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Jun 13, 2019 9:29 AM

Nov 2011
Kazuki, the hero we deserve.

Their world should be glad there's people like him around still. The race to save Enta continues. Feels like the show is heading towards its big climax with this episode.
Jun 13, 2019 1:33 PM

Dec 2016
My heart breaks for Reo and Mabu T_____T
Jun 13, 2019 1:44 PM
Nov 2011
Reo and Mabu can rest easy now, I will never forget those 2 princes.

Tho wtf I expected Sara to cry or just say something about Leo and Mabu but she's probably forgotten about them too.
(But did she tho, she's a Kappa too so who noes)

Enta was saved! Which totally kills almost every single prediction I had about this show and I'm actually impressed, but the (you can mark it on your bingos now) end is nigh so the fact he survived might not even matter at all given all the protags (or just Kazuki and Toi) will go onto the "let's disappear/go on to another plane of existence" trope!
Or not!
Ikuhara you magnificent bastard, I love you and your works! Keep me crying untill next time!
Jun 13, 2019 2:03 PM
Jul 2013
Reo and Mabu............................. I'm gonna fucking sob
Jun 13, 2019 2:24 PM

Oct 2017
This episode proves that this series really would benefit so much more if it's half year 2 cour, or even just 14 episodes would do it so much favour.
Too many setting need to be revealed at the same time in this one single episode.

Toi's betrayal route literary just tossed away immediately because there's no screen time left to deal with this route.

Dish of Hope may be a scam (episode 2 wish is bogos , it doesn't grant wish in the way the wisher expected it) or Keppi is not as good as he seems route is also locked out because no screen time left.

Sara may be double agent of Reo/ Mabu route locked out too cuz no screen time (She probably intentionally freeze Keppi in the first place to protect the police couple)

All those little detail of foreshadowing and anticipation got discarded because there's just no space to cover any of them with 11 episodes.

Anyway, the shadow count of ED becomes 1.
Wth is happening? I enta's really saved?
Or is the shadow count number always refers to Toi?
Seriously I'm not sure about anything anymore.
Ventus_SJun 13, 2019 2:28 PM
Jun 13, 2019 2:38 PM

Jul 2007
I was not prepared for this.
Reo and Mabu have hit me hard. Are we really not going to see more of them? Just forgotten like this? Like they said in previous episodes, it's even worse than just death. Even tough it was a good closure, I don't recall the last time an anime made me feel so strongly about side characters (Or you know, feel anything at all.), good go, Sarazanmai.
Can't believe we have only 1 ep left, I really just started watching it as a pass time between classes, why do they have to hurt my feeling like this? :(
I think I'll be needing a drink after this one.
Jun 13, 2019 2:43 PM

Jan 2016
I'm still holding out hope that Reo and Mabu may be brought back in some form.
There's still so many unanswered questions too. Also why was Haruka out with Sara that late, I know Kazuki woke him up last episode but it's kinda strange he's just chilling outside with Sara while their parents are presumably still at home.
Also that dish breaking has got to mean something, I'm just too dumb to figure it out.

Man this episode is so much of a downer that I can't even be that happy that Enta is no longer on the verge of death (hopefully).
The single shadow in the end is what really concerns me now lmao
Jun 13, 2019 3:18 PM

Oct 2018
I swore off a happy end for ReoMabu around 4 episodes ago but please...

Don't worry about being lame now, you were always lame anyway!

Jun 13, 2019 3:23 PM
Jun 2013
Jun 13, 2019 3:52 PM

Oct 2010
that "my chest hurts" line! That line was also used in Kancolle episode 4. Crunchyroll originally subbed it as "my arms really hurt!" but later corrected it to "my chest hurts" for that double-meaning that was originally intended. Glad to see they got it it right the first time for this show.

really good episode but ended predictably. hopefully this show has a nice finish
Jun 13, 2019 4:28 PM

Apr 2009
BackstageMage said:
I swore off a happy end for ReoMabu around 4 episodes ago but please...

I have a feeling they are going to appear in the epilogue, leaving them dead would feel very... unlike Ikuhara? Characters may "die" but it's not always the end.

Jun 13, 2019 4:30 PM

Jun 2015
Ah yes, time to channel this sweet, sweet pain into half-baked analysis...

So like. You know that deal Mabu made with the Otter guy? How he either never says he loves Reo again (and lives) or he dies?

Well, I'm pretty sure it's meant to reference the fact that historically, fictional queer-coded couples were either not allowed to become "explicit hard canon" (in which case they were able to lead their lives like normal and maybe even get happy endings... assuming they kept that "no homo" protection sheet layered on top of them the whole time) OR, in case the creators did away with the pretense of subtext, the couple always ended up being hit with some kind of disaster (most commonly an illness-induced death).

I can only assume that having Reo & Mabu (that is, the adults) be the ones to showcase this trope means that the kid trio (the younger generation, potentially representing change) will subvert this & get a happy ending, but who knows.

You could accuse me of galaxy-braining here, but hey, remember that Ikuhara did Yuri Kuma Arashi (and THAT anime was primarily about the hard divide between the two stereotypical ways lesbians are portrayed in fiction).
"I stocked this for our last meal. So let's enjoy white rice tonight. But not all of it. We still have tomorrow and the day after that." ~Houjou San

"Anywhere can be paradise, as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy." ~Ikari Yui

"Life is suffering and pain. The world is cursed, its people are cursed, and yet we still wish to live." ~Osa
Jun 13, 2019 5:27 PM

Sep 2011
This hurts a lot. That otter took advantage of Reo and Mabu's situation and feelings, severing their connection so that it could keep using them to collect desires for it. I'm really sad that it ended with their deaths. They loved each other, and they just wanted to be together, but I guess their fate was pretty much sealed when the otters attacked... Reo finally found out that the "doll" was, in fact, his real Mabu all along. and Mabu finally decided to let go of his life so that he could tell Reo one more time that he loved him, knowing that he would forget him.

I wish it could've been different, but at least they won't suffer anymore. I didn't like to see Toi killing a despairing Reo who was no longer a threat like that. At least I believe he wasn't since he was starting to forget why he wanted those dishes, why it hurt so much. But well, at least I think he died before totally forgetting Mabu, and this is better than forgetting. All of what they shared, lived, and what they felt for each other was gone, out of the big circle, just like that. But Keppi mentioned "sleeping" so maybe there's hope for them yet. The wish was used on Enta, and Toi is so sick and tired that he decided to give it all up to despair. I can't. I hope Kazuki manages to save him.
Jun 13, 2019 5:31 PM
Apr 2019
I am ALL KINDS OF SHOOK right now.


I am not coping well.
Jun 13, 2019 5:59 PM

Apr 2014
DAAAAMMMMMMNNNNN!! I thought Enta was going through shit but Reo and Mabu man...goddamn. It's even more fucked up that Reo forgot who Mabu was for a second and was still pissed. Jesus Christ.
Jun 13, 2019 6:04 PM

Apr 2016
eeuu8727$2$2$&$'jasIgcIcohacoaycsljscvnvzohvsl pass the weed bro
moe moe ichijou seiya

Jun 13, 2019 8:44 PM

Jul 2009
Rude. How dare Toi shoot Reo. He's dead to me now. MABU T-T REO T-T
Jun 13, 2019 8:52 PM

Aug 2011
I'm in the opposite camp where i'm thoroughly invested in Reo/Mabu and the initial intrigue from Toi, Enta, Kazuki has died down for me.
At this point I wish that their stories while still existing in the same universe would've been told separately from each other. Or something.

Anyway my brain assploded when Mabu said he loves Reo. You don't see that everyday...

There's an entire other viewpoint of Mabu and Reo's relationship that exists outside the main series if you cared enough to follow the spin-off manga or to give a glance at 'their' twitter account. (which as of this episode is now empty; they've gone all out)

I say cared enough because stepping outside of the anime series that you're presented should never be a pre-requisite for your average fan. Any series needs to be able to fully flesh out and carry it's own weight from A-Z without any outside sources.
Still it's amusing to me that it's there and sort of multi-media thing now.

But a boy crossdressing to 'fix' things that didn't need fixing in the first place, a boy liking his best friend who is also a boy, and a boy who is stuck somewhere between his family, his friends, and a morally grey area makes for a compelling story in its own right that.

I also want to see more Sara. :c I've always wanted more Sara.

Yeah a lot to explore and still feeling like there wasn't/isn't enough episodes.
Jun 13, 2019 8:54 PM

Dec 2018
My first time joining a discussion ^-^

Wow... This ep was filled with so many emotions. I felt so sorry for Reo and Mabu I really really loved them. I knew that Toi was going to go after the plate too after episode 9. I thought maybe Kazuki and Toi could've worked something out with the plates, some way for both of them to get their wish to come true but instead I was somewhat surprised when Kazuki just used the plate to save Enta.
Oh well
I really hope there's some way for Reo and Mabu to come back. I miss them already
Jun 13, 2019 8:56 PM

Oct 2017
Inugirlz said:
Rude. How dare Toi shoot Reo. He's dead to me now. MABU T-T REO T-T

Honestly Reo kinda deserved to be shot because he shot Enta even though he has so many other bullets that can hinder trio's movement without killing them, but he choose to kill for whatever the reason.

It's just karma at this point. He shot an innocent kid who has no-way to fight back , so he got a shot in return. Toi did the right thing. At least he ended his misery .
Jun 13, 2019 9:09 PM

Oct 2015
I kinda felt a bit when Mabu was tearing over Reo, maybe I'm just a sucker for tears who knows!

Not another "Toi leaving" moment!
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Jun 13, 2019 10:12 PM

Jun 2016
This entire climax is definitely bringing this series up a score for me! It's impressive for an 11 episode series to set up so many conflicting characters with some actual depth and to make them all cross in the final intersection so smoothly! I'll be the first to admit, thematically I'm unsure where this show stands, and this whole Otter deal is likewise pretty confusing but I would argue it doesn't try to make you understand it, and it ends up quite endearing for that. And I mean, Kiryu Kazuma as the big bad is just iconic, especially in that weird, ethereal form he takes.

I want to specify that this series to me comes off as great melodrama. It's not like I truly cared about Chikai but we got to see why Toi cared so much about him and in his final moments we followed Toi as he threw everything away for him like his morals and his connections. It made the death of Chikai come through as truly traumatic, for Chikai himself had this warped worldview because of something he couldn't control and Toi clearly loves him and is indebted to him yet after throwing everything away it was all for nothing. I don't have personal investment in these characters, I didn't cry for the loss of poor Chikai, but I did tear up for the beautiful set up in which we got to understand how much Toi did for his brother and the tragedy in it not paying off. To note, this left Toi in a situation where he already prioritized his brother over Enta by leaving while seeing the news report, it led to him throwing away his morals as mentioned, and left him struck by grief. There is no doubt in my mind that we had a tragic antagonist formed in a succinct but oddly powerful way.

We also had Enta who showed how he struggled with emotions that he wasn't able to control. He loves Kazu but he doesn't have the courage to say it, so instead he acts jealous and tries to wish Toi away to keep Kazu as his and his alone. He fights people he can't possibly win against out of a rage for insulting the golden duo. Yet, outside of his lack of emotional control he really would do anything for Kazu, as Kazu was the one who reached out to him when he had no one. He spends time with Haruka while he goes through therapy. He's a sweet and strong when he needs to act. All of this made his betrayal understandable and his pain when Kazu shot him down one of more gripping tragedies in the anime. Why Reo shot him when he totally didn't need to goes past me through, as if he didn't this whole conclusion didn't need to start.

I already wrote a fair bit about Kazu's tragedy which was for the most part solved when he transitioned to his old self. It's the character arc I was actually led to care about on a personal level as I found Kazu's confliction of hate and love and guilt towards Haruka quite powerful. Solving his issue with Haruka opened up the can to pair Enta against Toi which then triggered the majority of this climax. I do like how Kazu was blind yet again to how people felt, not to Haruka this time but to Enta. He's a bit dense but when he understood Enta's jealousy he went all out for him!

Then we also have Reo and Mabu, who have an incredibly tragic fate. We've seen how much Reo loves Mabu and suffers because he was apparently a doll, and because Mabu can't express himself it perpetuated this idea. To the viewer it was clear he cared, especially with how hurt he was when Reo yelled at him this episode, but Reo never realized it. It was all spun from that one instance of hearing him say 'I hate Reo'. But, even though Reo's suffering was obvious, Mabu was the one who suffered the most and he sacrificed himself to tell Reo that. To finally tell the truth... Leading to that incredible Sarazanmai sequence with the cops, to the griefstrucken Reo literally destroying the city with his grief and slowly losing the memories of Mabu before being shot and killed by a determined Toi. Yet again, it's not like I personally care about either of these guys, but we've seen enough of how they interact throughout the series to make this Shakesperian fate hit in a meaningful way.

I love that a series as weird as this has been able to do this so well. It led to this three way battle at the end so perfectly, it's not a masterpiece, not yet for me anyways. But, it's incredibly exciting and enjoyable for me right now. It's really fun. I'm excited to see how the finale turns out.

Did we ever hear limitations for the wish or is everyone assuming it can only be one thing? Because Kazu could have wished for everyone to come back technically if there is no limitation...
Jun 14, 2019 12:18 AM

Jan 2015
Best episode for sure

Desires can make you do crazy and selfish stuff we all know that
Jun 14, 2019 12:28 AM

Jul 2017
15315 I starstrucked at this episode.

All is revealed, even to the slightest degree!
Other than the issues between the desire-giving Kappa and the desire-eating Otters.
The fight for the Dishes of Hope, down to Kazuki and Reo.

And OH MY! Reo is opened to the kappa world to extract Mabu's deepest desires, explaining back Episode 9's significance of Mabu's mechanic heart. And...that's not enough.

Even after getting killed by Toi, the fight for desires never end. The FULL Dish of Hope, the desire for both Kazuki and Toi to save Enta is given...

HOWEVER...the Dark Keppi at the post-credits, and Toi giving into the darkness, what is Ikuhara thinking of painting the final picture with (plus ED foreshadowing of ONLY 1 figure)?
KANLen09Jun 14, 2019 12:47 AM
Jun 14, 2019 12:54 AM

Mar 2019
Its weird, its different, its great, its strange, its awesome, its like nothing else...

Im really going to miss Sarazanmai.


"Stand by Me, Onegai"
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Jun 14, 2019 2:02 AM

Mar 2008
Jun 14, 2019 2:02 AM

Mar 2008
Lel0uchZer0 said:
Since this is anime original i assume next episode might be the finale of the series

All noitaminA shows have 11 episodes, yes.
Jun 14, 2019 2:16 AM

Mar 2016
Nooo! I wanted the policemen to be happy. This isn't fair!!

Mabu and Reo were kappas the whole time. I had been wondering if they were.

Mabu was real and so was his love. I am quite sad now.

Reo sang the song for Mabu, and they finally got connected.

Haruka's dream had a continuation. I wasn't expecting that, but it really makes a lot of sense. Looks like Haruka still has a huge part he needs to play.

Kazuki holding Enta was the sweetest thing ever!

Enta broke the plate that was needed to save him for Kazuki.

Reo got a golden plate, which Kazuki took. I was horribly sad when Reo forgot Mabu for a while.

I am glad Kazuki saved Enta, but I am heartbroken that Reo died.

Tooi understood Kazuki's decision to save his friend, and he even looked emotional when Kazuki came to save him. It will be too painful to see him turn into a bad guy.

The Sarazanmai part looks oddly sexual when the characters are older.

We finally learned about Kuro Keppi.

I want to know how Sara will be important later.
Jun 14, 2019 2:17 AM
Jan 2019
Enta survive Mabu and toi older brother died and not to mention Reo died because of toi ,
as predicted only one can survive but new enemy arrive at the worst scenario
Jun 14, 2019 2:36 AM
Apr 2018
If you stick around for the ending you might have noticed how in the last frames of it, there were three shadows (symbolising the three boys). And in the ones following Enta getting shot, they decreased to two and now after the latest one (10) to one.
Jun 14, 2019 4:40 AM

Nov 2018
to be honest i have no clue why they decided to go with 11 episodes, it seems insane to me with this great cast of characters, i wish we could see more of them.
Besides that i absolutely loved how they ended Reo and Mabu's story, and especially Mabu's confession was really sweet.
Jun 14, 2019 5:22 AM

Jun 2009
Lel0uchZer0 said:
frozenpandaman said:

All noitaminA shows have 11 episodes, yes.

What i meant is
Do we have a season 2?

No. There won't be a s2. It all ends next week.
Jun 14, 2019 6:14 AM

Feb 2017
The contents were good, but this episode feeled like rushed.
Jun 14, 2019 6:20 AM

Aug 2015
Ikuni literally smashed me in my face with "we are kappas". He is an unpredictable genius... who mangling our hearts... every bloody time...
I was not prepared for this[2]

So I was right all the time about the Little Prince line, huh...
And insane Leo was ultimate insane and ultimate tragic. However, as this entire ep.
Jun 14, 2019 8:36 AM

Mar 2008
Lel0uchZer0 said:
frozenpandaman said:

All noitaminA shows have 11 episodes, yes.

What i meant is
Do we have a season 2?

I literally just said "All noitaminA shows have 11 episodes." It's a 1 cour show.
Jun 14, 2019 9:15 AM

Dec 2018
158 really don't want this anime to end...based on the shadows in the ending, it seems like Enta and Toi are going to die...because there's only one shadow...shit...also, Mabu and Reo died, which really sucks. They were good villains, but also really good characters. This show can make you laugh, but it can also make you cry.
Jun 14, 2019 9:33 AM
Aug 2018
This shit is fire. We'll see if it burns next episode omg... I think the single shadow in the last op might but Toi since he sees himself as all alone. No connections, no hope, only despair.
Jun 14, 2019 10:42 AM

Oct 2012
I decided to watch this yesterday with a friend while we were on a 7-hour bus crossing our state. Worst decision of our lives, probably. Or the best, we're not sure. We cried and hugged together with the whole Reo x Mabu backstory properly explained. Then we went to listen to Kawausoiya and cry. Then No.6 ending. It was great, but also sad as fuck.

About the actual episode: Mabu and Reo my baby anti-heroes :') Sasuga. Their KAPPA FORMS. Many had wondered if they were kappa, and yes, they were! Beautiful kappa by the way. Mabu sticked his butt to Reo so he could enter and grab his shiritori. :'( Mabu wanted Reo to find out about the truth, and Reo wanted to understand what the hell was happening. With the leaks, we finally got the whole story... It was really painful, and yet so beautiful. The way Mabu confessed to him (and Reo screamed him not to, because he now knew Mabu was going to die) by saying that he always had/always will love Reo and that Reo was his one and only partner... It was like he was making sure to erase all Reo's insecurities before dying. I cried a freaking river.

I was not very pleased by Toi's entrance. (*shots Reo in the back*). I'm kind of glad since they're now both dead and no one has to live in suffering (Reo was suffering so bad holy f). Even after death their bodies/rings were entangled. That's how much they love each other. I still hope they can be ressurrected in the last ep somehow (Keppi saying they were going to sleep and things like that... Hmmmm~ I HOPE SO T-T)... But Ikuhara always kills some characters so... hnnn

Anyway, I really loved how they handled everything. I watched it again just now, and I truly loved this episode. Didn't like Toi's entrance and the whole "I need to save my brother" thing, but I guess it was to be expected. I also wished they had ended in the cliffhanger where we don't know if Enta is going to die or not/if Toi is going to shoot Kazuki or not instead of the post-credits scene where we see Toi following the Dark Keppi willingly. But fine.

I'm wondering if Sara's relationship with Mabu and Reo will be addressed. Please don't show her crying in their graves or something-- I'll die.

Anyway, I really loved this episode. My bingo is almost full now - marked the antiheroes because of ReoMabu and The End is Nigh since the Dark Keppi wants to end the connections in the whole world. I think ReoMabu relationship was solid AS HELL and their story was beautiful. After rewatching, even things from the beginning of the episode start to make complete since, like that scene where Reo says "No one hesitates to give up their connections for the sake of their desires" -- he was thinking about Mabu cheating on him. And then Mabu making clear, before dying, that Reo was the only one. Simply beautiful.

I guess we can only wait for the ending now. Seriously, they should just give Ikuhara 24+ episodes. He could make us hurt way more. KazuToi shared a moment when Kazuki hold his hand to save him and it made me think if they're gonna be canon in the end (they're my ship, although I'm really pissed at Toi right now to care about him that much)... Anyway.

Waiting for our grand finale now. What an amazing show. What a ride. Thank you, Ikuhara.

MaahHeimJun 14, 2019 11:25 AM
Jun 14, 2019 11:05 AM

Jul 2017
The reveal of why Reo thinks Mabu is a "half-baked doll", and why Mabu was acting so distant really made a lot of sense. Looking back, you can see hints of Mabu trying to express his feelings using different love languages (gifts, spending time together, attempting more physical closeness) than just saying the words I love you. Keppi's "rest for now" line gave me a little bit of hope that kappas may be able to regenerate, similar to how Keppi cannot and refuses to die so maybe this isn't the end of our good kappa princes?
Jun 14, 2019 11:45 AM
Jul 2018
I picked up this anime to get rid of my post exam depression. Should've reminded myself that this was an Ikuhara production, I couldn't stop the tears from falling when Reo said that his chest hurt. I know he shot Enta and all, I was pissed about that but goddamn it Ikuhara.
Jun 14, 2019 12:42 PM
Jul 2018
what the hell did I just watch wow

amazing episode
Jun 14, 2019 3:30 PM

Dec 2016
This was an explosive episode, so much happened you can't focus your attention on one single thing, not that is a bad thing though. I never thought those two would be kappas, I love Reo's Kappa form though.
Those dishes really did a number of those people, it's me or be killed now. It's hard to believe that the next episode is going to be the finale.
Jun 14, 2019 3:37 PM

Aug 2017
I'm glad that Enta is still alive but wtf that ending.

So, an episode dedicated to Reo and Mabu. Now, they can rest easy now.
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Jun 14, 2019 5:16 PM
Oct 2016
Calling it now, I think next episode will be resolved using a wish from a golden plate, and that Kazuki will sacrifice himself to save toi. Can totally see it going like the wish at the end of madoka but instead having more to do with people connecting, since that is a theme so heavily repeated in this show, and possibly rewriting some past things like the brother getting paralyzed or the incident with mabu and reo which led reo to doing all the stuff he did. I’ll probably be way off base on all this tbh though.
Jun 14, 2019 7:01 PM

Jul 2009
Ventus_S said:
Inugirlz said:
Rude. How dare Toi shoot Reo. He's dead to me now. MABU T-T REO T-T

Honestly Reo kinda deserved to be shot because he shot Enta even though he has so many other bullets that can hinder trio's movement without killing them, but he choose to kill for whatever the reason.

It's just karma at this point. He shot an innocent kid who has no-way to fight back , so he got a shot in return. Toi did the right thing. At least he ended his misery .

lol I knew someone would say it. It's true he deserved the shot but STILL! Besides the timing was bad. He was shot AFTER he stopped being a threat. I mean he was forgetting his whole reason for shooting and being angry.
Jun 15, 2019 12:32 AM

Mar 2008
My heart is broken but I'm also so thankful for that explicit romantic "I love you."
Jun 15, 2019 3:14 AM

Aug 2018
damn, how sad :(
everybody's dying
Jun 15, 2019 3:45 AM

Sep 2013
All aboard the bad ending train yay

Guess for an anime that started so dramatic,having an happy ending would be weird,still that was an enjoyable ride with its thematic being my favourite youkai (:
Deep dark fantasies
Jun 15, 2019 6:18 AM

Jun 2013
Just one more episode.

RIP Mabu and Reo, everyone's favorite gay couple for this season is dead but who knows? They might be revived in the next episode. It was fun seeing them as kappa, that was a plot twist I wasn't expecting.

I'm hoping Sara can do something. I believe she is also a kappa. She might be able to help somehow.
Jun 15, 2019 6:34 AM

Dec 2016
As expected, pure sentimental manipulation. Ikuhara did it with the last episode making a cold blooded ex-mobster a saint redeemed by his sacrifice in the end. And now it plays a sad tune again to put the two cop serial killers with no remorse in a good light. Toi threatening at gun point on Enta & Kazuki is stupidly pointless, he already knew what was the right answer all the time. It served only as padding for the already expected outcome on the hope dishes in the aftercredit scene.

God job Ikuhara <slow sarcastic clapping.gif>
KimurahJun 15, 2019 6:48 AM
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