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Sep 23, 2017 3:52 PM
@Chdata I had responded to that guy and in his response my points still stood there as he only insisted, so I felt no need for another response. And he had been actively blaming the author, I see more clearly now, lel. mizukasa said: Rehls said: Exploring wouldn't be guarantee of finding anything; plus, any watcher (you included) wouldn't want to stick to all their pointless walking around. That curiosity isn't of use. For there to be more adventure, the protagonists have to be capable of more--of acquiring more, of interacting more with the environment (ex: magic). And the place would have to be richer--with more sentient beings and structures--which it obviously lacks. It's being written just the way it should; and it's actually being more eventful than realistically would. And the dead time--you know--is already being cut well. [1]Exploring does add something fun[1] [2]to the entire anime while making up for the slow pacing instead of showing multiple scenes of Reg grabbing a vine or rock and reeling down onto the next layer.[2] [3]It's not like they have to find something but only explore more things or places that they haven't seen yet with their own eyes and make use of the author's "impressive" imagination.[3] [4]The author created a fun-looking or adventure-filled and mysterious place that is the abyss and it is also incredibly huge, you'd think that it would be filled with fascinating places and such, but so far in the anime, you'd see that the creator doesn't really do anything with it. It's like he only shows us one or two good-looking places from every layer they've been to and that's literally it.[4] Why make such thing when you're not even going to put more work on it? If the author's imagination is really as impressive as people claim it to be, then why doesn't he delve into such things? There can be adventure without the protagonists being in too much danger and it is important for them so that they can acquire more experience and knowledge about the place they're in as well as the whatever useful things they can use while traveling. You don't really need magic and such. Brains would be enough. Makes you think on how Hablo isn't a white whistle yet when these two inexperienced kids breezes through the abyss like a walk in the park The abyss IS rich. It's just the author is too lazy or lacking imagination for showing us just how rich it is. And it is being toned down so our protagonist can survive easily. If not, they how did the people who explored it died? Are they so stupid that they are eaten by monsters or fooled when they hallucinate or maybe every one of them got cursed and turned into a monstrous-looking thing like Mitty? "Imagining more isn't hard, but making it cohesive is; so in this case not everyone can, but a few. There's no point in more adventuring since there's no more to acquire... but to actually lose; as the longer they stay, the higher the chance of bumping with creatures. That curiosity isn't of use." [1]It's pointless to their objective, because as I said, it'd not guarantee them finding anything--much less of (good) use. It'd more guaranteed than not that a good portion of the viewers wouldn't enjoy it, as they'd be aware of what I just said (and the else).[1] [2]That's showing them progressing through it, and it helps the pace--as otherwise they'd just jump through scenes thus would make them feel half-done. (In many shows, sometimes, I think about how a scene wasn't given enough development--for me being aware of what more could've been added to them--before transiting into another. I then consider these scenes to be 'lesser' than otherwise.)[2] [3]It'd not align with their objective. You're ignoring that due to you own wishes.[3] [4]It's not that the author's not capable of doing more with the place, but that there's no point in the narrative right now for more to be done. You don't appear to want to accept this--as you must've already realized (how could you not?). Another major factor is, that like I said, the protagonists aren't capable of much interaction with the place--of acquiring more--other than Relics (which I already explained). (Notice how Reg found a 'point/reason to acquire' in the part where he had to find ingredients that could be used as medicine for Riko? He was given information that those could be of use--which is why he went after them--because there was actually a point, due to certainty.[4] You go to a forest, in real life. What do you do there? Think about all the things possible to be done, and then think about all the things that it's possible for you to do. Then think about how those things you can do there, can be of benefit to you, compared to everything else you could be doing. This show lacks magic, so--and as you can see--it's pretty realistic, in terms of possibilities. (There's everything else I've said before.) ... How much is 'too much'? You can't just measure that. There's creatures spread everywhere. (Even the flying-slug creature, that if I remember belonged to lower Abyss levels, could just move up.) Plus, there's much more to consider, like the creatures preventing access to places, unless killed. Dude, even though you complain that they've been *'breezing'* through some parts (because yeah, you've been told it was dangerous)--you really want them to breeze through it, really making the danger inconsistent--because that'd be the only way for them to succeed as they are now. *They've not been breezing--that's not the word to describe it--it's totally inaccurate. They've been struggling all the way to where they are now. Had them been breezing, they'd be facing creatures with ease. Instead, they can barely face two creatures at once--they've to run away. Stronger creatures (flying-slugs) it'd be quite impossible for them to handle, unless the author writes it in a more convenient way for him, if you know what I mean.* ---------------------- I meant magic as in the ability, thus purpose for more to be done in the place. A simple example would be them gathering ingredients for magic potions. As it is, (of potions and such) there's only food; and food is boring. But then they (the magic potions) could be used to their advantage, yes. And no, brains wouldn't be enough--unless the author takes the 'brains' from the creatures--which, in that case, would allow for many amazing feats from Reg, and possibly Riko (as has happened already). But the author has common sense thus must be aware that he can't abuse of this. He's to give a legit means to deal with more difficult situations sometimes (to keep the balance). Like, we've Reg and his beam and that's a very legit way to deal with the flying-slug. But then there was a not-so-legit-way to say the least, that was used to deal with it the second time--the explosive pickaxe. And man, Hablo doesn't fights creatures, but avoids them. He's experienced at that. (And I already called you out for using 'breezing'.) I didn't say it wasn't rich, but that it'd have to be richer (mainly due to the protagonists). And it's not the author, but many other things, like I've explained above. It's just much easier to just blame him, like you're doing. (And, eh? My train of thought derailed somehow, by what I had typed in this part before.) ----------- Is it even necessary to answer to how they could've died? You can simply deduce that they've been ambushed in a way without a means to escape. Anyone having played some older RPG game experienced this. Should I say that if you were more knowledgeable, what I had wrote previously would've been enough? Anyway. |
removed-userSep 23, 2017 7:29 PM
Sep 23, 2017 4:09 PM
6th layer curse makes you a blob. Good to know. Riko wasn't annoying this episode. Still, that arm though. Ok, so the place where they screwed up is where last episode ended and this one started. The previous episode should have ended with Reg crying over Riko. This episode should have introduced Nanachi. It would have been a better cliffhanger. |
Sep 23, 2017 7:16 PM
Great episode, and more positive. Wonder what the penalty for 5th layer will be. |
Sep 23, 2017 7:30 PM
Rehls said: @Chdata I had responded to that guy and in his response my points still stood there as he only insisted, so I felt no need for another response. And he had been actively blaming the author, I see more clearly now, lel. mizukasa said: Rehls said: Exploring wouldn't be guarantee of finding anything; plus, any watcher (you included) wouldn't want to stick to all their pointless walking around. That curiosity isn't of use. For there to be more adventure, the protagonists have to be capable of more--of acquiring more, of interacting more with the environment (ex: magic). And the place would have to be richer--with more sentient beings and structures--which it obviously lacks. It's being written just the way it should; and it's actually being more eventful than realistically would. And the dead time--you know--is already being cut well. [1]Exploring does add something fun[1] [2]to the entire anime while making up for the slow pacing instead of showing multiple scenes of Reg grabbing a vine or rock and reeling down onto the next layer.[2] [3]It's not like they have to find something but only explore more things or places that they haven't seen yet with their own eyes and make use of the author's "impressive" imagination.[3] [4]The author created a fun-looking or adventure-filled and mysterious place that is the abyss and it is also incredibly huge, you'd think that it would be filled with fascinating places and such, but so far in the anime, you'd see that the creator doesn't really do anything with it. It's like he only shows us one or two good-looking places from every layer they've been to and that's literally it.[4] Why make such thing when you're not even going to put more work on it? If the author's imagination is really as impressive as people claim it to be, then why doesn't he delve into such things? There can be adventure without the protagonists being in too much danger and it is important for them so that they can acquire more experience and knowledge about the place they're in as well as the whatever useful things they can use while traveling. You don't really need magic and such. Brains would be enough. Makes you think on how Hablo isn't a white whistle yet when these two inexperienced kids breezes through the abyss like a walk in the park The abyss IS rich. It's just the author is too lazy or lacking imagination for showing us just how rich it is. And it is being toned down so our protagonist can survive easily. If not, they how did the people who explored it died? Are they so stupid that they are eaten by monsters or fooled when they hallucinate or maybe every one of them got cursed and turned into a monstrous-looking thing like Mitty? "Imagining more isn't hard, but making it cohesive is; so in this case not everyone can, but a few. There's no point in more adventuring since there's no more to acquire... but to actually lose; as the longer they stay, the higher the chance of bumping with creatures. That curiosity isn't of use." [1]It's pointless to their objective, because as I said, it'd not guarantee them finding anything--much less of (good) use. It'd more guaranteed than not that a good portion of the viewers wouldn't enjoy it, as they'd be aware of what I just said (and the else).[1] [2]That's showing them progressing through it, and it helps the pace--as otherwise they'd just jump through scenes thus would make them feel half-done. (In many shows, sometimes, I think about how a scene wasn't given enough development--for me being aware of what more could've been added to them--before transiting into another. I then consider these scenes to be 'lesser' than otherwise.)[2] [3]It'd not align with their objective. You're ignoring that due to you own wishes.[3] [4]It's not that the author's not capable of doing more with the place, but that there's no point in the narrative right now for more to be done. You don't appear to want to accept this--as you must've already realized (how could you not?). Another major factor is, that like I said, the protagonists aren't capable of much interaction with the place--of acquiring more--other than Relics (which I already explained). (Notice how Reg found a 'point/reason to acquire' in the part where he had to find ingredients that could be used as medicine for Riko? He was given information that those could be of use--which is why he went after them--because there was actually a point, due to certainty.[4] You go to a forest, in real life. What do you do there? Think about all the things possible to be done, and then think about all the things that it's possible for you to do. Then think about how those things you can do there, can be of benefit to you, compared to everything else you could be doing. This show lacks magic, so--and as you can see--it's pretty realistic, in terms of possibilities. (There's everything else I've said before.) ... How much is 'too much'? You can't just measure that. There's creatures spread everywhere. (Even the flying-slug creature, that if I remember belonged to lower Abyss levels, could just move up.) Plus, there's much more to consider, like the creatures preventing access to places, unless killed. Dude, even though you complain that they've been *'breezing'* through some parts (because yeah, you've been told it was dangerous)--you really want them to breeze through it, really making the danger inconsistent--because that'd be the only way for them to succeed as they are now. *They've not been breezing--that's not the word to describe it--it's totally inaccurate. They've been struggling all the way to where they are now. Had them been breezing, they'd be facing creatures with ease. Instead, they can barely face two creatures at once--they've to run away. Stronger creatures (flying-slugs) it'd be quite impossible for them to handle, unless the author writes it in a more convenient way for him, if you know what I mean.* ---------------------- I meant magic as in the ability, thus purpose for more to be done in the place. A simple example would be them gathering ingredients for magic potions. As it is, (of potions and such) there's only food; and food is boring. But then they (the magic potions) could be used to their advantage, yes. And no, brains wouldn't be enough--unless the author takes the 'brains' from the creatures--which, in that case, would allow for many amazing feats from Reg, and possibly Riko (as has happened already). But the author has common sense thus must be aware that he can't abuse of this. He's to give a legit means to deal with more difficult situations sometimes (to keep the balance). Like, we've Reg and his beam and that's a very legit way to deal with the flying-slug. But then there was a not-so-legit-way to say the least, that was used to deal with it the second time--the explosive pickaxe. And man, Hablo doesn't fights creatures, but avoids them. He's experienced at that. (And I already called you out for using 'breezing'.) I didn't say it wasn't rich, but that it'd have to be richer (mainly due to the protagonists). And it's not the author, but many other things, like I've explained above. It's just much easier to just blame him, like you're doing. You're not informed, or you must've known that the main reason why we're having such young and inexperienced characters go through these things is because that sells. Adults aren't near as likable to teenagers, and their way of dealing with situations would be more straightforward; it'd just not be as interesting to watch. [i]Freedom comes with money; it both increases and limits freedom. Should I say that if you were more knowledgeable, what I had wrote previously would've been enough? Anyway. You wrote such a long reply and totally missed my point. I suggest you to read my previous comments again and I hope you'd understand it this time. And he had been actively blaming the author, I see more clearly now, lel. Who else is there to blame? Should I blame his/her parents for giving birth to him/her? It's obvious that the creator holds responsibility for the things he created. In this case, the author of the manga in which this adaptation is based on. Should I say that if you were more knowledgeable, what I had wrote previously would've been enough? Anyway If you were more knowledgeable, you'd understand why the contents of this anime is lacking for something that proclaimed to be "adventure". A lot of things could've been done without forgetting about the plot or their true goal. Chdata said: You might as well say every story or anime in the world follows a pattern and is therefore boringly repetitive and that the authors of all stories are lazy. Boku no hero acedamia? Steins;Gate? FMA Brotherhood? You can break them all down to commonly used patterns. lmao. *Sigh* Those anime you mentioned are all different from each other including this one. In those anime you claimed to be the same, they are things they do differently from others thus making it enjoyable for people watching it. I'm not talking about commonly used patterns in all of stories out there. I'm talking about how the creator of this series is basically just writing what he wrote previously as the new one. He created a pattern in his story and repeatedly used it to create new chapter/episode. ____________________________________________ If you two still don't get it, I'll just consider you two as bias towards the series you liked. |
mizukasaSep 23, 2017 7:37 PM
Sep 23, 2017 7:58 PM
@mizukasa I didn't miss your point. How ridiculous to claim that. I addressed how it can't be. While all you do is 'wish for the else', when it'd not fit. I pretty much dismantled and disproved your argument. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. The author is THE LEAST to blame. He's ONLY GIVING what THE AUDIENCE wants. I had conversed with some poster, about how the characters could be developed more in town before going into the Abyss--but how likely it was that it'd be unwanted by the viewers as they'd not find it interesting enough for them. They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. |
removed-userSep 23, 2017 8:18 PM
Sep 23, 2017 10:07 PM
Rehls said: @mizukasa I didn't miss your point. How ridiculous to claim that. I addressed how it can't be. While all you do is 'wish for the else', when it'd not fit. I pretty much dismantled and disproved your argument. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. The author is THE LEAST to blame. He's ONLY GIVING what THE AUDIENCE wants. I had conversed with some poster, about how the characters could be developed more in town before going into the Abyss--but how likely it was that it'd be unwanted by the viewers as they'd not find it interesting enough for them. They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. What I wanted fits the story perfectly. Not only that the audience will be likely to get less bored from it, but we will also be able to get a glimpse of how wonderful the abyss is. Are you trying to tell me this incredibly huge hole is so empty that the author doesn't even give two cents about exploring it? The author is to blame because he's doing what he only wants to do with the mindset that the audience won't be able to do anything about it and accept to take anything they're shown without even thinking twice about it. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. According to your logic; Accepting everything without second thought and no matter how illogical or stupid that "something" is is correct? They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. Who said anything about teenagers romancing? I'm talking about the lack of adventure in each layer they've been to. Please don't give my words other meanings. |
mizukasaSep 23, 2017 10:18 PM
Sep 24, 2017 12:40 AM
mizukasa said: Rehls said: @mizukasa I didn't miss your point. How ridiculous to claim that. I addressed how it can't be. While all you do is 'wish for the else', when it'd not fit. I pretty much dismantled and disproved your argument. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. The author is THE LEAST to blame. He's ONLY GIVING what THE AUDIENCE wants. I had conversed with some poster, about how the characters could be developed more in town before going into the Abyss--but how likely it was that it'd be unwanted by the viewers as they'd not find it interesting enough for them. They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. [1]What I wanted fits the story perfectly.[1] [2]Not only that the audience will be likely to get less bored from it,[2] [3]but we will also be able to get a glimpse of how wonderful the abyss is.[3] [4]Are you trying to tell me this incredibly huge hole is so empty that the author doesn't even give two cents about exploring it?[4] [5]The author is to blame because he's doing what he only wants to do with the mindset that the audience won't be able to do anything about it and accept to take anything they're shown without even thinking twice about it.[5] But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. According to your logic; Accepting everything without second thought and no matter how illogical or stupid that "something" is is correct? They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. Who said anything about teenagers romancing? I'm talking about the lack of adventure in each layer they've been to. Please don't give my words other meanings. [1] It does not. Clearly as the protagonists aren't there scavenging, because it'd be a waste of time. You can insist as much as you wish, but the logic is firm. I could just copy-paste my points about this.[1] [2]A portion of the audience. While another--that I believe is bigger, would have what to complain--about them not actually progressing through the story, but deviating, scavenging needlessly. Imagine spending an episode just doing so, to find some item that's nowhere as useful as Reg's arms. (You're just making me repeat my points.) There could be an episode like that (and partially, there was--the part where they actually did some scavenging in the early episodes, and later on lost some Relic), but that'd be about it. And there are many negatives associated with it, at least up to now.[2] [3]We already got and are getting a good idea of that. We've seen plenty of beautiful scenery. But for the sake of your argument, you put it like this hasn't been the case. And if I weren't cautious and didn't pay attention, I'd unintentionally validate it, lel.[3] [4]So this is what you've to say? Yeah, just ignore my points and say it's the author's fault, hah. Dude, the layers of the Abyss we've seen were just the way the should be. They were a jungle, without sentient beings and structures, as no intelligent form of life there could combat the creatures. Now these two things I mentioned are just the most interesting things they could ever find there. You see the problem here? For suuure most of the audience would enjoy none of these more than your suggestion, eh (besides my other points).[4] [5]No, he's doing what he should do. It'd be incoherent otherwise. I gave plenty of reasoning as to why. You realize you're really wanting them to, actually, treat the Abyss like a walking in the park, huh?[5] No, that's you putting it the way that fits your interests best--to a bad extreme. The things I referred to aren't bad in the first place, for you to claim my logic to be the way you put it. They can't be the way you'd want them to because that'd actually generate much 'bad', the way the story has been written. Now even if it were written differently, in a way that'd accommodate your simple suggestion, it could still not be necessary. There are really bad things this medium asks for--like (stupid) harems. But them not wanting pointlessness isn't a bad thing. You misunderstood what I meant? The adventuring you suggest wouldn't be equivalent of that, but of the 'developing in town'. The 'romancing' would be the equivalent of them befriending persons in each layer. All these have already been happening, in ways. It just couldn't be early. |
removed-userSep 24, 2017 12:47 AM
Sep 24, 2017 3:37 AM
Rehls said: mizukasa said: Rehls said: @mizukasa I didn't miss your point. How ridiculous to claim that. I addressed how it can't be. While all you do is 'wish for the else', when it'd not fit. I pretty much dismantled and disproved your argument. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. The author is THE LEAST to blame. He's ONLY GIVING what THE AUDIENCE wants. I had conversed with some poster, about how the characters could be developed more in town before going into the Abyss--but how likely it was that it'd be unwanted by the viewers as they'd not find it interesting enough for them. They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. [1]What I wanted fits the story perfectly.[1] [2]Not only that the audience will be likely to get less bored from it,[2] [3]but we will also be able to get a glimpse of how wonderful the abyss is.[3] [4]Are you trying to tell me this incredibly huge hole is so empty that the author doesn't even give two cents about exploring it?[4] [5]The author is to blame because he's doing what he only wants to do with the mindset that the audience won't be able to do anything about it and accept to take anything they're shown without even thinking twice about it.[5] But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. According to your logic; Accepting everything without second thought and no matter how illogical or stupid that "something" is is correct? They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. Who said anything about teenagers romancing? I'm talking about the lack of adventure in each layer they've been to. Please don't give my words other meanings. [1] It does not. Clearly as the protagonists aren't there scavenging, because it'd be a waste of time. You can insist as much as you wish, but the logic is firm. I could just copy-paste my points about this.[1] [2]A portion of the audience. While another--that I believe is bigger, would have what to complain--about them not actually progressing through the story, but deviating, scavenging needlessly. Imagine spending an episode just doing so, to find some item that's nowhere as useful as Reg's arms. (You're just making me repeat my points.) There could be an episode like that (and partially, there was--the part where they actually did some scavenging in the early episodes, and later on lost some Relic), but that'd be about it. And there are many negatives associated with it, at least up to now.[2] [3]We already got and are getting a good idea of that. We've seen plenty of beautiful scenery. But for the sake of your argument, you put it like this hasn't been the case. And if I weren't cautious and didn't pay attention, I'd unintentionally validate it, lel.[3] [4]So this is what you've to say? Yeah, just ignore my points and say it's the author's fault, hah. Dude, the layers of the Abyss we've seen were just the way the should be. They were a jungle, without sentient beings and structures, as no intelligent form of life there could combat the creatures. Now these two things I mentioned are just the most interesting things they could ever find there. You see the problem here? For suuure most of the audience would enjoy none of these more than your suggestion, eh (besides my other points).[4] [5]No, he's doing what he should do. It'd be incoherent otherwise. I gave plenty of reasoning as to why. You realize you're really wanting them to, actually, treat the Abyss like a walking in the park, huh?[5] No, that's you putting it the way that fits your interests best--to a bad extreme. The things I referred to aren't bad in the first place, for you to claim my logic to be the way you put it. They can't be the way you'd want them to because that'd actually generate much 'bad', the way the story has been written. Now even if it were written differently, in a way that'd accommodate your simple suggestion, it could still not be necessary. There are really bad things this medium asks for--like (stupid) harems. But them not wanting pointlessness isn't a bad thing. You misunderstood what I meant? The adventuring you suggest wouldn't be equivalent of that, but of the 'developing in town'. The 'romancing' would be the equivalent of them befriending persons in each layer. All these have already been happening, in ways. It just couldn't be early. You missed it again, congratulations. There's no point in me arguing with someone who turns a blind eye to this series' flaws. Especially when that someone is so biased towards it, he doesn't even considering paying attention to what the other is trying to say. You can literally copy and paste your comments and it still won't solve the problems I pointed out. Bye. :D |
Sep 24, 2017 8:59 AM
mizukasa said: Rehls said: mizukasa said: Rehls said: @mizukasa I didn't miss your point. How ridiculous to claim that. I addressed how it can't be. While all you do is 'wish for the else', when it'd not fit. I pretty much dismantled and disproved your argument. But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. The author is THE LEAST to blame. He's ONLY GIVING what THE AUDIENCE wants. I had conversed with some poster, about how the characters could be developed more in town before going into the Abyss--but how likely it was that it'd be unwanted by the viewers as they'd not find it interesting enough for them. They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. [1]What I wanted fits the story perfectly.[1] [2]Not only that the audience will be likely to get less bored from it,[2] [3]but we will also be able to get a glimpse of how wonderful the abyss is.[3] [4]Are you trying to tell me this incredibly huge hole is so empty that the author doesn't even give two cents about exploring it?[4] [5]The author is to blame because he's doing what he only wants to do with the mindset that the audience won't be able to do anything about it and accept to take anything they're shown without even thinking twice about it.[5] But it appears that you're immaturely not accepting that things can't be the way you want them to, don't necessarily have to be, and aren't because this medium demands so. According to your logic; Accepting everything without second thought and no matter how illogical or stupid that "something" is is correct? They're not teenagers romancing, which is so popular. Who said anything about teenagers romancing? I'm talking about the lack of adventure in each layer they've been to. Please don't give my words other meanings. [1] It does not. Clearly as the protagonists aren't there scavenging, because it'd be a waste of time. You can insist as much as you wish, but the logic is firm. I could just copy-paste my points about this.[1] [2]A portion of the audience. While another--that I believe is bigger, would have what to complain--about them not actually progressing through the story, but deviating, scavenging needlessly. Imagine spending an episode just doing so, to find some item that's nowhere as useful as Reg's arms. (You're just making me repeat my points.) There could be an episode like that (and partially, there was--the part where they actually did some scavenging in the early episodes, and later on lost some Relic), but that'd be about it. And there are many negatives associated with it, at least up to now.[2] [3]We already got and are getting a good idea of that. We've seen plenty of beautiful scenery. But for the sake of your argument, you put it like this hasn't been the case. And if I weren't cautious and didn't pay attention, I'd unintentionally validate it, lel.[3] [4]So this is what you've to say? Yeah, just ignore my points and say it's the author's fault, hah. Dude, the layers of the Abyss we've seen were just the way the should be. They were a jungle, without sentient beings and structures, as no intelligent form of life there could combat the creatures. Now these two things I mentioned are just the most interesting things they could ever find there. You see the problem here? For suuure most of the audience would enjoy none of these more than your suggestion, eh (besides my other points).[4] [5]No, he's doing what he should do. It'd be incoherent otherwise. I gave plenty of reasoning as to why. You realize you're really wanting them to, actually, treat the Abyss like a walking in the park, huh?[5] No, that's you putting it the way that fits your interests best--to a bad extreme. The things I referred to aren't bad in the first place, for you to claim my logic to be the way you put it. They can't be the way you'd want them to because that'd actually generate much 'bad', the way the story has been written. Now even if it were written differently, in a way that'd accommodate your simple suggestion, it could still not be necessary. There are really bad things this medium asks for--like (stupid) harems. But them not wanting pointlessness isn't a bad thing. You misunderstood what I meant? The adventuring you suggest wouldn't be equivalent of that, but of the 'developing in town'. The 'romancing' would be the equivalent of them befriending persons in each layer. All these have already been happening, in ways. It just couldn't be early. You missed it again, congratulations. There's no point in me arguing with someone who turns a blind eye to this series' flaws. Especially when that someone is so biased towards it, he doesn't even considering paying attention to what the other is trying to say. You can literally copy and paste your comments and it still won't solve the problems I pointed out. Bye. :D I didn't miss. You made the same (ridiculous) claim two times. And they're not flaws; but you can believe whatever you want; just that it doesn't makes things fact, lol. And I'm not biased towards it--that's what you wish. I just don't agree with your argument as it's erroneous, mostly--I just can see it. These 'problems you found out' aren't necessarily problems in the first place. I went in detail how they could actually cause problems if changed. You're just some immature person wanting it to be written differently (in the way you prefer it more). I saw plenty of complainers like this in other series. At some point everyone must've done this. Yeah we better end it now or I'll really be forced to copy-paste my points. |
removed-userSep 24, 2017 9:37 AM
Sep 25, 2017 12:48 PM
mizukasa said: You missed it again, congratulations. There's no point in me arguing with someone who turns a blind eye to this series' flaws. Especially when that someone is so biased towards it, he doesn't even considering paying attention to what the other is trying to say. You can literally copy and paste your comments and it still won't solve the problems I pointed out. Bye. :D We can easily just say that you're biased against it, probably just like anyone else who magically dislikes series just because they gain mainstream attention. And that if you disagree, you're just turning a blind eye to the series' strengths. The way you're dismissing people doesn't make your criticism sound any more intelligible. Telling people they "missed the point" repeatedly without taking another attempt at properly explaining yourself sounds more like your excuse to lead people on a wild goose chase to cover up the fact that someone came up with a counterexample to your point or your bad wording. At this point, there's so many holes in the logic of various things you've said that it'd be pointless to point them out because you're going to experience too much cognitive dissonance to really accept the fact that you're only sticking to those conclusions because you've become fixated on one thing you view as an unforgivable weakness based on your subjective definition of what makes for an adventurous anime. Let's go back to your original post, whose point we apparently missed. mizukasa said: This show is pretty repetitive. They just go lower and lower into the abyss encountering new monsters and shit while they are at it and meeting new people. Then later departing even lower down the abyss and repeat? Is that all there is to this series? I'm talking about how they don't do anything different other than the things I mentioned in my previous comment. Even scavenging for relics sometimes make everything different. But all they do is go lower, try to survive, rest when they're tired and repeat. 11 episodes in and this anime has yet to leave a strong impression on me. But with such a story, I guess they don't really have anything else to do. If you think about it, the author is actually pretty lazy. Okay. Now let's look at the list of animes I mentioned. "Boku no hero acedamia? Steins;Gate? FMA Brotherhood? You can break them all down to commonly used patterns." Boku no Hero Academia: It's just the usual shonen formula where the main character keeps powering up over time and where he will predictably always win or "lose, but without any kind of damage that will keep him out of the story for long". Also tournament and training arc lul. Steins;Gate: Guy ends up in the middle of a depressing conflict, except he's the main character so it will predictably turn out okay in the end. In particular, the repeated pattern involved him solving all of his friends problems. But people forgive that because it's cool science fiction and designed to be tearjerky and cling to the cheap idea that you "shouldn't challenge the laws of nature". FMA Brotherhood: It's just good guys vs bad guys for the most part, except they focus on individual villains at a time for a while, before finally going on to the big bad. But the show covers a very philosophical moral topic and was made over a decade ago, so people focus more on the moral dilemmas while forgiving the overall cheap story outline because it's just an old show. Really give me any anime and I could reduce it to its component parts and make it out to sound like it's just a cheap concept that's reiterating itself a few times with slight changes. Made In Abyss is impressive for a reason, because the "cool things the author made up" that you dismiss as being "Everyone can imagine things that's more impressive than this", aren't actually things just anyone can come up with. Or rather, the things we see in MiA aren't even all that amazing. They have a compass that points downwards, they have some doggy chew toys that are apparently unbreakable, they have a very arbitrary megaman, they have a blanket of air. The thing is, the way all of these things are presented to us is what's stellar. All of these relatively stupid sounding ideas are made out to seem very wondrous and unique because they are compared to technology and substances we understand in real life, while also all tying in with the theme the abyss has going for it of being full of these strange, and slightly different or even impossible things. As you mentioned, "In those anime I claimed to be the same, they are things they do differently from others thus making it enjoyable for people watching it." It's a matter of perspective. You happened to notice a pattern and get fixated on it which broke down the show for you. As far as I can tell, MiA does give us something different and interesting to learn about from every other episode, thus making each episode enjoyable to continue watching. You're just not entranced by the relics and wildlife. Perhaps having two "fast forward" sequences where they rush through areas has put you off. (When they rushed past the forest and when they were going through all the rabbit tunnels). I mean, Reg technically goes out and collects stuff from the Goblet of Giants for Nanachi, which is what you were asking for - for them to actually explore the area a little bit and find things. JK, that was also another quick cutsceney sequence and I'm sure it's not what you have in mind, since it was just Reg under orders. You've become disenchanted by something that's not even the main appeal of the show, as far as I can tell. Riko isn't on an adventure to map out and learn everything about the abyss. She's on an adventure to survive getting as deep as possible, or to the bottom, and find her mom. I can agree that it'd be more endearing if there were more moments where Riko stops and finds something cool, but but hey wait, that's exactly what she did when she fell into the stomache of the thing that smells like pineapples. and when they headed to the seeker camp to essentially "discover" what that place is really like. No I mean, it would be cool if she excavated more relics to actually take along with them. But it's not like they haven't been occupied by more pressing matters the entire time, like meeting Ozen, or becoming unconscious for the entire end of the season, or their real goal of descending fast (not exploring every inch of the abyss's diameter). It's also pretty clear that it'd be nonsensical for them to actually explore too much and risk running into every kind of monster there, especially since hundreds of other experienced cave raiders have done no such thing themselves. But, hey maybe they could at least walk around a bit more and find things? Well, technically that's exactly what they do on their way down... They aren't entirely just grapple dropping straight downwards. They walk through areas and experience the particular biome. That's what ran them into Tama-chan. In an area where they probably could just scale the sides of those goblets. ---- Despite the fact that any show ever can be broken down into pre-existing patterns, it doesn't mean the shows are inherently bad or that the authors are lazy. So far I'm finding a lot of the abyss's "trivia" to really tie together quite well. I also find the difficulty (and lack thereof at times) that Riko and Reg face to be fairly realistic for how naive yet "resourceful" they are. ---- The question is if you will also break the commonly predictable pattern of two people arguing for the sake of arrogantly never admitting themselves to be wrong and instead only trying to strengthen bad arguments and their own bias, or if you will just dismiss me because "I'm biased towards a show I liked, that you didn't like", rather than through reasoning. I'm a strong believer that, if you can't explicitly state what you actually mean or would have preferred instead, your reasoning is too ambiguous and cloudy. Such people tend to tell the other person that they didn't understand what they actually meant, when in the first place the picture they painted was a blur that they could choose to smear to fit their needs anyway. You stated clearly that the show is just rinse repeating a pattern, but what you wanted in place of that pattern is a pretty nebulous concept. So now that I've pointed out that the anime kind of already satisfies your already nebulous idea of what would be a real adventure anime, you will probably be able to respond that I didn't actually understand what you explicitly meant by that and that I'm making a strawman. If that's the case, then sure. I've misconstrued something you said that was ambiguous and easy to misunderstand in many ways from the start because of poor wording. (he doesn't even considering paying attention to what the other is trying to say) Please tell me English isn't your native language, and that sarcasm or irony is. |
ChdataSep 25, 2017 1:24 PM
~ Ch-ch-ch-data Visit my Discord community: VGData. For games, anime, & music. |
Oct 6, 2017 2:46 AM
#161 Lyza the blob thing/ Mitty or is the Mitty someone who knew Lyza and Riko? |
Oct 7, 2017 6:06 PM
Oct 9, 2017 4:55 AM
God damn, little did I know that this anime was gonna be one heck of a cringe-inducing fest from the grotesque scenes >:( IT'S SO GOOD |
Galaxy's Dorkiest |
Oct 9, 2017 9:15 AM
I love how pure and hardworking Reg is and how mischievous and smart Nanachi is. I really like her as a new character! |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
Oct 12, 2017 5:10 PM
Nanachi is the first truly lovable cast member of the show. Such an interesting personality, voice, and attitude. It's too bad she's introduced so late into the story. Only two episodes left. I'd like to see Reg and Riko traverse the seventh layer, but at this rate, it'll probably take another season for that to happen. |
SkittlesOct 12, 2017 6:31 PM
Oct 21, 2017 3:00 PM
Losing your humanity...not sure if I want to see how that happened. Loving Nanachi's attitude <3 Surprised to see a beautiful place like that so deep in the abyss. |
Oct 22, 2017 1:48 PM
Nananchi! Easily the character of the show even though she just appeared. Such a compelling character. |
![]() |
Oct 28, 2017 12:59 AM
I hope that mutant blob isn't what Lyza turned into. But if it really is her, and if it crawled towards Riko because it recognized her (which I think the show was trying to imply), then I guess there is still some hope for her to recover. |
Nov 8, 2017 8:37 AM
I'm guessing Mitty is the one in Nanachi's flashback when Reg was crying over Riko's near death-like state :( what a shame if it is. Mitty looked cute back then. Being in a traveling pair means the other person is your half and the world to you ;A; losing them would be unbearable </3 TT-TT I hope Riko doesn't lose her sanity once she's down on the 6th level >< Reg's piece of memory he got back piques interest :3 I knew going on the adventure would let him slowly piece things together. Nanachi is taking full advantage of Reg LOL. Made him get her dinner lmaooo. He really is a pushover xD poor, sweet Reg <3 I'm curious who the man is that praised Nanachi in her flashback ;0 maybe one of the white whistles that are still roaming around...? He's covered up and his whistle[?] looks manipulated as well, so maybe he's been in the depths of the Netherland and got mutated D: |
Nov 10, 2017 10:49 PM
Poor Riko, no twelve-year old should have to go through what she's suffering but she's got a goal in mind and is persevering no matter what! |
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats. |
Jan 5, 2018 5:29 PM
The bunny character is really cute :0 does the author have a piss fetish or something |
☆ My Anime Challenges ☆ My List ☆ |
Jan 10, 2018 6:24 AM
Nooo, they were literally implying that Mitty is Rikos mom with that ending... |
Jan 29, 2018 10:42 PM
That quote at the beginning was so true, and very similar to (if expanded on) one from Attack on Titan: MiA: So that flowers may bloom with innumerable deaths providing their nourishment, there are countless tragedies buried at the bottom of this beautiful world. But unless you are one of those directly concerned, this is not something you can know. You should simply be captivated by the utterly dazzling beauty and push on, treading firmly on the ground below. For your tragedy, too, is sure to become sustenance and give birth to the blooming of new flowers... AoT: This world is cruel and merciless... but it is also very beautiful. So those Eternal Fortune flowers are symbolic of this rule of the world. The deeper the darkness/tragedy they grow in, the more beautifully their petals grow. (Also kinda figured some of those ingredients were just for Nanachi's dinner, lol) |
Feb 8, 2018 1:22 PM
Well, I am glad that Riko can be saved but damn, they're lucky that Nanachi is around and took pity on her! (Pretty suspicious but whatever...) Nanachi's personality and the character itself is pretty cute and interesting though! I am guessing that those gravestones all belonged to Nanachi's comrades and others who've died. Speaking of Nanachi's comrade, Mitty's hollow form is hideous, but thinking that Mitty used to be a girl is saddening. At least the Nanachi still has her and she got that beautiful backyard (which reminded Reg of his past which is related to Lyza!?!?!? |
ShadowkillZFeb 8, 2018 1:33 PM
Apr 2, 2018 4:47 PM
I know there's a lot to this anime but I did not expect it to be this dark, I mean that thing is a person? I feel really sorry for it especially because it reminds me of that "thing" in FMAB. Fuck now it's all coming back to me. Anyway, this show is just really fucking awesome. I didn't even know this existed until I read it somewhere in reddit that it was really good and it deserves more exposure then I check it out here in MAL and was surprised that it's really high rated amd wondered how good could it be and now even before actually finishing it I know that this is deserving of all the praises. |
Apr 21, 2018 2:36 AM
And to think that the last bit of Nanachi's shopping list was the only thing needed to save Riko kek. It was a fair trade anyway~ The symbiotic wildlife relationship was really interesting. I hope she gets well soon. When they said bleeding from every orifice, they meant it. Reg's getting more of his memories back too. With Mitty not seeing a little human child for who knows how long now, it's understandable that she'd try to get close to Riko even if it's a little too close for comfort. I know it's a coincidence but Bondrewd being voiced by the guy who voiced Kira Yoshikage and him having a hand whistle just makes me giggle inside. Nanachi the fluffy waifu ♥ |
Apr 24, 2018 1:24 AM
Apr 25, 2018 10:49 AM
So, Reg is just troublesome. Just don't hug Nanachi when you have a chance. And we have a FMA:B ripoff character pet here. The series became boring again. We won't get answers for the last 2 episodes anyways. Just more loli fanservice, for those of you who are into it. Will the series match its hype? Will it? |
Without change,we end up becoming the very person we hate. I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was bound to lead me to a slow death. |
Aug 10, 2018 2:28 PM
I already like Nanachi lol. I do wonder what's the deal with that thing she keeps. I hope the story behind it won't be too sad... |
"At some point, I stopped hoping." |
Sep 10, 2018 8:08 AM
Poor Mitty.... :( |
Sep 14, 2018 5:11 PM
Sep 28, 2018 4:30 PM
Mitty is bring back some bad FMAB vibes. Creepy as fucccc. |
*insert cringey anime reference here* |
Oct 22, 2018 3:39 PM
This Mitty stuff just reminds me of Fullmetal Alchemist, especially the dog and the girl experiment. That shit gives me the chills |
Feb 21, 2019 5:12 AM
Apr 9, 2019 8:22 PM
what the fuck are these Madoka Magica abominations??? fuck, man. |
☩ Discord: ☩ RateYourMusic ☩ |
May 25, 2019 8:01 AM
A rather good peaceful episode. Seems like Riko will be fine, that's good. Interesting, seems like those are his memories from before he lost memories. |
Oct 7, 2019 3:37 PM
Nanachi is a troll. It was heartwarming seeing Reg try so hard to save Riko. He's so precious. The mysteries just keep adding up. There's that scene with Nanachi and a white whistle talking about some experiment and Reg's memories seemingly coming back. What's his connection to Lyza and why does Mitty seem to recognize Riko? I'm having really bad thoughts about it. Anyway, thank fuck this episode is rather peaceful because I'm still traumatized over the last episode. Great episode as always. |
Oct 13, 2019 8:00 PM
Jul 7, 2020 9:18 AM
Sep 13, 2020 3:30 PM
Oct 1, 2020 1:29 AM
Nov 13, 2020 7:44 PM
Dec 28, 2020 4:31 AM
Episode has the same stuff as last episode + OP - for whole 5 minutes this time.. Well, at this point it's already shorts anime, I'd say, if they continue like this.. Not like I'm too against, I can just skip it.. I feel that maybe it really could be a nice anime.. If I'd like characters more.. If they'd be my type - maybe it'd also be more interesting to really watch world around them, or what's happening to them, and other stuff.. But as I don't like characters too much - as they're only alright.. All happening around is also only alright.. I think, I'd for sure enjoy more both fauna and animals around, all the fantasy setting.. If I'd also enjoy, how characters take this world around them as well.. And if there is no wondering about this, and happiness for them, for their experiences.. So.. It's not a bad anime, really.. Just not for me, because characters are only alright for me.. So overall I feel it's alright anime, in the end.. Starting thinking now, I guess, as anime is already 11 episodes in.. "Thank you! You're so fluffy!" ... I mean.. What?.. ;D How one is related to another, lol.. Feels like some strange suggestive content, lol.. Because can't see any other connection in this comment, except for some random sexual tension tease, lol.. I mean, it also can mean that Regu is just innocent and spouting random stuff at random times, just whatever he thinks.. |
Jan 12, 2021 12:28 AM
A cute and interesting episode, Nanachi is very awesome character. Those healing scenes tho, it seems that Nanachi has fair amount of medical expierence but her cooking skills are bad. |
Jan 23, 2021 5:00 AM
Nanachi is so cute!! What is Mitty gonna do to Riko tho |
HelProcksJan 23, 2021 5:34 AM
Apr 27, 2021 7:32 AM
Nanachi is such a likable of the trio |
May 6, 2021 7:04 AM
Probably one of the few people who doesn't care much for Nanachi nor feel charmed by her. Idk, she's okay but not really more than that for me. As far as the episode goes, it was fine. A needed one to see Reg try and explore on his own to find medicinal ingredients that would help Riko's process in recovering after what all happened in the previous episode as well as Nanachi introducing Mitty to Reg and just interacting with him in general. I feel like the Curse aspect is the most interesting aspect of the whole show, learning about how badly Riko fell apart in the previous episode and now learning about Mitty and what happened to her after surviving the sixth layer somehow, seeing her appearance be all deformed and fucked up like that. Given how they're still only at the 4th layer and seeing what happened to Riko here AND the fact that her body might give out in the future given how she was even 'born' after being a stillborn in the past, only makes me more curious as to how the adventure will turn out to be in the future. I'm not particularly a fan of the characters and some episodes are hit-miss with my engagement but at least the show's doing a good job with the structure of the Abyss (although I have my own minor doubts still) and the Curse involved with each particular layer and how much worse it gets with further descending lower and lower. |
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