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Apr 20, 2015 11:15 PM

Nov 2012
6/10 from me. this series had lots of great moments and aspects, and some not so great ones too. especially the romance between yuki and kodai felt really underdeveloped.
Apr 22, 2015 6:56 AM

Dec 2014
disappointed ,this show was great until episode 21 but after that ...

oscar8784Jun 29, 2015 7:59 PM
May 5, 2015 7:01 PM

Sep 2010
Space ghost nii-san revives Yuki so its happily ever for Kodai then Okita dies and his memories/soul reactivates the system.

Loved this series 9/10.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
May 15, 2015 10:22 AM

Oct 2010
This was masterpiece in every regard except for Yuki dying to save a minor character, who ended up dying anyways and didn't contribute significantly to any of the themes that the series proposed.

Literally just died saving an extra.
Jul 4, 2015 10:36 AM

May 2015
What a Masterpiece I wish they could make more of this , Its rare to find anime with quality like this, That ED and every scene damn that emotional ride being sad to happy I can't describe it in words now. Quite a Masterpiece!
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Jul 17, 2015 9:57 PM

Feb 2008
I really wish they changed the one thing that really hurt the original. They ended up keeping both the Dessler shenanigans and Yuki dying/coming back to life. At least in the original her death saved Yamato. Here it was random as fuck, and she still came back alive after three minutes, like Jesus.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Aug 6, 2015 5:04 PM
May 2012
oscar8784 said:
disappointed ,this show was great until episode 21 but after that ...


As for me, it was great until episode 23. It was a solid 8/10 but because of the forced "happily-ever after" end, goes down to 7/10.
Aug 19, 2015 5:19 AM

Jun 2014
Not really that good I've seen better Space Operas. 3/10
Aug 19, 2015 11:15 AM

Aug 2014
pureradiance said:
Great show but a couple things took away from it. The whole revive thing was basically a deus ex machina. They shouldn't have killed Yuki in the first place if they were going to revive her under such conditions. Second, for a really advanced civilization, the Gamillas ships felt like they were made of paper while the Yamato was made of lead.

Third, many died on the Yamato and many little planes were destroyed but they never seemed to run out of artillery or new planes or new crew fact, somehow, every crew member who was good and got screen time, besides the captain, survived. Lastly, Desler was waaay overhyped and never really amounted to anything.

Overall, if I were to score iit, it would still get at least an 8/10 because I give that to any show that I successfully marathon without getting bored. It was still entertaining if nothing else.

exactly my thoughts.

An 8 is a little too high though, imo.
Aug 23, 2015 10:14 AM

Feb 2011
Pretty good ending to a rather good series. Personally i thought that they could have gone with the bitter sweet ending where she dies and they return to earth without reviving her, then maybe we see Susumu a bit older, as a captain with a photo frame of her like the previous captain's photo of his family. Not saying I didn't like the ending at all but sometimes the sad dramatic ones are better (Okita dying only to reboot the system just felt a bit off)

Seeing Aberdt's moment of sanity feeling genuine grief for killing Miezela, tears and logic behind the war. Telling the guards to stand down from shooting Susumu as he could relate to the feelings of love and grief of loosing ones love. Was nice

Another thing I enjoyed about this series is how it handled the romances. There were genuine progressions into relationships and new ones, no but hurt people saying that they wouldn't give up, that you normally get in anime. The glasses-kun looking at the photo of his arranged partner, I think there was something between the long haired pilot and akira that just hasn't been realized yet. Yuria and the security guy. Susumu and Yuki of course, found the whole photos on her dresser and him sleeping in her room rather sweet. The priest and the nurse expecting and getting married was a nice touch. As well as Starsha's apparent relationship with Mamoru and carrying his child
Aug 25, 2015 12:13 PM

Oct 2013
A second season is in development lol great ending tho can't wait for season 2!!
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Nov 5, 2015 11:56 PM

Mar 2012
Did not enjoy Space Battleship Plot Armor.

Sure it looked great, had a great OST and a good start but around the 13 episode it just started going downhill not to mention that ridiculous ending. The amount of irrational decisions that Okita made is just mind boggling. He just did not give a dam and the shit actually worked because it's fictional and it looks cool!

No, just no. I can see how people enjoyed this if they looked past the bs but I just can't...
Nov 8, 2015 12:51 AM
Jul 2010
10/10 for me
Can't wait for season 2!
Nov 13, 2015 3:38 PM

Mar 2008
Entertaining, but the plot fell on itself at the end.
Dec 26, 2015 2:24 AM

Apr 2013
What an epic ride. That adventure was such a roller coaster of emotions! The quality is just over the top (soundtrack, art, animation) not to mention most of the characters were likable to the end.

Adding this to my favorites.

Salute, the Yamato and its crew
Jan 4, 2016 4:59 PM

Dec 2011
Great ending! Such a powerfull anime.
Jan 7, 2016 8:58 AM

Jan 2014
9/10 overall. Some minor annoyance in the plot, particularly in the "post-ending episodes", but those are easily forgiven. Worked out plot, worked out (pseudo-)science, worked out characters, and even worked out languages. One of the best, if not thé best, space anime I've seen.

pureradiance said:
They shouldn't have killed Yuki in the first place if they were going to revive her under such conditions.

I agree 100%. Really the whole resurection of Dessler should have been skipped. I guess they needed it to finally flesh out his character a bit more, but this was not the way to do it. Also I think that the revival of Yuki was primarily a plot device to justify the transfer of Okita's soul to the Cosmo device, and thus tying him to the Yamato.

Orokamonogatari said:
I wished to see more that triangle relationship, but it died around halfway. I like Akire more but Yuki is fine too. Still satisfying ending nonetheless. One of the best space opera genre out there.

11/10 just like everyone else did.

Like other's have said, that sorted itself out. Also, I never really saw it as a real triangle, just two girls being jealous. Kodai was always clearly sailing in one direction.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Jan 9, 2016 8:47 PM

May 2012
A totally superb ending if you ask me! Really great to see this amazing series being remade like this with lots of great new changes while still keeping most of the true story and atmosphere! Even though some parts were different and some additions were a bit less in my opinion compared to the original, it was still an amazing ride.

From epic intense fights to romance and really lovely character development, you've got it all right here! One epic franchise featuring both Isao Sasaki and Wakamoto Norio well I can't say anything else than that this was epicly great!

Up to the specials and I really do hope they'll create that second season!
Jan 15, 2016 1:44 PM

Feb 2010
The music, the battle choreography, the action, the satisfaction 10/10 :)))

Jan 26, 2016 5:33 PM

Sep 2011
Okita the best character of this entire series. RIP to him. The CG was fantastic throughout the whole show and the whole visuals as a whole was great.

Hoping a remake of the second season of this comes.

Feb 17, 2016 6:38 PM

Sep 2013
Like most sci-fi anime, what happened after was left to the viewers imagination. Kodai and Mori finally got reunited. I wasnt surprised she survived though because of the damn spoilers I accidentally read. There were many parts in the story where I wished they gave a better explanation of it does make it feel a little contrived. Overall its a pretty good series, this is probably one the most satisfying space sci-fi anime I've watched.
"I have been wielding a blade since before your were swimming around your father's scrotum." - Kurou
Mar 3, 2016 9:18 AM
Nov 2015

I know This is biased, but nostalgia gets me every time!

Season 2 in the works!! I hope they remake the Bolar Wars too!
Mar 8, 2016 4:08 PM

Aug 2008
I do not understand how this show has such a high ranking on this site, this show was pretty mediocre in every way. Plot and characters were a mess, everything felt as if it was simply scratching the surface and not delving into anything of significance. I simply didn't care about these people as I was given no reason to, can't grow attached to people who don't seem to have deep relationships with each other. The anime just says they do but I don't see it at all. Then the shallow Gamillians stoyline... bleh.

The stupid resurrection at the end just sealed my disappointment, not that I thought the show would have the balls to leave her dead. Just a cynical attempt to manipulate emotions of the audience which for me failed hard. I was tempted to drop the show rating from the 7 I was going to give it to a 6 for that but I'm restraining myself. Barely.

So 7/10, I'm reading above there is a second season being made? So what, round to with their previous enemy? Don't know what else there really is to tell storywise that shouldn't have already been told here. Whatevs.
Mar 9, 2016 6:41 AM
May 2010
I marathon the whole episode after, getting quite bore of Gundam IBO. Very great ending and also a magnificent anime overall.

Now that I finished it, kinda feel empty cause there are no more space opera anime I can watch. Thankfully there's a 2nd season so I'll be waiting, I hope it'll be just as good.
May 18, 2016 3:50 PM

Aug 2014
The Ending is more Bullshit than the previous episode, WTF, this is Star Wars of the anime except its not revolutionary and its very predictable, i would recommend it to middle school kids who like space stuff.
The only good scene in this episode was Okita's final scene.

From Episode 1-14 it was around 8/10, it was actually GOOD, but now I'm not sure if its even Fine.

Animation: 8.5/10, It was great, and the visuals and the use of CGI, i felt was pretty good.

Art: The use of colors and the planet designs, the Ships, Gramillas planet and all this was very good, I didn't like the characters deign though, like all the blonde girls look the same, not much effort they put here. 7/10

Sounds: Its just fine, nothing special, and the OST has no much variety its always the same OST, it gets really boring, the songs were good so +1 for the songs.

Story: Started Good, turned to Bullshit the last 10 episodes, No logic at all, Huge Plot-Armor, Cold Emotions, Predictable, No complexity at all. Instead of writing whats bad i'll write some good things; Pacing was good, and the first episodes were very well made. +4

Characters: All uninteresting, even the captain Okita, I couldn't like anyone of them, they never took any risk with the characters, Desler was a bit better than the others along with Okita, the others are boring, Development isn't that good either. The series focuses on the Journey itself and not on the characters, which could be great if they had a better story.

Enjoyment: It was enjoyable at first, (around 7/10) but towards the end it became boring because i couldn't take it anymore because all this bullshit and plot-armor, it prevents me from enjoying it anymore.


Value: 8 (Its rare to find an epic space anime with new animation)

Overall: I really wanted to like it more, but those issues i stated prevented me from liking it anymore, and I think this anime is pretty Overrated, it doesn't deserve to be in the Top 100.

My Final Rating: 5.8/10
Jun 4, 2016 11:04 AM
Mar 2009
Would it make sense to start the old second season of this to continue the story?
Aug 16, 2016 12:50 AM
Jul 2018
I cringed so hard at the amount of bullshit, deus ex machina and predictability the show turned into. Even ignoring that, from the very beginning relationships felt forced and shallow, the MC was generic as hell (tho to be expected for its time), the cast was generally very lacking in terms of characterization and I can't get over the fact that the Empire of the universe with hardened war generals and countless equipment couldn't take down ONE.FUCKING.SHIP composed of one veteran, two competent guys and a bunch of novices smh. The villain was kinda cool because he reminded me of a space insane Ozymandias but he turned into shit toward the end, aaaaaaaaand he got his girl stolen by the MC's half dead big bro ffs. Did I mention the plot hole concerning the food shortage ? So yeah never felt the pressure of the stakes at play and couldn't get attached to the cast even if my life depended on it. I'm kinda surprised at the amount of circlejerking here tbh.

The show does have positives so it still managed to entertain me and redeem itself to an extent. First the visuals are gorgeous and the battles are freaking awesome, I legit got hard simply by watching the different planets' backgrounds and the badass space battles. Chocolate Ayanami Rei aka Akira was very cool despite her lacking screentime in the second half. And the fanservice ass shots brought me an honorable source of yuetsu amidst the clusterfuck that was going on at times so kudos. Old school soundtrack contrasted with the modern relooking design was especially delicious, that was a good direction move on the studio's part.

I know being cliche and plot armor heavy is expected from such an old work but I can't agree with it, especially after having seen old ass school masterpieces like Ashita no Joe and Rose of Versailles which turn all those conveniences over their head to bring thought provoking and heartwrenching conclusions. Even from a Space Opera perspective it's not that good, though I might just be a spoiled bastard after LoGH.

Normally I'd give it a 6.5 but since it's not on the rating scale I guess I'm torn between 6 and 7... I'll have to let it sink in and think about it.
Sep 6, 2016 2:23 AM

Sep 2014
Let's begin with the ending because I seriously think it's retarded. I mean the whole show featured quite a few Deus Ex Machina moments, yet it still kind of made sense and was enjoyable. The end however was completely absurd. First Desler survived his exploding ship. Maybe he still lives after exploding a second time? Who knows... Then they have Kodai's brother reviving Mori which was a selfish decision to chose a single person over all the other people _after_ all those hardships. But then? Hey, another miracle and they can still save earth. My gosh, way to run a show into a wall in the end. Which wasn't even necessary at all. All they had to do was sending a few of Desler's guys after the Yamato for revenge or something. They didn't need to revive Desler for that. Oh, and just let Mori die. If they wanted to have a happy end, Okita should have survived, which would have at least made sense in some way.

Ok, putting that aside I really enjoyed this show. The struggle of the crew was great. It featured interesting events, cool fights, a range of bad to cool villains and a great adventure. All of this was supported by great graphics, decent animation and an absolutely amazing soundtrack. The only thing that bothered me a bit was the inserted fan service because it really seemed out of place. E.g. the beach episode and the moe blob ice eating scene.

In the end it's a 7/10 for me. I would have liked to give it a 8/10 because my enjoyment was certainly great but in the end I couldn't bring myself to it. That said, I'm looking forward to the next installment. It will be released as a 7 part movie series (like the first one apparently), starting next february. I hope that doesn't take too long.
Sep 8, 2016 4:39 AM

Feb 2016
Lels all these people throwing out the words 'masterpiece' and 'groundbreaking'. In what way is it a masterpiece? Is it near perfect across the board? How so?

Sorry to be that one extra gnarly stick in the mud, but the comments were honestly baffling, truth be told.
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.
Sep 13, 2016 4:48 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Just finished watching, was expecting a bit more from the ending to be honest, almost nothing is really explained, although not hard to understand what has happen, it felt like the anime just ended before it should, they didnt even shown how earth was revived, neither what happened to the crew after reaching Earth.
Lackluster ending, to a very enjoyable series.
PlaycoolSep 13, 2016 5:06 PM
Oct 22, 2016 2:39 AM

Jun 2009
decent anime, it had it's share of issues but it was definitely enjoyable.

i give it a generous 7/10
Oct 27, 2016 6:09 PM
Jul 2018
I'm torn about my rating for this series. On one hand, the characters were rather shallow for the most part, some of the twists were nonsensical, and there were a lot of things that needed elaboration. On the other hand, the drama was moving and unforced, the space battles were great, and the art was nice (loved the alien architecture).

Nov 15, 2016 8:42 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
It was entertaining, it looked really good and all but there's been so much bullshit that i cant give it higher than a 6.

Gotta love to see that a good chunk of the same people that are praising it would cry about the same shit happening in another anime but because its a reboot of a classic and it has ''MATURE AND BADASS CHARACTERS IN IT THAT ARENT KIDS'' it seems like it can get a pass.
Jan 11, 2017 2:04 AM

Jun 2015
10/10 It was pure masterpiece. I really liked Desler's character and of course Domel's. The VAs were top notch and the visuals were a feast for the eyes.

Definitely one of the greatest animes ever made.

I'll rewatch it some other time.
ok :p
Jan 12, 2017 3:38 PM
Restless One

Apr 2016
Increadible. Those last few episodes utterly devastated me. 10/10 and easily in my top 10.
I witnessed a loli spill from a cartridge and somehow retained my sanity.
Jan 12, 2017 3:40 PM
Restless One

Apr 2016
MadSc said:
10/10 It was pure masterpiece. I really liked Desler's character and of course Domel's. The VAs were top notch and the visuals were a feast for the eyes.

Definitely one of the greatest animes ever made.

I'll rewatch it some other time.

You, sir, have a good taste.

I witnessed a loli spill from a cartridge and somehow retained my sanity.
Jan 25, 2017 8:44 AM

Jan 2013
Very overrated, the characters and lore are extremely generic. I could've ignored the plot armor and bullshit 'tactics' in the show (Yamato vs 10,000 ships... guess who wins? Yamato of course!) but they really ruined any sense of immersion when all they do is sit in a ship and scream for the 50th time. It's pretty disappointing giving the stellar art/animation and good soundtrack, it just seems like a key part of it is just missing. Then again, the original material is from the 70's and I'm sure this was groundbreaking at the time.
Jan 25, 2017 9:18 AM
Restless One

Apr 2016
Well, considering the circumstances of that Yamato vs 10000 ships skirmish, it did make good enough sense when you think about it.

Yamato had the element of surprise and charged right to the middle of that armada. Even if they are kinda space nazis, most of the captains were not willing to risk hitting their own, so it´s not like every single ship was firing at Yamato at the same time. Also Yamato is pretty damn tanky at the end of the day, so the few hits that landed didn´t do that much damage. Then there was the fact that everyone thought that Yamato was done when they "fell" into the nebula, which then basically gave them another surprise moment later.

That said the plot armor was pretty real throughout the series, but it didnt´t bother me that much, still loved the shit out of this anime.

EDIT: Altough, it was quite obvious early on that Yamato would survive till the end, considering it was literally the only thing that could prevent
humanity´s extinction, soooo yeah.
HydallanJan 25, 2017 10:41 AM
I witnessed a loli spill from a cartridge and somehow retained my sanity.
Mar 6, 2017 5:45 PM

Dec 2016
Great series overall. After ending this and League of Galactic Heroes I fell like I've already seen the best Space Operas anime has to offer. Gonna miss this. 9/10
Apr 15, 2017 3:36 PM
May 2012
I thought it redeem itself at the end a bit with all the bs they threw in the episodes before, but nah....well it remains true to itself i guess, a bedtime story for kids... 6/10, will never watch again.
Jun 4, 2017 5:02 AM
Feb 2017
wait, one thing is bugging me like hell, what happened to the iskandarian people. how did their population just dwindled without them even seemingly try to save their race?
Jun 27, 2017 12:39 PM

Sep 2015

Was rather enjoying it during the first half, some issues aside, but I just lost interest after that. I dunno, I just stopped caring completely - especially during the episode where the Yamato was quite literally 5 seconds from being destroyed after being caught out by several thousands ships and then they call off the attack because they got a message telling them to return to their home planet immediately due to some asassination attempt or other.

Like really, what the fuck? You send out your entire army to destroy a single ship and then stop 5 seconds before finishing it to return home? Such a literal taking of "return immediately" really ruined any potential of danger this might have had. It was already kind of obvious there wouldn't be any real consequences for absolutely anything but that episode was what really turned my opinion around.

Ah well. For every time the show did something right, it did something wrong. 5/10.
It's an entirely different kind of flying, altogether!
It's an entirely different kind of flying.
Jul 24, 2017 8:59 PM

Mar 2012
Found it reasonably enjoyable. Even if this is a remake, I still have a deep seated love for space dramas, especially of old. Lots of 70s-80s style space opera in this for a modern take, nicely done.

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment"
Aug 31, 2017 6:11 AM

Jul 2013
Really happy that I watched this series. It was a breath of fresh air compared to all the recent anime that are coming out.

The last episode was at one hand emotional, and a one quite tense. I liked it, and even though I would have enjoyed a couple more minutes for the epilogue, maybe it is better that it ended on that particular note.

Can't wait for the sequel.

*Salute to Captain Okita and the crew of the Yamato*
Oct 24, 2017 2:20 AM

Apr 2011
Frickin' blew my expectations out of the water [pun intended], each episode was a grand adventure, an emotional roller coaster of drama and ships charging FULL STEAM AHEAD. Fantastic development of so many characters... THIS is how you develop a team and make me care. I haven't been this attached to a crew since Eureka Seven or SDF Macross.

In the end, I laughed, I cried [it moved me, bob].
10/10. New fave.
Ericonator said:
By definition, everything is retro since by the time you realize something has happened it's already in the past.
Jan 15, 2018 4:47 AM

Jul 2013
It's incredible. Yamato's plot armor, I mean. And of course it never aims to be gritty and realistic. Such is 'otoko no roman' after all. 8/10.
Jan 24, 2018 8:27 PM

Jun 2012
Orokasuke said:
I wished to see more that triangle relationship, but it died around halfway. I like Akire more but Yuki is fine too. Still satisfying ending nonetheless. One of the best space opera genre out there.

11/10 just like everyone else did.
Yea I also thought the same. The triangle was nice at first but then i really started to like the idea of Akira x Shinohara. I just wish we had a little more eps just to flesh out the relationships a bit more. Like Kato and Harada was only hinted at like once and all of a sudden they have a baby and are getting married. And I wouldve really liked to have seen Deslar and Starsha's romance. I cant tell if this is 10/10 or a 9/10. This is by far probably the best space opera Ive seen so im leaning towards a 10/10 more. But theres so much more i wouldve liked to have seen. Especially Shima he got so little time in the second half.
Sol_OuJan 24, 2018 8:31 PM
Apr 27, 2018 2:59 PM

Aug 2014
Whaat, monk got nurse pregnant? When the heck did that even happen? The marriage I can understand but he banged her too? lol I don't think they had that much interaction except for the party where they had on costumes.

Anyway, satisfactory ending overall. Yuki is back, Mamoru wanted to do something for his little brother even if it meant putting earth at risk, which shows how much he loved his brother. Okita becoming the Yamato felt perfect. He is one hell of a badass! Salute to you Captain Okita!

May 14, 2018 9:06 AM

Nov 2011
Final episode that stretches a little on the dramatic, but does not go beyond certain limits, so it is not boring and heavy to follow the narrative. In the end it is also discovered why Starsha held so much to that object which then turned out to be a part of the reverse cosmos. Some parts were poignant and that concerning the death of Okita also very sad. Now having finished reviewing this first season, I am going to start the sequel and understand how things went after this episode, since there is no mention of anything, keeping in fact many outstanding issues; I'm really excited to start the second season. But as far as Yuki's death is concerned, I did not like the fact that she resurrected, since in many series dealing with the subject of magic, it is clearly said that there is no remedy at death.
The beauty of this anime series lies in the fact that it is almost all-encompassing, leaving very few things out of the plot, that's why it's beautiful to look at despite having reviewed it several times, each time you follow it you stay glued to the screen and want to see it all at once.

Aug 31, 2018 9:17 PM

May 2018
This final episode was SO good! I shed so many tears. Captain Okita was a straight up boss! I loved XO Sanada, too.

I love Space Operas.

"Are you intoxicated, or just insane?"
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