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Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
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Mr_Berosus Nov 15, 2021 9:11 AM
😏 Poof. Forgot the user name and password AGAIN. Was just easier making a new account.
thebusofdoom Apr 2, 2019 3:23 AM
Yes I've heard of the trio of movies. I won't bother watching the recap ones though as I may as well just rewatch the whole series (a dub is out now and I have legal streaming for it now, so I'll do that at some stage). But yes many hypes for Best Dad arc movie, it's going to be great!

Btw this isn't an April Fools joke, but we got a new chapter now! Hooray!

Holy crap what a great winter season we just had! My favourite was the second season of Mob Psycho 100 which I now regard as a masterpiece (full 10/10 from me). I loved the first season but the second season had more character development, more touching and funny moments and in the later half, some of the most spectacular anime fights I've ever seen! I loved it start to finish!

The Promised Neverland was great too; 9/10 from me. Just when you think you've seen it all and think nothing will shock/scare you anymore in anime, this comes along and completely changes that perception. It had a great story, it was thrilling with many unsuspecting plot twists and I loved the way it was able to build suspense. Isabella was a compelling and legitimately scary villain too. Bring on season 2!
thebusofdoom Mar 5, 2019 2:51 AM
If Bondrewd is best dad, then perhaps Isabella can be best mom? Happy couple <3

Holy cows the latest episode was great! I was on the edge of my seat the whole time watching it; best episode yet without a doubt! The series has been pretty good until now, but it felt like it was missing something that I can't put my finger on. Is it that its not giving the characters enough depth? Is it that it hasn't been as suspenseful and thrilling as expected until now? I'm not too sure, but I read that the adaptation is skipping some dialogue from the manga.
thebusofdoom Jan 12, 2019 7:52 PM
Dam that was a great first episode. It has a scary eerie feel to it; they've handled the suspense really well. I sort of knew what would have happened in this first episode though was I red the synopsis of the manga a while back, but hopefully going forward there will be a lot of unpredictable twists and turns :D Definitely the one I'm mostly looking forward to watching this season.

I reckon we have a really good season this time around with a lot of great shows. So far I've picked up Mob Psycho 100 II & Dororo which had some really first great first episodes, and Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari which was alright so far; I just hope it doesn't descend into another generic fantasy isekai. The only show I'm not too sure about is Boogiepop wa Warawanai which utilities non-linear storytelling which is kind of confusing, plus the animation isn't great; far below what I would have expected from Madhouse. At least I still have reincarnated slime to watch in the meantime :D

Meanwhile the Australian government is starting to get stingy; the courts blocked access to all the pirate anime sites. Being the internet though of course there's a way around it so I still have access to all my animes. Anime fans: 1, Government: 0. At least I can legally stream all the shows I'm watching this season except for Dororo.
thebusofdoom Dec 23, 2018 4:25 PM
OMG I love slime reincarnation! It's so cute, funny and wholesome, I want to give slime Rimuru a hug! It's definitely one of my favourites this year and I impatiently look forward to watching it every week. I just realized that the next episode will air on Christmas day where I am, nice Christmas present courtesy of the Japanese :P

I initially tried the dubbed version of Hunter X Hunter but after a couple of episodes I switched to the sub. I didn't think the dub was bad, but I thought some of the Japanese voice acting suited the characters better. Besides you can't say no to Hisoka's VA. Omg I love Hisoka now; watching this pedo clown is so darn entertaining. He's such a great anti-hero; strong and absolutely dominates every scene he's in.

Here's a sample of one of my favourite Hisoka moments, if you don't mind spoilers:

The Chimera Ant arc is very good and well worth the praise it gets. It touches on some very dark themes and absolutely begins to break some of the main protagonists. I can't reveal too much because spoilers, but there were some aspects of the arc I didn't like. It does drag on for quite a bit (nearly half the series) and feels quite slow at times, especially around the 100 episode mark where the pace slows right down and the action is overly narrated for a little while. Because of this, it wasn't my favourite arc. My favourite arc was actually the Yorknew City arc but I can't reveal why, because spoilers.
thebusofdoom Dec 11, 2018 4:15 PM
The awkward moment when you don't sign into MAL for over a month because you forget what your password is and can't be bothered getting a new one :P

As for Goblin Slayer I wasn't a big fan at first. Apart from the rapey goblins and shit I didn't think there was much going for it as it otherwise seemed like another generic fantasy anime. But I do think it's become slightly better during its more recent episodes as it returns to the gore and horror we were introduced to in the first episode and I am starting to see Goblin Slayer develop as a character which is nice.

I'm all done with uni now so I'm using this time to binge watch anime. I finished My Hero Academia S3 and Hunter X Hunter (2011). I highly suggest watching the latter if you haven't already as it's one of the best shoneny shows going around. It starts off all happy go lucky as any shounen would but it gets progressively darker as time goes on in a fairly original way. The characters are great and the fights are exciting and unpredictable; well worth a watch!
Pixxz Aug 27, 2018 9:42 PM
Sorry about the late reply. Thanks for appreciating my review so much. It's my first one, so it's a bit rough around the edges. And on the topic of Spirit Circle, do yourself the pleasure of reading it. It's Mizukami's best work imo.
thebusofdoom Aug 11, 2018 6:16 PM
Bad news, I'm up to date with Planet With and now i have to wait for the next episode :'(

I didn't know what to make of it at first but now I'm quite liking it. It's simple to follow but it's charming and quirky, I mean how many other anime have a cat that turns into a mecha by swallowing a person?!? Plus the nebula weapons look so bizarre, I can't tell if the creator of this anime is a lunatic or a complete genius. It reminds me of Kill La Kill in some regards.

I quickly sampled the dub for Overlord but I'll be sticking with the subbed version; in my opinion the Japanese voice actors suit the characters better (including Ainz).
thebusofdoom Jul 29, 2018 2:36 AM
Wait, Overlord has a dub? I didn't think there was one; I watched that on my (legal) anime streaming app which usually has dubs for most series, but didn't have one for Overlord. I'll give it a try but it will be a bit odd as I'm already used to the sub. Speaking of dubs I also recently rewatched the first season for Bungo Stray Dogs as I realized a dub came out. It was a good quality dub; but the sub was better as it better portrayed Dazai's quirky personality. He's one of my favourite characters btw; go watch him and all of his antics!

I'm so happy that's getting a third season btw :D

I still liked cum in the Franxx despite the odd ending. It was a bit like a rollercoaster; had some nice touching emotional moments, but some episodes early on were bland and uninteresting.

Yes I will watch Roberta's Blood Trial eventually; how can I say no to Revy swearing and kicking ass? I heard Rock mans up a bit during this season too.

So many suggestions! I'll be sure to dip my feet into some of this seasonal anime; I might try out Banana Fish, Hataraku Saibou and Tenrou, but I probably won't be watching much this season as I have to finish up with uni (my final semester).

The best way to describe Space Dandy is to think of it as a comedic version of Cowboy Bebop. It's episodic, set in space, follows bounty hunters, it even has the same director; Shinichirou Watanabe. It's also a mixed bag in terms on content; some episodes are ok but others are really well directed and have a unique story and sense of style. I think it's a series worth watching.
thebusofdoom Jul 25, 2018 5:54 PM
Yes, long time no see. How have you been?

I've been alright lately. I ended up successfully completing my work placement but I wasn't kept on afterwards. I could have applied for another position within the organization but I decided that I'd rather focus the next several months completing my thesis. Unfortunately that has hit a major stumbling block which means I may not get the first drafts in time. I'll see how I go.

I haven't really picked up anything from this season yet but I'll probably pick up Attack on (901 bus) and Overlord eventually. I didn't really pick up anything from last season either as I was rather busy these past several months. I did pick up Tokyo Ghoul Re which I actually enjoyed despite not being a fan of the first two seasons, and Megalo Box which I haven't had the chance to finish just yet. I've also picked up Steins Gate 0 which I'm sad about as I'm up to date and have to wait for the next episodes :'( I'll also pick up My Hero Academia S3 but I'll wait for the dub to finish before diving into it.

Have you watched anything else lately? I watched a variety of different shows with mixed results.

I watched both seasons of Seraph of the End, which was decent but it felt rather generic, especially the typical angry whiny protagonist who thinks hes top shit and wants to kill everything. There was one character that I really liked though so it wasn't all bad.

I also watched season 2 of Space Dandy which had some rather well-produced and interesting episodes, but had others that completely missed the mark. And yes I did watch season 2 of Black Lagoon. Ahh how I missed this show! Pure mature uncensored entertainment! I laugh at the dub every single time. I've added Revy as one of my favourite characters because of how entertaining she is.

I also watched Samurai Shampoo which was good, but I'm not the biggest fan of episodic anime. I also tried Wolfs Rain as I thought I'd really like it based on the synopsis as it had dystopian themes, but in the end I found it to be rather disappointing with a basic plot and underdeveloped characters. Watching it felt rather slow and tedious, plus you have to watch the OVA to get the actual ending *sigh*
KawaiiSlowpoke Apr 6, 2018 8:19 AM
Yeah but subs are just as easy to read :p
honestly I feel with subs you aren't gonna miss anything cause you are reading what they're saying so it sits more in your mind then just hearing. Could go in one ear and out the other that way.
KawaiiSlowpoke Apr 5, 2018 2:28 PM

SUB is so good too. I mean its up to you. If you're more comfortable with dubs then wait for it but if you dont mind subs I would watch subbed hehe.

Omg I am just about to start that arc in the manga and im like NOOOOOOOOO. It'll be a fun read though.
KawaiiSlowpoke Apr 5, 2018 1:08 PM
I am a nosey ass bitch and saw your comments with the dude below this comment and yeah
HxH is literally one of the best anime and is a must watch so you better binge that shit asap when the dub is finished.
thebusofdoom Apr 5, 2018 5:08 AM
All of Berserk in one month? Congrats! I keep laughing at all the Berserk memes I see, I'm wondering if I should pick up the manga at some stage. Maybe after I finish uni, just like how I plan on binging Hunter X Hunter when I have nothing to worry about. The end of the year can't come soon enough.

Planning on picking up any anime this season? I'll pick up the usual hype shows; Steins Gate 0 and MHA S3, but I have to wait for the dubs to come out. I'll pick up Tokyo Ghoul:Re in the meantime but Tokyo Ghoul is one of my least favourite anime's so I'm not going in with high expectations. It's just I have nothing else to watch.
thebusofdoom Mar 26, 2018 3:08 AM
Lol I wish I was smart enough to come up with Cum in the Franxx. I saw someone else use it as a forum signature :P
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