning the themes, characters, or plot. Taste-wise I look for anything that can provoke my emotions-- action, drama, and romance in particular, though a relaxing atmosphere and general cuteness can do it for me at times as well. And in-between I also note things like cinematography, sakuga, etc.
My scores are a composite of every aspect of my experience with and thoughts toward each anime. I list my straight-up enjoyment level in the tags for those who find more taste-oriented judgements more useful than the heavier mix between taste and value judgements that my scores provide.
These are rough approximations of what my scores mean:
10 - Masterful: The crème de la crème of the medium. I likely consider the series in question to be some variety of perfection and noteworthy beyond the anime medium itself. Any issues I may perceive in the show are so overwhelmingly insignificant in comparison to what it does superbly that they may as well not exist.
9 - Incredible: Superior in almost every way, and likely a pinnacle of its genre. The show in question went above and beyond what I expect from my entertainment. There are virtually no issues.
8 - Excellent: A thoroughly satisfying show that is significantly better than the norm. A series with this rating has achieved all I could ask of it, and any issues present are minor. Likely a worthy watch even for non-fans of whatever genre the show falls in.
7 - Great: Notably better than the typical anime I like, be it due to one aspect that was done particularly better than usual or multiple aspects handled slightly better than usual. There may well be some discernible issues that prevent the series from reaching its full potential, but it still gets much more right than it gets wrong.
6 - Good: The typical watch that I enjoyed and that I would generally recommend. There are definitely multiple critiques I could levy against the show, but in the end the good managed to outweigh the bad enough for me to be content. Probably not worth watching for non-fans of the show's genre though.
5 - Passable: The bare minimum I'm okay with, and not necessarily something I would recommend save for staunch fans of the show's genre or under very specific conditions. I don't feel like my time was wasted per se, but the show's issues gnawed away at the good side significantly, and depending on my expectations going in I might have been lightly disappointed.
4 - Disappointing: While the series isn't a trainwreck, at this point the bad clearly outweighs the good and heavily interferes with the series' enjoyability. I'm disappointed and probably feel like my time and/or the anime's potential was wasted. There are nearly no circumstances under which I would recommend it.
3 - Bad: A complete failure. While there may still be some good in there somewhere, it's entirely swallowed up by the sheer amount of dissatisfaction caused by the series' incompetence. The worst it gets for a typical watch. In a few select cases the anime may fail so spectacularly that it goes full circle and manages to become funny as a result-- in said unusual cases I may enjoy the show more than certain 4's and 5's.
2 - Terrible: There is nothing good here. It isn't even bad in a funny sort of way. It's just a steaming pile of garbage. Only worth watching for the morbidly curious.
1 - Appalling: Offensive. Perverse. Excruciating. Something this bad shouldn't exist. I likely debated even putting it on my list. It's not even worth watching for the morbidly curious. Stay away.
Although I've been interested in video games since I was young, I've always been kinda picky with them. I don't play them as often these days, but I tend to like action-adventures, platformers, simulations, and occasionally shooters.
My favorites are as follows:
1. Homeworld franchise 2. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 3. Metroid Prime Trilogy 4. Armored Core 4 franchise 5. Titanfall 2 6. Megaman X/Zero franchise 7. Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City 8. Minecraft 9. Rimworld 10. Alan Wake
Concerning Random Friend Requests:
I don't always accept random requests, and even if I do, I clean out my friend list every once in awhile of most people I don't know well and/or haven't talked to much.
If you would like to friend me permanently and you don't think I would remember you from the forums, please either make an effort to have some more in-depth anime-related discussions with me or provide a really good reason for me to leave you there in the friend req.
No hard feelings if your request is denied or you get removed, all right?
You have a nice profile here. We also share a decent amount of tastes in anime as well, so if you want, I'd really love to talk with you on Discord if you don't mind :3.
Here's my Discord ID. LunarStarGirl345#3643
No worries, I have the patience of a 12-year-MAL-user ^^.
The irony is that since my last reply I actually got back to the forums for the first time in 2 years, the old addiction rearing its ugly head.
Kind of a side effect of getting back into anime more and more recently. The relapse was inevitable, I'm afraid...
Anyway, glad to hear you're doing alright. Good luck with the online dating and stuff. I don't have to worry about that since I basically resigned myself to indefinite inceldom, using various brands of copium to justify that decision before myself :>.
As for social life under covid in general, it's honestly mostly been a plus for me. I never liked night clubs and the likes and my friends just ended up doing more private parties on weekends for the last 2 years, which have always been my favorite kind of saturday anyway. Just 5-10 people getting drunk in some apartment, listining to the music we want, maybe cooking something nice. Much better and more fun than going out if you ask me, and also cheaper. So in that regard Covid was a jackpot for me. I did miss going out to eat and maybe the occasional cocktail night, but even that I just compensated for by learning more recipes for food and cocktails to do on my own ^^.
There's been like 2 friends that kinda shut down during the pandemic, who I basically stopped seeing because they struggle with mental health and barely ever leave their house. But in both cases the pandemic wasn't the cause, it just brought to light some older issues. For the most part my friends stayed relatively unfazed tho, like me, and just kept doing the same stuff they did before (small private parties, board game night etc...). There was a very brief phase at the very beginning where everyone actually stayed at home and we did some parties via zoom, playing party games while videochatting and stuff like that, but that didn't last very long and we all went back to basically normal as early as like May 2020. Since then many more lockdowns have come, but nobody really cared.
Also regarding Queens Gambit, of course I've already seen it. I got caught up in the chess craze last year when every youtube and twitch streamer got into chess all of a sudden and started playing online chess quite a bit myself for the first half of 2021. Queens Game was part of that whole thing, although it came out a bit after I got into chess (literally 1 day after my birthday). And I have to say, while it was pretty good, it didn't really excite me very much and didn't leave much of a lasting impression which is why I had already forgotten about it and only mentioned Squid Game for Netflix stuff I got excited for during the pandemic. By now I would have to add 'Arcane' to that list tho. I would have never believed it and only reluctantly checked it out after multiple recommendations, but despite being based on League of Legends, it's an actually fantastic series in every regard.
Hey, nice to hear from you. I don't really mind how I'm being called online tbh, so Higashi is fine.
And I'm doing okay. My country is entering it's fourth complete lockdown since the pandemic started because of the incompetence of our government over the summer and having the highest quota of anti-vaxxers out of all the western european countries so that's not great, but aside from that I'm doing fine.
I started working in a comic book store right before the pandemic and I rellly enjoy my job and luckily have been able to keep it during all the pandemic madness. Kinda stopped watching anime for like 1-1,5 years (with a few exceptions) and have only gotten back to watching some episodes every week and trying to catch up with 2020 seasonals during the last few months. Also permanently quit the forums and never looked back. In return (and thanks to my job) I've gotten much more into manga and especially western comics and I read a shitton of awesome stuff over the last year and a half and significantly increased the size of my collection. It's great being able to ask for sample copys from the publishers of a lot of the interesting stuff that comes out each year, definitely one of the perks of working in a book store.
Aside from that anime was mostly replaced by watching youtube stuff, especially comedy podcasts and the likes which I still do a lot. And Squid Game was cool. Probably the only memorable thing that came out on Netfliy for the last 2 years or so.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Still being a nerd who spends most of my freetime watching or reading stuff, just with different priorities now.
What about you? What have you been up to during these weird times?
There's definitely a lot of competition nowadays for peoples' attention, and time is a limited resource. There's only so many hours in the day to expend on anything, much less entertainment.
Hey! I'm doing fine. Pretty bad as usual for answering comments and MDs, as you could see with your latest one xD
I think there are some who are still alive and kicking, but other than that I also have been feeling a bit detached from the MAL community for a while. At this point it's just a chill place to read and shitpost. I guess I still like the dynamics of writing stuff in the forums and I haven't worn out completely like some others did.
What about you? Do you still find it fun to enter the main site and the forums?
Yeah, feels like the world's gone insane, but at least we can do our best to stay safe and sane. Definitely been a while since we've talked, but I've always enjoyed our discussions. Haven't watched anime in a little while though, as it's been busy over here, but I'd like to get back into it once things settle down. Hope you've been doing well too!
All Comments (1178) Comments
As always, hope everything
has been going well for you!
Hope it'll be a good year for you!
✧。٩(ˊᗜˋ )و✧*。
🎉 Happy 2024, TripleS~ 🎉
Hope everything has been
going well for you!
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆
May good things come
your way this year!
Aww, that's nice to hear~ Thank you!
✨ Happy new year, TripleS~ ✨
Hope this year will be good to you!
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
And hehe yeah, thank you <3
Haha, no worries lol.
And thanks, I appreciate it. 😊
See you on there then!
How are you doing?
You have a nice profile here. We also share a decent amount of tastes in anime as well, so if you want, I'd really love to talk with you on Discord if you don't mind :3.
Here's my Discord ID. LunarStarGirl345#3643
Looking forward to chatting with you soon!
The irony is that since my last reply I actually got back to the forums for the first time in 2 years, the old addiction rearing its ugly head.
Kind of a side effect of getting back into anime more and more recently. The relapse was inevitable, I'm afraid...
Anyway, glad to hear you're doing alright. Good luck with the online dating and stuff. I don't have to worry about that since I basically resigned myself to indefinite inceldom, using various brands of copium to justify that decision before myself :>.
As for social life under covid in general, it's honestly mostly been a plus for me. I never liked night clubs and the likes and my friends just ended up doing more private parties on weekends for the last 2 years, which have always been my favorite kind of saturday anyway. Just 5-10 people getting drunk in some apartment, listining to the music we want, maybe cooking something nice. Much better and more fun than going out if you ask me, and also cheaper. So in that regard Covid was a jackpot for me. I did miss going out to eat and maybe the occasional cocktail night, but even that I just compensated for by learning more recipes for food and cocktails to do on my own ^^.
There's been like 2 friends that kinda shut down during the pandemic, who I basically stopped seeing because they struggle with mental health and barely ever leave their house. But in both cases the pandemic wasn't the cause, it just brought to light some older issues. For the most part my friends stayed relatively unfazed tho, like me, and just kept doing the same stuff they did before (small private parties, board game night etc...). There was a very brief phase at the very beginning where everyone actually stayed at home and we did some parties via zoom, playing party games while videochatting and stuff like that, but that didn't last very long and we all went back to basically normal as early as like May 2020. Since then many more lockdowns have come, but nobody really cared.
Also regarding Queens Gambit, of course I've already seen it. I got caught up in the chess craze last year when every youtube and twitch streamer got into chess all of a sudden and started playing online chess quite a bit myself for the first half of 2021. Queens Game was part of that whole thing, although it came out a bit after I got into chess (literally 1 day after my birthday). And I have to say, while it was pretty good, it didn't really excite me very much and didn't leave much of a lasting impression which is why I had already forgotten about it and only mentioned Squid Game for Netflix stuff I got excited for during the pandemic. By now I would have to add 'Arcane' to that list tho. I would have never believed it and only reluctantly checked it out after multiple recommendations, but despite being based on League of Legends, it's an actually fantastic series in every regard.
Happy Happy 2022!
Stay healthy and stay safe ♥♥♥
And I'm doing okay. My country is entering it's fourth complete lockdown since the pandemic started because of the incompetence of our government over the summer and having the highest quota of anti-vaxxers out of all the western european countries so that's not great, but aside from that I'm doing fine.
I started working in a comic book store right before the pandemic and I rellly enjoy my job and luckily have been able to keep it during all the pandemic madness. Kinda stopped watching anime for like 1-1,5 years (with a few exceptions) and have only gotten back to watching some episodes every week and trying to catch up with 2020 seasonals during the last few months. Also permanently quit the forums and never looked back. In return (and thanks to my job) I've gotten much more into manga and especially western comics and I read a shitton of awesome stuff over the last year and a half and significantly increased the size of my collection. It's great being able to ask for sample copys from the publishers of a lot of the interesting stuff that comes out each year, definitely one of the perks of working in a book store.
Aside from that anime was mostly replaced by watching youtube stuff, especially comedy podcasts and the likes which I still do a lot. And Squid Game was cool. Probably the only memorable thing that came out on Netfliy for the last 2 years or so.
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Still being a nerd who spends most of my freetime watching or reading stuff, just with different priorities now.
What about you? What have you been up to during these weird times?
I think there are some who are still alive and kicking, but other than that I also have been feeling a bit detached from the MAL community for a while. At this point it's just a chill place to read and shitpost. I guess I still like the dynamics of writing stuff in the forums and I haven't worn out completely like some others did.
What about you? Do you still find it fun to enter the main site and the forums?