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Nouka Suitai no Kikairon-teki Sekaikan ni Kansuru Ikkousatsu
Aug 19, 2014 6:02 PM
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Nice to meet you
U got a nice taste
Oh, yes. Shoko won the election, Saki won the erection.
I didn't watch it but I can clearly remember all the MEMES people were posting non-stop at the time. From what I could grasp it seems the plot pull a Guilty Crown and go bananas near the end.
Funny trivia about Cross Ange, you probably already know this but Yukarin also plays one of the characters in that show, so during this live reading at a seiyuu event you have a scene where Nana's character is approaching Yukarin's party while wearing a hood.
As she slowly approaches, Yukarin notices the shadowy figure and starts screaming until Nana stops and goes: "Nanoha?"
"Eh, Fate-chan?"
"Nanohaaa" "Fatee-chaaan"
Both of them and the audience then gets a good laugh out of it but, of course, now I can't find it on YouTube anymore because some greedy stupid copyright owner probably took it down.
I really share this feeling about live performances.
I mean, I am glad I was born in an age with all these quality of life gadgets and The Internet but I also wouldn't complain if I got isekai'ed as a Woodstock teenager. I would then go from a hippie to a successful Microsoft shareholder and be able to attend all the once in a lifetime concerts that I missed.
Pink Floyd's Pulse tour, Guns n' Roses live at the Tokyo Dome in 92, Hatsune Miku's first Project Diva and Nana's Live Circus 2013.
Why the 2013 Live Circus? Because I believe this is prime Nana. She sings all my favorite songs and the crowd is surreally ecstatic.
This one contains the Eternal Blaze clip everybody (and probably you too) watched AND TM Revolution as a special guest to Preserved Roses (which I agree is probably one of the best duets I've ever heard - their voices just match perfectly).
This is a concert I'd recommend you watch in full length if you haven't already. It's 4 hours of pure awesomeness.
I know it's not an easy find (AB has it, if you have an account) but it's definitely worth it.
Ok, so, you missed two paragraphs of Tenki no Ko ranting.
It began with "I know, right?" and I made funny references to the whole gun subplot being an anti-NRA propaganda now that Shinkai is clearly a disgusting gaijin sell-out with his McDonalds product placement.
Then I went to complain how this movie had utopian Ghlibi characters, the complete polar opposite to his traditional characters where they were a borderline criticism to Japanese society i.e. nobody cares about children traveling alone, nobody talk to strangers, everyone ignore crying people on the streets, etc.
If this was the good old Shinkai, when MC arrives in Tokyo and meets a shady guy in a ferry, he'd be either a broken wage-slave or a paedophile. Instead, in this movie he's a caring good-hearted single dad. What the fuck.
I also complained about how it annoys me when "The System" plays the villain part. Oh, why can't underage children run away from home? Damn, those pig cops trying to catch two minors running amok during a flood! Whaaat, a 15yo girl can't live alone with a child?
Still, while I hate many aspects of the film, at least he didn't fail me with the ending. This medium is flooded with "ultimate sacrifice" stories and hero tales where the lonely gramps tell his grandchildren why he never married, because his girlfriend died to save millions.
At last, someone who doesn't care about how many lives he ruined or how Japan is now fucked having lost its economical and political hub.
He just wanted to be with his girl.
It's Shinkai's redemption for Beyond The Clouds.
Did you see the news? Nana married! ...and it's not Yukarin.
I've always made fun of those people who get emotional about celebrities lives (why should I care if some English princess dies?) but this time I can't help feeling happy for her.
When interviewers asked if she'd like to get married she'd always reply that it was never a priority because of her career but that she never stopped thinking about it and wondered if she was getting too old.
She had a shitty childhood and the beginning of her career wasn't really healthy but she kept going and became perhaps the most successful idol-seiyuu of all times. It's one of those stories where you look back and whisper "damn, she really made it".
This probably means she'll retire in a couple of years when/if they have kids but I guess even the most obsessed otaku are fine with it. After all, it's Nana. She deserves a fairy tale "they lived happily ever after" ending.
And yeah, she had to announce it on the 7/7. HOW COOL IS THAT.
I prefer more the classical mahou shoujo style but mecha-girls are also quite appealing. As long as it shows bishoujo ass kicking I'm down for it.
That said, I really don't remember why I only watched the first season of Symphogear. Maybe it was laziness of going through the whole franchise or because one season already satisfied my urge to see Nana Mizuki + Ayahi Takagaki interactions, which was the main reason I picked it up.
One thing that I did dislike was the MC and her naruto-tier drama. It was like watching a female Kamijou Touma.
The thing about action mahou shoujo that really resonates with me is that it's often a battle shounen stripped of the annoying hero dialogue, and the hero suffering is replaced with shoujo SoL issues. Nanoha is great because her whole character agency on the first season is improving in magic because she's gay for Fate. Homura and Madoka are just teenager jarheads who got caught in a huge mess and the old school Sakura, Usagi and Honey are simply autistic pyromaniacs.
The point is: I don't need deep monologues from the MC explaining her decisions or what is righteous and what is not. The whole "hero talk", that's not why I'm here. Some SUFFERING and drama is fine as long as it doesn't stick as the main theme.
The simpler to get the MC is, more lovable she becomes. That's how series like Izetta or Shuumatsu work.
Perhaps that's why my favorite girl was Chris. Dead parents, shitty childhood, poor as a stray dog. Does she complain about it and go out to fix the wrongs of the world? No, she just wants revenge. There's depth to her character but she doesn't annoy you with her issues. They spent the whole season trying to make me feel feelings for the MC, her gay roommate or the blue-haired Nana Mizuki but the only episode that really hit me was when Chris sacrificed herself to redirect the bad girl's laser thing.
I still want to watch the rest of it one day, though. A lot of seiyuu I like started flocking to the series by the 2nd season.
By the way, did you watch Shinkai's latest film, Tenki no Ko? Its plot has a similar "hero" issue which is why a lot of people disliked it.
Not really an outstanding story but I loved the ending.
Hm, so I guess the movie is like a Nanoha StrikerS of sorts. Same franchise and same known faces but with a different theme and expands on the world building instead of day to day antics.
And then movie 3 is the Nanoha Force manga which is such a clusterfuck we pretend didn't exist.
I'll go with the OVA route when I get in the mood for mecha, then.
Ah yes, part of the reason why I want to go through Macross F is because of Lion. I've heard it so many times it's starting to get annoying that I never watched the anime (even 2.5D youtubers sing it), Delta having idols is a nice bonus.
I also proudly watched Aquarion just because of Akino + Bless4.
Speaking of it, I just found myself falling through this "virtual YouTuber" rabbit hole. Ever heard of them?
It's really retarded because with N4 Japanese knowledge I only get about 20% of what they are saying but somehow it's really addictive watching anime girls outside of anime.
After some research trying to choose my favorite girl* to watch I got really proficient in the whole business details. Apparently after Kizuna Ai exploded in popularity a lot of idol companies saw the profit in the new venture and started recruiting. That's why most of them have fabricated personas and honestly aren't really interesting to watch because of forced antics.
Meanwhile you also have independents like illustrators and mangaka who already did Youtube stuff deciding to adopt the new format like the mangaka of Himegoto.
*The bright side of companies owning the market is that you get really great character designs and motion capture equipment. I'm really digging Shirogane Noel from Hololive. She looks like a Fire Emblem character and her voice is so soothing it brings me peace of mind.
Impressive, really. It's been 10 years and the same old bugs still exist.
Did you watch the PS5 announcement conference thingy? The only titles that caught my attention were the new RE and that loli in space (Pragmata?) but it's still years away so nothing to get excited about.
The new design also looks like a bother to dust off and it's obnoxiously huge. This time I unironically prefer the aesthetics of Microsoft's shoe box.
Ah, now that you mention Platinum, something I was really looking forward to was Grandblue Fantasy Relink, which they were helping with the engine 2~3 years ago (moe with great combat!!!) but apparently shit went south and they left development. Now I don't even know if it has a set release date.
I'll definitely try XC2 in the near "future" then. Quotation marks because I just started RDR2 and it took me 4h to close chapter one due to my OCD of checking every single corner for items and collectibles... It will probably become a massive time sink.
Unrelated topic, I've been watching quite a lot of anime recently (really proud of myself) and I was considering Patlabor next because of this specific clip:
What picked my interest was the advanced-but-still-realistic tech, geopolitics and military gibberish. Does the series share this vibe or is it just this one scene? I'm afraid it will morph into full blown mecha when I look away and then I'd be better off watching Macross F and delta which are still sitting in my backlog.
And is it better to watch in release order (TV first) or movies first? I think I watched bits of an OVA once when I was little but I have no idea what fits what. I mean, what even is going on here.
What's with your burgers and racism, though? I mean, it's 2020. The real enemy doesn't have a darker skin color... it wears fur.
Fucking furries.
In the opinion of this middle-class privileged white male, furries are the real issue.
With that said, NNK2 was indeed a bit awkward sometimes with all the animals but I really liked the character design and overall looks.
I didn't play the first one mostly because of the aesthetics and also didn't know jack shit about the story of the sequel before getting into it, so imagine my surprise when MR. PRESIDENT popped up. Really dig the story though, including the cliche villain and his more-than-obvious mottif.
The platinum was also quite easy, I expected it to be grindy but instead was a enjoyable journey (maybe with the exception of those war games - that became boring after a while). I probably wasted more time talking to random citizens for fun than grinding orbs or mobs.
I have a friend who's a huge Yoko Taro nerd and also wants me to play Nier before Nier Automata but it's really all about art style for me. Most of the people I know have played and praise all those Dark Souls, Sekiro, Bloodborne, God of War, etc AAA hits and while I know they are indeed good games I don't see myself playing it. Even the Bioshock franchise I've only played infinite because of Elizabeth.
Translating, if I can't stare at a cute bishoujo butt while walking around or enjoy some wholesome interactions between party members, it doesn't hold my attention for too long.
That said if you know any JRPGs along those lines please do throw them at me. Is there anything with a combat system like DMC but with moe characters? My favorite by far from the Tales series if Graces F.
I considered giving Xenobrade Chronicles 2 a shot but people say it's kind of a clusterfuck with 30000 different mechanics to master.
Forgot the good ones are the first to go.
Though while my top 3 are from the moe-hater grampa I still consider Takahata to be a better storyteller overall.
Miyazaki gets lost too often on his fantasies and it hurts the script some times - Totoro and Ponyo are big structural trainwrecks and films like Howls and Marnie are so stuffed with epoch references that it's hard to keep track of what exactly is the real setting.
Takahata on the other hand has consistently adapted a variety of screenplays into his style without missing the mark. It also doesn't hurt that he seems more of a sociable person in 3d than "anime was a mistake".
>What kind of games do you play?
hmmmmmm I don't know. I enjoy games with cute anime girls but also enjoy blowing things up.
I mean, back when I was younger and still in middle school, MMORPGs were the shit. I wasted countless hours on stuff like RuneScape and Priston Tale while talking to e-friends from my guild on Teamspeak.
Then when I was in highschool the shooter genre became the next cool thing and I jumped on the bandwagon with Call of Duty mw3 on the ps3. All my school friends (plus our gym and science teachers) were also playing so it was quite fun to go in as a squad.
As the hype died down I stumbled upon Battlefield 3 and since my PC now wasn't the "family's PC" anymore I could play anytime I wanted. This resulted in me wasting close to 800h on it and reaching as high as top 223 on the world ranking for support helicopter players (people would trash talk me for being a vehiclewhore but that was the best part of bf3).
Then as servers became less stable and filled with hackers (EA dropped the support to focus on BF4) I went back to MMORPGs and decided to try the high-end ones now that my PC specs allowed.
Found out about Iris Online, a recently announced anime-style open world MMORPG, and became active on the community ever since local servers opened for alpha testing. I really enjoyed the game's visuals and mechanics so it was just a matter of time until I met some people just as excited as myself. But then, just as we were the hot shit, the publisher went bankrupt and shutdown all servers.
Trying to fill the void I went through shitty pay-to-win grindfest MMORPGs like Aura Kingdom, Archage and Black Desert until finally finding out about Blade & Soul.
Great graphics, moe lolis and an outstanding combat system that felt good when you hit the right combos ...until they switched the server locations and instead of getting 60ms ping (which was okay-ish) I started getting 380ms. Downright unplayable.
After that and until today I didn't commit to anything else and just kept playing the shitty popular multiplayer of the moment with friends (overwatch, LoL, Cod Warzone, valorant, etc).
Now that I think about it, I've always played a lot more multiplayer than singleplayer.
For singleplayer I tend to prefer relaxing or storydriven stuff (walking sims/ citybuilders) or cheesy JRPGs (like the Tales series). The PS4 ones that I need to catch up with now are Red Dead Redemption II and Nier Automata. Just got platinum on Ni no Kuni 2 last week and A Plague Tale the week before.
What about you? Did we meet somewhere along this path?
Hey but that's great news, getting to work with something you enjoy. Also nice timing, I was supposed to graduate next month but with classes suspended I have no idea when that will happen and even if the company I'm currently doing my internship will have the resources to hire me.
Not sulking, though. I'm finally going through some PS4 games I had on my backlog for ages and if things really don't improve I can always sign up for a master's degree (which is like a less-tryhard PhD).
About the Ghibli stuff, I was defending the honor of my daughterwife Kiki against a friend who claimed her film was not top 5 material so I ended up ranking everything and making it publicly available for the world to see.
Complete waste of time but now I can shove my Ghibli e-penis around the internetz.
The Wind Rises (2013) and Poppy Hill (2011) are probably the new ones that most surprised me (in a good way).
Good stuff that kindergarten of yours. I wonder how sex ed. classes would play out.
Quarantine got me so bored I'm actually browsing MAL again, of all places.
From your last message (2 years ago):
So what's next on your cultural appreciation journey?
Thanks to Netflix predating the global animation market I ended up marathoning the entirety of Ghibli's catalog.
It turned out quite well since I found new favorites that I'd never watch if I actually had to download all 22 films.
I can later send you my thoughts on it if you're interested.
Nothing beats cell animation, man. There's just this nostalgic beauty to it ...and I'm not even that old.
Hope someone makes an anime about this virus in the future. Cute moe girls fighting evil covid-chan to protect senpai from getting germs.
Hm, Hataraku Saibou 2 is right around the corner.
I even have the "Red Shoulders Anthem" set as my phone's ringtone. :P