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Days: 56.1
Mean Score: 7.11
  • Total Entries357
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Golden Boy
Golden Boy
Feb 10, 12:53 AM
Plan to Watch · Scored -
Feb 9, 9:34 PM
Re-watching 1/74 · Scored 10
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica
Feb 9, 2:13 AM
Completed 12/12 · Scored 9
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Days: 0.4
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  • Total Entries12
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Shokugeki no Souma
Shokugeki no Souma
Jun 23, 2016 4:31 AM
Reading -/325 · Scored -
Apr 4, 2016 2:59 AM
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Shingeki no Kyojin
Shingeki no Kyojin
Feb 15, 2016 12:42 AM
Reading 59/141 · Scored -

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AJ4X Aug 25, 2021 9:57 PM
Hello my friend. How have you been these past 5 years?
AJ4X Nov 2, 2016 1:06 AM
You're taking a break too, ya nancy. I'll consider going back to one show per week end like I used to do in high school. Just AFTER all exams are kill.
AJ4X Sep 1, 2016 9:26 PM
I told you man, when i come down I'll catch up. Which is tomorrow, so...
raisamor Aug 11, 2016 7:12 AM
Since it is so, you know animes in the style of Monster? u.u kkkk
I saw that is among his favorites :3
Despite the end have disappointed me, it was the best plot I've ever seen!
I'm fine, thank you ^^
In fact more or less have to go out to the street to solve a problem .. I hired a service and did a lousy job, go complain and ask for money back kk
Oh, if the text is confused, sorry. I'm using Google Translate, my English is not so good kk
raisamor Aug 10, 2016 4:19 PM
Hi! Nah, no need to thank rs :3
I saw you on the Site tab that shows the latest online users kk
I am looking to make new friends, so I thought I'd look at animê sites / mangá kk
How are you?
AJ4X Jun 27, 2016 10:25 PM
Thanks bub
AJ4X Jun 27, 2016 12:02 AM
For sure brother
Extrieve May 19, 2016 1:19 PM
Sorry for the late response >_<
If you need a series to regain your love for anime there´s Shirobako, this is personally one of my top 5 series off all time, I didn´t expected much from it because P.A Works is usually a hit or miss studio for me. But Shirobako was beyond amazing, but is definitely a series that is not for everyone, but I could relate a lot to the characters and the overall cast and story felt real.

Another good series from the same studio is Hanasaku Iroha, it has the same feel to it like Shirobako but the story is totally different, both of this series have strong cast of characters, the development and growth of characters is noticeable.

Another great series I think you´d love is The Perfect Insider, this series does a great job by setting up a nice mystery plot, the characters are unique and it is a nice short series. It actually makes the viewer think of what´s happening and has a nice unfolds the plot with perfect pace.

I doubt you´ll enjoy this one as much as I did but Nichijou is one of the most ineresting Kyo Ani works till date. The show treats comedy very differently from others, the short sketches and situations feel refreshing and nothing compared to the crappy "comedy" anime you´ll see these days. Production as always is top notch as expected from Kyo Ani.

My sports anime recommendation this time is Baby Steps, this shows unlike most of the sports anime takes a slower pacing to it, it focuses much more around its main character. The development of the story feels real and every time the main character succeeds or fails does matter to the viewer. This is my favourite sports anime for a good reason it does take its time to develop and unlike most sports anime it does feel real.

Barakamon is a refreshing slice of life, this one is not focused on the generic school life bullshit. It has a comedic turn to it that you´d definitely enjoy it a lot if you understand how the Japanese socio-culture works.

I didn´t check grammar btw >_> sorreh
Extrieve May 17, 2016 6:33 PM
Yeah the profile pic change was a hard decision to make, after all I´ve been with Kuroneko for 3 straight years ;___;

I´ve been limiting myself to airing shows mostly since video games have been taking a lot of my time >_>

If you want any recommendation just ask me :) I´ll be happy to give you some, btw any preference on the genres of the shows you´d rather watch?
Juliankandy Jan 16, 2016 6:33 PM
oh cool, I am gonna have to put that in my to-do list! thanks
Juliankandy Jan 13, 2016 6:35 PM
How was Monster?
Extrieve Dec 23, 2015 11:43 AM
Thanks for the graduation wishes! Interesting to see how the educational system works in different countries, I went through primary school, secondary school and IB programme.

Man I´m telling you, finding a series similar to Shinsekai is hard next to impossible, I haven't watched Texhnolyze but I heard its really good. If anything I´d recommend you to watch Zetsuen no Tempest, it has an interesting combination of good dialogue + a great set of characters, the direction of the show might be a bit lacking though; but it still manages to stay enjoyable throughout.

A friend of mine told me Kaiba is really good, though I haven´t watched that one either. Kaiba from what I´ve heard has a more psychological turn to it, the troupes of the series might accommodate to your likings.

LAst but not least I´d recommend you Shirobako, for me this is one of the best if not the best anime that has come out in the last 2 years, the story while being simple it is paced properly, the character development feels real and on point, and the series makes you want to feel invested in each character. I guess I´m a bit biased but I absolutely adored that series and perhaps you as well find something on that series that fit your likings =)

Its good to get the hang again of this messages, please keep sending these, hope you can find another "shinsekai" that re-flourishes your love for anime, until the next msg,
Extrieve =)
Extrieve Dec 20, 2015 10:33 PM
Dudeeeeeeee, its been so long, what´s up!!!!

I´ll start this message by apologizing for the late reply, its been a long since someone has left me a message so I lost the hang of it. Its good to know you finished Shinsekai, its is a truly splendid series that touches on a lot of moral issues and has a splendid setup to illustrate that (plus the marvellous ost). I know how it feels when you end an amazing series, this emptiness that fills your heart is brutal, I guess it is the price to pay for an amazing series.

My life has been quite turbulent the past months, I officially graduated from school and I´m seeing the opportunities that lay ahead, much has changed, but I always have anime to make me company in the good and bad times =)

Tell me if you want any recommendations man, I´ll definitely take my time and make a detailed explanation of each rec I send you.

Anyways happy holidays and I´ll be waiting, until your next msg,
Juliankandy Dec 15, 2015 8:18 PM
Thanks for following!
Tensho Aug 18, 2015 6:50 AM

click here
Hello there, friend!
We at the Australian & New Zealand Anime Club are proud to present... Our very first newsletter!

This community was founded on the 28th of January - 2015, and since that time we've come a very long way.
You are only reading this because YOU made it possible by being a very important piece of what makes this club what it is.

That said, we are happy to announce that we're coming close to reaching the 1,000 Member Milestone!
It's a wonderful thing to know that there are so many fellow Aussies and Kiwis who love Anime and we hope that we only continue to grow from here on out.

About the newsletter:
So you might ask, what's this newsletter all about?
Well, great question. We've scratched our heads a few times and figured that this newsletter will be dedicated to letting you know that we're active!

Despite the substantial growth of our club, there is still a handful of you that we still haven't had the pleasure of getting to know.
We want you to understand that this is a safe and fun club, but if you're shy then we're not going to force you to participate, this is simply to remind you that there is a place for everyone at this club, so if you ever warm up - come and say hi!

Here's what's happening right now:
We have a wide selection of club activities that you can participate in, from anime discussion to club games or casual conversation.
Anyone in the club is free to make up whatever thread they feel would interest people!

What we hopefully have planned for the future:
GFX Competitions, Giveaways, Club Member of the Month, Gaming Groups and more!

So, other than that, there isn't much to say this time around but hopefully the next time we have to do this, there is much more to look forward to.
We again are thankful to have you, and hope that you come and have some fun with us sometime soon.

- Yours truly,
The Australian & New Zealand Anime Club.

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