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Sword Art Online (light novel)
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Nov 1, 2014 7:57 AM

Nov 2007
No OP as it is the end of the arc. So only the treasure can defeat the king? With that heavy hammer that is lighter for Freiya, she turned into Thor. Another hammer, which is lighter, is given to the friend who convinced the group the save Freiya when the king's defeated.

They found excalibur, but it's stuck too deep that he has too yell and be strong to take it out. That sister girl has sharp hearing that she can hear flying elephant when falling. He through the sword away because there's no crystal, but Sinon created it through archery and got it back. After being lost hearted, that guy fell in love with an NPC.

Kirito learned a technique at school and gave Yui a chance the feel that she's flying in real life.
tsubasaloverNov 1, 2014 9:30 AM
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Nov 1, 2014 8:00 AM

Aug 2010
Nice ep. The animation during the fights was really good. It was pretty anti-climatic though.

Frejya being a TRAP and being Thor was lol for Klein XD

Sinon definitely best WAIFU saving Kirito's Excaliber :3 Even looking at eachother smiling like that ^^; Asuna's totally been side lined lol

Klein asking Skuld for her contact info was lol. Poor Klein 4ever alone XD

Can't wait for MR.
Nov 1, 2014 9:05 AM

Nov 2011
So this is the end of the arc? A bit short but whatever. In terms of action, it was great but the story was pretty average imo and fairly predictable. Someone also needs to give Klein a hug. Oh well, he might find someone else in the future right for him...

Hot Excalibur though.
Nov 1, 2014 9:23 AM

Jun 2013
Great episode. Great! Sinon-chi.
Does they make 7 episode left for MR?
Nov 1, 2014 9:58 AM

Sep 2009
kinda short. I thought for sure they would have had this arc until at least 19.
Nov 1, 2014 9:59 AM

Jul 2012
Is Klein gonna use Mjollnir?
Nov 1, 2014 10:01 AM

May 2013
Freyja turned out to be Thor. Klein's reaction to that was funny. This was a short. I enjoyed it though.
Nov 1, 2014 10:02 AM

Sep 2012
The ALO arcs are so boring.
Oh god who are you people?
Nov 1, 2014 10:02 AM
Sep 2013
Well that ends this arc very short and sweet. Poor Klein Freya turned out to be a trap for Klein. Kirito and friends complete quest and gains Excalibur. Sinon saving sword for Kirito being harem lead is a tough job lol. Well on to the next arc.
Nov 1, 2014 10:10 AM

Jul 2012
hantere said:
Well that ends this arc very short and sweet. Poor Klein Freya turned out to be a trap for Klein. Kirito and friends complete quest and gains Excalibur. Sinon saving sword for Kirito being harem lead is a tough job lol. Well on to the next arc.


You forgot about the last scene already lol.
Nov 1, 2014 10:14 AM
Jan 2014
Welp, and the mini-arc is already over. It felt fairly average but I still enjoyed it more than the rest. The pacing was balanced as well. The battle against Thrym felt a bit lackluster, in terms of fighting mechanics. At least it was animated in a good manner.

Looks like Sinocchi always has something in store for Kirito-kun after they clear something out together. Klein definitely needs to ask Kirito-kun for some major tips.

I really hope I'm going to enjoy the upcoming MR arc, as much as this one anyway.
Nov 1, 2014 10:18 AM

Jul 2013
LOL poor Klein, Freyja is a guy :D
They finished the quest.
All the ice is gone, summer time :P
Kirito is rich now.

Nov 1, 2014 10:18 AM

Jul 2010
Kirito throwing the really heavy hammer! Freyja grabs it easily and turns into Thor xD

Klein getting a hammer out of it! Kirito managing to pull Excalibur and got it later.
The scenario was pretty nice, the tree with those buildings surrounding it.
Sinon saving the sword and telling Kirito to remember her whenever he uses it!

Klein falling for Skuld... it was nice while it lasted.
Nice to see Yui being able to feel like she is flying.
Nov 1, 2014 10:21 AM
Sep 2013
overall this arc is so fun, and they even introduce the mechathronic (?) things that *minor spoiler* later kirito will use.

Last ep discussion someone spoiled that Freiya is a trap or something like that. I looked up to the story and waiting if they adapt it too, and yeah, that was hillarious

I'm so hyped for Mother Rosario! More Asuna is a good thing!
Nov 1, 2014 10:22 AM

Jun 2014
Nice that they showed the little flashback when Excalibur was summond in S1 :O

And that God looked extremely manly, dont mess with THA HAMMER.
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Nov 1, 2014 10:25 AM

Mar 2014
Can't wait to see Kirito wield Excalibur.
Nov 1, 2014 10:30 AM
Jul 2018
Frejya is actually Thor. Lol @ Klein's reaction.

Sinon saved the Excalibur for Kirito's sake.
Nov 1, 2014 10:37 AM

Jul 2014
Kirito, Do you even lift?

Sinon best girl obviously.

Lol poor Klein, is he really that desprate. can't blame him anyway. Skuld was hot.

Short but entertaining arc. loved it.
Nov 1, 2014 10:39 AM

Apr 2014
This ep was really good. I really loved Klein's poor reactions, he got dumped twice in this ep, first by Freya who turned out to be Thor, and then by the goddess of the Future - Skuld. And also Sinon was awesome when she got back the sword.
Also, to everyone. It's EXCALIBER in this series, not EXCALIBUR, you bakas!
Nov 1, 2014 10:41 AM

Sep 2013
So is the next episode Mother's Rosario?

Nov 1, 2014 10:43 AM

Mar 2013
That was a good mini-arc. Way better than GGO.
Nov 1, 2014 10:44 AM

Dec 2012
Lmfao, the start was like Persona.
"Let's go for an all out attack!" was in my mind.
Nov 1, 2014 10:47 AM

Jun 2014
Well that was a cute little arc. Poor klien though. He can't even use hammers! I thought he was gonna give it to Lisbeth TBH.
I think i know why this arc came before MR too. And i think the little camera scene at the end had something to do with it.
Be sure to message me if you quoted me and want me to respond! Just give me a link to the forum, because usually I leave my comment, then leave the forum.
Nov 1, 2014 10:50 AM

Jul 2007
Good mini arc full of foreshadowing for various things in the future.

As a norse mythology nerd, this was great for me to see because they stuck quite closely to the ideas in Norse mythos, especially "How Thor and Loki tricked Giant Thrym" story.

Its a good breather mini-arc, but one should not forget things established here. A LOT of them will become quite important ;)
Nov 1, 2014 10:51 AM

Nov 2013
Well that was a fun little min arc.

Klein best boy.

Nov 1, 2014 10:53 AM

May 2013
Thrym got rek'd when Freyja transformed into freakin' Thor.
Klein also got rek'd because of that.
At least he gets Mjolnir, while Kirito gets Excaliber.

Although Sinon does make her moves on Kirito by retrieving Excaliber.
Klein's also making moves on Skuld.

So this short arc ends with Kirito paying for food because he's the owner of Excaliber and not Excalibur.
Even though I enjoyed this arc, can't wait for the next one. (^_^)

By the way, anyone have an HD version of that ending picture?
I’m always searching for something, for someone. This feeling has possessed me I think, from that day… That day when the stars came falling.
Nov 1, 2014 10:58 AM

Jul 2012
This whole season feels like a big filler.
Nov 1, 2014 11:00 AM
Aug 2009
Hmmm... I wonder if the next arc might be
Nov 1, 2014 11:01 AM

May 2013
Freyja is Thor?! Eh. What a turn around, especially for Klein. Haha!
Oh man. Kirito should have not thrown Excalibur. All that fighting was for nothing if Sinon didn't caught it. I guess the credits mean an arc has ended. On to the next one.
Nov 1, 2014 11:02 AM
Sep 2013
Well, so the last two episodes were only fillers, I was worried it will be an arc without any life risking game, which would make it a little boring...
Nov 1, 2014 11:05 AM

Aug 2010
CreamZi said:
Freyja is Thor?! Eh. What a turn around, especially for Klein. Haha!
Oh man. Kirito should have not thrown Excalibur. All that fighting was for nothing if Sinon didn't caught it. I guess the credits mean an arc has ended. On to the next one.

Kirito threw Excaliber because he couldn't put it into his inventory before completing the mission. And it was overburdening him (RPG term) so he needed to discard it.
Nov 1, 2014 11:05 AM

Oct 2013
Two things...

One... WTH...


Did anyone else think that ending with Yui and the cameras foreshadowed the things to come in Accel World?
Nov 1, 2014 11:05 AM

Jul 2007
Misiakk said:
This whole season feels like a big filler.

Roni-sama said:
Well, so the last two episodes were only fillers, I was worried it will be an arc without any life risking game, which would make it a little boring...

You might need to look up definition of filler.

This arc had very clear significance for future storylines(in more than one way) and was a perfect closure for Fairy Dance story arc as Kirito finally got the chance to own up on his promise to get the sword fairly.

shawnofthedeadz said:
Two things...

One... WTH...


Did anyone else think that ending with Yui and the cameras foreshadowed the things to come in Accel World?

Bow abides by laws of physics and goes to opposite side after firing. And?

As for second point - it is relevant.
Nov 1, 2014 11:06 AM

Apr 2012
Fireego said:
Thrym got rek'd when Freyja transformed into freakin' Thor.
Klein also got rek'd because of that.
At least he gets Mjolnir, while Kirito gets Excaliber.

Although Sinon does make her moves on Kirito by retrieving Excaliber.
Klein's also making moves on Skuld.

So this short arc ends with Kirito paying for food because he's the owner of Excaliber and not Excalibur.
Even though I enjoyed this arc, can't wait for the next one. (^_^)

By the way, anyone have an HD version of that ending picture?
What do you consider HD?
Actual Size: 1920 x 1080
BakaKaitoNov 1, 2014 11:10 AM
Nov 1, 2014 11:10 AM

Dec 2008
Frejya being Thor paid off, damn I can still see Klein's face over it.

Damn how I wish he had broke up with Asunah long ago and was hooked up with Sinon now :(

How many more arcs are there for a 3rd season or rather does it have enough content for a 3rd/4th?
Nov 1, 2014 11:16 AM

Jul 2007
namedrisk said:
Frejya being Thor paid off, damn I can still see Klein's face over it.

Damn how I wish he had broke up with Asunah long ago and was hooked up with Sinon now :(

How many more arcs are there for a 3rd season or rather does it have enough content for a 3rd/4th?

Next arc after MR should take up at least 3 seasons.
Nov 1, 2014 11:17 AM

Mar 2013
They pretty much was un-prepare to fight that boss. Typical RPG tactics are usually buffing/de-buffing, casting regen effect and bring Ice armor/fire weapon. Overall this arc is short and kinda boring.
Nov 1, 2014 11:18 AM
Jan 2012
CookingPriest said:

Bow abides by laws of physics and goes to opposite side after firing. And?

i feel sorry for your physics teacher
Nov 1, 2014 11:19 AM

Sep 2014
Barion-Zara said:
CreamZi said:
Freyja is Thor?! Eh. What a turn around, especially for Klein. Haha!
Oh man. Kirito should have not thrown Excalibur. All that fighting was for nothing if Sinon didn't caught it. I guess the credits mean an arc has ended. On to the next one.

Kirito threw Excaliber because he couldn't put it into his inventory before completing the mission. And it was overburdening him (RPG term) so he needed to discard it.

That's what he meant when it was too heavy. I thought he meant it was too heavy of a burden or something since it reminded him of the ALO incident lol.

Was the whole thing about the name important in someway when they were discussing it at the end ?
Bomb2chestNov 1, 2014 11:28 AM
Nov 1, 2014 11:32 AM
Oct 2012
Freya, the Ice Giant, the Hammer and Thor is an actual Norse Legend, except Loki was the one who disguised Thor as Freya.

After the giants still his Hammer, Thor pretends to be Freya and promises to marry the Ice Giant in order to get access to their hall. During the reception Thor totally gives himself away by being Thor and Loki, doing his best to cover for the increasingly impossible scenes, creates a fun bit of 11th century humor (a little lacking by 21st century standards but still fun).

It seems like they are going to do a slow pitch start for Mother Rosario. People unfamiliar with the story, think of next episode as a transition episode rather than an actual episode of that Arc. It appears that it will be more explaining Asuna's situation and her relationship with Kirito. Not a bad decision overall, rather have it at the beginning than stuffing it into the arc once it starts moving.
Nov 1, 2014 11:32 AM

Oct 2014
i really hoped this arc would last a bit longer. alltho cant wait for some excaliber action :3
Nov 1, 2014 11:34 AM

Jan 2013
Are Asuna and Kirito really still dating. It doesn't seem like it.
Nov 1, 2014 11:38 AM

Sep 2014
RediceRyan said:
Are Asuna and Kirito really still dating. It doesn't seem like it.

Seeing from previous comments Kirito and Asuna relationship will be explained in MR.
Nov 1, 2014 11:39 AM

Jul 2012
Good ending of this arc. Freya was a guy haha, Klein was like noooooo.
Tom's Hardware graphics veteran++ (Legacy)
i7 6700K@4.0 GHz, ASUS Z170 PRO GAMING, RTX 2080, G. Skill RipJaws V 3200MHz 16GB,
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Nov 1, 2014 11:46 AM

Aug 2014
Say.. It's not my intention to ruin this happy ending moment in this forum but.. When freyja transform, did I just saw a man's (Thor's) butt? Maybe I should rewatch again..

Anyway, I knew the meaning of filler but this mini-arc still got filler-like feels in it.

Also, some of you ask if Klein gonna use that hammer, but as he said, he doesn't have any points in hammer skill. So the hammer is a useless loot for him, and I don't think he's gonna sell it so maybe he will keep it as something from freyja.
I love Minimalist Arts. Such Simplicity, yet hold so much Meanings to me.
Nov 1, 2014 11:48 AM

Jul 2007
Bomb2chest said:

Was the whole thing about the name important in someway when they were discussing it at the end ?

Sinnon explained it - the misnaming works as reference to "someone of highest caliber"
Nov 1, 2014 11:54 AM

Jul 2012
I really love this arc I hope the next arc is awesome also but I doubt I'll like it as much as this one.
Nov 1, 2014 11:55 AM

Jan 2014
i was waiting for Sinon's part with the retrieving arrow.. boy did she just made the other girls jealous (^,..,^) the next episode takes place in Kirito and Asuna's house? I guess Mother's Rosario arc comes after ep. 18
Got something to live for, I know that I won't surrender,
A warrior of youth,
I'm taking over, a shot to the new world order
I Am Bulletproof. . .

Nov 1, 2014 11:57 AM

Jul 2007
DeadZeroSource said:
i was waiting for Sinon's part with the retrieving arrow.. boy did she just made the other girls jealous (^,..,^) the next episode takes place in Kirito and Asuna's house? I guess Mother's Rosario arc comes after ep. 18

Nope, next episode is part of MR.
Nov 1, 2014 11:57 AM

Oct 2014
After every SAO episode I want to play a mmorpg like this but I can't :'(
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