Rating system
10: A work of art. Either impacted me personally to an exorbitant degree OR is objectively amazing. These anime have achieved the pinnacle of their specific story/form and aren't inhibited by ANY macro-flaws (with the exception of Naruto {anime} and Domestic Na Kanojo {Manga}—the only special cases that break these rules due to my personal connection with the texts, which I might go into detail on some other time).
9: Contender for AOTS, or around that level. These anime impacted me emotionally to a large degree and is either devoid of macro-flaws or has very minor ones. Weighed down by a few micro-flaws, however, and whilst these anime may be counted among the elite of their respective genres and forms, there are others that do it slightly better.
8: An 8 is an exceptionally good anime; These anime are standouts and have reached the pinnacle of a specific aspect of their story/form, e.g: Noragami's atmospheric tension and fluctuations are near-perfect, but it lacks in other areas.
7: These anime are objectively solid or enjoyable on a personal level and can be recommendations, but have a selection of micro-flaws and one or two macro-flaws. These often cater best to specific niche's and/or genres.
6: Average to above-average anime. These anime had a selection of macro-flaws OR one or two glaring ones, but is still an okay piece of literature as a whole.
5: This score is a threshold for average to less-than-average anime. These anime were enjoyable, however at times they lacked the necessary thematic concerns or devices to keep the viewer immersed and watching becomes a chore. These anime are not recommended and are not memorable.
4: Lesser anime with a plethora of micro-flaws. These anime still have the potential to be good and enjoyable through interesting characters, settings and concepts, but they lack the substance and development of higher-rated anime and thus are far lower in quality; their potential is largely wasted.
3: This is the threshold where I decide that the anime was not worth watching for any reason. The anime may have had interesting ideas and concepts but failed to manifest them at all.
2:Dropping the anime becomes tempting. The anime failed to successfully develop any macro-devices (e.g. themes and ideals, characterisation and setting) and the micro-devices were in disarray (literary devices/techniques).
1: Yikes. Considering I can watch/read almost anything and enjoy it, if an anime achieves a 1, it means that I only didn't drop it because I hate leaving a story unfinished. Whilst it is a commonality that the storylines are poor, they aren't necessarily all inherently awful, but they stagnated and were (very) poorly executed. I wish I could get that time back.
Also, note that my top 10 anime include every season of each anime, even though only the first season is listed.
Thanks for reading! Hopefully, my lists make a little more sense now :)
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