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Rurouni Kenshin: Meiji Kenkaku Romantan - Kyoto Douran
Yesterday, 12:59 PM
· Scored
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Days: 101.0
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- Chapters15,175
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All Comments (114) Comments
not the most impressive affinity I have with another user but that's pretty cool yo
(while most of the characters have more normal-looking eyes than Yui, hers definitely are unusual. though, again, you may have a different opinion since you have seen far more anime than I did. however, the average anime watcher isn't even close to your number, so...)
also, i just find it quite funny that this is what bothered you from my review lol
I also wrote in tingy's comment field about this, but I don't think you'll get a notification for that.
>Bastek was right
>Whorizofags are worse than Ruka or Mamifags now, can't defend their whore
>The idiots spamming Kazuya improved as a person are non-existent now