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Jan 14, 2016 7:14 PM

Apr 2015
For some reason I don't like Hayami in that role. It doesn't match.

Cliched ice queen is cliched.

Do I have to listen to those annoying spells every time they fight?

Great visuals. Great spot, Kawakami.

...all in all an enjoyable yet average episode, but we do need these from time to time, don't we. And Kyoto make the best kind of 'enjoyable yet average' shows IMO.

But this will get unbearable if it gets overly serious, I hope the playful attitude remains.
Jan 14, 2016 7:25 PM

Jul 2015
SansrivaaL said:
Im only in this for the animation/Mai's design and Uchida Maaya, but God have mercy the story is boring, the characters are boring.
Making the MC look like an idiot when he's the one who has knowledge, something tells me this will go on till the last episode, I wouldnt blame the MC if he goes evil one day. Mai has a fcking terrible personality so far, belittling the MC like she owns him, I like her design but wtf is up with her attitude.

Exactly the way he gets dissed is not cool
Jan 14, 2016 7:32 PM

Jan 2013
TonyTheme said:
A Certain Magical Index, another LN adaptation and one of the most popular, is one. Anything in the Nasuverse is one. It's just not an attribute for everyone in the world. Even the Bible alludes to this concept. Lain, a sci-fi story, even hints at this concept through using the Roswell incident and sightings of UFOs. I've seen plenty of stories with this at its center including books (American God) and webcomics (Gunnerkrigg Court). Whether or not Phantoms always existed, or are a creation of human sub/consciousness (that may also retroactively create them) is the question.

The nasuverse doesn't say that supernatural things exist parallel to the world, or whether humans retroactively create them. They just exist as a blatant part of the universe, and the characters deal with it. Human perception doesn't matter.

Regarding Index are you talking about that small diffusion stuff that made that one girl come to life? Collective human consciousness made a living being. Now that you mention it I do see the similarities.

People usually move in with him when that happens though.
This happens, but invisible parents are just as common.

Seeing an MC live alone with no prospects of that changing is strange.
Except he has made no comment on that.

Maybe I'm jumping the gun, but I'm confident I'm right on this point. He doesn't have to make a comment. It's anime, they can try and show it visually.

I think you just want to hate him, so you're finding reasons to hate him.
I think you should avoid presuppositions. I don't hate any character in the show.

You could've fooled me.

After everyone left, they bothered to cut the audio completely and show a scene where he's typing all alone in his room. Why bother include that if they're not trying to say, "look at how things are for him usually!"
Those are the 20 seconds I'm talking about. Simply having him sit alone in itself is also not interesting. The scene was also there to show him trying to get the machine working.

They didn't have to show that though. Like what's the point of the mood getting all somber like that just to show him working? They could've just cut to the next scene and have him said he worked last night.
I might have thought too hard when interpreting that scene but only time can tell. I'm confident I caught what the directors were intending though.

Also, don't you have a better understanding of how he got his personality now? He doesn't read as a hobby like normal people. His whole house is practically just books, so reading is more to him than that. It's on the level of dependence.
His main concern in the episode was becoming more of use to the team due to Reina's sealing ability. The constant jabs at his trivia being useless were mainly used for comedy. Despite having his knowledge and usefulness being called into question by Mai, he simply focuses on improving himself and doesn't delve on the possibility of being useless. Inferring that he has some form of dependence on books that hints at something beyond the surface is just conjecture at the present moment despite the possibility. I readily welcome it, though.

I wont deny it's conjecture, but I think there's some real significance to the fact that his house is so unique.

Also man I hate this new meme where everyone has a lack of a personality unless they're following some stupid trope or something.
Except that's an apt description of the cast at the moment.

Hmmm... I don't really see it. I mean besides like the basics like slightly ditzy or loner which are just personality types, I can't compare them to archetypes of those types of characters. If you took an archetypal ditz and put them into this show they wouldn't fit in.

The way he approached Reina doesn't show a lack of personality.
His enthusiasm suggests nothing of deep inner character.

That's where I say you're wrong. Genuine curiosity for the existence known as phantoms, and appreciation for Reina's abilities shows quite a lot about deep inner character. From that enthusiasm you can infer that he has a lot of knowledge about phantoms foreshadowing his role in future battles as well as speculate as to the source of that knowledge.

For instance, Manato having dirty thoughts about Kotoura right in front of her in Kotoura-san shows quite a lot about his inner character.

Him not even thinking to invite Koito to their group doesn't show a lack of personality.
He already knows she has no interest in joining the club at the moment. This can very well likely be due to understanding her feelings of alienation, and we already know Koito will learn the power of friendship. Combine that with the scene where he's alone and his longing gaze at her after the others have already moved on, there's a case for an understanding. Note how this tidbit is immediately followed by a hackneyed moment with Ruru whining about a possible romantic interest and then Reina asking about the nature of their relationship.

You just analyzed possible reasons why he behaved the way he did towards Koito, and how does that give him no personality? So what if it's hackneyed by that next moment. The director doesn't want you to get hung up on Koito just yet. Also, it's not like that scene was invalidated by the Ruru antics.
TitanAnteusJan 14, 2016 8:03 PM
Jan 14, 2016 7:33 PM

Sep 2011
Now if we really have real deal undergarments shots, KyoAni wins in fanservice.

Jan 14, 2016 8:05 PM

Feb 2014
Not watching any ecchi shows this season so this will make do :p
Jan 14, 2016 8:15 PM

Feb 2014
About Minase's power... the chanting part, and then shooting the power with her voice... it sounds really awkward.

Can't get used to Izumi's voice. It's sounded too mature than she looks.
Jan 14, 2016 8:19 PM

Mar 2010
The nasuverse doesn't say that supernatural things exist parallel to the world, or whether humans retroactively create them.
Nah, many supernatural entities are willed into existence due to human imagination. Reality as they know it on Earth is conjured by a reality marble powered by the will of the planet, and certain humans also have reality marbles powered by their own inner reality that can override it (this is similar to Index's personal reality concept). The power of Servants are even tied to this concept and even get power boosts by being in their country of origin (or at least the country they're most popular in). Only some Heroic Spirits like Saber and Gilgamesh actually existed.

I'm confident I'm right on this point. He doesn't have to make a comment.
Likely, but this barely has an influence on his actions in the story as he engages in cliches that don't inform you of anything and makes him no different from your generic anime protagonist.

Hmmm... I don't really see it.
One of Reina's distinguishing features is being a big eater. Ruru is just your pet character attached to the main character that makes snide remarks and likes sweets. Koito is nothing more than your typical ice queen as aforementioned (No idea why people are calling her a cunt, she'll obviously soften and engage in the hijinks soon enough), but it's only been one episode so far. What are scenes like Reina sucking on Haruhiko's finger without knowing it would be healed meant to convey? That was just a common scene of titillation despite the discovery of a new power.

I'm only speaking about their present characterization, so maybe my opinion will change.

From that enthusiasm you can infer that he has a lot of knowledge about phantoms foreshadowing his role in future battles as well as speculate as to the source of that knowledge.
His wealth of knowledge has nothing to do with inner character. Why he pursues such knowledge could tell you something, though e.g. escapism - he can easily be an ignoramus that misinterprets information he reads and have the same motive.

For instance, Manato having dirty thoughts about Kotoura right in front of her in Kotoura-san shows quite a lot about his inner character.
Like? It shows he has a libido, possible perversion, and has a sexual interest in her, that's about it. How does this inform you of what motivates him as a character to accomplish whatever goal(s) he's aiming for, or whatever conflict he's going through? If it's as simple as sexual interest, how does this say "a lot"? It's incredibly simplistic unless he has a sexual abnormality brought on by pivotal events that effects him personally along with the nature of his relationships and has negative consequences (an example would be Lolita's protagonist).

You just analyzed possible reasons why he behaved the way he did towards Koito, and how does that give him no personality? So what if it's hackneyed by that next moment. The director doesn't want you to get hung up on Koito just yet.
Fact is this does not influence his interactions with Mai, Ruru, or Reina. That would actually make him more interesting - he immediately runs up to Reina, divulges his interests without restraint to the point of scaring her for comical effect (followed by getting a peek at her panties - acknowledging your work is cliche does not stop it from being so, it's a form of shallow self-awareness), and then gets her to join the team. As far as we can see, he's shown more social ability than Mai (note she also leaves alone). It's pretty much a bowl of nothing so far.

Also, it's not like that scene was invalidated by the Ruru antics.
Just an example of the cliches evident in the work.
TonyThemeJan 14, 2016 8:37 PM
Jan 14, 2016 8:58 PM
Jul 2011
The first episode was better than this one but anyway, I hope that it gets better, I was pretty excited after watching the first episode, but after the second one I wasn`t that excited anymore...

Luv the fanservice tho.....
Jan 14, 2016 10:01 PM

Jun 2013

Jan 14, 2016 10:41 PM

Sep 2010
The pacing for this anime is really weird.. It's not terrible, but something seems really off.
Jan 14, 2016 11:35 PM

Aug 2014
Well, Mai is perfect haha xD.. But, she is becoming one of those girls who beat up the protagonist every single time, I hate that. Overall, this made me chuckle a little bit.
Jan 15, 2016 12:25 AM

Jul 2013
First episode >>>>>>>>
Jan 15, 2016 12:56 AM
Jul 2018
The new girl seems really interesting but the second half of the episode was kind of silly, KyoAni always finds a way with the fan-service and it does get really annoying but in the end I’m still interested to see where they’re going with this.
Jan 15, 2016 2:20 AM

Nov 2009
What a waste of talented animators.
Fear is the mind killer.
Jan 15, 2016 3:35 AM

May 2009
Vorgier said:
What a waste of talented animators.

I'm pretty sure they had fun making it.
Jan 15, 2016 4:01 AM

Feb 2014
Is it just me or does Izumi look like an older version of the little sister in Charlotte

Around and around the cycle goes.
Jan 15, 2016 4:57 AM

Sep 2013
Vorgier said:
What a waste of talented animators.
japan love qt girls so i think they enjoy making this....
Jan 15, 2016 6:15 AM

Mar 2014
19Pyro90 said:
Is it just me or does Izumi look like an older version of the little sister in Charlotte

Pls don't give me another reason to hate this.
Jan 15, 2016 7:31 AM

Jan 2013
TonyTheme said:

I can't tell if you're enjoying the show or not anymore, but from what I read of your previous comment, you're being pessimistic about where the show could take the characters outside of Mai.

Manato having perverted thoughts right in front of Kotoura after finding out she can read minds to me does show inner character. It shows that he doesn't really get embarrassed, and depicts him as having an outgoing personality. I mean he did it right in front of her after he found out she could do it.

Basically if you took the protagonist of another anime, and put him in that position they'd act differently in regards to showing their perversion, therefore; it's characterization.

Also, regarding Haruhiko, I wasn't just mentioning his wealth of knowledge but his enthusiasm towards it. He also approached a complete stranger and convinced her to join his club even though she was originally against it. That shows character, because it shows he has social competence, as well as enthusiasm. The only reason I mentioned the wealth of knowledge was for the same reason you're inferring. Now the reason he behaves this way isn't something we're expected to know yet, but that comes with time.

Regarding the cliche's the characters interact in. I can see that, that negatively affects your opinion of the anime as a whole, but I'm personally not that biased against it.

For instance, one of the funniest anime, I've ever seen Love Lab, has tons of cliches that the characters revel in while still poking fun at them, like, the macho girl in an all-girls school being looked at adoringly. Or the perfect student council president. Or the long black haired beauty acting prim. Even so the characters in Love Lab are still unique. I don't think cliche's are bad as long as they show the characters personalities. Like who plays bokke and tsukommi.
Jan 15, 2016 10:42 AM

Mar 2014
Vorgier said:
What a waste of talented animators.
Considering that almost all of the anime they've been working on the last 10 years have been uguhuu moe moe series I am pretty sure they are more than overjoyed to be animating something different for once
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jan 15, 2016 10:48 AM
Dec 2015
This series becoming one of my fav! ~ definitely gonna keep watching!
Jan 15, 2016 11:12 AM

Apr 2015
Bible Black summoning reference? Zazas, zazas
Jan 15, 2016 11:13 AM

May 2014
Comic_Sans said:
Vorgier said:
What a waste of talented animators.
Considering that almost all of the anime they've been working on the last 10 years have been uguhuu moe moe series I am pretty sure they are more than overjoyed to be animating something different for once

"I am pretty sure they are more than overjoyed to prostitute themselves".

I am pretty sure that KyoAni's staff loved working on Nichijou, Suzumiya, K-On, Hibike Euphonium, and even stuff like Chuunibyou and Tamako Market.
I am pretty sure that Naoko Yamada genuinely enjoyed making Keion and Tamako (one doesn't have to read her interviews to feel it), and is doing her best with the same mindset for the movie adaptation of A Silent Voice.

And it's not like they never animated action scenes (Haruhi, Chu2byou, etc).
Jan 15, 2016 11:16 AM

Aug 2014
Dat new girl seems interesting, though I wonder why she is so cool? Also Reina was quite cute when she mentioned she wanted an "all you can eat" buffet x3
Jan 15, 2016 11:28 AM

Sep 2008
The amount of fanservice is just... But I can't help but watch it for Minase, she's just too <3
Jan 15, 2016 12:17 PM

Mar 2014
paraze said:
"I am pretty sure they are more than overjoyed to prostitute themselves".
Did you just compare animating an ecchi series to working as a prostitute?
I am pretty sure that KyoAni's staff loved working on Nichijou, Suzumiya, K-On, Hibike Euphonium, and even stuff like Chuunibyou and Tamako Market.
I am pretty sure that Naoko Yamada genuinely enjoyed making Keion and Tamako (one doesn't have to read her interviews to feel it), and is doing her best with the same mindset for the movie adaptation of A Silent Voice.
And? I never said they didn't

Besides, you can love to do something but still want variety once in a while so I really don't see what your point is
And it's not like they never animated action scenes (Haruhi, Chu2byou, etc).
almost all of the anime
Nico- said:
@Comic_Sans oh no y arnt ppl dieing i need more ppl dieing rly gud plot avansement jus liek tokyo ghoul if erbudy dies amirite
Conversations with people pinging/quoting me to argue about some old post I wrote years ago will not be entertained
Jan 15, 2016 12:26 PM

Sep 2013
For anyone who had no problem with Free! and find themselves displeased about the fan service in this show, I encourage you to look below. Just a reminder of how indulgent the former anime was:
Jan 15, 2016 12:36 PM

Oct 2009

And cliched.
Jan 15, 2016 2:12 PM

Jul 2012
This was a decent episode, I do enjoy the beginning intro they have where Haruhiko gives information on stuff which is pretty interesting and cool if they use it to foreshadow things. This episode was more to introduce Koito and show us her personality and skill. As usual the fanservice was on point with all the girls stretching through out the episode plus the finger sucking from Reina was pretty damn hot. But yea that was pretty much the episode, it was decent besides the fanservice but i'm guessing we will probably have Koito on the team next episode through some crazy thing that Haruhiko and the gang do.

Here is my full review on the episode:
Jan 15, 2016 3:14 PM

Jun 2014
oh my stars, such lewd. i love it. reina is best girl.
Jan 15, 2016 3:23 PM

Sep 2015

a post I made in the “Hibike! Euphonium' Anime Sequel and Movie Announced” thread

doki-doki said:

Still think kyoani should do a show about UFOs and not Euphos :D

rarurururuararu! :D

and great to see a bit more of Koito, best girl!
Jan 15, 2016 5:18 PM

Oct 2011
Pretty lewd tbh..

Jan 15, 2016 6:03 PM
Mar 2014
This show looks really pretty, but that's about it for now. Maybe it will get more interesting later on.
Jan 15, 2016 6:16 PM

Mar 2010
TitanAnteus said:
Manato having perverted thoughts right in front of Kotoura after finding out she can read minds to me does show inner character. It shows that he doesn't really get embarrassed, and depicts him as having an outgoing personality. I mean he did it right in front of her after he found out she could do it.
Good job omitting that information.

Still, doesn't address true character in any depth, though. Is this actually at odds with his previously established (surface) characterization? Contrast is an important element. He already openly rejected an invitation to go to a girl's house with glee, that's how he's introduced. After he says he's embarrassed after Kotoura reads his mind and he thinks he was talking aloud, he's clearly lying and acting in jest, given the behavior he just demonstrated. The next scenes has him joining her for lunch loudly when no one else will interact with her and then pestering her with joy along with making himself look like a fool for laughs. His sexual fantasty does not tell you anything new about his character, nor is their any contrast with what's already on the surface - it's right in line with it and reinforcing already known traits of his character. What we learn that's new is his possible sexual interest in her (his motivation was to get her to stop walking away from him, and he learned she could read minds days prior), that's it.

That shows character, because it shows he has social competence, as well as enthusiasm.
His enthusiasm shows his enthusiasm? It doesn't really you show much of all, though. He gets her some food and a bad example of exposition follows. He can interact with people normally, but that was never in question. You were attempting to paddle that he has some kind of impairment and dependence on books, but this is actually at odds with his behavior or doesn't even influence his interactions with those closest to him so far. Many other students are also implied to live alone entirely while he (possibly at this point) lives with his parents. I'd like to add you'll be in for a surprise about the protagonist's living situation.

Even so the characters in Love Lab are still unique. I don't think cliche's are bad as long as they show the characters personalities
Sounds like a contradiction. Cliches show personality, it's just repetitive and predictable ones that usually are a sign of lack of skill and imagination.

EDIT: I'm being realistic and purely judging based off the previous episode. The show can improve since the main conflict has only just been set up. We'll probably learn that the mysterious incident was no accident soon as our main characters get caught up with the company's secrets.
TonyThemeJan 16, 2016 1:54 AM
Jan 15, 2016 11:28 PM

Jun 2015
That.....was disappointing. The only redeeming feature of this episode was its comedy. That Koito enchant before using her power tho;

HijaziJan 16, 2016 2:33 AM
Jan 16, 2016 6:58 AM

Nov 2014
Mai is a fanservice gold mine
Jan 16, 2016 8:08 AM

Dec 2010
339 her chanting and powers ...another fanservice out of nowhere oh well
Jan 16, 2016 9:11 AM

Jan 2011
error5000 said:
Mai is a fanservice gold mine
Truth. Shes's had hentai way before the show even aired. Don't think she'll top Hestia but still...
Jan 16, 2016 10:23 AM
Jan 2010
it's the kyoani cycle again of a few good shows (the last two) and then a complete trash one (phantom world)
Jan 16, 2016 11:22 AM

Nov 2011
2nd Kyoani show dropped in last 3 outings, they need to get their shit together.

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Jan 16, 2016 12:10 PM

Apr 2012
The UFO scene at the end was kinda funny, lol! XD I was expecting butts and boobs in this show anyways. Just by watching the trailer.
Jan 16, 2016 12:18 PM

Nov 2011
this show is basically NGNL of 2016. it promises something unique and deep at the beginning, but soon after, turns out to be just ecchi / harem.
the difference, of course, is that this one is not rated "ecchi", so the fans will not be able to use that excuse this time. not surprisignly, those who enjoy ecchi shows like Highschool DxD and NGNL are having a blast with this series.
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Jan 16, 2016 12:25 PM

Feb 2015
This show is pretty boring to me. Dull Mc, fight scenes just aren't interesting, Comedy is flat, Cliche characters (Mai is ok i guess). I also feel like this will be a "Monster of the week" show which is something I rarely like.
Jan 16, 2016 2:09 PM

Dec 2009
Falling in love with Minase over here.
Jan 16, 2016 2:42 PM

Mar 2013
Hmm still feeling like ecchi/erotic scenes overweight the fantasy and action. Not usual from KyoAni but it isn't that bad I guess. Scene with stalker UFO was very funny. Also, Koito seems like a nice girl. Her ability is interesting as well.
Jan 16, 2016 3:23 PM

Jul 2014
Rocksterrock said:
Despite the wierd fanservice the show tries to throw in, it's still hella entertaining. As long as its fun to watch, doesn't matter if it doesn't really have a plot. The animation makes it even better too. Though I can see why people wouldn't like this one, personally im enjoying it :P

This is exactly why I'm watching^
Jan 16, 2016 4:28 PM

Oct 2014
Damn that ending was lewd
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Jan 16, 2016 6:16 PM
Apr 2014
lol his summon was even better than I imagined :D I totally thought it would just be a really tiny version of his drawing but then it turned into that fluffy puppy xD

also that thing Ruru took with her definitely is going to be a problem in some way.
Jan 16, 2016 7:01 PM

Feb 2013
Typical Kyo-ani, quality production, but uninteresting to me. Dropped.
Jan 16, 2016 7:05 PM
Jan 2016
I liked the whole episode, the UFO scenes were funny when he got thrown out the window
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