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Jan 24, 2021 5:30 AM

Nov 2011
Yikes, this episode was eerie with that fox monster. I find the burning scenes to add a more impactful effect to the episode. On the other hand, it's kinda funny how Kusaka was just a head for a good while.

Despite how dangerous that fox turned out, they made it out of that mess alive.
Jan 24, 2021 5:30 AM

Jul 2017
A Kemono fox in the police division...Superintendent Inari, with that Shaft-like backhead tilt, such an enticing woman.

Another new character shows up (Kon), being a side-figure assistant to the vixen, who requested only Kabane's presence, due to his special kind of hybrid ghoul. Her taking Kabane's lifestone and leaving Kon with his head, it sure is worth their trouble baiting a country bumpkin.

Good thing there's Shiki and Akira around, and the entire police division itself is a fox-baited illusion trap. Funny that Kabane's head still talks, and Shiki is left with a choice to help Kabane resolve Kon's fiery outburst of control. Even trying to get a fistbump outta Kabane is also chuckingly hilarious, rubbing Shiki the wrong way.

Inugami really DID thought out the plan to send the Kemono kids towards Inari's way, and then tricking her from start to finish with Kabane's lifestone exchanged for a good-luck shapeshifting charm. The next time, and Inugami will take it personally.

Someone needs to save the good girl Kon, AND REAL QUICK. She seems like an easy dense, exploiting tool for Inari. And the next job/mission: a drunk Kemono human.
KANLen09Jan 24, 2021 7:37 AM
Jan 24, 2021 5:53 AM

Apr 2018
That Inari girl is annoying, she really wanted to cut Kabane's head to steal his talisman, but thanks to Inugami's plan it was a fake one, and they have Kon aka Inari's slave with them now... that guy at the end seems to be interesting for the next episode
Jan 24, 2021 5:56 AM

Nov 2019
Nice, we already got the failed fist-bump with Shiki and Kabane. Kabane was definitely best b̶a̶l̶l̶ boy being thrown like that to bite Kon and regenerate his entire body.
Jan 24, 2021 6:10 AM
Oct 2016
Crazy fox yokai popping up. This dangerous Inari lady is someone to not take lightly. She's using her kemono powers to dupe the police and make them her puppets. While also having other more impressionable kemono like Kon do grunt work bidding. I can understand wanting the life stone since like Inari said if she can mass produce it then a huge problem for kemono. But I wonder why she wanted Kabane head like that, hope it gets explained later probably has to do with the life stone relating to Kabane. Hectic fight with Kon in the police station as she used her fire illusions to trap Shiki and Akira. Kabane with just a head taking a bite out of Kon to stop her. I'm liking how Shiki and Kabane are becoming buddies. Hopefully Kon becomes a member of the team too like we see in the opening
Jan 24, 2021 6:16 AM
Sep 2015
Yeah, Kabane naked again. I love when he spit out the lifestone, very sexy.
Jan 24, 2021 6:20 AM

Jan 2014
Figured she had them in her pack pocket. But damn, wouldn't want to piss her off.

Kon was super cute though, can't wait to see more of her.
Jan 24, 2021 6:21 AM

Jul 2017
Decent episode overall. Man Inari was quite the annoying character but she got her come-uppance by Inugami trolling her with the shapeshifted fake lifestone that she had the entire time. Decent action too with Kabane fighting Kon, even if he only had a head in battle, but at least he recovered himself to look like a young Terminator once he bit Kon and the flames illusion stopped. Kon eating pizza and being at the office does sound interesting, maybe she'll link up soon by just wanting to take down Kabane and steal his head whenever he lets his guard down, it'll be seen in the future. Overall, the content was pretty wacky but it at least kept me entertained enough for me to call it a fine outing.
Jan 24, 2021 6:25 AM
Sep 2018
Inari is annoying and hateful character who is controlling Kon.
Kabane can recover all of his body apprentely.
Life-stone will the main target for the most series.
Jan 24, 2021 6:35 AM

Mar 2016
Ahhh one of those annoying characters have come to light, huh?

Silly overdramatized shit aside, it was an alright episode. Nothing impressive from this show overall, though, as of right now.
Jan 24, 2021 6:36 AM
Jan 2021
Good episode. I like where this story is going. Also, the talents of Natsuki Hanae and Hanazawa Kana are always a treat to behold. :)
Jan 24, 2021 6:42 AM

Oct 2017
I was looking forward to the character HanaKana voiced and wow seems like she's gonna be a bit*h, just great lol. Thou Kon's cute and adorable.

Also Shiki getting freaked out by Kabane was hilarious.
Jan 24, 2021 7:15 AM

Jun 2019
Shiki and Kabane finally the buddies we were looking for. Still can't keep that OP outta my head. It's too good. That was a good episode. Another Redhead, another problem. Looking forward to that Kitsune girl in the show. From the OP, looks like she'll be a part of their group.
Jan 24, 2021 7:32 AM

Feb 2020
Ah, Inari-sama, such a very interesting kemono. Nice seduction you had there, lady. She had a nice relations with the gangs actually, eh? Collaborative partnership. Lmao. I understand. Such a shame her infatuation toward that stone blinded her eyes, and got trapped in it. Thanks for that, i got to see her real self. Damn plan, Inugami! Because of that he got a nice upper hand toward her. Lol. Good work.

A new characters appeared beside Inari-sama. A girl? Really? Okay, then. Even though i still can't fully believed it after what previously happen to Akira. I am still in shock. Lol. Well, she was an interesting fox too, to be honestly. Kon, for the sake of her naives mission, unexpectedly join the gangs. Ah, fine, thats really typical, and nothing bad there, i hope. In the end, its just a decent introduction, and really looking forward to see their next mission to solve kemono jihen....
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Jan 24, 2021 7:37 AM

Oct 2020
Was wondering that was pretty dumb of Inugami to sent Kabane just like that to her. Kon seems interesting to say the least. Interesting to see her what her backstory is with Inari.

Jan 24, 2021 8:04 AM

Mar 2016
I was wondering why Kabane was so quiet when his stone was taken. It seems it wasn't really taken.

With Inari characters, I never know what to expect. Sometimes, they're good like a god, and other times they're evil.

Kabane was so calm despite being decapitated, while Shiki was just freaking out. lol

Body regeneration here is not like Ajin, I guess.

All of these kids are so cute. I wanna hug them and give them all the pizzas they want!

Because we mostly saw male characters, I was kind of expecting Kon to be a boy too. lol.

Three episodes in, Akira has done nothing but cower in fear. I guess he's a crouching-moron-hidden-badass character. I hope he's not like Zenitsu, though; badass only when unconscious.
Jan 24, 2021 8:14 AM

Oct 2017
From the first PV trailer, I didn't expect the animation of the serie to be this good.
The PV looks a lot poorer compare to the first 3 episodes we got which are really well animated.
Usually PV looks better than finished product and I often got tricked by PV, but this one is the opposite.

Also the art are super on point too. Every characters consistently looks good.
The scene and combat direction is good too.

Considering is not as popular as Shonen Jump, I'm pleasantly surprised by the production quality of this adaptation.
Surprised this type of topic didn't get much hype while other shonen jump yokai slaying series got all the hype despite generic start.
Jan 24, 2021 8:58 AM
Jul 2018
Ventus_S said:
From the first PV trailer, I didn't expect the animation of the serie to be this good.
The PV looks a lot poorer compare to the first 3 episodes we got which are really well animated.
Usually PV looks better than finished product and I often got tricked by PV, but this one is the opposite.

Also the art are super on point too. Every characters consistently looks good.
The scene and combat direction is good too.

Considering is not as popular as Shonen Jump, I'm pleasantly surprised by the production quality of this adaptation.
Surprised this type of topic didn't get much hype while other shonen jump yokai slaying series got all the hype despite generic start.

My thought is same as you. This show is very underrated. Only 3 episodes so far but needs more attention.
Jan 24, 2021 8:59 AM

Feb 2019
Damn, Inari is literally a sly Fox. Had bad vibes from the beginning with her, luckily the boss saw through it and planned accordingly.

Guessing Kon-chan is going to join the squad going forward. Looking forward to seeing her dynamic with the rest of the team play out.

Solid episode. I’m finally realising the BSD vibes here. For the life of me I couldn’t think of what this show reminded me of.
Jan 24, 2021 9:01 AM

Sep 2019
I was not expecting these new characters to be like this. One is a narcissist and the other is one of those naive dense brats who was born to be used by bad guys. Both are equally dislikable for now. Maybe I'll like them later.
Jan 24, 2021 9:14 AM

Aug 2020
Kabane's head freaked me out just as much as Akira.

Jan 24, 2021 9:50 AM

Aug 2019
So Inari is a bitch lol, Kon is cute so it's alright. Kabane and Shiki getting buddy-buddy with each other is great to see.

A job incoming huh?
Jan 24, 2021 10:47 AM

Jun 2019
A good rebound episode from the previous one. I like that there is some complexity in the relationship between Inari and the group as it adds to the complexity of the Kemono world. The fox girl should be a good addition to the main cast as well.
Jan 24, 2021 11:13 AM

Nov 2019

I really loving this sceen . So kawaiiii
Jan 24, 2021 11:53 AM

Apr 2009
Step up from last week! Good episode
Jan 24, 2021 12:28 PM

Sep 2007
Omg, I laughed so hard at how easily Inugami got Kon to behave. That whole sequence was all cute and adorable (and I rewatched it a few times cuz of lolz)

I mean based on the ED it looks like she joins up with them but I wonder the exact reasoning? Like does Inari actually order her to work with them or Inugami somehow outsmarts her and continues the "well.....if Inari was here she would have you..." indirect command. lol.

Other than that, didn't think Kabane's head would sprout a new body...(let alone it started talking when Shiki opened the case)
But so...can his body sprout a new head though if his head was separated and completely destroyed? Guess we might never find out....

Jan 24, 2021 12:31 PM

Sep 2019
This episodes animation was great as well. Hanakana makes her appearance and I already like her character. I really liked Kon as well, she looks like an interesting character.
Jan 24, 2021 1:52 PM

Nov 2013
Oh a new character to hate :) *adds Inari to the list*
Jan 24, 2021 2:48 PM

May 2018
If Akira doesn't like being mistaken for a girl, why does he act and purposefully make himself look like one? Just doesn't make any sense to me.
Jan 24, 2021 3:36 PM

Oct 2020
I thought from the ending of the previous episode that Inari would be more of an ally, so I was very surprised when Kabane's head got chopped off lol.

Enjoyable episode, Shiki and Kabane getting along makes me happy. Kon was cool too, she seems like she'll be an interesting character with her dependence on Inari.
Jan 24, 2021 3:43 PM

May 2019
I'm plesently surprised by how good this series actually is. The first episode was ok and the whole idea of kemono inspired by yokais seemed weird and overused to me but it actually has a lot of potential to be this season's best hidden gem. I don't really like the detective guy and Kabane as a main character is too emotionless for my taste but the second episode introduced two much more interesting characters, Shiki and Akira, and this one added the inari good girl Kon to the main cast. Overall, that's a pretty interesting main cast and i hope to see their relationship develop into real friendship.
Jan 24, 2021 4:34 PM

Feb 2015
This is probably my second favorite show this season (if we exclude sequels) :)
I really want a pizza now tho D:
There's no possible way you can steal my heart

I want to drown in this sweet Melancholy
Jan 24, 2021 4:40 PM

Dec 2020
why does Inari want the lifestone??? I couldn't understand ....
Jan 24, 2021 5:21 PM
Sep 2018
Yeah this show has pretty much lost interest for me so dropping it after 3 eps...
Jan 24, 2021 6:06 PM

Dec 2018
For me, this has gotten better with each episode. Good stuff, really like Kon, she’s super cute, especially at the end of the episode. Like others have said here, pretty underrated show as far as attention goes
Jan 24, 2021 7:45 PM

Mar 2020
I have been reading the manga and gotta say the episode direction was on point loved it. And if people think its gonna be kids slaying yokai, they wil have to wait. Other then that Episode direction was great, Loved the animation and its the case where anime is better then the manga, the op is too good. Enjoying it alot. Especially the way they changed some things to make it better. The battle scene was great too.One more thing its highly underrated. This anime needs more attention tbh. Its much better then jujutsu kaisen to say the least. So 5/5 cant wait to see shiki backstory getting animated though
Jan 24, 2021 8:29 PM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
We finally get to see Lady Inari and Kon this episode. I forgot how pitiful she was in the beginning, I really feel bad for her. I'm glad this is still turning out to be a great adaptation. Next ep seems like it'll be the cat chapter and the fly chapter.

Will_do_it_later said:
why does Inari want the lifestone??? I couldn't understand ....

Right now, she has to coexist with humans in order to sustain life without being suspicious which she doesn't want to do because she hates them. If she had the lifestone then she wouldn't need to bother coexisting.
Jan 24, 2021 8:48 PM

Dec 2020
MagicPolly said:
We finally get to see Lady Inari and Kon this episode. I forgot how pitiful she was in the beginning, I really feel bad for her. I'm glad this is still turning out to be a great adaptation. Next ep seems like it'll be the cat chapter and the fly chapter.

Will_do_it_later said:
why does Inari want the lifestone??? I couldn't understand ....

Right now, she has to coexist with humans in order to sustain life without being suspicious which she doesn't want to do because she hates them. If she had the lifestone then she wouldn't need to bother coexisting.

by coexisting, you mean eating them? coz once Kabane takes it off, he transforms to a monster and start attacking ppl, like what happened in the first episode.
Jan 24, 2021 8:57 PM
Mar 2015
Inari was outfoxed by Inugami Kabane gives him a head start
Jan 24, 2021 8:58 PM
Mar 2015
Inari was outfoxed by Inugami Kabane gives him a head start
Jan 24, 2021 9:04 PM
Anime Moderator
May 2018
Will_do_it_later said:
MagicPolly said:
We finally get to see Lady Inari and Kon this episode. I forgot how pitiful she was in the beginning, I really feel bad for her. I'm glad this is still turning out to be a great adaptation. Next ep seems like it'll be the cat chapter and the fly chapter.

Right now, she has to coexist with humans in order to sustain life without being suspicious which she doesn't want to do because she hates them. If she had the lifestone then she wouldn't need to bother coexisting.

by coexisting, you mean eating them? coz once Kabane takes it off, he transforms to a monster and start attacking ppl, like what happened in the first episode.

No, she explained that kemono can feed off of other things like emotions and energy from humans. I guess with Kabane being a more aggressive kemono he goes into berserk mode but everyone else (Inugami, Shiki, Akira, Kon, and Inari herself) are able to stay calm without lifestones. Inari would rather live without relying on and helping humans, and a lifestone would let her do that since she wouldn't need to feed off their energies.

Reading back in the manga it's explained more clearly:
"Mental, physical, emotional... Kemono live by feeding off all kinds of energies humans give off. Inugami and I aren't really the kind of kemono who'd normally work together, but I work in the public eye, and Inugami handles the more individual cases, to help out humans so kemono can get along with them. But you see Kabane, you showing up changed things. A lifestone quenching thirst means... that if you have this, you don't need humans at all."

tldr: Inari stays around and helps humans only so that kemono don't harm them enough to be suspicious, having a lifestone and mass producing them means she wouldn't need to deal with that anymore.
(I really hope this makes sense, I'm not sure if it does)
Jan 24, 2021 9:15 PM

Dec 2020
MagicPolly said:
Will_do_it_later said:

by coexisting, you mean eating them? coz once Kabane takes it off, he transforms to a monster and start attacking ppl, like what happened in the first episode.

No, she explained that kemono can feed off of other things like emotions and energy from humans. I guess with Kabane being a more aggressive kemono he goes into berserk mode but everyone else (Inugami, Shiki, Akira, Kon, and Inari herself) are able to stay calm without lifestones. Inari would rather live without relying on and helping humans, and a lifestone would let her do that since she wouldn't need to feed off their energies.

Reading back in the manga it's explained more clearly:
"Mental, physical, emotional... Kemono live by feeding off all kinds of energies humans give off. Inugami and I aren't really the kind of kemono who'd normally work together, but I work in the public eye, and Inugami handles the more individual cases, to help out humans so kemono can get along with them. But you see Kabane, you showing up changed things. A lifestone quenching thirst means... that if you have this, you don't need humans at all."

tldr: Inari stays around and helps humans only so that kemono don't harm them enough to be suspicious, having a lifestone and mass producing them means she wouldn't need to deal with that anymore.
(I really hope this makes sense, I'm not sure if it does)

Thanks a lot, it makes sense now!!!
Jan 24, 2021 9:26 PM

Feb 2020
The whole episode in one picture

Just a random guy who likes random stuff (ᐛ)و
Also, nice to meet you ;)
Jan 24, 2021 9:47 PM

Jan 2012
My goodness, what even is this show!? xD

Love it. 5/5

Jan 24, 2021 11:19 PM

Oct 2016
The fox has been outfoxed. Kabane just casually beheaded lmao, I really like his deadpan attitude. Kon needs to get away from Inari though, I hope she joins the Inugami squad eventually. And looks like we got a new mission next episode, good episode.
Jan 24, 2021 11:42 PM

Mar 2013
Lol homeboy threw the MC's head like a pokeball
Jan 24, 2021 11:59 PM

Oct 2008
another great episode!
Kabane's immortal powers sure comes-in really handy.
Looks like all of these are Inugami's plan for testing the kids huh...

Jan 25, 2021 12:52 AM

Oct 2017
Felpzz said:
The whole episode in one picture

Put a mirror in front of yourself and you got the same picture.
Jan 25, 2021 3:48 AM
Mar 2018
Man, I am down bad for being attracted to that Kitsune lady.

Jan 25, 2021 4:04 AM

Feb 2020
lol it all ends with Shiki throwing Kabane's head? how anticlimatic... episode was pretty mid compared to the great opening episode. literally what was the point of the ep if apparently kohachi knew that they were gonna be attacked lol. is this a set up or something? maybe he was testing their skills idk
"You... are truly slothful!"

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