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Jul 13, 2010 10:16 PM

Mar 2008
I liked this episode, it was funny. Although, it reminds me of Scooby-do, which is not a bad thing, and I just hope the plot keeps on progressing. I also hope Fumiaki is hiding his strengths up until now, and maybe exposes it in a future encounter. If he doesn't, it would be just lame. lol
"You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star." -Friedrich Nietzsche |

Jul 13, 2010 10:29 PM

Jul 2008
hold up, i think i noticed something, the setting of this anime is in 1999, correct?

and the future dude is from 2012, correct?

dude comes to 1999 and says something along the lines of "that boy you saw, JUST NOW on TV IN 1999, was me 10 YEARS ago", did he not say something like that (he did, cuz i rewatched it to make sure i was correct)?

well then, 2012 - 10 = 2002, so ten years ago would have been 3 years into the future, according to this setting... am i wrong? did i misread something? (this is not a rhetorical question, i would like to know)

so either he came from the year 2009, or he went back to the past of 2002...
Jul 13, 2010 11:26 PM

Nov 2009
Maya gets on my nerves but aside from that this show is pretty interesting so far~
Jul 14, 2010 1:25 AM

May 2009
Best show this season so far, really enjoying it.
Maya is great, she shows more varied facial expressions than some show's combined cast.

And on the edge of sanity I stumble and fall.
Jul 14, 2010 2:40 AM

Sep 2009
I'm liking what I see so far
Please join if you love Asian Cinema :)
Jul 14, 2010 4:38 AM

Mar 2010
awesome episode
even the preview was quite funny
Jul 14, 2010 5:06 AM

Apr 2009
So what did happen with the prediction on July 1999 anyways?
Jul 14, 2010 8:51 AM

Aug 2009
BlackTruth said:
hold up, i think i noticed something, the setting of this anime is in 1999, correct?

and the future dude is from 2012, correct?

dude comes to 1999 and says something along the lines of "that boy you saw, JUST NOW on TV IN 1999, was me 10 YEARS ago", did he not say something like that (he did, cuz i rewatched it to make sure i was correct)?

well then, 2012 - 10 = 2002, so ten years ago would have been 3 years into the future, according to this setting... am i wrong? did i misread something? (this is not a rhetorical question, i would like to know)

so either he came from the year 2009, or he went back to the past of 2002...

I think he was just generalizing :\. 2012 - 1999 = 13 years. I guess he said 10 years because he didn't want to be exact (like how people say "5 minutes ago" but what happened is like 3 or 6 minutes ago; except its in years now -.-)
Jul 14, 2010 10:16 AM

Jul 2009
Nice War of the Worlds tripods. I kid, I actually really liked the look of them though. Cool design.

So I'm not sure whats going on 100%, the story isn't complex it just explains it a little fast. I'm a big fan so far though, very enjoyable series with a serious and comical edge. Still my favorite this season.
Jul 14, 2010 2:43 PM

May 2009
totally lol'd at Maya's expressions!
Jul 15, 2010 12:12 AM

Jul 2008
so reminds me of war of the worlds, with a little terminator thrown in, namely a guy sent into the past to stop it
the only way to stop a gamer from playing is either: beat them, or wait until they get bored (though 2% percent suffer seizures
Jul 15, 2010 5:08 AM

Jun 2010
this is a nice comedy w/ a little horror show! :D
Jul 15, 2010 5:32 AM

Oct 2009
Still loving this anime! Maya is definitely an awesome Tsundere, her facial expressions are classic!
Jul 15, 2010 6:53 AM

Jan 2009
Maya is the heroine of this season.

also, a phoney Apollo Justice were there
Jul 15, 2010 8:25 AM

Feb 2009
Man, this episode made me say ouch! Maya's so... Uhh..
Anyway, I like the spoon-bending part, when the host introduced him("Bunmei..")
Also lol'd at the random janitor-fat guy scene... Kinda reminds me of falcon punch... ;p
Well, a pretty good episode so far.. Waiting to see how it all turns out with lots of stuff going around...


Jul 15, 2010 10:13 AM

Aug 2008
A great pace will keep this show from feeling as predictable as it might be. It's still my favorite for the season.
Jul 15, 2010 7:51 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode. Shaping up to be one of my favourites so far. Random humour is awesome, but plot is good too. Music is really cool too XD. Some pretty epic stuff happened XD. That guy's hairstyle reminded me of Apollo Justice XD. Maya is an amazing main character IMO. That vice principal ... what is she up to ...?!
LOL 2012 ... the year everything got destroyed?! Oh noes!
Jul 15, 2010 8:58 PM
Jul 16, 2010 9:56 AM

Feb 2010
Lind_L_Tailor said:

That is perfect, haha.
Jul 16, 2010 2:07 PM
Jul 2008
This actually good.
Jul 16, 2010 4:29 PM

Jun 2009
Not much to say on it still early in the show but i like it so far.
Jul 16, 2010 7:55 PM

Oct 2007
Too many funny moments. I love it! Great king.. Pervert.. Time agent.. #6.. Spoon-bender! Lol =)
Jul 16, 2010 8:37 PM

Dec 2009
Paul said:
Totally lol'd at Maya when she saw him coming through the door.

I'm assuming the VP was the one who killed her father.

Enjoying this anime so far.

That face was hilarious ;D
Jul 16, 2010 11:03 PM

Jul 2010
unpredictable so far, but anyone else feel like it's trying a little too hard?
Jul 17, 2010 12:23 AM

May 2010
Paul said:
Just had to make a gif.

Jul 17, 2010 5:08 AM

Feb 2009
Wow doesn't that guy get a lot of beating? It was painful watching xD

One thing is for sure, this series will be total fun and nonsense, but the plot is there. Good stuff.
Jul 17, 2010 6:23 AM

Feb 2010
I don't think that guy will make it to the end of the series if Maya keeps beating him like that. Sometimes with no sense. Anyways, this will be some Comedy/Horror - Mix (as far as Animes can be "Horror" :/) and I like it.
Jul 17, 2010 10:26 AM

Nov 2007
I really enjoyed the episode a lot! The humor was nice set and not too exaggerated and the story flows in a nice direction with good supernatural stuff which is even horror at some points.
And I love Maya!

Lind_L_Tailor said:


Jul 17, 2010 11:47 AM

Jun 2008
This anime is awesome! I'm loving it.
Jul 17, 2010 12:35 PM

Aug 2008
xD great episode,show of the season
Jul 17, 2010 3:43 PM
Nov 2008
ROFL ROFL ROFL...this episode made me laugh so hard...don't know if i should take it serious or just as a parody haha
Jul 17, 2010 9:13 PM

Jan 2009
Love it! Love the two offbeat personalities, love the humor and love the surprisingly chilling horror scenes! All dick jokes are funny to me now, since Higashi no Eden!

And... Maya's totally the key. Her picture was the only one that turned out weird.

I'm thinking I'm also going to give Senkou no Night Raid another chance after reading also these posts... :P
Jul 18, 2010 1:40 AM

May 2009
Surprise surprise the male lead of an anime is a weak loser. Well kinda obvious from how hes being used as a chair in the anime pic, I was more surprised when he was looking cool and confident before going back in time.

And you can't really call Maya tsundere...yet
Jul 18, 2010 7:40 AM
Dec 2008
It seems that time traveling doesn't only strip you off your clothes but also your 'manliness'. Despite the Time traveler being a wimp, he makes me laugh and I love that about him.

Awesome show, the only anime I ended up watching this season.
Jul 18, 2010 11:13 AM

Aug 2009
I like (naked-in-the-shower) Maya and her 'tsuntsun'

Good ep. Enjoyed it more than the first one, actually.
頭脳は子供、見た目は大人! ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Jul 18, 2010 6:53 PM

Feb 2009
A war where the human resistance captures their enemies technology to send a savior back in time to prevent the war altogether - This is just the terminator with aliens instead of machines.
Jul 19, 2010 4:49 AM

May 2010
The episode was awesome, it has pretty much everything; I like the Nostradamus Prophecies theme.
Maya is such an amazing character, I like the fact that she keeps using violence.
And I actually like the way that Abe is so weak and Maya can kick his ass.

I wonder how old is Abe lol.
Jul 19, 2010 7:45 AM

Jun 2008
Iisan-kun said:
Most pathetic time agent.... ever.

It makes you wonder where did all his confidence went. He was playing the big guy in his time.

hikoghert said:

Anyway. Pretty much confirmed that the Captain is Maya's dad, with how they kept his face and presence hidden.

I thought the same when i saw him. He looked very similar to me even if it was just a fast moment.

Anyway this episode was big improvement that the 1st. the first episode was a little all over the place with not much sense but this one established a basic plot into it and had better rhythm. We also seem to have our bad guys and good guys kind of cleared up.
And the plot also seems kind of interesting so it was a big improvement. Am glad is not just some strange stories every episode and that her father wasn't just some crazy guy but actually doing something.

We got a little Maya fanservice too. Her being wet, then the bath and then with the towel around the house.
Also:"You're such a tsund-" "THAT WORD DIDN'T EXSIST IN 1999!" --Hahahaha, nice one lol.

Bad moment was the magic light. That was too easy bricks don't move by themselves. Also i kind of hoped that a comment will be made by her for seeing herself as bones in the future, but nothing was said.

BTW did the creator called her Maya because of the 2012 and calendar of Maya thing?

JLeaber said:
Maya is such a wonderful bitch

Yeah pretty much. She does nice faces too.
MonadJul 19, 2010 8:00 AM
Jul 19, 2010 5:51 PM

Feb 2009
Comparing this show to Durarara when they have nothing in common is a bit much.
Jul 20, 2010 4:30 PM

May 2010
Cap'n! Thar be plot holes off the starboard bow!

The writing on the mirror is red. Why? Because red looks like blood and blood is creepy. Shuddup.

The spell book activates all by itself just as Maya is being strangled to death by some mysterious entity? Well we can't have the protagonist die, silly...

Come to think of it, why did said mysterious entity even bother to leave a spooky message when she was just going to try and kill Maya anyway? And why retreat out the bathroom, go onto the balcony and then come back in and attack Maya? And... ok, I'll stop now.

To be fair, I shouldn't be too hasty. All these could well be explained in future episodes (knowing my luck they'll even have been explained in episode 3, which I haven't watched yet...). Well, except for the blood writing thing, that I have a suspicion we're just going to have to accept as par for the horror-esque course.

With the exception of all that malarkey, though, a strong episode. #6's character seems... a tad inconsistent, mind. In the future, he's a suave bad ass. In the present, he's Maya's bitch. Unless the future him is just some sort of exaggerated memory version of him, though. Or maybe I'm just imagining things. Well, meh, let's see how he shapes up in episodes to come.

This series is proving to at least be reasonably original in its plot... if less so in its characters. The supporting cast seem interesting enough, but for our protagonists we've basically got a tsundere and her lap-dog. Here's hoping they prove a little more interesting than that. Oh, and also that the painfully obvious betrayal plot with that secretary woman (or whatever her official job description is) turns out to be more inspired than 'secret conspiracy to cause an apocalypse' or variations on that theme.

Mind you, the show does at least seem aware of some of its deficiencies. Prime example: the tsundere reference in the preview. Let's see if this self-awareness translates into an ability to better itself too.

Oh, and because I've yet to devote a whole paragraph to positives: I like the opening sequence. The music is nothing special, but the animation is pleasantly bizarre. And I do have to honestly admit to liking Maya's brea...dth of facial expressions.

Yeah. That's about it. Other than the aforementioned originality of the plot. But at least there's nothing really bad either, just things I'm hoping to see resolved. And it's still miles better than HOTD in my eyes.
OsricJul 20, 2010 4:39 PM
Jul 20, 2010 10:35 PM

Jul 2007
Pretty entertaining so far.

Paul said:
Just had to make a gif.

nice gif. my favorite scene from this episode
Jul 21, 2010 4:59 AM
Jan 2009
14:00 or so = SO DAMN FUNNY
great anime judging by 2 episodes, I like occult stuff so this is really awesome for me.
Jul 21, 2010 2:54 PM
Dec 2007
The most enjoyable anime of the season with Highschool of the Dead. Everything is top notch, from direction to animation, music, characters and even the script is rather great for a supernatural anime.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Jul 24, 2010 6:41 AM
Jun 2008
Hmmm Teminator movie parody?? That is funny LOL
Jul 25, 2010 12:51 AM

Jul 2007
Honestly, I'm not getting much from this series, other than the main character is annoying.

A few more eps. Maybe.
Jul 25, 2010 5:27 PM

Jun 2009
No way, it's better than first episode. Maybe i would dare to say it was a bit enjoyable, so i guess i won't drop it yet.
Maya's generally not bad, but she's got very-annoying-bitch moments.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
Jul 26, 2010 8:41 AM

Jun 2009
The 1st episode was so bad that it was almost 1-click away to my drop list 3/10. But this 2nd episode made it a bit better 5/10.

Anyone wish it was uncen.?? kidding

Secretary introducing Abe to Maya scene - like Maya's frown cyanotic expression.
So the 1st ep scene was #1-5 in 1999. During Abe's speech about 2012.. I was thinking of Doomsday, but good thing they made it a little fictional - Alien invasion.

Commencing investigation moment lol

Abe's receiving a lot of HITS from Maya, eh? lol so funny everytime she do that
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Jul 27, 2010 9:08 PM

Feb 2010
Dun dun dun. The plot thickens. So the Vice Pres is an evil bitch....

And now Maya & Abe are a team. There's a lot of information here for one episode... NO IDEA wtf is going to happen.
Jul 29, 2010 11:34 AM
Jun 2010
MorningGlory said:
Hmmm Teminator movie parody?? That is funny LOL

lmao i know im watching it now and im like WTF are they just reading terminator's script XD
Jul 30, 2010 9:52 PM

Jul 2010
"Watch out for space-time storms. They'll strip you naked and might knock you off-course."

Go figure.

The intro to this episode was so hilarious. What's with Abe though? He seemed so macho in the future saying he wouldn't screw up like #5 did. But when he comes to the past he seems really weak.

Anyone want to count how many times Maya slapped Abe in this episode?
JawaeseJul 30, 2010 9:55 PM
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