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To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts
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Aug 12, 2019 7:23 AM

Nov 2011
That mood changed quickly. Got more flashbacks of Schaal's past especially her father.

The action wasn't bad but at this point, the story hasn't impressed me much. I do give credit to Schaal trying her best to make things right again though. That's not easy for someone who she cares about so much in this timeline.
Aug 12, 2019 8:31 AM

Aug 2013
So this time they had to confront with Schaal's father again.
Wonder what happened to Hanks from the previous episode.
LeoAug 12, 2019 8:38 AM

Aug 12, 2019 8:56 AM
Sep 2015
So this is where Incarnate becomes 'Reincarnate'
Now I'm wondering at which point they'll truly die. And this is not even vampire ability.

And next episode look like Hank will not appear yet, I'm gonna miss his shirtless muscle and furry form.
Aug 12, 2019 9:01 AM
Jul 2019
This episode covered Chps 11-13 of Vol 3.

Aug 12, 2019 9:14 AM

Jun 2012
Started watching this just cause of the furry vibes, not gonna lie. It was interesting at the beginning, but it's flopping hard. Wish they'd just wrap it up already, instead of doing the same thing over and over.

Why the hell did the military give her the god killer bullets instead of using them themselves? For the emotional ending? Complete nonsense.
Aug 12, 2019 9:15 AM

Jul 2013
This is the point where Schaal becomes truly badass in the manga and gets to shine. I just hope they follow the manga in this respect, seeing that they removed her part in Gargoyle's episode. Also, since they adapted Schaal's flashback in the previous episode and they already introduced Claude (it is precisely in this small arc where he debuts officially in the story), they managed to fit this part without rushing much stuff (only minor stuff of the villagers blaming Schaal of their disgrace and more or less exiling her, but, since they already showed that a bit, it was no big deal).

phantomfandom said:
And next episode look like Hank will not appear yet, I'm gonna miss his shirtless muscle and furry form.
Don't worry about that (if you don't mind an small spoiler)
Aug 12, 2019 9:20 AM

Jul 2019
So basically we are in an all out civil war with 3 factions and there are now reincarnates. That sure changes things. I would love to see the minotaur make a comeback.

Still don't know about Schaal though. At least she did fight.
Aug 12, 2019 9:59 AM

Aug 2018
Ah finally, Schaal made a real move and took part actively of the action (though I'm wondering why she was spared by Cain's squad, since the dude seemed to have fun killing others).
Aug 12, 2019 10:06 AM

Feb 2017
an entire army with all kinds of weapons, ammo, and technology cant kill william but a girl with a rifle can? and the fact she comes out physically unscathed too?

i realize she had the godkiller bullets but why were they not given to the actual people who are there to do their job of killing the incarnates? liza gives them to schaal "just in case" but that doesnt even make any sense? give them to the people who are there to kill william ????? like ?????

placeholder text
Aug 12, 2019 11:32 AM

Jun 2015
Hmm so Cain become a revolutionary huh. His natural charisma along with his ability to play on people's feelings really are perfect for him. Still to think declaring independence was Cain's goal. The identity of the incarnate in the forest though was a real surprise. The twin shocks of seeing her own father attack her and realising that her own father was now an enemy must have been a huge shock to Schaal. Despite how hard it must have been Schaal really was brave in standing against her father to stop him. That scene was just so sad. An excellent ep that while doing well in showing in how Cain's plans have progressed and the effects that it has had on the country also did well to show how much people's opinions have charged in regards to people related to the incarnates. This ep also did well to show much Schaal has changed as a result of the time she shared with Hank with her emotional attempt to stop her father being the best example.
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Aug 12, 2019 1:25 PM

Oct 2017
So nobody bothered to use the godkiller bullets and they just left some of those bullets with Schaal, how the heck does that make any sense at all. Without hank this show trash need to bring him back asap.
Aug 12, 2019 1:34 PM
Jul 2019
Now this is where it gets ironic, we have Claude who is Cain's brother and is the son of the president, we have a dragon that was previously killed off by Hank , buried afterwards and then it rose from the grave, geeez I thought those god killer bullets have done the trick, so WTF????

So Cain has just restarted the civil war, and has his own army.

Btw , what do you guys think about that white haired Loli who is always seen with Cain, an Incarnate, or just one of Cain's special zombie???
Aug 12, 2019 4:14 PM

Nov 2011
So Abandon Sacred Beasts was good for 3 episodes, and it had a lot of potential...then our main female character who was supposed to be the main character turns into the typical damsel in distress....but okay at least we have Hank is sort of a badass...until he goes Rogue...okay it's starting to get slightly better with Hank going ape shit and Cain starting a civil war...then idk what happens. The author must have went "Man how can I spice up this story any more with out making a lick of sense. Zombie Incarnates?" Slams desk "HELL YES ZOMBIE INCARNATES."

Me...the viewer..."Excuse me?"

Bet money what Schaal has to tell Hank involves a God Killer Bullet.
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Aug 12, 2019 5:23 PM

Aug 2015
Not a fan of this episode...the fighting wasn't bad but it wasn't good either. It was nice to see Schaal try...sad that she had to kill her own father. Looks like we won't be seeing Hank for a while.

Aug 12, 2019 5:45 PM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
So we finally get some character development from Schaal and she summoned the courage to kill the Dragon Incarnate. There wasn't any explanation why the dragon was resurrected in the first place, but it served its purpose in helping Schaal get over her mental and emotional attachments to the incarnates. Cain wants to end the division between the North and South by starting another war using his own personal army and incarnates.

Hopefully Schaal continues fighting because that's what I want to see.
Aug 12, 2019 9:06 PM
Oct 2017
I'm supposed to cry?
Every time I see him I think the same thing: How useless are the army.

Why do they even exist if they are not capable of defeating an Incarnate ? Schaal killed her Father with 4 "god-killer" bullets and the army has none? w

Aug 12, 2019 10:29 PM

Aug 2018
I guess we needed a zombie dragon to boost up the emotions, though fighting a fire breathing dragon with fire didn’t seem especially wise to me. Looks like we’ll deal with the harpy next week.
Aug 12, 2019 10:44 PM

Aug 2015
Liza is the beaming ray of sunshine I watch this anime for. Those golden curls, those beautiful, maternal melons. When Liza comforted Schaal at the end of the episode I couldn't help but think Schaal's entrance to marshmallow hell was actually symbolic of the enormity of Liza's maternal instinct. Truly, a perfect woman in all respects.

Like others I noticed the illogic of the army wasting lives and conventional weapons on Incarnates when Liza apparently has at least one whole box of godkiller bullets to give to Schaal.

Well, sadly real life gives a very logical reason for this- military industrial complex. Like in Neon Genesis Evangelion, in which the UN wastes money funding its completely ineffective conventional army, directly causing millions to starve to death. Obviously, there's a lot of tycoons in Patria who have contracts and Union bureaucrats that need kickbacks. Meanwhile, the godkiller bullets are obviously some kind of state secret so only a spook like Liza would know about them. So that is my head-canon, though it would improve the suspension of disbelief problem this episode creates if there was some dialogue stating something like this was the case.

I was really expecting the villagers to do or say something nasty because Japan, and Tokugawa era law of "collective guilt," but I'm kinda glad I didn't see Schaal's feelings get any more hurt than they already were.

The characters seems to have gone off-model in non-key scenes, or mainly Schaal I think.

Incidentally, I like Schaal's outfit, it's very nice.

While Liza and Schaal were on horseback trying to outrun the zombie dragon as headed to the village I got a sudden Skyrim flashback
Aug 12, 2019 10:46 PM

Dec 2018
I am pretty sure the god killer bullets are NOT mass produced, so the military can't afford to use them whenever. So what they do is they weaken the incarnate and when they get a better chance they give a sweet headshot using the god killer bullets.

All in all yes the military shouldn't have given Schaal the bullets BUT it's not Schaal's fault it's Liza's fault(She took a selfish decision). Throughout the show Schaal and Liza were becoming sisterly so her doing that for Schaal is very welcoming in my opinion. And also I think this is the turning point for the rest of the show. Unlike everyone else in the thread I very much like Schaal's character and journey.
Aug 12, 2019 11:46 PM

Jul 2016
So... the best idea the author had of how to give Schaal the development she so much needed... was to resurrect her father? Seriously?

Anyways, that aside, this was another weak episode. As many people have already said, the idea of Schaal having the only bullets that "can" killed Incarnates was a complete nonsense. It's obvious this decision was made in order for things to lead to a more emotional conclusion but the studio/author definitely should have thought about this better.

By the way, the fanservice was also doing its job at ruining most of the "serious" scenes this anime has but I guess it can't be helped anymore.

Now it seems we will return to the usual "Incarnate of the week" formula next episode. Not very excited for next week if this is the case but well, it's what it is.
SouthRzVaAug 12, 2019 11:51 PM
Aug 12, 2019 11:58 PM

Dec 2016
A very important episode for Schaal, fully recovered and she finally pulled the trigger.

If she can take her father out she can take out anyone.

Next episode with the siren looks interesting.
Aug 13, 2019 5:04 AM

Oct 2007
nearly cry this episode. Sad, because her father seems to have remembered her in his last moments.. ;_;

Schaall finally understand why Hank has to kill former comrades.

Maybe they should also burn to ashes the bodies of incarnates that are killed so they don't come back as zombies?
Liddo-kunAug 13, 2019 5:10 AM
Aug 13, 2019 7:27 AM

Sep 2010
I don't really like the idea of resurrection, but still poor Schaal...quite a sad episode

though I miss Hank
Aug 13, 2019 12:28 PM

Oct 2018
This was a good episode. I felt honestly sad for Schaal, I have a very close relationship with my father as well so I could never imagine being put in a situation where I have to kill him myself. Hopefully she gets badass from here on, I can see it.

Speaking of Schaal, is it okay if I kinda ship her and Claude? They seem pretty close in age and I caught a vibe honestly. Could someone who read the manga confirm if there's anything between them, especially now that she's joined the military with him? I don't care much for spoilers.
~ These boys must be protected at all costs ~
Aug 14, 2019 2:35 AM

Jun 2017
Such an iffy episode really, to say the least.

Schaal’s character progression is really nice to have though but the execution of that was fairly ridiculous in my opinion. Why don’t the army use these special Godkiller Bullets too? Pretty sure Hank killed this Incarnate with a similar bullet too, does this mean there’s a possibility that he could come back again? But complaints and questions aside, that was some touching moment between father and daughter. She’s finally come to understood Hank’s words and motives too, looking forward to what she has to say to Hank.

Anyway, that aside, a lot more fanservice starring Liza this episode. Personally, I’d rather not have these moments but the little moment there with Claude was fairly interesting I’ve to say. Who would’ve thought Claude, and therefore Cain, were children of the President though? Looks like Cain, meanwhile, is continuing his mockery and it’s seriously just -_- to watch him rant on about equality and whatnot.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 14, 2019 3:54 AM

Jul 2016
SO is SChaal now the main character of this show...

fuck off.
Aug 14, 2019 4:37 AM

Jul 2017
So Cain and the brainwashed humans, along with the Incarnates, weren't satisfied with how the war ended, and started a rebellion as a means to restart the war.

And I really think that this is the "make or break" episode about Schaal and her ambitions to seek revenge against the Incarnates whilst following Hank in the quest to eradicate those led astray by Cain's ideals.

So the Dragon Incarnate...was Schaal's dad? Like how the hell am I supposed to believe that Schaal's purpose and characterization WAS TO INHERIT her father's legacy. TO PULL THE TRIGGER. That's blatant. But I'd guess why the author made such a character like her to give some "stupid" but human exposition to show that innocent people can be reeled into the picture and are suffering the same circumstances as well.

In essence, Schaal not only took up Hank's responsibility, but was able to reconcile with past hatreds and continue her journey.

Despite the problems I've had with the series overall, this is where it (hopefully) shines and finally gets good. Since Hank is out of the picture, we'll definitely see more of Schaal and her confrontation with Cain and the Incarnates.

Good episode, but by no means captivating just yet.
Aug 14, 2019 2:51 PM
Feb 2009
wait so there's zombie incarnates now?
Aug 14, 2019 9:16 PM

Jun 2016
Why didn't they use the godkiller bullets in the first place?
Aug 15, 2019 2:55 AM

May 2019
I'm glad that there's some justification for Schaal's actions now, I hope it doesn't turn into a 'monster of the week' again, though.

We don't know what kind of people we truly are until the moment before our deaths.
As death comes to embrace you, you will realise what you are.
That's what death is, don't you think?

Itachi Uchiha
Aug 15, 2019 3:55 AM
Apr 2015
liamhabib said:
I'm glad that there's some justification for Schaal's actions now, I hope it doesn't turn into a 'monster of the week' again, though.

Episodes 9 -12 are the best
Ep 8 will be normal
Aug 15, 2019 8:10 PM

Oct 2014
Does anyone know why there's a shot of a few rodents in the op at about 34 seconds in? I feel like it's such an unusual thing to see in anime. Do they feature at all in the show? Or is it supposed to emphasize the age/level of run within the setting? All I've seen of this show is the op and I at least like the theme song.
Aug 16, 2019 6:48 AM

Apr 2018
Schaal's dad still lives for some reason. Well atleast she got a proper goodbye from him. We still didn't see Hank's whereabouts
Aug 18, 2019 11:18 AM
Jan 2019
Poor Schaal, his character had a significant evolution, but it was a painful decision.
Aug 18, 2019 1:51 PM

Sep 2015
I wonder why they spared her. I knew she wouldn't die, but why did they provide her with a incarnate dress. Seems like her dad was brought back, I suspect because of Mr.vampire
Also if Mr.vampire wanted to create a new nation, why did he kill those nobles in the previous episode? To trigger Hank? Wouldn't Schaal been enough?

Schaal was finally useful though. But man her father took a whole Gatling gun filled with godkillers. Seems like godkiller bullets aren't that effective against the permanently transformed since they don't revert back.
Aug 18, 2019 1:56 PM

Sep 2015
_MushiRock11_ said:

Schaal’s character progression is really nice to have though but the execution of that was fairly ridiculous in my opinion. Why don’t the army use these special Godkiller Bullets too? Pretty sure Hank killed this Incarnate with a similar bullet too, does this mean there’s a possibility that he could come back again? But complaints and questions aside, that was some touching moment between father and daughter. She’s finally come to understood Hank’s words and motives too, looking forward to what she has to say to Hank.

Pretty sure Cain wast he one that brought her father back. he was noted to be rotting. And Cain is a vampire. So we can put two to two together.

As for the Godkillers, I assumed that's what they were using. My assumption is that it wasn't enough since the father was already permanently transformed. Unlike when Hank got shot, Bancroft doesn't get reverted back to a human. Schaal pretty much shot him as he was about to die anyways.
Aug 18, 2019 11:03 PM

Jun 2017
zcv45 said:
Pretty sure Cain wast the one that brought her father back. he was noted to be rotting. And Cain is a vampire. So we can put two to two together.

As for the Godkillers, I assumed that's what they were using. My assumption is that it wasn't enough since the father was already permanently transformed. Unlike when Hank got shot, Bancroft doesn't get reverted back to a human. Schaal pretty much shot him as he was about to die anyways.

Right, I see your point. But I think a better explanation on this part was really needed, you can’t just leave these bits to the viewers discretion. Hopefully, they’ll bring up this topic in one of the upcoming episodes.

Well, to me and to many, it seemed as though Bancroft still had a lot of life in him before Schaal’s little assault. It was probably just intended to make it a touching scene but not enough thought was put into it, if you ask me.
#Anime4Life be my Life Motto! #PrayForKyoAni

Aug 19, 2019 5:24 PM

Mar 2015
Well done Schaal, you're all grown up now: your calendar age is immaterial. Even that old sergeant can't dispute that. You had a hard choice to make while standing in a place just as hard, and you did well, as much as it tore you up to do it.
The sword that takes life gives life
Aug 20, 2019 11:40 PM

Jun 2015
I really need an explanation for why the Godkiller bullets were given to Schaal and not to soldiers trained to hunt these things down.
AltoRoarkAug 20, 2019 11:48 PM
Aug 21, 2019 12:47 AM

Oct 2016
-I liked seeing all the lore this episode had to offer.
-I knew they wouldn't kill off Schaal. I hate when they tease deaths like that. It gets so old.
-That whole "father coming back from the dead" situation was pretty depressing, to be honest.
-The entire battle sequence in this episode was actually pretty good, in my opinion.
-I was very confused as to why Liza would entrust Schaal with the duty of putting down her father. Most would think that the emotions would be too heavy in that situation. But it tied in well enough.
A sad episode, but a good one. Schaal had a lot of development, which was nice to see. At least her emotions are making a bit more sense now. I'm just surprised she didn't have a complete mental breakdown after putting her father to rest.

Aug 21, 2019 1:18 AM

Jun 2015
So turns out...the manga has a rationalization for the Godkiller bullet conundrum in the very chapter this episode adapted.

All Mappa had to do was add these lines and the issue would've nearly evaporated. But I guess they seem content enough with blowing their resources on Liza-service at the expense of logic, pacing, and good action scenes.
Aug 24, 2019 11:35 AM

Jul 2008
Boy Schall's hometown turned on her quick....bunch of dicks.
Aug 30, 2019 7:39 AM
Jan 2018
must be a coincidence that the web of the dress stopped the bullet going deeper .

Sep 13, 2019 4:10 PM

Aug 2017
wtf Schaal is ok after that. I expected something worse, that fake tension from episode 6 lol.

The whole thing with her father felt contrived. Now he's a zombie somehow? Not a fan of Schaal's father being somehow alive so they could literally force an emotional end for father and daughter. And why no one use the godkiller bullets except Schaal? 2/5

NurguburuSep 13, 2019 4:17 PM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Feb 2, 2020 5:45 AM

Jul 2015
So the he makes a comeback again, at least Schaal can properly say goodbye this time

Aug 14, 2020 8:57 PM

Jul 2012
TREMENDOUSLY GOOD X_X Schaal has to kill her own father, watching him die twice is sad enough, but this time by her own hands. STORY CONTINUES TO BE FANTASTIC !!!!!
張大です for 張大勇督察
Aug 14, 2020 9:32 PM

Jul 2012
Seems there is confusion why the army don't have godkiller bullets. I never thought it was an issue. Here's what I think.

Elaine created the incarnates as top secret weapon which the North used, but only among the incarnates were aware of what would happen to them. Therefore, if you guys remember, Hank made that promise, once lose soul to be killed by one of own. Elaine could not find a way to save them from losing their soul so she created the godkiller bullets to kill the incarnates painlessly as indicated in episode 1 when she shot Hank, but before she could continue she was killed?/ by Cain.

The army never got to knew. The godkiller bullets are something only known in the Incarnates circle, specifically Elaine, Hank, and Cain and are very likely of limited supply. Hank took the rest so he could finish the job as leader, and fulfill his promise, Since Hank and Liza are buddy buddy, he might've gave a few to her for protection just like how Liza gave Schaal the few for protection and just like that. Since Elaine is gone, no one knows how to make them and Liza likely respects Hanks' wishes to finish them off himself, plus there are not enough for the military to waste, which I can accept to why Liza did not hand any over to the military.
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 9, 2:12 AM

Apr 2013
Hunter: "Hey, I'm the one you send monster hunting and you really have to leave right now for your own safety"
Villager: "Oh shut up and leave us alone!"
Sometimes authors just make their NPC characters a bit too stupid to be believable...

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