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Days: 183.0
Mean Score: 6.97
  • Total Entries566
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Mahoutsukai no Yome
Mahoutsukai no Yome
May 1, 2018 7:54 AM
Completed 24/24 · Scored 6
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen
May 1, 2018 7:51 AM
Watching 14/22 · Scored -
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 132.7
Mean Score: 6.61
  • Total Entries507
  • Reread6
  • Chapters23,460
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Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda
May 1, 2018 8:02 AM
Reading 55/60 · Scored -
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari
May 1, 2018 8:01 AM
Reading 40/? · Scored -
Skip Beat!
Skip Beat!
May 1, 2018 8:01 AM
Reading 258/? · Scored 9

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Kurt_Irving Nov 8, 2024 7:40 PM

Have you been studying Japanese too and what do you love most about Ghost in the Shell?
cigare Dec 8, 2020 6:01 PM
Takamura-sama Dec 24, 2019 11:26 PM
U have the big gay

I do too. Wanna talk about it?
Ardanaz Oct 29, 2015 11:12 PM

[size=120]Could you give me some candy? :3
Click here and just post +1 Candy for Ardanaz <3

I'll give you a little lick and you can use me as your personal slave ^^

TensaiShonen Apr 15, 2014 3:19 AM
Yes yes....very very old. Soon I'll be so old that I'll be one of them guys that berate young people for watching cartoons(oops I meant animu)....not

Yeah I actually bought GTA V at xmas for the sakes of buying and yet have not gotten round to playing. Well I did the first cut-scene and got bored before I ended up doing something else. Hey I think I really am getting old if I'm starting to get bored of games lol

Yeh if they had a daki of Saeko, I would have definitely bought it. I already have one of those big-ass drape posters of her which I scored at ani-con few years back in Melbourne. It's my prized possession(to the point that she even came across as argument material for me and the mrs as she thought it took up too much space in our bedroom)

So any new anime or manga out in the last few years that you highly recommend? I've just recently updated my list?(although there are still some which I've seen recently that I've forgotten to add up there)
TensaiShonen Apr 14, 2014 3:52 PM
Thanks :) and yeah was glad to be back home.....till I realized how much of a pain relatives are once they know that you're back. Specially filo relo's who keep asking me why I haven't settled down and bought a house and have kids yet. I don't know how young they have them in the phils but here it's called underage sex when your family planning by age 15 lol

Yeh anime wasn't the only thing I was on hiatus with, realized I hadn't been gaming for over 2yrs either. When I was moving my stuff on the truck for Syd, I was packing my ps3 and xbox and realized they had collected so much dust that you'd think it was like them tea cosy's had been dressed for my consoles.

As for the daki, it's of Yoko from TTGL. The store I got it from didn't have much in regards to range and there was no way I was gonna get a loli rofl. I already get weird stares from the mrs when she found out what a daki was and tells me off if I bring it in the bedroom lol.

As for turning 30...Ugh...don't remind me. I've got another 3yrs before everyone(including the mrs) starts enforcing shit on me(like marriage) since I gave everyone the excuse that I'll do all the "adult stuff" once I turn 30 lol
TensaiShonen Apr 14, 2014 4:36 AM
Yeh graduated last year and been working since. Actually been promoted as a project manager with fairfax and live in Sydney now :)

Haven't been on MAL either for over a year now lol but decided to get on to update what i've missed out on for over a year and a half....been slowly catching up on anime and manga now that my jobs been more lax.

I also went to the Phils earlier in the year and did Japan for a week(well mostly just stayed around Tokyo). Bought heaps of stuff and lots of otaku related goods. Even bought me a dakimakura(one of those Otaku pillows lol). Hence my reason on catching up on anime again. Girlfriend was happy as she got to do her shopping and I was happy with my pillow lol.

So how many years do you have left with studies? Thought you'd have finished by now. Good catching up. Keep in touch.
IzayaKuchiki Apr 14, 2014 3:26 AM
HEYY :D hehehe I actually found you first here then on twitter :P
TensaiShonen Apr 12, 2014 3:46 PM
Hey hey, long time no speak :)

Finally got around to updating anime and was catching up on old msg's when I came across some of yours....had to try hard to remember who you were just by going at your last msg lol(filo chick/student from Melbourne yeah?)

So how have you been? Still in uni? And still actively watch anime? Catch up! TS
Throttlee Jan 21, 2014 4:57 AM
Thank you. Adding you.
Throttlee Jan 20, 2014 8:20 AM
Saw you on FC code thread, wanna trade codes?
Akitso Jan 12, 2014 2:13 PM
HAHHA XD Time goes by fast doesnt it???
Akitso Jan 7, 2014 7:43 PM
Thanks for adding me :), Whoa I talked to you back in 2010 o_O
KerinaScoop Aug 20, 2013 6:20 PM
Yay! =D Everyone's here! Samurai too!
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