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May 17, 2015 11:00 AM
Nov 2011
I have questions
/if you think im dumb and this is annoying you dont have to answer/
when did the Proxy One make an appearance first? i dont even know who he is
and when did ergo/ vincent "kill" Monad? was it when he attacked Rel?
WHO was she anyway?

its pretty confusing but i really really like this anime so im trying to understand
Jun 18, 2015 12:00 PM

Jan 2015
I don't even know anymore...
Jul 22, 2015 1:52 AM

Sep 2014
Great episode. I don't think Ergo Proxy will die from this. In the end the reagent spread towards his hand but not towards his torso. I guess he is pinching of his own arm with his other hand and prevents the reagent from moving into the rest of his body. The whole scene also screamed "rip your arm of".

The only thing that was confusing to me was the confused bureaucrat but after reading some posts here, it seems likely that his symptoms may origin from the ADW project.

Harima_Ray said:
I have questions
/if you think im dumb and this is annoying you dont have to answer/
when did the Proxy One make an appearance first? i dont even know who he is
and when did ergo/ vincent "kill" Monad? was it when he attacked Rel?
WHO was she anyway?

its pretty confusing but i really really like this anime so im trying to understand

If you had read the long post on the previous page, all your answers would have been answered.
Oct 13, 2015 2:34 PM

Jan 2013
sspit said:
Marzan said:
The dependence on Auto-reivs (which are now infected by the Cogito virus) have made society in Romdo collapse. Ergo Proxy, who is the being responsible for creating Romdo, is blamed by the Regent and co. for abandoning them and Raul just wants to kill Proxy and break free of his construct. We've seen how in different cities, proxies have established societies along their own strange lines.

Reacting to previous comments, i dont think Raul went insane or wants to destroy everything. He wants to break the dependency no matter what cost.

Here are my attempts to clear out the story:
- Vincent (Ergo Proxy) is Romdo's creator (Regent calls him as such)
- Womb System wasnt working because Creator was not around.
- Raul wanted to change humans so they wouldnt need proxy. = ADW project.
- ADW project was failure. 90% mortality rate. (Im guessing the insane bureaucrat was showing unhealthy symptoms of this)
- Daedalus knew it would be failure, still went ahead wit the project (in my opinion he didnt give it much of an effort)
- Raul fired the Rupture because he couldnt stand that 'they were defeated' (says Daedalus, kill me if you want im still clueless)
- Raul didnt try to kill Re-L, it was Regent (in earlier episodes, Raul already revealed that fact but not directy, now Daedalus tells Re-L)
- the white Re-L appears to like(love) Vincento, my guess is she is Monado who Daedalus transferred from her old body (or cloned or whatever).

Vincent/Ergo/Creator came back to Romdo 3 times:
- as an immigrant from Mosk
- once when he stole Monado from Mosk
- now from the journey


- its also clear Daedalus knew the whole story about Monado. Already in ep11 he says that he doesnt need Re-L to be with him, all he needs is her existence. Back then it was ambiguous, but he was also conducting some kind of an experiment. If you remember he needed power for something so he was taking it from Romdo in short intervals that he times to his ID in amount of seconds to post a message to Raul. What he needed was Rauls authority to get him reinstated and cover his back so he can focus on what he needs to do.
He also said that nobody except for him (and Re-L) knew there were two proxies. Mentioned even before as Daedalus and Re-L's shared secret. One was Ergo while the second one was Monado who he was hiding. He planned to clone her the whole time.

That brings me to the idea, that he never liked/loved Re-L to begin with. He had feelings (or his analogy of feelings) for Monado and Re-L we know was already a clone of her. The connection between Monad and Re-L is too clear as it has been pointed out. Monad+Ergo, Re-L+Vincento.


Another interesting fact:
During the scene, where Vincent is killing Re-L's grandfather, for some reason, his emotional state rapidly changes.
- he begins with a laughter full of lust like "ill finally get you"
- suddenly he shows uncertainty over his actions
- then he look saddened and dreamy, like he is suddenly contemplating about what he is doing, while showing disgust like he has no other choice
- then he shows determination over his choice (which is not clear) but he looks like it is not really his intention
and finally, he looks terribly sad like he realized he is powerless and is regretting the whole thing
- then he throws the old man away (looks like he is dead)

There is still the possibility that it wasnt Vincent but Proxy One. Who knows how many times did we confuse the two. In fact the description of Proxy One as 'crying a lot' makes me think that... it was plenty times...


Id like to point out a little parallel between autoreivs and humans. Humans are dependent on Proxies. Without Proxies humans are clueless and lose their raison d'être. The same relationship exists between humans and autoreivs.

Ive got a feeling there is also parallel between the Cogito and Creator's pain.
Autoreiv infected by Cofigo virus gains soul and dependency and starts to seek his reason to live. It breaks his dependency on his human master.
People use autoreivs and are overly dependent on them. This dependance is dangerous and unnecessary as the Hitler guy explains in this episode. Thus widespread outbreak of Cogito wreaks havoc in society where autoreivs mean so much importance.

Comparing this to the ep19, the creator was complaining that his story doesnt turn out as he wants because the roles he assignes are played differently by characters that act on theor own. Do you see the similarity with Cogito?

The same could be said about Proxies in general. They create, give their all to their creation - in fact they give too much. Their creation acts on their own and they are saddened and no longer want to look at their failed product so they leave.

Thanks for your time, nice shortcut for us. Drastical change of pace here. Whatever, on my way for the next episode.
Dec 17, 2015 2:14 PM

Jun 2015
Feb 4, 2016 8:07 AM

Aug 2013
Damn what is this seriously.
I'm curious if things are even going to be cleared by the time it ends.
Feb 26, 2016 1:56 PM

Aug 2015
What the fuck is hitler doing in here!
♥ (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ ♥
Aug 7, 2016 2:55 PM

Jul 2013
Plot twist: Hitler will save the world from distinction.
Sep 4, 2016 6:57 AM
Jun 2012
So... Adolescent humankind feels unloved, gets all philosophical and decides to commit suicide, because... stuff. Proxies feel lonely, have middle age crisis and hate their dumb kids a little. Or a lot. Lovehate them. Meanwhile Hitler cleanses Romdo from robots. Because clearly they are the source of all evil.

wtf did I just watch?
Sep 5, 2016 9:53 AM
Oct 2014
Elfster said:
So... Adolescent humankind feels unloved, gets all philosophical and decides to commit suicide, because... stuff. Proxies feel lonely, have middle age crisis and hate their dumb kids a little. Or a lot. Lovehate them. Meanwhile Hitler cleanses Romdo from robots. Because clearly they are the source of all evil.

wtf did I just watch?

Obviously your mental capacity is not enough to understand this show. Maybe you should watch something like Naruto perhaps?
Nov 14, 2016 9:18 PM
Jul 2018
Ranivus said:
WTF why does hitler make an appearance!?!?

HAHAH... well considering Ergo Proxy, there must be a deep meaning for having a hitler looking guy that acted that way toward Mayer.

I know I'm replying to a post from 2008, but how the hell does he look like Hitler? Simply for having a toothbrush moustache? They were once very common, if I recall correctly.

I get the feeling this series won't amount to anything. It has had some interesting episodic episodes thus far, but the chaos of the series being structured partly in an episodic manner and partly in a serial manner, as well as the general lack of coherence have brought the series down.
Nov 18, 2016 6:27 AM

Oct 2012
Hitler lol xD
Sad Pino :(

Still don't understand
This anime is really bad at explaining things
"Signature removed"
Feb 11, 2017 8:01 PM

Jan 2014
Well that was a true mindfuck of an episode. I couldn't tell if it was real or another "dream" of sorts. Anyway, shit hit the fan real quick.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

May 23, 2017 5:34 AM

Jun 2013
This is really the darkest hour. I wasn't really confused, I guess I just didn't expect all this carnage so suddenly. The only thing I'm not sure of is what's really at stake here. Like, I don't even know if Romdeau is worth saving at this point.

malonur said:
Obviously your mental capacity is not enough to understand this show. Maybe you should watch something like Naruto perhaps?

Hey now. There's no need for insults, they contribute nothing to the discussion.
LeeTailorMay 23, 2017 5:37 AM
Dec 3, 2017 8:47 AM

Nov 2017
Was that a subtle wink about Walt Disney's politics in the beginning?
Jan 19, 2018 2:00 PM

Mar 2012
Welp, this city turned into a shitstorm offscreen.

Either Vincent will be immune to the rays or he'll chop off his arm before it spreads.
Mar 16, 2018 6:03 PM

Feb 2013
Romdeau - Proxy I - Ergo - Vincent Law
Mosk - Proxy XIII - Monad - (hinted at but not revealed)

Episode - 21 - 5 - out of 5
May 18, 2018 7:10 PM

Jan 2018
Walt Disney two episodes ago, an acid trip last episode and now we have Hitler? What is going on with this show now?

They better not kill Pino. I swear....
So is this episode real or not? I can't even tell anymore.

Dec 6, 2018 1:25 AM

May 2012
You can kind of see the fart sniffers here "ohhhh yeah i loved this episode so much, everything just made sense you small dick troglodytes that didn't understand the beautiful simplicity of the show should be ashamed of yourselves the show is pretty basic stuff really" which i admit the anime has already had a lot of moments where they came out with stuff like that but this episode just cements that you can't just add Hitler and call it a day show ...... i mean yeah the shows story has been pretty good but it's also had a bunch of weird moments where it seems like they were put there just for the sake of making things more complicated you know a little of that 2deep4you stuff lol, people that take things a little too seriously and as i said they've smelled their own farts a little too long trying to make every weird thing into something philosophical and important, and then there's the people that probably aren't allowed near sharp objects ... "wait what Vincent was Ergo Proxy all along?" yeah the ones saying that type of stuff even at this point during the show lol.

Still this has been a pretty great show a wild and unexpected ride even though the show is pretty slow paced it doesn't feel like that at all i haven't been bored throughout the whole show (well aside from that Smile Land bullshit) which is a pretty big accomplishment for a 23 episode anime where usually when they're that length they feel like they're just dragging on and on, but this was pretty fun kind of sad to be getting to the end, though at this point i just hope they can answer everything with the remaining 2 episodes ....

Feel like they spent a lot of time in unnecessary shit wish we could have gotten a little more character development in some of those "monster of the week" episodes, especially more time focusing on the androids and the cogito virus, Iggy fucking died too fast and he just turned way too creepy and rapy, and yeah Pino has been great the whole show but wish we got an episode like the one with Re-L for her instead of the Smile Land one.

So our Re-L was some sort of clone from Monad, Vincent has been One all along ? is he different from Ergo Proxy he lost his mask ..... and he was mad about her new appearance i guess all the experimentation that was done to her maybe that's why she attacked him even though they were apparently in love? damn weird stuff.

So Vincent was in love with Re-L from the moment he saw her cuz she's a clone of Monad? why did he disappear ? so his disappearance made them go after Monad? damn so many questions

I swear if something happens to Pino ....
Altay545Dec 6, 2018 2:03 AM

Truly, comparisons between fellow humans are what turn out to be the most infuriating.
Mar 26, 2019 10:50 AM
Jun 2017
Wtf is Hitler doing here xD
Apr 2, 2019 11:50 PM

Mar 2014
hitler really????
this anime is really getting on my nerves -_-

Apr 15, 2019 5:50 PM

Dec 2015
WTF is going on!? I don't understand what i am watching anymore!
Feb 12, 2020 5:01 PM

Jun 2014
Well, what is clear is that Daedalus and Raul went completely crazy @_@
Apr 10, 2020 11:27 PM

Mar 2011
FrezlajApr 10, 2020 11:37 PM
Apr 26, 2020 7:58 PM

Mar 2020
Thought they were gonna make Hitler kill Pino. i was about to lose my shit
Floyd Mayweather English Tutor
Aug 17, 2021 8:12 PM

Dec 2018
so we get several episodes of slow confusing nonsense and than a massive effing time skip? this last part of the series is really not good. like they got too far up their own butts and the viewer suffers for it. good job. lowers the rating quite a bit for me.
Oct 3, 2021 12:09 PM
Nov 2020
My brain cells is on fire this the second time I'm watching this anime I need to understand it by my self.
Jul 11, 2022 12:38 PM

Apr 2018
So this time it is like the 2nd Romdo ending where they get in the city while it's the apocalypse with everyone either dying or trying to be transformed to be able to live with a Proxy but the last scene is sure the most interesting one with Ergo Proxy killing Re-L's grandfather and her killing him (?) while Raul is making an appearance, damn that's tense!
Sep 13, 2022 7:24 AM

May 2018
nooo Pino don't enter the city! You're going to get yourself killed T_T
Sep 29, 2022 7:28 AM

Aug 2019
what a big time jump....

Nov 19, 2022 2:34 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Some minor alterations to the opening concerning the visuals. I wonder if it means anything other than that we're nearing the endgame.

I already accidentally spoiled myself how Ergo Proxy was the creator of Romdeau, but if I'm being honest, I'm not really following much else. Like what is happening and why

whiskey tango foxtrot

Mar 23, 2023 5:03 PM

Apr 2016
It'd be great if I could understand wtf is going on
Dec 8, 2023 7:33 PM

Dec 2022
I see that Hitler has returned. He's been absent since the first episode, I think. So has Raul, for that matter, who is as insane and megalomaniacal as ever. Re-L's decrepit grandfather may have been killed by Ergo Proxy there, but it's not like he's done much to endear himself to Re-L anyway.

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

Dec 30, 2023 4:34 AM
Oct 2021
I love it when you can still enjoy a story when coherence is no longer the focal point
Jan 12, 4:29 AM

Aug 2019
Was that Hitler???
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