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Sep 29, 2017 3:51 PM

Mar 2011
Well, I cried almost the entire episode
9/10 for me, my favorite show of the season

Sep 29, 2017 3:52 PM
Nov 2010
How many times must we see the little girl piss herself? The author is a fucking sicko, that's for sure.
Sep 29, 2017 3:58 PM

Apr 2013
Kaze_Kitsune said:
Aidoru-Ojisan said:

It's fine what you think, but the song used during the ED, did you like it?

I actually did! I've never had a problem with the music for this show :)

Ah, then you plan on doing the same like me? Read the manga while listening to the OST? It's out and I plan to do it soon lol

Ascended Taste
I only came back to this site for the forum sets and to promote my RYM list... Anilist ftw still :dab:
Sep 29, 2017 3:58 PM

Jan 2013
pickypicnic said:
How many times must we see the little girl piss herself? The author is a fucking sicko, that's for sure.

the better question is how further will the author take it

Sep 29, 2017 3:59 PM

Jun 2017
Aidoru-Ojisan said:
Kaze_Kitsune said:

I actually did! I've never had a problem with the music for this show :)

Ah, then you plan on doing the same like me? Read the manga while listening to the OST? It's out and I plan to do it soon lol

I will probably read the manga at some point, and it seems like a good idea to listen to the OST. I have to finish Berserk before that - I told myself I'd finish it after getting like half-way through the manga like three times haha.
Sep 29, 2017 4:03 PM

Apr 2012
best show that has aired in probably a year or more 10/10

possibly one of the best 1 cour shows in a long while too

definitely a classic adventure themed series with a very rich world ; shame it is only 13 episodes
zzzeallySep 29, 2017 4:08 PM

Sep 29, 2017 4:09 PM

Dec 2016
Wow , big hype for a season 2 or a movie about this !
Is there the same story (i mean on the last episode) on the manga? (10/10 anime)
16 peoples made missclic ?
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Sep 29, 2017 4:16 PM
Jun 2016
I knew what was coming and taught to myself : "I'm not f*cking ready"
And i spent half the episode sobbing.

The big surprise of the year for me, it's really something else.

Sep 29, 2017 4:38 PM

Oct 2010
SHOCKING. I would never have expected that Mitty used to have boobs. @___@ <-edit: sorry for accidentally tagging you, dude

A term comes to mind: "over the top." This is an extreme case of "your mileage may vary." I see a couple of people in this thread say this was the first time they ever cried watching media. I got about 30% of the way to crying at a couple of other parts, but not at the elevator scene, oh man. When I was about 12 I found a similar scene deeply disturbing in Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Today, well... at the end of the elevator scene I burst out laughing. Just a coping mechanism. :P

I don't intend disrespect to anyone, I'm just reporting my own experience. I cry at the dumbest things in other shows.
Sep 29, 2017 4:40 PM

May 2016
After watching a large number of 'good but average' shows lately, Made in Abyss has once again reminded me why I watch anime; to find that one gem that will completely immerse me into its world with great storytelling and characters; providing me with a high sense of personal enjoyment. Made in Abyss has done that for me!

I admit while the show was airing I was concerned that with only 13 episodes that the ending would be rather rushed and leave the audience with no sense of satisfaction. However this has to be one of the best final episodes I've ever come across! Meng.. err I mean Bondrewd is truly beyond human! Those poor children! How is he able to get away with such heartless and immoral acts? The elevator scene was truly disturbing, poor Nanachi & Mitty! I feel sorry for them both!

Reg killing Mitty was sad too, you can tell the decision wasn't something that both Reg & Nanachi could make lightly. They really are brave, I want to give both of them a hug :( The whole episode was painful to watch, I probably would have cried if I wasn't an emotionless robot. However the bath scene put a smile on my face again. Poor Reg getting all embarrassed again! Shame he can't cook either, ha ha!

With it's impressive world-building, unpredictable story, likeable cast of characters and the best OST I've heard in a while, this is my anime of the year!

10/10, favourited and reviewed! Will jump straight into the manga once the English paperback is released. Please Japanese anime gods, give this a second season!

Bondrewd did nothing wrong.
Sep 29, 2017 4:43 PM
Dec 2015
Quite an interesting ride. The show got better and better with each episode. And the finale was just perfect with the sad past of nanachi and mitty. I'd say this was the best anime for this season and I hope it gets a season 2 'cause we all wanna know WHATS AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS HUGE PIT?!

Sep 29, 2017 4:46 PM

Oct 2013
A gripping finale. The combination of cute and brutal in this show was something to see. I'm scoring 9/10.
Sep 29, 2017 4:50 PM

Mar 2015
I happened upon this show by chance when visiting friends. I hadn't heard any discussion of it among my friends (most of the hype went to bnha). This was such a wonderful surprise. I loved the adventure, fantasy, and overall storytelling of the show. I am going to pick up the manga this weekend.

I'm curious to see how it did overall. I hope it got good reception, and that there will be a second season when the manga gets farther along!

Sep 29, 2017 4:53 PM

May 2015
After the finale, this show simply deserves a 10/10. I almost had to cry, because of all the suffering ;__;....

Gonna continue the manga for sure. Hopefully we'll get another season, though.

Sep 29, 2017 5:08 PM

Jan 2011
This show has been an amazing, emotional roller-coaster. Even though I've read the manga before this, I couldn't help but cry during the farewell to Mitty.
Sep 29, 2017 5:19 PM
Nov 2016
I love this show. It made me look at our reality as a mystery to be solved. I will perhaps read manga, because I'm very curious what will happen next.
Sep 29, 2017 5:21 PM
Jul 2014
Hard for me to come up with words for this finale. I think I went through every single emotion possible throughout those 47 minutes. Even though I don't like rating things normally, this final episode was an easy 10/10 for me. I could go on a long spiel talking about everything I loved about this episode and this show but I feel like most people who enjoy the show understand all the things that are great about it.

I'm very happy that Nanachi is joining Riko and Reg on their journey and I really hope we get a second season eventually so we can see what's next. I know things are going to only get tougher for them here on out and with this new villain introduced I am a bit fearful of what may come, but I'm still ready to see it nonetheless.

While the manga is tempting, I think I'll hold off for now. I did kind of feel like that very last scene was them saying we'd see another season once there's enough material to adapt. Anyway, this is easily my favorite show of the season, and I'd even say it's most likely tied for my favorite show of the year thus far.
Sep 29, 2017 5:28 PM

Aug 2015
I want to give a Nanachi a big hug.
No ulterior motives behind it. None at all!
Sep 29, 2017 5:46 PM

Aug 2015
Oh man, oh man, oh man. That was wonderful. Everything about this was so great. The perfect use of music to set the tone of the scenes, the backstory of Nanachi, how they showed the characters' emotions and the very majestic shots of the city at the end. Not to mention that ending scene which gets you hyped up. This episode made me like Nanachi way more and I am now super curious about what will happen when they meet the other Raiders.

Made in Abyss has interesting characters with a lot of development, great music, a very interesting story, beautiful setting, amazing visuals and it's not afraid to go dark when it needs to. I also adore the attention to detail and how they fill up plot holes by explaining how the life and objects we get to see work. The little lewd scenes we get now and then are also really nice, they don't feel like out of place fan-service.

I've had this at nine on my list but with this perfect ending and yet another super emotional moment, I'll be giving Made in Abyss a 10/10 and I really really hope we will get a second season.
It's only a passing thing, this shadow. Even darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer.
Sep 29, 2017 5:47 PM

Dec 2014
I forgot the last episode was going to be longer. What a welcomed surprise. This was the show I looked forward to the most this season, though I wasn't sure how it was going to play out with only 13 episodes. Especially after seeing how Erased turned out in the end made me extra skeptical. This whole last episode though was perfect. I'm blown away that something with so few episodes managed to execute such a well made ending. Now all that's left is to hope it gets a second season.

Sep 29, 2017 5:54 PM

Jan 2014
Damn! The whole show before episode 13 seemed kind of "meh," but that finale really saved it for me. I wanted to cry. Best episode.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Sep 29, 2017 5:56 PM

Dec 2014
Mitty's death was far too sad, Bonedrewd can go to hell, and that ending montage along with that OST was brilliant.

Debated between an 8 or 9, but ehh I'll go with 9/10 with this one.
I need sleep.
Sep 29, 2017 5:59 PM

Nov 2015
Such a beautiful anime, the atmosphere, the music, the art... 10/10 for me
Sep 29, 2017 6:04 PM
May 2017
DAMN. that was great

hopefully more of the story will be written for season 2!!
Sep 29, 2017 6:05 PM
Jul 2017
Scalpelexis said:
Carlostylerz said:
where did you see?

Try to think a little bit. It was officially aired about an hour ago. Guess where? Isn't it easy to tell they are probably Japanese origin or in Japan? Move there, get your TV and you might be also be one of the first ones to comment.

You do realize amzon gets it one hour after it airs
Sep 29, 2017 6:05 PM
Jul 2015
What a great end.
the 48 minutes of the chapter were a sad and wonderful journey
accompanied by the best soundtrack of this year and the final sequence with the upward balloon in sign of "we are well, we continue our trip", a trip from which they will never be able to return.
I hope that in a few years we can enjoy another season: ')
Sep 29, 2017 6:13 PM

Aug 2016
Amazing last several episodes including this one. I was on the "8.5" territory just before this episode. Now it's a definite 9.

Top 20 anime franchise for me.
Sep 29, 2017 6:25 PM
Jun 2016
5/5 layers.
Amazing buildup. I almost cried. Same feels I had with AnoHana, Angel Beats, and Hoturabi no Mori combined lol. Anime of the season and potentially, the year. I love this show. Final episode felt like a real movie. I will always remember this show thanks to the unique setting and great characters and music. I would like to thank the staff and actors for making such a beautiful show!
Sep 29, 2017 6:26 PM
Aug 2016
great series. the finale was really emotional. hope to see the sequel, or perhaps a movie especially about Bondrewd and Nanachi Arc. 9/10
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Sep 29, 2017 6:38 PM

Nov 2014
a 10/10 AOTY for me!!
Sep 29, 2017 6:53 PM
Dec 2013
time to read the manga now
Sep 29, 2017 6:53 PM

Nov 2016
I hate this anime for making me cry so fucking much. its soo damn good. the pain of two kids wanting to meet their goals and the manga is even darker sigh. 10/10 for this. it was worth my time looking at this. time to catch up with the manga sigh.
Sep 29, 2017 6:54 PM

Oct 2016
This episode is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I love it.

I am in awe when I saw Nanachi and Mitty's past, I thought it was already the most emotional scene. Then finally, when Reg finally granted Nanachi's wish.. I just couldn't hold my tears anymore. >.<

I'll excuse myself and read the manga nao.

I was nothing until the moment I met you.

Sep 29, 2017 6:58 PM

Jan 2011
this was really good Mad in the Abyss managed to stay strong from the start to end was wondering why this felt so long then only looking at the time 40mins had past .

Nanachi has my support her and heir friend suffered a lot, while i understand them leaving it in for the finale since it was a hour long but really didn't need to leave all of it

this show nailed the music,art and animation on top of doing world building really well mix in some interesting *supporting characters* and you got yourself a solid show.

8/10 seems about right my biggest grips with this show were purely on the questionable tastes of the author while that stuff didn't surface up to much after the start it always lead me to ask why does this need to be in this kind of story

anyho gladly will await news of another season need to see more of Bondrewd since hes got that Kira voice
Sep 29, 2017 7:00 PM

May 2014
This is definetly a AOTS 10/10 it earned a spot in my fav list

Nanachi and Mitty's back story is really sad

I cried a bit when Reg is about to shoot Mitty when Nanachi ran to mitty crying and telling sorry T_T

I hope for 2nd season and want to see them continue their adventure with a new companion joining them on their journey
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Sep 29, 2017 7:06 PM

Nov 2014
I cry 3 minutes straight when they sent off seriously...i cry really loud that my mom ask me why i'm crying...even when i was watching Clannad,Angel Beats,Anohana etc...i not cry that much and not really loud...but for this really make me cry a lot..what make it worse when Nanachi put the toys around Mitty...that make me more sad :(

Btw 10/10 best series
Sep 29, 2017 7:14 PM

Jun 2014
Nanachi is the master race.

Sep 29, 2017 7:38 PM
Jun 2017
GoldNautilus said:
The death of Mitty is the first scene in all of film to make me flat out cry. I don't mean shed tears, I've done that many times, I'm talking flowing tears, uncontrollable convulsing, runny nose ugly crying. 9/10 series, maybe a 10 on the rewatch and the dependent second season, now to wait for Sentai's BD release.

Me too for fing sake it was heartbreaking
Sep 29, 2017 7:38 PM
Jun 2017
Omeganimes said:
Wow , big hype for a season 2 or a movie about this !
Is there the same story (i mean on the last episode) on the manga? (10/10 anime)
16 peoples made missclic ?

Episode 13 adapted Chapters 23 & 24 .
The anime was very faithful to the manga.

As for your question of a second season or a movie...
The release of chapters is a bit erratic,slow at best-

As of now only four chapters have been released for 2017.
Long story shortened- The manga is at chapter 42 and holding....

(The official English release is almost two years behind btw)
NordhammerSep 29, 2017 7:50 PM
Sep 29, 2017 7:47 PM
Aug 2017
What a great finale tying up old ends and hinting at future events. This is easily my favorite anime of the season!
Sep 29, 2017 7:49 PM

Oct 2013
Wow, amazingly beautiful, what an experience.
Sep 29, 2017 7:57 PM
Jul 2018
I went on a rant for the final ep of Virgin Soul, so I'm gonna go fanboy on this one.


Yeah, there was no big climactic fight, but that's what made it great! So many anime are focused on always having a big fight or confrontation at the ending of their seasons, but this one didn't, and it was great.

Really great to show what other humans are doing in the Abyss, interesting stuff.
Yeah, we've been told, that people lose their humanity when going into the 6th layer, but not shown.
Mitty's transformation was sadder and more disturbing than anything that happened in that edgecrep Re: Zero. Seriously. I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep comfortably tonight. That shit was more disturbing than the Eclipse from Berserk.
But not only that, this freaky shit served to remind us just how horrifying the Abyss gets further. I've been complaining that most of the episodes didn't feel very tense and exciting, and I began to lose that uncomfortable feeling.
Really interesting to see Nanachi tell Reg to stop, fooling us into thinking that they wouldn't kill her, before Nanachi then tells him to do so. The hesitance really humanized her.
Nanachi is best girl and the only actually interesting character in this anime that consists of nothing but archetypes.
The ending sequence that shows different shots of the characters preparing for their journey really hits home how big it is.
The theme that plays at the end was better than the sappy melodramatic songs that played at the start of this anime.
Reg getting a boner will become an internet sensation meme.
Sep 29, 2017 8:04 PM

Jul 2017
this sheeet is art m8! gud stuff
Sep 29, 2017 8:16 PM

Apr 2014
loooved this anime, gonna continue with the manga, i think. although i would love a sequel, because i think anime is more suited for this type of story. i'm like 90% sure there will be one, the way this episode was set up was basically screaming "sequel incoming!"

my ONLY complaint about this series is the weird over-sexual tone with the children. it would have been fine if they were adults but it just seems unnecessary and distasteful when it's done on lolis and children. like it would have been completely fine if the author left out those type of scenes, it just made me feel uncomfortable. i may be overthinking this, but perhaps the author did those scenes on purpose to make you even more comfortable along with all the dark shit that goes down

if there will be a sequel i would love to see more of that creepy white whistle who experiments on children. i absolutely love antagonists that i genuinely can hate, and he seems like an interesting one as well
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Sep 29, 2017 8:19 PM

Jan 2013
I have watched more than 300 animes and there was lots of times that I felt really emotional, but that was the first time that I really cried.

Seeing Nanachi crying was just too much for me

Loved that anime. 10/10
Sep 29, 2017 8:21 PM

Jul 2009
Holy fucking shit that was the best final episode of anything I've seen in a long time. This episode brought my score up to a 9/10.

I'm a manga reader but they adapted this part so well I almost cried.

Bravo Kinema Citrus
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Sep 29, 2017 8:24 PM

Jul 2009
Mods can you clean up the nerd rage posts?
Don't forget.
Always, somewhere,
someone is fighting for you.
As long as you remember her,
you are not alone.
Sep 29, 2017 8:32 PM

Aug 2014
Wasn't feeling this show after the first few episodes, but everything since Nanachi showed up was amazing. Then it ended. How you gonna leave me hanging like this man.
Sieg Zeon!
Sep 29, 2017 8:42 PM
Oct 2007
Anime of the season!

I realized that more people is watching the show compared to the first few episodes based on just how many votes are coming in these days but I wish many more would watch :P
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Sep 29, 2017 8:45 PM
Dec 2015
This series was like a breath of fresh air compared to some of the series that aired this season. I really hope a second season will be announced soon. There is one thing that bothers me tho... is like no one going to address the "stung up naked" punishment thing. (╯°□°)╯
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