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Jan 8, 2016 11:58 AM

Jun 2013
"Not the Third again."


This movie lost some of the characterization, especially with Kensuke and Toji and their relationship with Shinji, but it gained a hell of a lot with the "wow" factor. So many more little details everywhere you look, from showing more shots of the world and the people who inhabit to the giant spent shells crushing cars in the street, and it looked and sounded great. The re-imagined Ramiel was badass, along with its shrill screams. That whole Ramiel sequence was a serious upgrade from the original series.

I still need to watching 2.0 and 3.0, but I'm interested in the direction it's taking.
Feb 8, 2016 5:10 PM

Nov 2013
Hmm.. well, having quite a collection of Evangelion soundtracks, and upon the recommendation of a friend, I decided to watch this movie, despite not being a mecha fan.

I wasn't overwhelmed by the depth of the characters or the story, as portrayed here. It seemed a bit rushed and too many deux ex machina battle endings. But hey, it's a movie, trying to compress a whole series' happenings into less than two hours--I get it.

Some of the animation was quite impressive, as with the city rising from the ground, but at times there were too many still scenes with characters frozen in the frame.

The depth of the characters didn't seem all that great, but not having seen the TV series, I can't claim the movie is a fair representation. My overall reaction was that this is a shoujo anime.

For me, the best thing about the movie was the music during the end credits roll. Utada Hikaru's "Beautiful World" was something that grew on me over a span of just minutes. It's electrifying. It's got a pulse. It feels just a bit retro, but has a 'je ne sais quois' that places it in unknown territory. Like Shinji's "another ceiling I don't know' it was another song I don't know. But I like it.
Feb 9, 2016 7:08 PM

Oct 2013
Brilliant... absolutely brilliant. I was going to post here complaining about people who complain about this losing sight of the fact this is a completely new series, not a recap but a reimagination of the show, but I do not have words that can adequately express this. Somehow this captured the essence of what makes "Evangelion" Evangelion, honed in on it, and still laid the groundwork for a new vision of an iconic series with the potential to be as iconic as the original vision. Plus, all of the cheesiness that made the show a bit facepalm-inducing at times has been completely eliminated.

Honestly, this is arguably better than the TV series' depiction of the same events. I must sincerely wonder if this alternate vision can climax with the same impact as The End of Evangelion.

Feb 14, 2016 9:28 AM

Jan 2014
I loved this. There were a few scenes I don't remember seeing in the TV series, so it was nice to see them (again) this way. I enjoyed it visually and it reminded me of all the reasons why I love NGE <3
Mar 9, 2016 12:06 PM
May 2013
I would've rated this higher but no new version of "Cruel Angel's thesis"
The new animation is fantastic , so CGI .
I like the new setting , it got me hyped for 2nd movie, I'm sure I'll rate it higher because lots of EVAs . Also while I was checking the score of the movies , 3rd movie synopsis popped into my eyes ... major spoiler for 2nd movie T_T
Jun 28, 2016 4:42 PM
Jul 2018
I've really enjoy this! I think it's been necessary to assemble the story like this and I love the quality! Once more, Evangelion doesn't dissapoint!
Jun 28, 2016 4:50 PM
Jul 2018
The only thing I miss: Cruel Angel Thesis :(
Jul 12, 2016 6:53 PM

Dec 2013
Loving the new visuals for the movie.

No idea how much they rushed/skipped but I still thought it was decent on it's own.

Shinji was still being Shinji :/
Jul 24, 2016 5:07 PM

Feb 2016
The visuals are indeed amazing.They changed quite a few things of the original series but I'm not sure if they will make major changes of the original story of Evangelion. If thats case I'm not sure if I will like it :/ . I also think it's probably better to start watching the original series first if you are newcomer of this anime. The reason is that major events of the original series might lose some of the epicness if you see those events in the rebuild movies first.
SilentSword114Jul 24, 2016 7:41 PM
Aug 21, 2016 1:06 AM

Apr 2009
Those people saying that this Movie is better than the original series don't know what they are talking about or just been born on the early 2000's.
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Sep 25, 2016 5:25 PM

Feb 2015
Even though i just watched the original a couple of days ago, it feels like i'm watching a new series with this updated visuals and 'angelic sounds' for the angels, especially the 'Ozma' angel, HUGE HUGE improvement from the original.

Even with some removed scenes, I think I'm going to enjoy these rebuilds more than the original.
Jan 21, 2017 6:19 PM

Dec 2013
It appears this movie series will follow a different path than the anime. I thought EoE was pretty much perfect, so I wonder just how contrasting will this Rebuild be.
I don't like how rushed the events, but the animation was amazing and the soundtrack was definitely noteworthy. More Asuka and Shinji is always welcome, curious to see if their relationship will be changed somehow. 7/10
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
Mar 7, 2017 3:07 PM

Dec 2016
That was cool :D Glad they have not changed much from the source material (or did they? I hope what they say about 3.0 isn't true).

Animation: 9 (Fast-paced combats, good attention to detail, specially in enviroments)
Sound and Sountrack: 7 (Great sound FX, but a generic soundtrack)
Characters: 6 (Not much room for character development outside of Shinji. I'll be subjective from here... Man do I dislike that kid, at least I like him better in berserk mode)
Story: 9 (As a whole Evangelion is confusing as hell. One big mindfuck. Once you understand what the hell is going on, Evangelion becomes 10x times better. From start to finish, the whole story is great)
Enjoyment: 8 (Subjective again. It's evangelion... I'm always more invested in the story and events rather than the development of the characters. Quite entertaining, but it didn't made me fell any sad, happy, angry, surprised or scared. A bit excited maybe, during the battles)
Verdict: 7.8/10

Very excited for 2.0, I've heard it's the best one of the Rebuild.
Dr_Manhattan95Mar 7, 2017 3:33 PM
Aug 1, 2017 8:27 AM

Feb 2015
Well, that was boring as usual. Love the updated graphics, though. Gives it a really cool atmosphere, at least.
Feb 9, 2018 5:48 AM
Nov 2016
Not bad. Not Great. It was fine.
Watching it on Blu Ray was very nice though.

May 25, 2018 6:09 AM

Feb 2018
I liked it very much. The music and animation were amazing, it was interesting to watch, all the important scenes were there (except the train station one), and Lilith already appears!
5/5 and 8/10
Aug 19, 2018 1:05 PM

Dec 2015
A nice retelling of the 5 first episodes of the TV series displaying far too much CGI. But those CGI sometimes allow more creativity, obviously.
It introduced discrete little elements to start the divergence from the original show.

Enjoyment: 4/5
Score: 7.5/10
Jan 13, 2019 1:52 PM

Mar 2017
I enjoyed it! Of course it still can't really compare to the original, but the astonishing animation and overall quite exciting pacing more than make up for any shortcomings. Overall I wouldn't recommend to watch the movies instead of the series, but for those who liked the original these offer quite a treat. At least this first movie is pure fanservice (in the positive sense of the word - I am a fan, and damn I like it). I think I liked the new visuals for the fight against the geometrically screeching angel the most. Not only the angel itself, but the whole power grid shenanigans and proton cannon.

I watched the German dub, and many voice actors came back for the dub again. It seems that they put a bit more effort into it (as is often the case with movies), but at the same time I always cringed when they said "-kun", because they pronounced it like 10 different ways over the course of the movie. And adding honorifics in the dub is something I am not too fond of, I think it's better reserved for subtitles, or in romances I guess where that shit matters.

I gave NGE a 9/10, and I'll give this rebuild a 7/10. And that's a really good score.
Feb 7, 2019 11:06 AM
Oct 2018
Man this was horrible it's like they removed every scene that made the original evangelion a masterpiece, also the colours in this movie look so bright which doesn't match the tone of evangelion at all. I have no idea how someone that enjoyed the original evangelion can also enjoy this trash. Also fuck CGI
Dark-misanthropyFeb 7, 2019 11:10 AM
Feb 9, 2019 7:04 PM

Aug 2018
Tetsuoshima666 said:
Man this was horrible it's like they removed every scene that made the original evangelion a masterpiece, also the colours in this movie look so bright which doesn't match the tone of evangelion at all. I have no idea how someone that enjoyed the original evangelion can also enjoy this trash. Also fuck CGI
what are these scenes they removed that prevent this from being a masterpiece. The fact is the rebuilds are quite a bit better than the original. Pay no attention to those hepper than thou.
May 19, 2019 7:11 AM
Jan 2019
Shinji's *behavior* changes a bit too rapidly in the movies, and the movies seem to checkmark off the memorable individual scenes from the tv series. But the tv series has more whining and teen angst than I'd like. I've also supplemented my viewing with the Evangelion wikis. I found them less spoilery than helpful in explaining the byzantine mythology of Evangelion. I also prefer the movies over most other anime series, so they're worth watching if you've seen the tv series, want to watch them again, but don't have as much time.

So... watch the tv series first, but if you want less whinging and teen angst, start watching the movies!
Jun 14, 2019 12:11 PM

Dec 2015
Tetsuoshima666 said:
the colours in this movie look so bright which doesn't match the tone of evangelion at all

Maybe the "1.0" version would please you more in that regard. It's the one where the angel's halo was not yet implemented, its picture was darker.
(The TV series had bright colours for most outside/school scenes , especially in th ebeginning.)
Jan 5, 2020 2:53 PM

Aug 2018
Very nice Movie
9 out of 10
Jun 16, 2020 3:39 PM

Feb 2012

Novels I have read/am reading pending approval: since November 10 2022
Aug 14, 2020 3:50 PM

Jan 2015
Amazing movie. The animation was very good. They showed Shinji's struggling, I didn't expect that.
Feb 17, 2021 6:57 AM

Apr 2020
Wow, just wow!
That running /chase scene was so hype I could not stop grinning. Holy shit!

He is here!
Feb 22, 2021 3:54 AM

Jan 2019
The explosions were top notch
Mar 15, 2021 8:31 PM
Apr 2020
I'm astonished. Everything in this movie is freaking amazing. They managed to put up with that crazy animations even though it's still on early 20s. The BGMs are also pretty decent. Although the story is pretty rushed, if you do the thinking, eventually you will understand what is happening.

There's really only one thing that I don't like a bit, that is the damn MC which is really wimp and weak so far. I feel like he has the least character development in this movie.. I hope it really improves in the other movie ones. Other than that, it's a totally decent start for the movie series.

9/10 for starters. I don't know if this really differs from the original 90s version (skipped it cuz the animation is too old) but so far so good. On to the next one :)
Mar 20, 2021 8:26 AM

Oct 2015
definitely the animation you need after watching original :), love both shinji an rei in the end.
Aug 2, 2021 8:16 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
This is the only Evangelion that I have watched. So for me, this was an excellent movie. The things that impressed me:
1. The sounds. I could really feel the city being raised, doors opening/closing, and that last Angel changing shapes.

2. The artwork was outstanding.... not just for the year produced but as any animation. The deployment of armament, weapons, buildings, and the Eva made me feel the size and weight of them.

3. The story: it pulled me in without me understanding very much of the background. It has universal themes and they were done well.

8/10 and very pleased to have finally watched this movie!
Aug 3, 2021 9:21 PM
Jul 2018
Not the third again... You never change, do you? I look forward to meeting you, Shinji Ikari.

Not the "third" again? What does that mean?????
Holly shit! Is this story (Rebuild series) a looping/doomed continuation of the classical series + End of Evangelion???? I mean: the beginning of the film gives kind of a sign that it starts from the end of EoE but many years later, as a repeated and alternate cycle. Man, that's going to be mind blowing for me - next: You Can (Not) Advance
Aug 10, 2021 3:16 AM

Jan 2018
Can I just say this was a good-ass movie?
Albeit the first one is more like a remake than the next 2 movies.
I'd say the artstyle of the Rebuild of Evangelion movies should be a classic by now but because of the existence of the original 1995 anime it doesn't get the love it deserves. That being said I do believe the original has better artstyle though. But 1.0/1.11 does a great job of refreshing that artstyle in a modern way while also feeling retro.
They did a great job improving best girl Ramiel!
Honestly out of the Rebuilds this movie's probably my favorite (my favorite Eva movie in general would be The End of Evangelion), but that might change after watching 3.0+1.01. I hope rewatching these old movies will be worth it.
Aug 13, 2021 7:20 AM

Dec 2015
I did enjoy the film, but can't deny it had some problems and that limited the potential it had. The main aspect is probably the cut content that was to slowly make the viewer "closer" to Shinji. Because of this, it feels like this movie didn't really had an 2nd act, and made the 3rd act feel a bit off. But I can't deny the spectacle was amazing in the final angel attack. OST felt like it was a bit of a downgrade for the most part. And some of the scenes lost a bit of the emotional impact, like the Rei smile last scene.

Overall, it's enjoyable because it's Evangelion, and despite being an upgrade animation wise, it could have been executed better in a lot of other aspects. 7/10
Aug 15, 2021 2:41 AM
Jun 2014
Waited for the final movie before watching the rebuilds, and You are (not) alone is pretty amazing. The sound design and set pieces were still very reminiscent of Evangelion while still being pretty good as a stand-alone.
Aug 15, 2021 8:22 PM

May 2012
I told myself that I wouldn't watch these movies until all of them were published, and after 13 years we finally got all four movies, which is crazy how the time this started and ended, but yea up to the next movie!
Aug 18, 2021 11:38 AM

May 2017
I liked it.

First half felt more like a watered-down and rushed version of the original tv anime. But things started to get interesting when events started to shuffle and new stuff got incorporated. (god damn this triangle angel was a fucking menace in this movie)

I've got mixed feelings when it comes to the more modern approach of Evangelion.

The remake doesn't come close to the color usage and some of the directional parts compared to the original. God damn the use of color in the tv series was out of this world. They tried to replicate it but couldn't capture the same feeling. But the designs still look good and the animation is pretty much on par with what we're used to from the original. Good stuff.

I absolutely adore the first 21ish episodes of Evangelion so, obviously, I liked this movies content. It's still hard to compare because this movie was mostly rushed content from the original story. So while I prefer the original over this movie, I still think it did a good job of setting up the new story. So while it relies on the knowledge of the original, I feel like it is important to set both apart and try not to compare them too closely. This movie is catered towards fans of the franchise and it is not meant to completely copy the events of the tv show so I shouldn't be too harsh about the fact that obviously, they rushed through it quite a bit.

BTW oh my god the ending credits song is a masterpiece lol.
shayed__Aug 18, 2021 11:43 AM
Aug 22, 2021 9:30 AM
Jun 2021
After finishing OG evangelion and the end of evangelion this was a great remake i like the new scenes too
Sep 3, 2021 7:41 PM

Jul 2021
Honestly I liked it though I think I liked it less because it's such a faithful remake. I don't see much point in returning to it when you could watch the original series and get more detail.
they/them :)

Sep 13, 2021 10:05 PM

Aug 2018
Ok, it's been a month since Prime video added all the movies. So once and for all, it's time to see all the Evangelion rebuilds.
Here at the moment, a little bit the same. But, let's see how the story changes.
The credits song is very good
Sep 26, 2021 4:55 PM
Oct 2020
Finally I decided to watch the 4 movies. I will watch 1 a week. Great movie that first! Exactly how I remember the TV series. Extremely nostalgic. Scenes very similar to the original and the soundtrack exactly as I remember. Next week I'll see 2. Deserved to win 10!
Oct 4, 2021 2:01 AM

Aug 2012
Well with all the Rebuild movies out and available on Amazon Prime (in the states), it's about time I finally get around to Ending of Eva, take four, I think. But before I can get to that conclusion, I need to revisit old ground, because this movie was mostly faithful to the original. Like, one to one in some cases, there are certain shots that are etched in my memory, like the Elevator scene between Gendo, Misato, & Shinji and that's exactly replicated here. I think the shot goes by quicker here, but it's the exact same layout.

The only new stuff I was able to pin-point was I'm pretty certain that Lilith was not introduced this earlier in the TV Show. Maybe I'm remembering that wrong, but that really took me off guard, so I think that was different. And of course, Kaworu's appearance at the end. The words he chose at the end game me such a Final Fantasy VII Remkae vibe. Is this going to turn out to not just be an alternate version but a quasi-sequel as well?

The omissions here however do hurt. Obviously the movie having to cover six episodes in one film makes cuts inevitable, but of those original six episodes, the strongest in my opinion was episode four, which you can say makes a cameo appearance in the movie. It's just so truncated here, and Shinji's relationship with his classmates Toji & Kensuke are another sacrifice this film has to make. They hit all the necessary beats but not much beyond that.

And to some extent, it does feel like my history with these characters does more of the heavy lifting than the movie itself.

But that's not to say I disliked the movie, it was fun seeing these characters again. There is a part of me that's still partial to the look of the original TV series & End of Eva, but the movie still mostly looked great. For the most part, the only negative was the CGI, and some more hornier visuals. The place where the CGI really shined was with Ramiel, Ramiel was made for CGI and always looked so cool, especially with the reflections throughout it's body. I did find myself getting hyped in the dramatic tension at the end of the fight too, so I'm fine with it.

Also, I so love that they had their iconic eye-catcher mid-movie. Lovely touch, helps complete the Eva experience.
Oct 7, 2021 6:11 AM
Aug 2021
I like that movie it's good.
Jan 4, 2022 7:33 AM

Jul 2021
Shinji had a lot less annoying actions and did a lot less drama in this movie when compared to the anime, however, I thought the movie managed to be even worse than the anime I already thought was bad.
A positive point of this movie is that some things were explained well, which is something that didn't happen in the anime.
Jan 4, 2022 8:23 PM

Jun 2020
da part of eva dat dont suck 🥱
Jan 4, 2022 8:25 PM

Jun 2020
Terrestrious said:
all the Rebuild movies out and available on Amazon Prime (in the states)
for real? is it free w/ prime subscription??
Jan 5, 2022 2:03 AM

Aug 2012
Bengofo said:
Terrestrious said:
all the Rebuild movies out and available on Amazon Prime (in the states)
for real? is it free w/ prime subscription??

Yep, if you have a prime subscription and you live in the States, all the Rebuild movies are free. Not sure about other regions though.
Jan 5, 2022 7:56 AM

Jun 2020
Terrestrious said:
Bengofo said:
for real? is it free w/ prime subscription??

Yep, if you have a prime subscription and you live in the States, all the Rebuild movies are free. Not sure about other regions though.
well dam imma watch movie 2 on it
Jan 25, 2022 9:13 AM

Feb 2021
Actually a really well-made remake.

Had so many new scenes and I don't think I need to mention the slick animation. The CGI was very well done.

The first 6 episodes and a few extra details were very well shown in this movie.

Also, I feel as if Shinji's suffering was more well shown here than in the original series (Or maybe rewatching the scenes has made me sympathize with him/understand more of what he was going through even more)

Overall great movie. 8/10

Edit: My 2000th post!!
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Feb 19, 2022 11:04 PM

Aug 2020
Pretty great for a remake. And I feel like I am watching an abridged film but still is awesome. Good animation too.

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Mar 5, 2022 10:40 PM
Nov 2014
I thought for sure I'd give this an 8, but I was so impressed with how well it was done and how it still managed to make me tense up despite knowing what happens that I gave it a 9.
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