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JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken Part 6: Stone Ocean
Sep 16, 2022 7:33 PM
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
Sep 16, 2022 7:02 PM
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Fumetsu no Anata e
Fumetsu no Anata e
Sep 16, 2022 7:00 PM
Completed 20/20 · Scored 6
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YEROCKY Oct 18, 2022 12:16 PM
From the last time you logged in, I had gotten an overnight job and worked there for a year by the time you logged on again XD. Like damn, you really busy *haha* But anyways, everything is good here and nice to see you back again, Klassical.

I'm the opposite with modern anime nowadays with being really picky. It's okay, but a bit disappointing that I only find 2 new shows watchable every 3 months, but oh well. At least my drops and exposure to anime cringe have gone down. I'd only recommend maybe watching Chainsaw Man, because you know, once in awhile, it's good to see what the hype is about.
nikki-chan92 Oct 12, 2022 2:48 PM
How have you been enjoying Xenoblade Chronicles 3 so far? :)

Yea I'm not too active on here anymore either, I am more easily found on Discord these days haha.
nikki-chan92 Nov 30, 2021 8:23 PM
Which games have you been into recently Klassical?! :D

Yea its good to keep in touch, but equally as good to explore other interests and hobbies. A healthy balance of everything yes?
Captain-Andrew Sep 24, 2021 3:49 AM
Damn, you got a whole lot of extended favorites
nikki-chan92 Sep 15, 2021 4:09 PM
yea I am, when I'm not working on other projects and such. Though there are quite a few series I need to check out from last year still.
nikki-chan92 Aug 3, 2021 6:55 PM
How are you doing Klassical?! :D
YEROCKY Jul 31, 2021 1:48 AM
*sigh* I dunno either man. These modern action shounen like Demon Slayers, Juju, MHA, Black Clover, I don't feel what's so special about them either. I'm starting to think that MAL rating is just what the most casual, average anime fan thinks. They're maybe the ones who are watching and scoring the most. I can't back it up, but I don't know how else to explain it anymore :) I agree though, Demons Slayer was just mid dispute thinking it had a cool setting and tone, at least until Zetsu or whatever came into existence. Juju has no story, MHA is like a kids show trying hard to be mature, and Black Clover is in a league of it's own. Anime fans seem to love all these shows though, so I dunno.

Seeing that ending and knowing what I know now about WEP, forget I even recommended it (unless you just want to see the art) - the ending was really that bad. It's one thing if a show like Chihayafuru doesn't have an ending because were just there mainly for the characters anyway. WEP needed an actual ending because it's very story and theme driven. We needed answers with a solid conclusion that wraps up the themes and makes sense of the world they created. The ending is just insulting. Wonder Blunder Egg. Another Cloverworks masterpiece. That MAL rating for WEP special is not an exaggeration. Too bad- it's start was soooo promising. At least Paranoia Agent has an ending, even it's a bit inconsistent, episode to episode.

Odd Taxi looks like a really good pickup and yes, Vinland Saga too. Maybe you'll see it before me *lol* Btw, if you're wondering about Fumetsu no Anata e, it's basically Mushi-shi with a lot of action. I'm really enjoying it, though the anime tries to make you feel sad all the time *lol*

Not much has changed with me, but I'm doing good Klassical. Just hoping I don't have to suffer through forest fire smoke, which seems to happen every 2nd summer. Hope things go well at your new workplace and such.
YEROCKY May 8, 2021 1:02 AM
*lol* That sucks...
You want to drop it, but can't now. Damn man, sorry about getting you into that. You're right though; Juju is mediocre. Biggest issue is that is has no story. No central plot/theme; no twists; no world building. Just cursed users fighting off monsters, but they have to wait for them to appear in the plot to do anything. Characters don't drive the story at all; they just react to monsters going "ARRRRRRRRRRRRG". That's why Juju kind of sucks for me. Most boring action shounen story ever? I'd say yes. Edit: nvm, forgot that MHA existed.

(Sorry about AD as well...)

According to MAL ratings though, it's better that AoT's first season, which has everything Juju doesn't. Non-generic looking art style/tone, expansive fantasy world (which is better for action shounens), lore, plot twists, characters having goals and motivations that actually help drive the plot. Just way more happening in AoT and nothing interesting in Juju, but it's better??? lol Ehh??? Don't know about that one there guys.

Them MAL ratings are good for newcomers, but once you know what you like, they don't mean jack or shit. I use the recommendation system for looking at new shows and it works surprising well. I add shows to my PTW that have been recommended to others shows I enjoy. If there's an anime being recommended to shows I don't like at all, like Tokyo Ghoul for example, then I just skip it. Method is going well; only dropped 2 non-seasonal shows in the last two years from this.

Well, I'm sorry too - I think. My anime watching has slowed down as well. Started grinding Minecraft and sports video games with my buds. Also, I started playing one of my childhood games, FF7, and it's been really hard to put down. I'm really slow watching anime right now, so no more trash recommendations for quite awhile. Haven't finished WEP yet, but heard some chatter that the last half sucked *gulp*. Even so, still a fascinating watch overall I think. Oh yeah, I remember DitF and Zero Two made that show pretty enjoyable. It was kind of weird though, but watchable.

You made a good point about gamers having better taste than anime fans. Totally agreed, especially when it comes to the older games. I find anime fans to be kind of disgusting people honestly. Though maybe lot of them are still decent people. Maybe I just find their taste in anime very questionable. When I play with online gamers, the worst that happens is I get called "garbo" and move on. Like yeah, they're generally toxic, but easily manageable and more forgiving.

Well anyways, I hope you're doing well, Klassical. In the meantime, I'll try playing a little less FF7 and try watching more anime again. I got my completed anime within 100 of my drops. I wonder if I'll ever close that gap *lol*
nikki-chan92 Feb 28, 2021 10:48 AM
I'm sure things will get better with time. Job hunting has become alot harder for all of us though I'm sure due to covid and the economic hardships.

I'm doing okie, spent the last year and 3 months learning how to mod with a fan-game known as The Driver Syndicate. City creation (my city of Victoria is almost a year old and not finished yet), lua code language, modeling in tesseract and blender, and texture work with photoshop. Its been keeping me quite busy during these times ^^""

Yea it was good to take a couple year break from this site but I've still been watching anime and reading manga in the background, its good to reconnect with you and Yerocky :D

I hope you're doing well since November, it took be awhile to reply :sweats: ^^""
YEROCKY Feb 10, 2021 10:12 PM
Haha, no worries man. I've recently watched Redline myself and I have to say that it's probably the best animated show I've seen - like hot damn, that was beautiful to watch! I'm going to be watching 3 movies in the next 3 days, as a part of my anime watching challenge. One of them being the 1995 Ghost in the Shell movie. I hope I can like it as much as you did.

Anyways, I would agree that dropping Juju would be best. I'm a bit ahead of you and I left off at the point where they're about to do a "tournament arc" *lol*. I think it's mildly entertaining in the way that watching it doesn't at least bore me - an okay time waster, but shounen fans love to hype every new title as the "best new shounen" (see AoTards for reference).

Akumada Drive changes in the last half and it does become more interesting. However, the writing and pacing ruin the more ambitious elements/ending they were trying for. You'll probably be safe to drop this too, if you struggle to watch through an episode. I still have to give credit that they at least tried. I mean, I've seen 28 shows this winter 2021 season and most of them are, like you said in your forum post, "recycled ideas and badly executed shows.". It just goes to show you that the state of modern anime is flimsy when Akumada Drive is one of the years' better titles. I agree with that forum post about shows being mostly average/bad. Such a great post : ) Too many niche/fetish shows and the meta is so stale now. They need brand new ideas, or at least new approaches to the current trends (isekai, CGDCT, idols, light novel/game adaptions, et cetera), and more artistic shows.

Yes, Paranoia Agent should be fine for you, along with Wonder Egg. Both shows seem very similar dealing with character issues and traumas, but with a fantasy/supernatural spin, accompanied with "artistic values" that help emphasize the messages - not to just look good. Should be refreshing compared to JuJu and AD. Sorry for those failed recs - I'll get'em next time! Though speaking of recs, thank you for the video game recommendation, Pathologic - sounds interesting.

Yeah, I remember those back-and-forths with others you had regarding Code Geass - was pretty interesting. I haven't rewatched it yet - it's been 5 years, but I'm thinking of doing it before this newest season comes out, plus the movie. Part of me is worried about watching it again because although I thought it was entertaining, I was only enjoying it for LeLouch and C.C's antics. Soundtrack was nice too though. I'm actually going to be checking out the first movie/episode of that "Code Geass: Akito" stuff. Not sure what to expect, but from looking at your list, I should keep expectations low. *lol* Maybe use 1 or 2 for my anime challenges.

What you said about Cyberpunk and general gaming evaluation is pretty fair. I also do think interactivity/gameplay is what I care about in games most, along with music, dialogues, atmosphere, and to lesser extent, story/setting/characters. Also, I used to love interacting with other players online like 5-15 years ago. Nowadays, I can't even bring myself to play multiplayer seriously anymore. The player meta is so toxic, overly competitive, non-cooperative, and just straight up not fun. I spend most of the gaming time offline and when I do play some multiplayer, I can only enjoy it without talking to others and having messages disabled. I see many comparisons with the gaming community and the anime community - though that maybe because people tend to engage in both activities nowadays. The communities used to be very chill, but our generation must have failed to teach the newer generation of gaming/anime fans, idk maybe that last sentence is bullshit on my part *haha*. I still love single player gaming though because I can just play at my pace and be at peace.

Not sure what your gaming experience is like, but I think you said you play with some friends. It's the same for me. I have a few gaming friends only, like I do on MAL with you, Nikki, and ClinT(come back already). Love interacting with them as I met them several years ago, but just closed off to everyone else nowadays. It is what it is. If the gaming/anime community meta improves while I'm still around, I'd consider opening up again. Sorry for my rambling *lol*.

Anyways, good job on getting more people to watch anime : ) Should be interesting for you guys.

Regarding AoT vs FMAB, we both know it's a shit show, but the most simple way to put their crazy fanbase is:

I actually don't even care that people fanboy/girl over their shows. The problem I have is when it goes outside of their fandom/niche bubbles and starts provoking other fanbases to react. Love how all the fans cry over the haters, but the haters are literally just a reaction to the fanboy's over-reaction. Like that one guy said, "every action has a reaction". That's what I think of this mess. No one would be "hating" on any shows if their fans just kept it to themselves. Most do, but some of the crazies can't help themselves. Thus, you get the AoT vs FMAB "war".

Another note: *lol* @ the AoTards trying to "dethrone" FMAB, with it's 5th entry on MAL. AoT season 1 (8.48) doesn't even have a score close to 9.00 and never will. Whole thing is a joke, but also pretty funny at the same time.
YEROCKY Jan 23, 2021 9:34 PM
Seems like Wonder Egg Priority is the latest "artistic" anime to premiere. I'd easy recommend it on its art style, smooth pacing, and interesting story telling alone. I really like that semi-realistic and detailed, but not over the top background art - looks like a painting. A nice authentic looking show, with movie-tier quality.

YEROCKY Dec 10, 2020 1:21 AM
Just a couple of shitposts.

YEROCKY Dec 8, 2020 11:47 PM
Hello, Klassical.

Well, I'm glad you don't mind my recommendations. I know a bit more of what you look for now, so I'll try to recommend more of those types of shows and maybe some others I'm interested in your thoughts on. Speaking of which, I'm looking forward to you watching Paranoia Agent and your thoughts on it of course. Thank you :)

Oh yeah, more Makoto is a good idea. That means you, nikki-chan, and ClinT have all recommended his movies to me YESSS *lol* If you think they're decent, then I definitely will look forward to them.

It's sad, but I kind of expected you to not really like the story and characters of Akumada Drive. Actually, now that I've watched even more, I feel this show is just wasted potential. Like, I really like the world setting the most, but maybe a different story might've been better than what it is now, idk. Too much action & not enough world building maybe? I've watched 'Ocean's Eleven' a few times and I like it because the actors are actually charming and fun as a group. Characters in 'AD' are very one-note which is sad. Though, if I don't think about the story/characters too much, I can enjoy the setting, art style, and some fight scenes.

Oh and Cyberpunk is out now? I thought is was delayed until next year *lol*, but that's nice. If you don't mind telling, is there single player in it? I'm a bit interested in it. I love me some good single player experiences. I'm actually playing Batman: Arkham Origins right now because the game is set on Christmas eve, so I play it traditionally every December. Just like how I always try watching certain movies around Christmas, like Die Hard :P

Edit: So, would you consider Cyberpunk 2077 to be an example of something with high artistic values, but low technical values *lol* I hope it worked out for you. I do want the game, however, I don't have a gaming PC; just an old gen Xbox. I need to wait and hope they can fix it somehow. Not sure if you had time to play it, but if you did, what do you think of it?

Speaking of things coming out, I guess there's more Code Geass now. Ummm.....yea?...I think? It's supposed to be a continuation of the events from the movie 'Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection'. Does this mean we get more Lelouch & C.C action? I still haven't seen the movie yet, so I don't know. I wonder what you and ClinT think of this new release. Like is this shit even going to be good? *lol*

Oh yeah, Mushishi is excellent. Idk, I love my Death Note themed list, but I was feeling tired of it. I thought I would try seasonal themes with my list/profile, using my favorite anime. Mushishi for winter; Byousoku 5 Centimeter for spring; Chihayafuru for fall; which leaves Space Brothers for summer, but problem is that anime isn't really all that scenic like the others. I might need to find a summer theme from something else *lol*. I'll see how it goes, but thank you for the feedback. Also, your updated blog is nice too; very reasonable approach for judging anime quality.

Until next time, Happy Holidays!
YEROCKY Dec 2, 2020 1:08 PM
I love how you get the most random comments for no reason *lol*
Have a gawd day
xHighs Dec 1, 2020 2:13 PM
hello sir thank you for watching and have a god day
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