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Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen
Ao no Exorcist: Yosuga-hen
Mar 21, 8:32 AM
Watching 11/12 · Scored 7
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Ore dake Level Up na Ken Season 2: Arise from the Shadow
Mar 21, 8:21 AM
Watching 11/13 · Scored 8
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
Akuyaku Reijou Tensei Ojisan
Mar 21, 7:53 AM
Watching 11/12 · Scored 8
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Ofzen Jul 29, 2024 3:34 PM
You reply was faster than mine was at least lol
Xapper definitely doesn't do that anymore. He usually watches less than I do.
Discord is just so much more convenient when you want to talk to people about things compared to the forum layout. It's cool for nostalgia at least xD
I'm guilty of enjoying isekai. I pretty much will watch any genre these days and if i don't feel a show in an ep or two I will drop it. Isekai has definitely taken over and it's not for the best lol.
Ofzen Jul 22, 2024 6:02 AM
Sorry for the late reply.
That's understandable. Honestly having people to talk to about anime has kept me interested in the seasonal grind, even if it's just a small group of people. I'd say most of the seasonal aren't worth even checking out though. Some I just watch to pass time. Might be 2-3 that are actually good and worth watching.
I'm really watching too many again per usual lol.
Ofzen Jul 1, 2024 6:47 AM
2-5 is probably better anyway than me over here watching 10+ every season haha.
Ah, well, that's fair.
Ofzen Jun 30, 2024 8:54 AM
Been on that seasonal grind a lot myself. Outside of working and hanging out with friends whenever I can.
Yeah, I'm still in the AU discord server, as well as my own that have a few people from AU. If you're interested I can totally inv you to my server since that's where I mainly am and talk.
Ofzen Jun 29, 2024 9:27 AM
Sorry for the super late response. I'm doing good, just trying to live my best life ya know. How have you been doing?!
Ofzen Jun 15, 2024 6:39 AM
It's been 1000 years. Hope you are well.
Tanikaze Jun 12, 2023 4:28 PM
Tanikaze May 2, 2023 2:36 PM
justLiv Jan 1, 2023 5:17 PM
FluffyDango May 18, 2022 3:36 PM
Yeah I'm alright now hehe. I had it like that with the blood spitting for like 2 weeks after the covid week.
Overall it lasted 3 weeks I guess. One week with covid, then 2 more with coughing and the blood.

Here covid is just a common cold now.
I've had it twice now, and it was just a common cold for me the second time. Was in the hospital just one day before I was supposed to go to a festival with urinal infection, so no festival for me this year.
But because ofthe I found out that I had covid, well at least a week before or two before ending up in the hospital because of that infection.
Had to get tested because I was coughing.

All better now from everything :)
FluffyDango Mar 23, 2022 3:23 PM
So I had covid recently.
And had it quite bad. Fever, lots of coughing for most of the days I had it. SO much coughing that I started to spit out blood in the last few days, had to stay home from work and school for a second week because of that.
I took one dose of the vaccine 5 weeks before I got it.

Me and 9 others from the kindergarten I work at was out the weekend before. And 5 of us got it :P
FluffyDango Jan 29, 2022 1:10 PM
Oof, that sucks.
Fortunatly we got quicky tests here now. Hometests.
Now since wednesday we have to take a hometest each day for 5 days if we've been near someone who had corona.
We can either test us every day for those 5 days, or be in quarantine for 10 days. Wonder if there are anyone who will take the 10 days instead of just testing temselfs.
My brother had corona this week, so I got a sore nose now because of the testing XD

When I had to go to the hospital last year, I was isolated from everyone else in my own room, while they checked my covid test.

I have this school year and the next left. 5-6 months left this year, then summer break, and then 11-12 months again.
Time goes fast though.

Oddly enough I haven't been much sick during the covid time.
FluffyDango Jan 13, 2022 10:24 AM
Happy new year to you too :)

They're talking about using the coronapass again here now. People are so stupid to think it's the 300k unvaccinated people who are at fault for closing down the country, 300k out of 4 million people XD
Oh well. It's not like I will notice the pass anyway, since it'll mostly be resturants, nightclubs and such that will use it. Maybe festivals too, which will suck a bit since I'm supposed to go to one indoor festival in May.

I would love to find a friends with benefits, guy or girl.
Atm I'm too busy with school, work and work practice in the kindergarten for a relationship.

I had some freetime during the christmas break right, and felt I could relax and game some. Played Skyrim and Ni No Kuni.
But now it's back to being very busy, so now I barelly game again.

Light888 Jan 1, 2022 3:36 PM
Well none of the shows hooked me from last season. I watched a couple of episodes of Platinum and Mieruko, planned to watch a few more shows too....but now they all got shoved into my On Hold and PTW list. Another season gone....more shows not completed 😂

Onto the winter season and looks like AoT and Demon Slayer will carry it. Those are the only ones I'll complete. Might start a few more and then never complete them 😂 Agreed, way too many isekai shows. Where are the horror or supernatural shows? Well Mushoku Tensei is an isekai show though I've heard good things about. Started that. Tensei shitara too.

Yeah I loved the Water 7/Ennies Lobby arc. I always just group both into one arc. Probably my personal favorite arc. I love Robin's personality and just find her hot 😂 One thing I will say though is I don't like how she was reduced to being just a pretty face. It all started in Water 7 too when she became the damsel in distresss. She was an assassin before and I think her last fight was like in Skypiea. I appreciate the hotness but pre-time skip she used to be badass AND hot. That's how she grew on me. Really wished Oda had kept her progressing as a fighter. Frickin Nami even got her own weapon and Zeus. When you think about all the arcs that have gone by, think it was real wasted potential for Robin to not grow more as a fighter rather than just her assets lol. Damn you Oda....but she's still my girl 😂

Yeah One Piece is so worth it. It gives me comfort knowing that amidst all the seasonal shit or the occasional good shows that come and go....the one quality show that remains constant that I can always rely on and go back to is One Piece. Something I've never really had before. Whenever I ended shows I've liked, sometimes I've had procrastination phases where I'm like wtf do I watch now? And don't end up watching any anime for months 😂

I'm bummed out that I'm starting to catch up though. On episode 930 rn. That's why I've stopped the binge now and only trying to watch 1 episode a day. And I won't be able to drop for it like a year for the episodes to build back up cuz I like the show too much. I might be forced to become a manga reader or endure the 1 week waits like you now which I will hate 😂

I'd never start shows before and never complete them. That was rare for me to do back in the AU days. Now I'm more free flowing. I just start whatever show I feel like watching. Then go back to it whenever I feel like it.

I've cleaned up up my list now. Took a LONG time but I've had free time cuz of the holidays so I thought fuck it, if not now then when? 😂 Take a look at it now. I used to shove onhold shows into currently watching and PTW shows into my whole list was just a massive mess. Now Currently watching IS actually my currently watching anime, onhold are the ones actually onhold and PTW list actually have shows I would consider watching. I had to cut my PTW list by like 400 anime I would never touch....holy fuck my list was even worse than I thought 🤣

But now it's clean....finally. I'll reduce my PTW list even more with time. 300 is still too much...but at least it's not 600 😂
FluffyDango Dec 18, 2021 3:44 PM
But these days one should be glad that one has a job. Here in Norway so many have lost their job because of covid.

Exactly my thoughts too about the vaccine. And it's so annoying to read comments and listen to the stupid ignorant people who have taken the vaccine :P
Lots of them think they're immun, and that they don't spread the shit.
And now they're talking about the coronapass again here. Which is another bs thing when "fully vaccinated" people also spread it.

I've tried. But so many of those who contact me are married creeps :P

I've just been so very busy with work for awhile, that I didn't have time for anime and gaming.
But now I feel I have a little bit of time for gaming, so now I play Skyrim.
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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