At one point I cannot help thinking of the anime "Oda Nobuna no Yabou" I guess anyone who has watched that anime (which is a very different anime from this one I'd add) should know what I mean LOL
Takuan_Soho said: I would have liked this series more had there been more development around the "world heritage" idea and the authors take on Shinto, more on Izumiko's "coming of age" development, and a lot less on the romance angle. Given the romance goes hand in hand with "coming in age" (getting in love is part of coming of age, right?) I think the romance is necessary even desired. And I don't think we need more take Shinto because at the end it is not a primer on Shinto. Readers/watchers are supposed to have some fundamental concepts about Shinto and occultism in Shinto/Buddhism anyway.
Takuan_Soho said: From a pacing aspect, they spent too much time on the Triplet story, 2 episodes would have been more than enough, the extra episode should have been spent on the ending arc. I think the triplet is key and as this last episode shows their relationship serves as a good contrast, even foil, for the relationship between Izumiko and Miyuki.
Takuan_Soho said: Lots of great ideas, just not developed. Of the three, the romance would have been the easiest to drop. Personally it felt a little too forced and really added nothing to the series. I agree that the ideas could have been more developed but I disagree that the romance adds nothing to the series. In fact I think it adds as much, if not more, to the series compared to the "coming of age" development, which as I said, goes hand in hand with the development in romance. That it looks forced is perhaps because the look from an outsider point of view it is as subtle as shoujo manga but unlike shoujo manga we don't get much of monologues. But really I don't see it that forced.
Takuan_Soho said: I am also very tired of the "boy rushing to the rescue of the girl" trope. IMO, Izumiko should have found her meaning entirely by herself. I think what the series tell us is she is able to find her meaning, which is already a lot of development from the series' start, but at this stage she still needs people around her to remind her that, and in this sense both Wamiya and Miyuki are necessary. At the end personal growth in adolescence is not a jump to the prefect end. Izumiko is still in the process of growing and developing, as the end makes quite clear.
Takuan_Soho said: Could have been a very good 8-9 show, instead will probably end up as a 6-7 after I see if the subs had anything I missed. Rating show means little for me anyway.
minuetto said: I'm satisfied with this episode. If not considering that this is the anime's finale, it's a very good episode which remains faithful to the novel. So, 5/5 for it. I think this episode is a perfect episode to end the series. It really goes better than I expected. Let me see what I like:
- Recreate the encounter under the starry sky and the hand holding and make it look really natural
- Izumiko finally grown up to understand that Himegami is not something external and alien but a part of her, and she needs to start learning how to master/control her power
- Takayanagi showing some contrition and quiet acceptance of defeat. He seems to be a more gracious person than in the novel
- Flash back to the discussion between Miyuki and Mayura and why Miyuki thinks pretending they are couples is such a bad idea (I thought they would not go back to it and I am pleasantly surprised that they cover it)
- The trials that Miyuki need to go through is as much mental as physical and to overcome the challenges his will and determination to reach Izumiko is the key.
- What Manatsu talks about accepting and facing the evolving relationship of them and Masumi.
The final competition is called upon by the council president and it is without Masumi around and Takayangai still in dog form. I wonder who wins. The "she" to be named as "world heritage" that the guy talked about on phone at the end seems to be Izumiko. I guess who wins in the festival does not matter then.
minuetto said: For the overall series: Sadly, the anime only covered 5 volumes of the novel thus there are questions that are left unanswered. But one good thing about this anime adaptation is although they cut a lot of detail from the novel (just like any adaptation), they didn't distort or change the plot of the novel. All in all, though with some flaws in the anime direction and storyline, I still enjoy the series with its beautiful arts, character designs and music --- 7/10 I think it is the right decision to cover only 5 volumes because from the spoilers I read so far vol.6 looks like some extended epilogue that places a few more obstacles to Izumiko going back to quiet life. I am sure there are questions left unanswered in the anime but I do not see obvious problems with that. Anyway, the ending is like "yes, we know quite a bit more about ourselves and our relationships and we will need to face our challenges together" (the destruction of humanity thing) so I guess it can't be helped. If anything, given such grand challenges, it would be better if the novel continues for much longer instead of challenges coming from a few subsidiary characters. Anyway, as I said, I don't rate shows but I think it has been a really good journey despite some flaws in direction and story adaptation. |