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Princess Jellyfish
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Dec 23, 2010 8:00 AM

Nov 2007
Kuranosuke's lol~~
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Dec 23, 2010 8:27 AM
May 2009
Whoa, whoa, whoa! Derailing from the manga after all? They changed/skipped some scenes with Shu and Inari and what the hell with Amamizu-kan? This way, in the next episode it'll derail even more (well, can tell that from looking at the preview, too)... Still, there's no way to resolve everything in the last episode. So still, second season get. I hope. :P
I'm happy we could see the scene when Shu slaps Inari because she made him think she's suicidal, though. AWWWW SHU. YOU WERE WORRIED ABOUT HER. You're too sweet. Way too sweet. She just manipulates you ;_; fun to see him all annoyed when he comes back to car, though. I wouldn't think he'd be able to be like that :P
LOL @ Hanamori's "she's dead after all?"
QashqaiDec 23, 2010 12:04 PM
Dec 23, 2010 12:10 PM

Nov 2010
Boy, I can't believe there's already only one episode left! I remember when I first heard of it... it's such a great anime! It was sweet to see what a beautiful dress, and I'm glad Shu slapped her! She deserved it.. Can't wait for the finale! Kuragehime is <333
Dec 23, 2010 12:17 PM

Dec 2009
Shuu's slap was the best! His daydream about living with Tsukimi on the beach was great as well, he's such a caring fool. Hannamori was absolutely hilarious with his extremely dry and cold-blooded "She was dead after all, then? Come on, let's get away." Also, I loved his crappy drawing of their building with an extremely detailed Benz in front of it, lol.

Finally, we need a second season. We need it. It's impossible to resolve this greatness in the final episode and even if they could we still need it!
Ara ara.
Dec 23, 2010 12:46 PM

Jan 2009
Damn - a cliffhanger! And we have 7 more days before the conclusion! Waaaah!!

And Shu falling off his chair was a hoot! :P
Dec 23, 2010 12:50 PM

Jan 2008
This show is hilarious. I love Hanamori and his drawings xD and "She was dead after all, then? Come on, let's get away." lol!!

Shu crying = sweetest thing ever <3
Dec 23, 2010 12:59 PM

Apr 2010
I don't get this, Shu slapping Inari is in volume 5, didn't they skip a lot of stuff? I'm afraid the ending's gonna be rushed... and if they're derailing so much, maybe it there's a 2nd season they're derail even more then?

I'm losing hope of a Kuranosuke x Tsukimi finale... at least in this season. It would feel too rushed, don't you think? But they're exactly the same. He wanted to be a princess-like girl too to please his mother.
Dec 23, 2010 1:01 PM

Jul 2008
^ omg ;-;

It's out?! FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU! I have to go meet up with friends right now. ::starts thinking of excuses to leave early *_*::


"I don't want to get heated up or go cold over the little things....A lukewarm life is enough for me."

I understand Tsukimi, dear. I really do. But you should consider taking a chance and live a fabulous life, instead of just being satisfied with a lukewarm one. I think Kuro can help with that.

And Inari totally deserved that slap. She not only makes the poor guy think she took his virginity, but she has the galls to play dead and expects him to laugh along. What the f*ck? You'd think that by now she would get the idea that Shu is not the type to joke around. Though we did get a moe moment from it. lol And if her falling for him makes her a kinder and more affectionate person then I am all up for them getting together. Though I really hope there is a second season and we can get more insight on her life and get a proper ending for this series.

SpectralWonderDec 24, 2010 10:03 PM
Dec 23, 2010 1:29 PM

Dec 2009
Just one more ep... I don't really know if they'd make a good ending in just one ep ;3;
Dec 23, 2010 1:38 PM

Aug 2008
one episode left :(
what will they do now?
Dec 23, 2010 1:50 PM
Dec 2008
I really hope that Shuu gets together with Shouko. And seconds season is a must!
Dec 23, 2010 2:41 PM

Nov 2007
i love kuranosuke's wig this week, it reminds me of rapunzeeeel. ;w; & okay, i still think shu's an asshole but that bitchslap/crying scene was so adorable LMFAO.

i am seriously crossing my fingers for a 2nd season CRYING. ;o; there's no way they can patch up all the plot holes in 20mins THERE'S WAY TOO MANY PLOT HOLES RN. i'm excited for the last episode anyway, i might give this show a 10 after all. B]

Hachik0 said:
I'm losing hope of a Kuranosuke x Tsukimi finale... at least in this season. It would feel too rushed, don't you think? But they're exactly the same. He wanted to be a princess-like girl too to please his mother.

same here! :[ plus tsukimi's not mentally prepared for a relationship & it seems like it'll take her /forever/ to get over shu lmao. ;o; WELL I AT LEAST WANT KURA-PYON TO CONVEY HIS FEELINGS PROPERLY b/c it'll be moe. o/////o it kinda sucks b/c it's obvious kuranosuke gets hurt when tsukimi reacts to the mere mention of shu's name. :[
Dec 23, 2010 3:03 PM

Nov 2009
One. More. Episode. I hope that the ending isn't too rushed though. I really want a second season... After seeing that sene with Kuranosuke's mother, I think that there is more of a reason behind his crossdresses than what he has said.

What "Adolescence" do you have?
Do you remember "Childhood"?
The irreplaceable one existed there.

Dec 23, 2010 3:54 PM

May 2010
I kinda saw that slap coming.
Real Hell is inside a person-Ai Enma (Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae)
Do you know where hell is? Inside your head-Chrona (Soul Eater)

Dec 23, 2010 3:56 PM

May 2009
That slap was well deserved. But it looks like she liked it (or rather him).

That's some crazy sewing skills there. I don't think she looked once!
Dec 23, 2010 4:05 PM

Feb 2010
Only one more episode :(
Dec 23, 2010 4:16 PM

Jun 2008
I hope Shuu doesnt stay with Inari in the end. What a stupid woman. Shuu´s tears were epic cuteness!~~~

Well i guess we will have an open end...Tsukimi probably wont choose anyone, so...

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Dec 23, 2010 4:31 PM

Mar 2009
Ahhh, one more episode??
I'm gonna be so sad when this is over... nothing else to look forward to getting home from school on Thursdays! :C

I don't know about you guys, but I'm personally for Kuranosuke x Tsukimi. <:3c

Though I don't know how this'll end... she seems to like both Kuranosuke and Shuu, but Shuu a little more, I guess.
Dec 23, 2010 5:01 PM
Dec 2007
"So she was dead then ?" I cracked up laughing. Exquisite episode as always.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 23, 2010 6:13 PM

Jul 2010
I've never expected Shuu to slap her! I never liked her anyway. She deserved to be slapped.

Total cliffhanger for episode 10, can't wait for the last episode! I can't believe it's gonna end! I really like this anime!
Dec 23, 2010 6:20 PM

Dec 2007
Shuu cried bcoz she wasn't dead..? and dissapointed about that..? Bcoz he want to be with Tsukimi rite.. heh..
Dec 23, 2010 6:25 PM

Feb 2009
I'm willing to bet that the relationships will be wrapped up in the specials, that way it won't feel quite so rushed.

Felt so bad for poor Shu. That guy is waaaaaay too nice.
Dec 23, 2010 6:40 PM

Jul 2010
Shuu... please don't fall in love with that bitch. Please, please, no. I never really thought Tsukimi and Shuu would be together, so I was prepared for Kuranosuke to steal her away. It just doesn't seem like Kuranosuke and Tsukimi have had enough moments together to make that ending work, though. With only one episode left it would feel really forced. Worse yet, it looks like Shuu's falling for Inari... somehow. I have to say, that would really ruin this for me. Seems like my two favorite shows this season are really falling short on their endings. :(

So apparently this episode derails from the source material? If that's true then the chances for a second season are bleak. That's too bad. One episode left.

At least Hanamori didn't disappoint!
"Huh, that was fast. She was dead after all, then? Come on, let's get away."

"Take me to Narita, please."

"Skipping town, I see."

Shuu falling over in the chair during his daydream-fantasy was priceless, too. ^_^
Dec 23, 2010 7:19 PM

Apr 2009
<3 Pretty dress.

Shu was awesome as always.
Dec 23, 2010 8:04 PM

Jun 2008
Only one episode left *sniffles*

Cute episode & I loved the dress.

I am still praying for a 2nd season. If Nurarihyon no Mago can get a 2nd season any show should. Nurarihyon was slow, boring, & horrible...
Dec 23, 2010 8:10 PM

Jun 2009
shuu is crying he looks soo cute i could hug him :)
Dec 23, 2010 8:12 PM

Jun 2009
Shuu, you're so adorable slapping Inari like a kid, I love that part. But I still can't believe there's one episode left. It's sad to see a awesome series end. And the Jellyfish dress looked so pretty, and Kuranosuke looks good in it. I'm begging for a second season!

Dec 24, 2010 2:59 AM

Feb 2010
only one ep left it will be interesting how they will finish it.
Dec 24, 2010 3:26 AM
May 2009
cLoVer4miza said:
Shuu cried bcoz she wasn't dead..? and dissapointed about that..? Bcoz he want to be with Tsukimi rite.. heh..

I... sortakinda got that impression, too :D but I don't think he's that cruel guy. I think it was just because she made him worry. You know how it feels when someone make you seriously worried (and he believes he slept with her and doesn't seem to want leave it just like that - I wouldn't be suprised that with his personality he'd want to take "responsiblity", but if Inari falls for him, somewhere along the way she'll tell him she lied and their relationship will progress differently)? For me, it's really annoying feeling. Shu is innocent and stuff, so he reacted for that like a little kid - he just kept hitting the person who made him worry without reason. Besides, I don't remember what did he exactly said, but I got the impression that he's relieved when he was saying she's not dead.
Anyway, I'm not suprised that many are not happy that there are any developments on Shu/Inari side. Well, even if after all that stuff with Kura, Shu being with Tsukimi in the end is rather impossible, I guess no Shu fan would want him to end up with a woman who made him think she had sex with him even though she hasn't. But... you know that we didn't get much to know about Inari yet, right? Until she eventually ends up with Shu, many things can happen and make her more likable c: all she does right now is acting, doing her best at her work. She will show another side sometime in the future.
Dec 24, 2010 3:52 AM
Dec 2008
Iilia said:
Shuu... please don't fall in love with that bitch. Please, please, no. I never really thought Tsukimi and Shuu would be together, so I was prepared for Kuranosuke to steal her away. It just doesn't seem like Kuranosuke and Tsukimi have had enough moments together to make that ending work, though. With only one episode left it would feel really forced. Worse yet, it looks like Shuu's falling for Inari... somehow. I have to say, that would really ruin this for me. Seems like my two favorite shows this season are really falling short on their endings. :(

Inari and Shuu would be the perfect couple. And I really do hope that they end up together. It would also be the perfect choice plot/story wise. Something like... "from hatred to love" or "2 opposites that attract each others" etc.
Dec 24, 2010 3:59 AM

Dec 2009
Gasp! Can it be? Does Shuu have feelings for Inari after all???

Lol at Hanamori's uncaring whether Inari was dead or not. "Let's get away..."

Banba and Mayaya freezing up at the Stylish was pretty funny after they were so exuberant over what they'd purchased for the day.

...and oh my goodness at Kuranosuke in the dress! Wow, what a stunner, even I wish I had a dress like that, such a beautiful creation by Tsukimi and gang.

As usual, I enjoyed this episode immensely. No character is annoying and that's a first for me because I usually find at least ONE character that needed instant death in my opinion. I'm so sad this show is going to end soon and I can only hope...pray...go down on my knees and beg like a dog(!)...for a second season...

PS: I am officially addicted to the ED song (OP song too) and know how to sing it by heart now...maybe because I replay it over and over...O.O!
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Dec 24, 2010 7:49 AM

Nov 2009
skipping town? hahaha
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Dec 24, 2010 9:08 AM
Jan 2009
I really hope they don't ruin it by trying to wrap up everything in the last episode. I love this anime.
Dec 24, 2010 10:27 AM

Nov 2009
Shuu will maybe be able to actually win evil woman over and tsukimi will end up with Kuronosuke. Or so i guess.

Ahh the end of the year is such a sad time... only 4 shows will live on to the spring QQ
(Excellent 9/10)
Dec 24, 2010 10:57 AM

May 2010
For some reason, I kinda liked how Inari act as the villain.. xD

Also, Hanamori delivers another lulz.

His drawing is always WIN.. :D

With one ep left, looks like season 2 is a must.
Dec 24, 2010 1:45 PM

Feb 2009
This episode did it for me, Tsukimi and Shuu will never happen. Why nice guys always end up with bitches?! T-T

From where Shuu react to time woman feigning suicide I have a bad feeling that Kuranoske's mom might be dead.
Dec 24, 2010 10:30 PM

Oct 2010
Best slap ever.
Dec 25, 2010 1:45 AM

Sep 2009
It doesn't feel like there is only one episode left.
Dec 25, 2010 3:55 AM

Aug 2010
This episode was fun and omg I love Chieko-san she's so good at sewing and so quirky :3

I almost choked on my juice during the scene when Shu was at that meeting daydreaming about his life with Tsukimi and then he fell over when Shouko popped up in his daydream, I lol'd so hard. Then leave it to Tsukimi to only think about jellyfish when she has Kuranosuke just about naked in front of her, I mean hello! Hot guy in front of you! XD

Shu is just too naive but it was funny when he slapped Shouko like that, I was hoping he would and I was not disappointed. I wonder does he actually like Shouko or what though? Personally I'd like for him and Shouko to hook up so Kuranosuke can have Tsukimi :P

Hanamori is just crazy funny as usual but I love him and omg the last scene, they are already starting construction Amamizukan?! It was just such a bad coincidence that everyone was out of the house that night. I'm sad next week is the last episode, maybe we'll get lucky and they'll do a second season.
Dec 25, 2010 8:49 AM

Jul 2008
I can't believe this ends next week.

I loved this episode! Every character got their moment in the spotlight. The hipster that approached Mayaya and Banba was so funny.

I really hope they can manage to wrap this show up nicely next week (but whether they do or not I want another season)!

I will definitely buy the blu-rays of this if FUNimation releases them.
Dec 25, 2010 10:21 AM

Jan 2010
lol, Hanamori's: "She's dead after all? Skipping town, eh?" He's just too awesome.

I can't see them finishing this in just one episode. Second season, please?
Dec 25, 2010 3:42 PM

Feb 2010
"So she was dead after all, then?" - Awesomest line.
Dec 25, 2010 4:05 PM

Jul 2010
YES!! Shu finally got a backbone and slapped that cow! Shu and Hanamori are hilarious, can't believe there's only one more ep. D;
Dec 26, 2010 7:58 AM

Jan 2008
Oh, the daydreaming of Shuu was so sweet. ^_^
What was that? Shuu now develops tender feeling towards that bitch? Poor Shuu.
Dec 26, 2010 11:42 AM

Jul 2009
Good episode ... Inari and Shu are LOL XD
Ahh, so the building is done for huh? Can't wait to see how this will end XD
Dec 26, 2010 1:20 PM

Dec 2008
Good for you, Shuu!! The bitch slap and the punches were epic!!
Dec 26, 2010 5:18 PM

Apr 2010
No! Only 1 episode left! I can't see a Tsukimi x Shuu or Tsukimi x Kurano ending now.
Hanamori was great like always, Shuu was funny day-dreaming and slapping the vixen. Shuu's too kind for his own good. I'm gonna miss this show.
<img src="" border="0" />
Dec 26, 2010 7:52 PM

Jun 2008
I kept smiling like an idiot for the entire episode.

Also, Hanamori is awesome.
Dec 27, 2010 1:12 AM

Jul 2007
Nooooooo..... One more episode, this is so good I need more! The ending looks like its coming to some sort of climax, but I don't see how the story is going to sum up in 1 more episode. I guess I'll have to read the manga.
by Baka-Chibi

Dec 27, 2010 9:48 AM

Dec 2010
Squeeker said:
I really hope they don't ruin it by trying to wrap up everything in the last episode. I love this anime.

My thoughts also.
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