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Aug 7, 2008 10:08 AM
Apr 2008
You can put any animes you think that might be surreal. After, if I'm not sure if it really is surreal, there will be a discussion about if we need to include it or not.

You can also disagree with the choice of an anime addition.

P.S. Watch the "Borderline animes" topic before and if the anime you want to suggest is there, you might want to say arguments to include it in the "Anime relations"
235wegsdgAug 11, 2008 9:11 AM
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Aug 7, 2008 2:17 PM
Apr 2008
I'm not sure about what is really surreal, so I'll just name the animes that maybe should be here:
-Ghost Hound
-Millenium actress
-Mizu no kotoba
-Nekojiru Gekijou
I just repeat that you will choose. It's just that I think these animes are ambiguous and if they aren't surreal at all, just tell me!
The freedom, in spite of the joy that it brings, can only kill us. Because it proves that, after all, we're just humans...
-Myself (also known as Dark_momo_marcy, as I and as You... and perhaps other surnames...)
Aug 7, 2008 2:57 PM
Apr 2008
Hm... Memories, Mizu No Kotoba and Nekojiru Gekijou are not surreal at all in my book...

For BLAME!, I hesitated a lot... But I think it fits better in the cyberpunk/psychedelic theme... But it's a strange world and all... and after all, H.R. Giger (Alien) is considered a surreal painter... So, I still hesitate...

For Ghost Hound, it explores the subconscious in some way, but there is nothing really surreal in my opinion... Mushishi is also ambiguous but the mushis and all is more about fantasy than surreal in my opinion... I don't really know...

I'll include BLAME! for its experimental nature and also for its art similar to H.R. Giger's art.
Aug 8, 2008 8:18 PM

Jan 2008
This place could use the popular surreal movies, like Paprika and Tekkon Kinkreet, but I'm not sure if it's popularity you're going for or really weird and rare things no one has ever heard of.

You're also lacking classics like Osamu Tezuka's stuff and Shinkai Makoto shorts.
Oh, and Atama Yama.

Sorry if I sound a little...demanding. I love my surreal cartoons.
Aug 8, 2008 8:47 PM
Apr 2008
Tekkon Kinkreet isn't really surreal in my opinion... For Paprika, I hesitated, but... I'm still not sure about this one. It explore the dreams, but at the same time, it doesn't seem to have the surreal feeling to me... But you can not agree with me. ^_^

And Makoto Shinkai ? I especially like She And Her Cat from him, but his animations are miles away from surreal; they are just wonderful and poetic/romantic stories.

Osamu Tezuka's stuff... I watched some shorts, but I'm not sure to include them... Wich one you think should be in the surreal category?

Atama Yama has been there from the beginning, it's one of my favourite surreal animes :P

And no, you're not demanding. Thanks for your suggestions and don't hesitate to don't agree with me; with discussions, things will advance and there will be new animes related to the club. ^_^
Aug 17, 2008 4:38 AM

Jul 2007
How about tamala2010? It doesn't get any tastier than that.

I'd stand behind Superflat Monogram for it's psychedelic chic presentation too.

Of the Memories movies I believe Cannon Fodder deserves to be part of the list. Which other anime presents a pseudo-communist society in such an unbelievable way? :P
madeenerAug 17, 2008 4:42 AM
Aug 17, 2008 6:25 PM
Apr 2008
Yes, you're probably right about Tamala 2010. I didn't watch it completely; I didn't really liked it, but for the sake of this club, I should watch it completely ^_^'

Superflat Monogram? Didn't know about it, but I'll watch it soon! :P

For Cannon Fodder, yes, it was unbelievable, but... not really surreal in my opinion; nothing "fantastic" or like in dreams or...

Thanks for your suggestions!
Jul 3, 2009 9:01 AM
Dec 2007
heres a list of some shows i think are pretty surreal
the animatrix- especialy beyond
noisy birth- by the same creator as kikumana
tokua gettan
serial experiments lain
le portrait de petiet cossete
revolutionary girl utena the movie
ghost hunt

and these ones i leave up to your interpretation on if they should be in the relations
pale cacoon
chaos head
ergo proxy
eve no jikan
paranoia agent
Jul 3, 2009 11:00 AM

Apr 2008
As for Sesgel recommendations;
Cossette - fits the club, it had some surreal scenes.
Toukka Gettan - I dropped it at the first or second episode, so I'm not sure if it fits.
I don't think Kigeki,, Paranoia Agent, Eva, Ergo Proxy, Pale Cocoon, Eve no Jikan, Lain, would fit the banner here.
I have to rewatch Animatrix. I don't remember it too well.
I have not seen; Noisy Birth, Utena (I have this on the HDD to watch someday), Ghost Hunt, Chaos Head and Noein.

My five cents.
Some that I remember that would fit; Mind Game, Dead Leaves, Noiseman, Night On The Galactic Railroad, Paprika, FLCL, Mezame No Hakobune, Speed (1980), Tenrankai no E.
RobdeFRJul 3, 2009 5:44 PM
Jul 3, 2009 2:30 PM
Jul 2008
You guys should add Urusei Yatsura and its second movie, 'Beatiful Dreamer'.
The series and the second movie both have a lot of psychic automatisms in them...

Also Perfect Blue and Ghost in the Shell.
Perfect blue shows the functioning of thought from a psychos perspective.
Ghost in the Shell shows the functioning of thought from the perspective of a person who is internally and mentally linked up with computers, the internet, and a greater experience of consciousness outside of what is possible for people in our time.

Also Paranoia Agent and Neon Genesis Evangelion (if you have seen those animes then no nexplaination is necessary.)
Jul 3, 2009 5:42 PM

Apr 2008
I'm totally in for UY second movie.

I wouldn't classify Perfect Blue and Gits as surreal anime.

But then again, it's just my opinion folks, so don't get angry at me.
RobdeFRJul 3, 2009 5:46 PM
Jul 4, 2009 3:04 AM
Jul 2008
RobdeFR -- No biggie.
From a visual perspective they aren't psychic automatisms, but from psychological and philosophical perspectives they are.
Jul 4, 2009 4:47 AM

Mar 2009
Well thanks for the suggestions, quite alot to take on board - some I agree many are boderline and a few I would be really hesitent. I have my son staying with me today so I will comment on peoples choices tomorrow

Since I do not want to take the decision soley by myself I will try and think of a democratic way to do this. Maybe a poll - does anyone know if you can vote oni MAL polls more than once.

Oh please keep those suggestions coming - as if I dont have enough on my Plan to Watch list XD

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Jul 13, 2009 1:51 AM

Mar 2009
Well had a long thoughts about the relations list *has headache* and thanks for the suggestions. So with yoour sugestions this is what I will add

le portrait de petiet cossete
Dead Leaves
UY second movie
Noisy Birth

The ones I have left either just don't fit the mark or I have not seen any clips from as yet.. I am trying my best to at least watch part of the shows you have mentioned.

As I mentioned in the comments I would rather go for surrel quality rather than popularity. Its quite hard to strike the balance but I think there are so many other clubs out there that people can join that pay homage to what are great shows but I think we would be losing seeds of the club if we just allowed shows in just because of their complex mind fuck story liine or surreal clips.

If you think I am being to elitist please say or object to the list (I will not add for a few days) please say.

Shameless plug signature The Shorts Club

Jul 13, 2009 4:12 AM

Apr 2008
I agree with you. It is the "surreal club" after all, no need to put much thought on it.
May 17, 2010 2:35 PM

Apr 2008
i have to second Ergo Proxy
it may not be surreal visually even though those proxys/lords of the cities are quite unusual
but the story background is
throw away your important belongings, life will be easier, u dont need anything

im not good at explaining 'sight'
anyone want to help me here!!???
Jul 27, 2010 10:59 AM

Aug 2009
I agree, Ergo Proxy certainly IS surreal.
I'd also add Serial Experiments Lain and Mononoke, but it's just a suggestion.
Aug 14, 2010 6:29 AM
Jul 2008
has anyone seen Hi no Tori: Houou Hen?

It had a very surreal ending.

Berserk also had a very surreal ending.
Aug 14, 2010 7:04 AM

Jun 2009
It's interesting how different are the definitions of surreality can be... Here is my list:

Fully surreal

Partly surreal
Oct 26, 2010 1:25 PM

Nov 2008
Let me seccond Mizu no Kotoba!

I wouldn't call BLAME! and certainly not Ghost in the Shell surreal. These are sci-fi. The moment the topic of the humanity of androids becomes surreal the end is loose.

Though I would call the sci-fi Ergo Proxy surreal - the philosphical themes, the game show episode and the whole plot are certainly unusual.

And even though I didn't like it; Superflat Monogram should be considered adding. It is a commercial (Louis Vuitton) animation, but after watching I wasn't quite sure what I just saw...
bleebOct 26, 2010 1:30 PM
Come and look around at the autism club or the Yakuza FC!
Jul 20, 2011 12:11 AM
Jul 2011
Shoujo Kakumei Utena is very surreal, and very good too.
Aug 22, 2011 4:18 PM

Dec 2008
I'd like to recommend all or most of the works of Yoji Kuri. Since his style is predominately surreal, I'm puzzled as to why you only have "The Bathroom".
(Might edit this later to include a specific list)
XanthRebornAug 22, 2011 4:26 PM
Sep 3, 2011 12:40 PM
Jan 2009
To reiterate some points I raised in the comments a while back: I'm puzzled by the absence of The End of Evangelion from the club relations list, especially since the main series and (for some reason) Death & Rebirth are included; the second portion of EoE is easily the most surreal portion of the entire series, excluding perhaps the last two TV episodes (which are surreal in a different way).

I would also suggest a couple of less obvious entries. First off, Ghost in the Shell 2. While it is not as overtly surreal as most other entries on the list, I think it fits the bill. The content of the film is loaded with visual and verbal paradoxes: people in the dystopian future drive 1950s cars and quote Enlightenment-era philosophers; things that appear to be organic are mechanical, and things that appear to be mechanical are organic. Our perceptions of reality within the context of the film are repeatedly toyed with. And that's not getting into the brain-hacking sequence in Kim's mansion.

Also, Princess Mononoke has some very surreal imagery, similar to EoE.

Also also, since Dead Leaves is on the list, shouldn't Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt be as well? And how about FLCL?
Ni_Go_Zero_IchiSep 3, 2011 12:44 PM
Jul 8, 2012 1:25 PM

Jun 2012
"Madoka Magica" should definitely go up here. The art style goes in and out of segments that resemble something that Salvador Dali himself might have drawn. Even when it's in "normal mode", it still has a relatively distorted art design in the form of architecture and layout and such.
Jul 16, 2012 1:07 PM
Jul 2012
Yoshi_u said:
I agree, Ergo Proxy certainly IS surreal.
I'd also add Serial Experiments Lain and Mononoke, but it's just a suggestion.

Serial Experiments Lain is definitely a great surreal anime that often goes unnoticed. I would recommend it to anyone.
Jan 11, 2013 12:17 PM

Apr 2008

Would you kindly give me your definition of what you think "surreal" should mean in terms of the anime you are looking for?

Do you mean "marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream" or do you mean
"unbelievable, fantastic <ex. I have surreal sums of money>" ? Or both/either?

Specifically, are you looking for anime that draw from the same elements as, say, Salvador Dalí or Magritte, such as Cossette no Shouzou? Or do you just want something that will blow your mind or is "pretty !@#$ing weird", such as Nekojiru-sou (Cat Soup)?
Feb 11, 2013 12:18 PM
Feb 12, 2013 5:31 AM
Nov 2012
^^ While I cannot speak for 235wegsdg, my personal definition of surreal as it applies to anime is the former, although the latter can certainly be part of that. It's really about the atmosphere more than anything: The sense that you are in a waking dream state.

^ Aoki's work is definitely absurd, and that tends to go hand-in-hand with the surreal, but I'm not 100% certain.

On-topic: While primitive animation-wise, the series of shorts based on Shintaro Kago's work are definitely surreal in conception, so I would add those.
Feb 12, 2013 9:51 AM

Jul 2008
is Sasami-san@Ganbaranai count
Feb 14, 2013 12:17 PM

Apr 2011
I only watched the first episode of Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, but I think it fits.
I added Short Animation of Shintaro Kago too.
Feb 19, 2013 5:41 PM

Jul 2011
yes all of shintaro kago's works could be classified as surreal and if you can get past his fixation with excrement you get a huuge repertory, now since we are at it, i recently finished Houkago Midnighters, a quite unusual anime, but i found it more akin to fantasy than to surrealism, but for what i can see here as far as this topic goes i want to bring this up. Does a cheer note of fantasy and out of the mill graphics account for a surreal position, or does it need that little something that puts you on the edge of a drug trip.

with that said for example i don't consider madoka magica a surreal anime but i do consider Mindgame a surreal one.
Feb 19, 2013 5:48 PM

Jul 2011
Otrajenie said:
I only watched the first episode of Sasami-san@Ganbaranai, but I think it fits.
I added Short Animation of Shintaro Kago too.

also may i ask why only 1 episode and if that one count... miss Otrajenie oh girl there is load of work of series you will need to add, really is because things like these pop up that i don't like admin work, you are gonna be so busy, just the previous year there where like 10 or more that had that feeling. good luck with that.
Feb 21, 2013 5:51 PM

Apr 2011
Only the first because I had way too many other things to watch and that one wasn't really urgent :) I plan to watch more later.

Does a cheer note of fantasy and out of the mill graphics account for a surreal position, or does it need that little something that puts you on the edge of a drug trip.

Imho, we need the little something - and the most surreal thing ever is having a guide line and don't respect it, soooo..

Rather, how much surrealism do we need to consider something "surreal"? Madoka has been brought up: I think that the ending in fact is surreal, but I don't think that having a few surreal episodes is enough to include the show in our lists. It should have a relevant role through the whole show.

Feb 22, 2013 3:46 PM

Jul 2011
a manga list... what a ride there is so much on that department i didn't even feel like migrating my mangas from mangaupdates to MAL.
Feb 22, 2013 4:21 PM

Jun 2012
With Madoka, the surreal parts are used to be a contrast to the "normal" parts. It's clearly not surreal all the way because then that aspect would be lost, but I think it deserves a spot on the list regardless.

I also agree that Serial Experiments Lain should be added.
Feb 23, 2013 12:07 PM

Apr 2011
Ops, I was sure Lain was already there, added!
Mar 29, 2013 11:27 AM

Sep 2011
I think Millenium actress was surreal enough for the club... Also, everybody forgot...
Now, if that isn't surreal, I'm Gintoki Sakata:D

EDIT: could Bakemonogatari fit in as surreal?
Silent_ChimeMar 29, 2013 11:38 AM
But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.
Jul 29, 2013 9:23 PM

Feb 2010
Tobira wo akete (1995) would work as a related anime for the club I think.

“Read as little as possible of critical or aesthetic works. They are either products of a close-minded spirit, petrified and devoid of meaning in their lifeless hardening, or clever verbal games [...]. Works of art are of an infinite solitude; nothing is worse than criticism for approaching them. Only love can grasp them, keep them, be just toward them. Always give precedence to your own feeling against these analyses, these reviews, these introductions. [...] You must let every impression, every seed of feeling, ripen within you, in the dark, in the inexpressible, in the unconscious, those regions closed to understanding. Wait with humility and patience for the hour of the birth of a new clarity. Art demands of its faithful followers as much as of its creators.”
— RAINER-MARIA Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet (letter dated April 23, 1903).
Aug 3, 2013 2:18 PM

Apr 2011
Added all! Thank you for the suggestions!
Aug 3, 2013 2:53 PM

Oct 2012
I don't know if it fits the description but, Yumekui Merry is all about fantasy and stuff.

Sorry for just coming up with this.It's because in my country "Surreal" means something related to dreams. And this show is all about Dreaming.
Aug 31, 2013 1:19 PM

Sep 2011
Kiddo81 said:
It's because in my country "Surreal" means something related to dreams. And this show is all about Dreaming.

I agree with you!!^^
Also, I think "Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei" fits as surreal. The animation is really crazy and... Well, the story and characters are too, to be honestO.o
(maybe also the specials? They tell a different story)
I also think "Kino no tabi" fits, the animation and setting of the show remind me of a dream at times
And there's Haibane Renmei. Now THAT was really strange!
Silent_ChimeAug 31, 2013 4:51 PM
But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.
Aug 31, 2013 3:40 PM

Apr 2011
I don't know if it fits the description but, Yumekui Merry is all about fantasy and stuff.

Sorry for just coming up with this.It's because in my country "Surreal" means something related to dreams. And this show is all about Dreaming.

I dropped Yumekui Merry after 3-4 episodes, so I might be wrong, but to me it looked like a regular shounen anime. It's about dreams, but it didn't look dreamy in a surreal way. Does it get better as the story goes on?

Also, I think "Yojouhan Shinwa Taikei" fits as surreal. The animation is really crazy and... Well, the story and characters are too, to be honestO.o
(maybe also the specials? They tell a different story)

I guess the specials are ok, too. The story is different, but they have the same feeling.

Has anyone seen Mawaru Penguindrum?
Should we add it?
Aug 31, 2013 5:10 PM

Sep 2011
Another one came to mind!!
It's true it's mostly cyberpunk, but believe me when I say that it has spectacular animation, and a crazy storyline. And some characters. Okay, a lot of them.
But I'm not actually sure about this one.
here's a clip:
But all the clocks in the city
Began to whirr and chime:
'O let not Time deceive you,
You cannot conquer Time.
Sep 17, 2013 2:15 PM

Dec 2012
I have to agree with gatotsu911 that Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence should be added for the reasons he gave as well as the director used Hans Bellmer's dolls as inspiration.

Another show, Bakemonogatari. I have only seen a few episodes, it seems pretty surrealistic to me.
Sep 19, 2013 1:23 PM

Apr 2011

what about the other "monogatari" anime (nisemonogatari, nekomonogatari..)? i've never watched them. Are they surreal in any way?
MonokuroKinemaSep 19, 2013 1:27 PM
Sep 21, 2013 3:56 PM

Dec 2012
I am not sure. I have only started watching Bakemonogatari. As soon as I get to the other series I will let you know. :)
Oct 15, 2013 5:44 AM

Jun 2013
Kuuchuu Buranko


The art is real psychedelic. The two are qualified.

For Monogatari. If Bakemonogatari is included, the sequels can also be included as well.
ImpalaOct 15, 2013 5:47 AM
Jul 31, 2014 1:49 AM
Nov 2012
Bakemonogatari is pretty surreal. Most of the conflicts are deeply symbolic or archetypal, and the flow of the plot is fairly dreamlike. Most of the show is, after all, simply a series of conversations about nothing in big, empty places.

Mononoke, if anything, is even more symbol-driven and hallucinatory, although there is more of a point to the abstraction. Kuuchuu Buranko is by the same team, and draws outright on the psychedelic experience, so it definitely qualifies.

Bringing Madoka Magica back into the conversation, while the series is fairly grounded in its concept of reality outside of the Freudian/Jungian hells of the labyrinths, the third film (Rebellion) dives headlong into that realm and really never leaves it. The whole thing is a cavalcade of bizarre images and situations that, while fairly tightly plotted, retain that sense of dislocation throughout.

I liked it a lot, for the record. I know that's controversial, but so it goes.

Also, on The Tatami Galaxy: The heart of the series is the evolution of personal perception and how the main character relates to others and himself, and is told extremely subjectively through some brilliant and exceptionally dense visual metaphors and outré digressions. The final episodes, in particular, fall well within are purview: If the point may not be "surreal," the execution certainly is.

The same can be said of Sayonara, Zetsubou-Sensei and Revolutionary Girl Utena, actually, although I would actually argue that the latter is more deeply surrealist while the former is thoroughly absurdist - both concepts being pretty closely intertwined.
Nov 16, 2015 12:57 AM

Sep 2008
I fear this club may be quite dead, but I just watched Chirico,, and was struck by the number of Dali-esque images. Particularly his weird-stuff-in-a-desert-landscape-type works. There's not so much of a plot, just surreal vignettes that dissolve into abstractions and reform over and over.
Butterflies don't belong in nets.
Sep 26, 2017 3:08 PM
Jul 2010
Not something you could add, but worth watching anyway.

A really well-made avant-garde fan work inspired by Kemono Friends (you don't need to watch it to enjoy the film). Reminds me of Highway Jenny and some Keiichi Tanaami's movies.

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