Anime Stats
Days: 231.8
Mean Score:
- Watching25
- Completed590
- On-Hold19
- Dropped17
- Plan to Watch806
- Total Entries1,457
- Rewatched164
- Episodes13,990
Last Anime Updates
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Manga Stats
Days: 250.2
Mean Score:
- Reading411
- Completed230
- On-Hold83
- Dropped64
- Plan to Read436
- Total Entries1,224
- Reread21
- Chapters32,710
- Volumes3,192
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (621) Comments
It's nice to meet you! :)
Thank you and I hope your day goes well! 😊
yepp but i guess more accurately I can still go outdoors without any restrictions so it's been pretty easy for me compared to others stuck in lockdowns.
yeah i moved to our "capital city" only in name tho
it's a small place with about 500k ppl compared to melbourne's 5 mil where i came from haha
o nice glad to hear that
I've moved about a bit this year but it's been pretty same old; still alive kinda story :P
yeah after preaching pure and innocent for five years haha maybe ard has rubbed off of me after all? :P