->teach me ways about it's viability or not
After grad school I tooled around in the aerospace industry for a while, but as the tech bubble started to grow I figured out I could get a less stressful and better paying job as a computer programmer for financial applications, so I formally left that part of my life behind nearly 20 years ago (and I somehow weathered the tech bubble fairly well). Still, I keep up with general trends in science, though it's more a side hobby now. So, I may not be the best person to talk about this stuff, but I'm fairly sure I'm not totally out of touch either :)
Regarding time travel...the problem is we don't really have a "this is time" sort of definition the way we do, say, gravity (though even *that* can be a tricky thing depending on who you talk to). Sure, a thing we call "time" is in nearly every model regarding motion and events, from newton's model of planetary motion to quantum mechanics, but it's more of "it works, so..." type of thing. And there ARE models of physics that don't specifically use it.
My personal opinion, based on what I know of entropy and some work by Roger Penrose and others, is that time may just be how we humans perceive entropy. Entropy is that tricky thing that "explains" why it is so easy to mix a bowl of hot and cold water together but almost impossible to unmix them. Just as how we measure temperature with a thermometer what we really are doing is measuring the speed of the mercury atoms bouncing around inside the tube and calling it hot or cold, time may just be how we're watching things change their total "entropy" and not (yet) really understanding what it is that we're measuring.
So for me, the idea of jumping around in time doesn't make a lot of sense except under *very* specific constraints that, given what we currently know of physics today, are not really possible. So usually when a story introduces time travel it is very hard for me to "suspend my disbelief".
Besides the fact that Suzuki sensei did a *very* good job of putting together a well written and coherent plot around the whole idea, she did it a way that allowed me to not get worked up over her use of time travel. I tried to avoid saying so in the episode forum last night, but really - Nanami created the Tomoe that she knows. When I realized that, everything about the story, and Nanami, fell into place for me. And, Nanami immediately, and finally, popped up on my Favorite Characters list :D
->I'm so sorry for not being able to reply as soon as I can
No worries! We've all got this problem called Real Life we need to deal with!
(looks like you may be inactive - hopefully all is well with you)
Some time ago (after the second ep of Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen) I said that I didn't understand Nanami's devotion to Tomoe, and you responded about. I've finished the same story arc in the manga and I now very much understand. However, I'm a bit "worried" that the depth and strength of the story probably won't come through as strongly in the anime. (and it is VERY rare for me to worry about the differences between the two mediums, but here I think it is critically important).
(I'll still never be a fan of Tomoe, but I'll get over that)
I'm generally not a fan of time travel stories...it almost always seems to me they are not well done and mostly just a deus ex machina for the author to get around a tricky obstacle in the story (and, there is that as a trained physicist I have considerable difficulty suspending my disbelief over the viability of time travel). However, in the case of this story I was very happy with the way it was done.
Oh and if you still didn't read it, I'd like you to read Pandora Hearts!! It's an amazing manga, it's pretty slow-paced, but it's just... really good(OTL my vocabulary...)! Please read it c:
Hi - thought I might suggest "Kamichu!" to you. I can't say for sure you will like it but there are enough similarities to Kamisama Hajimemashita that you may. If you pick it up be sure to include the four "unaired specials" - they are listed as 'side stories' but they are not. They really are part of the story and both complement and, most importantly, complete it. It has a few issues, episode 4 is wildly out of place and episode 8 is a little off, but overall I enjoyed it.
Ah :(. I'm not familiar with Fruit Basket's director though. Hmm also, based on what you're saying, they seem to be jumping around various chapters for the episodes. This will definitely have an anime original ending by the looks of it.
All Comments (36) Comments
I got off Facebook but hey, MAL is also social media! Nice to see you again lmao.
After grad school I tooled around in the aerospace industry for a while, but as the tech bubble started to grow I figured out I could get a less stressful and better paying job as a computer programmer for financial applications, so I formally left that part of my life behind nearly 20 years ago (and I somehow weathered the tech bubble fairly well). Still, I keep up with general trends in science, though it's more a side hobby now. So, I may not be the best person to talk about this stuff, but I'm fairly sure I'm not totally out of touch either :)
Regarding time travel...the problem is we don't really have a "this is time" sort of definition the way we do, say, gravity (though even *that* can be a tricky thing depending on who you talk to). Sure, a thing we call "time" is in nearly every model regarding motion and events, from newton's model of planetary motion to quantum mechanics, but it's more of "it works, so..." type of thing. And there ARE models of physics that don't specifically use it.
My personal opinion, based on what I know of entropy and some work by Roger Penrose and others, is that time may just be how we humans perceive entropy. Entropy is that tricky thing that "explains" why it is so easy to mix a bowl of hot and cold water together but almost impossible to unmix them. Just as how we measure temperature with a thermometer what we really are doing is measuring the speed of the mercury atoms bouncing around inside the tube and calling it hot or cold, time may just be how we're watching things change their total "entropy" and not (yet) really understanding what it is that we're measuring.
So for me, the idea of jumping around in time doesn't make a lot of sense except under *very* specific constraints that, given what we currently know of physics today, are not really possible. So usually when a story introduces time travel it is very hard for me to "suspend my disbelief".
Besides the fact that Suzuki sensei did a *very* good job of putting together a well written and coherent plot around the whole idea, she did it a way that allowed me to not get worked up over her use of time travel. I tried to avoid saying so in the episode forum last night, but really - Nanami created the Tomoe that she knows. When I realized that, everything about the story, and Nanami, fell into place for me. And, Nanami immediately, and finally, popped up on my Favorite Characters list :D
->I'm so sorry for not being able to reply as soon as I can
No worries! We've all got this problem called Real Life we need to deal with!
Some time ago (after the second ep of Kamisama Hajimemashita: Kako-hen) I said that I didn't understand Nanami's devotion to Tomoe, and you responded about. I've finished the same story arc in the manga and I now very much understand. However, I'm a bit "worried" that the depth and strength of the story probably won't come through as strongly in the anime. (and it is VERY rare for me to worry about the differences between the two mediums, but here I think it is critically important).
(I'll still never be a fan of Tomoe, but I'll get over that)
I'm generally not a fan of time travel stories...it almost always seems to me they are not well done and mostly just a deus ex machina for the author to get around a tricky obstacle in the story (and, there is that as a trained physicist I have considerable difficulty suspending my disbelief over the viability of time travel). However, in the case of this story I was very happy with the way it was done.