All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 83.5
Mean Score:
- Watching76
- Completed208
- On-Hold164
- Dropped100
- Plan to Watch212
- Total Entries760
- Rewatched90
- Episodes5,013
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 97.4
Mean Score:
- Reading281
- Completed71
- On-Hold90
- Dropped17
- Plan to Read51
- Total Entries510
- Reread2
- Chapters16,318
- Volumes450
All Comments (18) Comments
I don't celebrate Halloween, so I've no idea what the hype is about. >.< I'm fine, been playing a MMO called Dofus for a while and watching some French cartoons here and there so I haven't got as much time to watch anime now. Penguindrum is just weird, 16 episodes in and I'm still not sure what the plot is. But it is fun to watch indeed.
Guilty Crown is the biggest disappointment of the season, imo. I absolutely detest Inori and Shu as mains and don't even get me started on the fact it's got a school setting too. WHY, JAPAN, WHY?
So sorry it took me forever to get back to you. :P
And thank you! ^_^
Oh my. I know I would never be able to navigate that site for the life of me. It's too....Japanese.
So, for lack of being able to hold up of a conversation nicely, how are you?
Just wanted to say that~
Bye. ;)
May I ask who is the artist responsible for that hands picture in your about me?
(idk how but the message just bugged and when I sended it it didnt work anymore?)
anyways, I once had uTorrent but didnt know how to use it well (so I deleted it)
I also have WinRAR but idk how to use that properly either xD
It's my best friend's site and I'm happy she decided to quit MAL and add animations, because I watch animations not only from japan but also from korea and china... and I'm really happy I can list them there. As you see, I didn't update my mal list for ages, just because I wasn't here.
LOL, I was searching for my email address here and came across your club, laughed for a while XD.
hahahaha, okays, so I wasn't wrong after all and it was mal and it's slave database XP.
I'm searching for animas to watch, mind recommending me someding gut? XP
but I was about to ask how you get into it? or is it another bug in mal and we should 'wait' until we'll be able to do it?
That sucks, to tell the truth, mal is falling apart while I use cooler sites to list my anime list (just think about the case when mal will really fall apart and out lists will be lost... GOD!).
I'm Cherish, Helena or however you'd like to call me if you'd like :)!
My profile pic is a fanart of Nocchi from the music group Perfume.