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May 18, 2014 6:24 AM
THIS IS AN ANIME ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS THE MANGA BEYOND THIS EPISODE. ---------------------------------------- DATE. Eh this episode had silly moments and Kazumi is part of it. She does look cute though imo with those clothes and accent. No but seriously, she looked cute and probably enjoyed the date even though Ryouta didn't see it entirely one as such. On another note, Neko is conscious about her feelings now. I'm not surprised though but I had to lol and her indirect rejection at that random dude at the karaoke. |
Stark700May 18, 2014 7:22 AM
May 18, 2014 7:27 AM
Too bad they won't be able to replicate the pill within a month. So all the boys are jealous of Ryouta, not surprised. Kuroha acted really funny at the karaoke. Ryouta really is a nice guy, he is even a private tutor. Lol at Kazumi's reactions in Akihabara. I wonder what the message in that device was meant for. |
May 18, 2014 7:30 AM
Neko's reaction with the slightest touch of Ryouta ^^ Neko's straight forward question on when the boy touched her hand at the Karaoke. Ryouta was worried enough to visit. Neko doesn't allow Ryouta to look at the other girl's swimsuits :) That medicine results though, the structure and compound of the medicine o.o Kazumi cried, guess she wanted to live. She was really excited to go to Akihabara, she looked great in her matching clothes. Her comments though xD That spoon feeding of omelette rice ^^ The device, those translations doesn't sound too good. |
May 18, 2014 7:34 AM
So the pills can't be replicated, that's a bummer. Well they have 1 month to live so they can try to find more pills or maybe the scientist can try to make a new pill that can turn them human. Kuroha singing was so kawaii ^^ So now we know about Valkyria although briefly, she's much stronger than an AAA and is in the S class rank. Ryouta turns on the device and the german message says "Kill the witches now", and a map is shown of a location. I wonder what it means and if the location is the lab or something else. |
May 18, 2014 7:34 AM
Omg Neko is so cute, loved how she totally rejected that guy without even knowing it xD I really hope her and murakami end up together Loved the banter between kazumi and murakami like always, never fails to make me laugh, all the characters have such a great relationship. And nice cliffhanger at the end too. Im also intrigued to see what the scientist uncovers when he looks inside the tube with the baby alien in... |
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May 18, 2014 7:56 AM
I love Kazumi <33 Shes so damn cute. Neco is also awesome in her own awkward way lol. I wonder whats going to happen with that PDA, the pills and the alien egg :x |
My Candies: |
May 18, 2014 8:09 AM
How nice. Kuroha's singing voice was too cute and I just love it how she innocently rejected that dude who's making the moves on her. :D Kazumi with those awesome clothes! <3 Isn't it great the she gets to eat in a maid cafe. With Ryouta too! :3 Although it's a shame that the pills can't be replicated in the shortest time possible.. Half a year is gonna be a freakin' long wait! |
May 18, 2014 8:31 AM
I feel bad for Kazumi, it's a fact that she won't be the one chosen by Murakami. I like this kind of scenes but I know that it's going nowhere as she is not the main girl. |
May 18, 2014 8:32 AM
Been missing the interactions between Kuroha and Murakami from episode 1/2 since the other girls came into the picture. Neko is still best grill |
May 18, 2014 8:38 AM
They may get a S rank on them soon!? Talk about never getting a break. Well the pills can't be made in time but hopefully they figured out if that is truly an alien or not. Sent with Mal Updater |
May 18, 2014 8:39 AM
Such a cute episode :3 With some quite serious revelations. Nice seeing some despair showing that life isn't easy with how they'll need 6 months for the pills. I still feel the Alien container will play a major role. Kuroha's reaction to Murakami singing the song she sang was lol and how she owned that guy so much with her directness and innocence XD "Why doesn't my heart beat when I'm touching u?" XD Seems like Murakami's student has a crush on him XD Should be interesting to see more of her :3 I'd love to see her reaction to all those girls around him XD Dem asses! Kotori and Kazumi have in their swimsuits *A* Loved the Kazumi screen time :D Kazumi is just tooo cute :3 Her blushes and smiles during the 'date' were so cute <3<3 I want to be fed by her too >.< The end was interesting. I wonder what that's about?! And what the map is pointing at? I also wonder who Nanami is? Is she the white haired girl in the OP? |
Barion-ZaraMay 18, 2014 9:32 AM
May 18, 2014 8:53 AM
yay..we only have a month to live..lets go to karaoke! |
May 18, 2014 9:06 AM
Another quality episode. Too bad the pills couldn't be reproduced in a timely manner. |
May 18, 2014 9:11 AM
Nice episode.. seeing both Kuroha & Kazumi living a "normal" day & having some fun is heart-warming.. specially after Kazumi's tears.. Ryouta is awesome.. he's trying his best & always cautious.. Dat fanservice *thumbs up* Kuroha singing cute & funny XD i like how they removed the opening "visual", it helped a lot in slowing down the fast pace from the previous episodes. 5/5 |
May 18, 2014 9:14 AM
Bah. Another crappy episode that only adds to the dissapointment. All the silly girly stuff, fanservice and silly clichés ruin it for me. The author seems to think that just because you throw aliens and conspiracies into the mix, you can make a quality "mystery" anime. There's no thrill, there's no danger, no worthwhile mystery to this. If it was a 2 cour series I'd drop it here and now but since I've watched more than half of it already, I'll suffer through the 20min every week. Elfen Lied was one of the first manga I read to the end (never watched the anime) and I enjoyed it a lot back then. Shame. |
May 18, 2014 9:18 AM
May 18, 2014 9:30 AM
Kerozinn said: yay..we only have a month to live..lets go to karaoke! And you would be doing? |
May 18, 2014 9:39 AM
Eh, why would they make several girls fall for Murakami? I really like Kazumi, but it's obvious that she doesn't stand a chance. I wonder what's the deal with that device. It's like they expected an overly curious human to turn it on. |
May 18, 2014 10:05 AM
I liked this episode a lot, we got to see more of Kazumi. She's my favorite character in the show so far. |
May 18, 2014 10:21 AM
May 18, 2014 10:57 AM
Date episode. Calm before the storm T_______T |
May 18, 2014 11:01 AM
Damn that sucks, can't get more pills in a month. Well sort of a semi serious, relaxing episode. Neko was opening up her feelings now, and somewhat clueless during the karaoke scene XD. Kazumi was cute in the 3/4 of the episode, where she likes to go in the Cafe and Akihabara with Ryouta. Well the ending was good, having that dramatic feel about that phone. First Witches, now Aliens, what kind world they live in. |
May 18, 2014 11:09 AM
D'aww. Murakami and Kazumi on a date. One of my favorite chapters animated. |
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May 18, 2014 11:16 AM
Neko's unknowing rejection of the guy at the karaoke was hilarious. And so was Kazumi calling out all of the guys in Akibahara as virgin's. The date with Kazumi was actually really nice. We all know she doesn't stand a chance against "first girl" Neko, but her and Murakami have a straight shooter kind of relationship which is fun to watch. |
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov |
May 18, 2014 11:32 AM
favorite part of this episode So now we know about Valkyria although briefly, she's much stronger than an AAA and is in the S class rank. I wonder if that's where the title of this anime comes from |
May 18, 2014 11:34 AM
Kazumi was sweet *. * I have a feeling that there will be no happy ending... T_T |
May 18, 2014 12:08 PM
So, we got a witch who is a S rank. Too bad, the pills cannot reproduced in a timely manner. Kazumi was enjoying the date with Murakami. |
May 18, 2014 12:15 PM
Wow, a Kazumi and Ryouta moment, so the guy can't replicate the pills, so I guess they have to steal some more to live. |
May 18, 2014 12:20 PM
VIStrings said: Bah. Another crappy episode that only adds to the dissapointment. All the silly girly stuff, fanservice and silly clichés ruin it for me. The author seems to think that just because you throw aliens and conspiracies into the mix, you can make a quality "mystery" anime. There's no thrill, there's no danger, no worthwhile mystery to this. If it was a 2 cour series I'd drop it here and now but since I've watched more than half of it already, I'll suffer through the 20min every week. Elfen Lied was one of the first manga I read to the end (never watched the anime) and I enjoyed it a lot back then. Shame. This. This is what I don't understand. Unless you're a masochist, it doesn't make any sense. The episodes have been filled with this kind of mixture of dark/gruesome scenes and fanservice, clichés and girly stuff. I'm not saying I like every part of that neither, especially if they overdue it or the change is too abrupt, but, all in all, I like the anime overall. That's why I'm continuing to watch it. That's also the only reason one should (continue to) watch an anime. And that's what I don't get of all those complainers that keep and keep complaining about it, how bad it is and that they don't like it, week after goddamn week. If you truly don't like it, THEN DON'T WATCH IT. If you're hoping that it will get 'better' in the sense you want it: it won't. I've read the manga, and I can assure you it keeps going like it went as of yet (and actually, the anime stayed pretty close to the manga as of yet). And 6 episodes should have given you enough clues to have a firm idea about the anime anyhow: it will continue to have this mixture you find so annoying. It is NOT going to change in this aspect. That's point one. Point two: Watching anime is not some sort of project you 'have' to finish to get some endresult. It's entertainment. Aka, the whole purpose of/for it is to be enjoyed. If you don't enjoy it, there is no point to watch something that is meant to entertain. It's not work, you don't have to accomplish something or reach a goal or whatever. It's not something you have to learn to get knowledge or will provide you with a skill neither.The only thing entertainment should do is provide you with entertainment. This is rather self-evident. Thus, if it does NOT provide you with entertainment and enjoyment there is absolutely *no* point in watching it, let alone continue watching it and then complaining here how much you disliked it. I mean, really: you DO have better things to do than watch something you don't like, I may hope? I have never understood this kind of behaviour. Since the whole point of entertainment is getting enjoyment out of it, if you don't get anything like that out of it, then what is the point of continuing to watch it in the first place? There are myriads of other things which you might enjoy; why not check those out, then? Why keep going for something you don't like nor appreciate? I can't fathom any reason why people would do that, unless they are masochists who like to be tormented and sort of like things they don't like (which is pretty messed up), or one simply enjoys trolling on fora like these. Mind you, this is not the same as giving some constructive criticism on a series. I've done that plenty. But when I do, it's exactly because I like a series enough TO do that, and point out the things that could make it even better. And I give arguments, not simply complain and bitch about it week after week and that's it. And for series you don't care about and don't like; you drop those. Time is limited, so I'm sure one has better things to do than keep watching something you dislike... |
AnimageNebyMay 18, 2014 12:53 PM
May 18, 2014 12:29 PM
I think this is better than Elfen Lied already (although Elfen Lied was very bland and unpolished as a series from a manga perspective). Still, the whole witch plot is very dubious at best. It somewhat feels forced... |
bla bla bla The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.Niko-kun said: On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard? |
May 18, 2014 12:30 PM
Calm down, dude. That's unhealthy. That's a lot of text arguing for something based on false premises and against a complete strawman. |
May 18, 2014 12:47 PM
DGemu said: Kerozinn said: yay..we only have a month to live..lets go to karaoke! And you would be doing? Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. He makes it sound like it doesn't make any sense and is some lame-ass thing that is not consistent, like it was a plot-hole or bad writing... but actually it made perfect sense. Mind you: I'm actually not fond of karaoke and I personally would not do that, because it isn't my thing. HOWEVER, it does make sense within the context of the anime and the story we saw. People DO like different things, after all, and it's clear that karaoke is something that gives enjoyment to many people, or it wouldn't be as popular (at least in Japan). It stands to reason, thus, that, if you never experienced something pleasant - or at least potentially pleasant or what is considered to be enjoyable with your peers - to try that out, ESPECIALLY if you had a life like a labrat and almost had no enjoyable experiences in your entire life. Yeah, then I would go for enjoying myself more too. Just imagine it. You have some disease and they tell you: "you have only 1 month to live anymore". What would one do? Just continuing with your life as if nothing happened? Continue to commute and go to your boring work every day? Watch anime you dislike? ;-) No, I think most would say: well, I have only that much life left, I'm going to get the most out of it. So you spend that as the most enjoyable you can. That can be going out with friends, having more quality time with your wife/husband/kids, travelling to places and doing things you always wanted to see or do, but never got around to it, etc. Those things. In those circumstances, you do what you think will give you enjoyment and what you think makes you the most satisfied with the limited time left - especially enjoyment and new things you didn't experience yet. It makes perfectly sense, thus, for Neko to want to try a thing out she never tried before, but which is considered enjoyable. Especially for her, it must be far more enticing than for others, because of her past situation where she had no chance of doing it, and even didn't know such a thing existed. In fact, it's my belief that that is also the reason Kazumi behaves so slutty. Ok, it's because she IS more slutty, granted, but the reason why she is so adamant about sex is because she wants to get laid, before she dies. That too, is understandable. I mean, if you were a virgin, and had an appetite in sex, wouldn't you do more your best to get laid if you only had a month left to do it? She's extremely slutty from a normal standpoint (the other girls have another personality, obviously), but the fact that she is *that* overbearing in regard to having sex, is mainly due, I think, to the fact she simply has little time left, and still would like to do it with someone she likes (the MC). It's her version of doing a karaoke. :-) |
May 18, 2014 1:06 PM
This show keeps getting better and better for me week after week. yes it is not sooo dark\mysterious as many people thought it would be, and yes it is filled with these silly and girly moments. but for me this is really working for the best. I am fully interested in the characters, and I think some of them have one of the best character development in this season at the very least. and I think the silly moments play a major role in the character development. when you see each one of them trying to live her life and have fun but then they keep reminding you that they only have so little days left to live. I can't really explain it in words but this mixture of serious and silly moments in this anime is what makes me deeply involved with the characters. they focused on Kazumi in this episode and now I freaking love Kazumi ... She sort of like Murakami so she is acting all casual and slutty around him but she is actually shy due to never interacting with normal people before so she doesn't talk to anyone else at school (which was kind of a shock I guess), she acts tough when she hear the bad news about the pills as if she wasn't expecting anything and she doesn't care but the truth is exactly the opposite and she goes out to cry by herself, and finally that "date" that Murakami considered pretty normal and sort of boring was LITERALLY the most fun she had in her entire life .. I can not think of that and not get emotionally involved with Kazumi. I now love Kazumi for a different reason than her accent and her hilarious moments. and it is the same for the other characters, although I'd like them to give some more screen time and character development for Kotori and Kana but i still like them both. I am really digging this anime. and this episode is 5/5 |
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May 18, 2014 1:15 PM
AnimageNeby said: DGemu said: Kerozinn said: yay..we only have a month to live..lets go to karaoke! And you would be doing? Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. He makes it sound like it doesn't make any sense and is some lame-ass thing that is not consistent, like it was a plot-hole or bad writing... but actually it made perfect sense. Mind you: I'm actually not fond of karaoke and I personally would not do that, because it isn't my thing. HOWEVER, it does make sense within the context of the anime and the story we saw. People DO like different things, after all, and it's clear that karaoke is something that gives enjoyment to many people, or it wouldn't be as popular (at least in Japan). It stands to reason, thus, that, if you never experienced something pleasant - or at least potentially pleasant or what is considered to be enjoyable with your peers - to try that out, ESPECIALLY if you had a life like a labrat and almost had no enjoyable experiences in your entire life. Yeah, then I would go for enjoying myself more too. Just imagine it. You have some disease and they tell you: "you have only 1 month to live anymore". What would one do? Just continuing with your life as if nothing happened? Continue to commute and go to your boring work every day? Watch anime you dislike? ;-) No, I think most would say: well, I have only that much life left, I'm going to get the most out of it. So you spend that as the most enjoyable you can. That can be going out with friends, having more quality time with your wife/husband/kids, travelling to places and doing things you always wanted to see or do, but never got around to it, etc. Those things. In those circumstances, you do what you think will give you enjoyment and what you think makes you the most satisfied with the limited time left - especially enjoyment and new things you didn't experience yet. It makes perfectly sense, thus, for Neko to want to try a thing out she never tried before, but which is considered enjoyable. Especially for her, it must be far more enticing than for others, because of her past situation where she had no chance of doing it, and even didn't know such a thing existed. In fact, it's my belief that that is also the reason Kazumi behaves so slutty. Ok, it's because she IS more slutty, granted, but the reason why she is so adamant about sex is because she wants to get laid, before she dies. That too, is understandable. I mean, if you were a virgin, and had an appetite in sex, wouldn't you do more your best to get laid if you only had a month left to do it? She's extremely slutty from a normal standpoint (the other girls have another personality, obviously), but the fact that she is *that* overbearing in regard to having sex, is mainly due, I think, to the fact she simply has little time left, and still would like to do it with someone she likes (the MC). It's her version of doing a karaoke. :-) Uh regarding that statement u made about Kazumi being sluty there is actually an even more valid reason why she acts like that but to do so would mean major spoilers for those who not have read the manga so il write it in the spoiler tag below The reason why Kazumi wants to have sex is because whe wants to have an offspring so it can be proof of her existence, they may act like they dont care about dying but they and Kazumi probably more than the others combined do really do, she even acts the way she does because it is her only method of keeping herself from falling into despair and grief and to tell u the truth it is really sad U know i dont care what the reason those guys that are doing the research on these girls are, even if it is to save mankind or conquer it, i dont care, there is no justification for any reason of that. I rather die than forsake my humanity becuase without your humanity what is the point of living you are basically dead anyway. and regarding there behaviour to some people spending time in a karoke may not seem much but compared to what horrors they went to, it is a blessing, especially if u never got to experience the real joys of life. sometime the most simple of small things can bring u the greatest joy and if people cannot understand that, than i feel sorry for them |
May 18, 2014 1:17 PM
AnimageNeby said: DGemu said: Kerozinn said: yay..we only have a month to live..lets go to karaoke! And you would be doing? Exactly. I was thinking the same thing. He makes it sound like it doesn't make any sense and is some lame-ass thing that is not consistent, like it was a plot-hole or bad writing... but actually it made perfect sense. Mind you: I'm actually not fond of karaoke and I personally would not do that, because it isn't my thing. HOWEVER, it does make sense within the context of the anime and the story we saw. People DO like different things, after all, and it's clear that karaoke is something that gives enjoyment to many people, or it wouldn't be as popular (at least in Japan). It stands to reason, thus, that, if you never experienced something pleasant - or at least potentially pleasant or what is considered to be enjoyable with your peers - to try that out, ESPECIALLY if you had a life like a labrat and almost had no enjoyable experiences in your entire life. Yeah, then I would go for enjoying myself more too. Just imagine it. You have some disease and they tell you: "you have only 1 month to live anymore". What would one do? Just continuing with your life as if nothing happened? Continue to commute and go to your boring work every day? Watch anime you dislike? ;-) No, I think most would say: well, I have only that much life left, I'm going to get the most out of it. So you spend that as the most enjoyable you can. That can be going out with friends, having more quality time with your wife/husband/kids, travelling to places and doing things you always wanted to see or do, but never got around to it, etc. Those things. In those circumstances, you do what you think will give you enjoyment and what you think makes you the most satisfied with the limited time left - especially enjoyment and new things you didn't experience yet. It makes perfectly sense, thus, for Neko to want to try a thing out she never tried before, but which is considered enjoyable. Especially for her, it must be far more enticing than for others, because of her past situation where she had no chance of doing it, and even didn't know such a thing existed. In fact, it's my belief that that is also the reason Kazumi behaves so slutty. Ok, it's because she IS more slutty, granted, but the reason why she is so adamant about sex is because she wants to get laid, before she dies. That too, is understandable. I mean, if you were a virgin, and had an appetite in sex, wouldn't you do more your best to get laid if you only had a month left to do it? She's extremely slutty from a normal standpoint (the other girls have another personality, obviously), but the fact that she is *that* overbearing in regard to having sex, is mainly due, I think, to the fact she simply has little time left, and still would like to do it with someone she likes (the MC). It's her version of doing a karaoke. :-) you nailed it ! it is just like you said and it is very reasonable. and I think this is one of the strong points of the show that gives it a much more realistic side which is why I like this anime and am emotionally involved (not sure if this is a correct term??) with the characters. |
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May 18, 2014 1:25 PM
Kazumi is so cute + Kazumi seems to have no chance about her feeling to Murakami = Kazumi will die soon ... ? |
May 18, 2014 1:32 PM
Just came by to see if it's a recap episode because of how it started. Glad to see it is not. |
I probably regret this post by now. |
May 18, 2014 1:33 PM
I'm really enjoying this show. I like all of the main characters even if Kotori hasn't been developed much yet. Plus, Murakami is a competent character, who actually demonstrates his intelligence on a regular basis. Kazumi was cute in this episode, she wants her shot at happiness before she dies, or before they have to take on the S rank witch. I'm looking forward to the next episode as always! |
May 18, 2014 2:07 PM
-ShadowClaw- said: Uh regarding that statement u made about Kazumi being sluty there is actually an even more valid reason why she acts like that but to do so would mean major spoilers for those who not have read the manga so il write it in the spoiler tag below The reason why Kazumi wants to have sex is because whe wants to have an offspring so it can be proof of her existence, they may act like they dont care about dying but they and Kazumi probably more than the others combined do really do, she even acts the way she does because it is her only method of keeping herself from falling into despair and grief and to tell u the truth it is really sad I know what you mean, and, in fact, when writing that post, I first said the exact sme thing: that she also wanted a baby And I know where it's coming from, because she literally says so, at one point. But, when I thought about it, it didn't make much sense if you really take it at face value. I think one should rather interpret it as something either being said deliberatly, to confuse you-know-who, or, as a genuine wish, but more as an afterthought, a mental sigh of an irrational longing that is not meant as a serious 'striving for' contemplation (and action). I don't think that's the actual driving force for her behaviour thus. The reason is as simple as it is straightforward: She would die within a month: FAR to few time to get a kid. Maybe she wishes to 'get pregnant'; that would still be possible. But she can't hope to actually have a baby - which is normally what the wish for getting pregnant boils down to. It's impossible she doesn't realise that, and I don't think she would be so immoral to make and take an unborn kid with her in the grave when she's melting away. So I rather think it's not a conscious wish on her part, nor an actual drive for her slutty behaviour. Yes, somewhere, she might have the vain wish to have a kid, but I don't think she's actually trying to have sex to get a kid, since even an idiot would realise it's impossible. Even if the thought is there in a 'what if' sense, she knows it's in vain and can't possibly become reality. So the reason can't really be to get offspring, because she would live far too short to have any offspring, and she surely must realise that. That's why I removed that part from my comment: it doesn't make logical sense for it *actually* being the reason for her behaviour. I therefore think it's more along the lines that I said: she wants to get laid. I mean, that is not such an outrageous thing to want, on itself. ;-) The fact that she does it so overbearing, pushy and slutty is - apart from her own personality, of course (which IS more slutty-inclined than that of the other girls) - because she has little time left and is desperate to get laid before she is gone. On itself, it's not all that incomprehensible. Anyone who is a virgin (and even if not ;-)) but is sexually active and wants to actually do it and get laid (again; not an unfathomable wish), would try far harder (pun intended) to get that experience before he/she dies in a month. Kazumi is more sex-inclined, certainly compared to the other girls. For her it's the ultimate karaoke she wants to do before she dies. It's quite understandable, from that perspective. The fact, however, that she doesn't just jump another male when it doesn't pan out immediately with the MC, shows there is more nuance to it, though. Apparently, though her time is limited, she does want to try it first to have it with someone she likes. That too, is understandable. It is indicative that it's not the *only* consideration in her mind. That said, if she REALLY wants to get laid, and it REALLY doesn't work out with him, she should (logically speaking) go towards another boy. But I guess that's not going to happen, even if it would make sense from that perspective, since it's a typical harem-anime (aka, all females centred around one boy). ;-) In any case, some people are a bit too quick in depicting what the characters do as 'unrealistic'. Of course, to some extend it is: many clichés ARE typical of anime, after all, and this is an anime. But for some character-traits and interactions shown, some 'clichés' actually make sense and are more in line with the story and what you could expect from the extreme situation they're in, than in many other anime. So Kazumi might seem as the 'typical ecchi-craving character' like we often see in other anime as well, but it actually makes more sense in *this* anime THAT she would behave the way she does. Mod Edit: Spoilers from the manga have been spoilered |
TyrelMay 18, 2014 4:23 PM
May 18, 2014 2:10 PM
May 18, 2014 2:16 PM
May 18, 2014 2:20 PM
May 18, 2014 2:22 PM
Kazumi is trying so hard yet Ryouta keeps avoiding her advances towards him. As usual for a harem main if he could be called that, he is blind to love or sex but i guess that's anime. Even tho the other girls are attractive as well they appear to be clueless to sex since they where sheltered in a lab. Tho they might be clueless they have instincts which aren't really showing, again as usual in anime. |
May 18, 2014 2:25 PM
this episode was very good many information were passed and the relationship between the characters is increasing Kazumi is a tsundere of hair pink and pervert, I'm currently liking of your personality but my favorite is Kuroha, always kawaii, she reminds me a bit of Tohka of Date a Live I also like personality of Kana and Kotori Ryouta has a great harem |
May 18, 2014 2:27 PM
May 18, 2014 2:37 PM
AnimageNeby said: -ShadowClaw- said: Uh regarding that statement u made about Kazumi being sluty there is actually an even more valid reason why she acts like that but to do so would mean major spoilers for those who not have read the manga so il write it in the spoiler tag below The reason why Kazumi wants to have sex is because whe wants to have an offspring so it can be proof of her existence, they may act like they dont care about dying but they and Kazumi probably more than the others combined do really do, she even acts the way she does because it is her only method of keeping herself from falling into despair and grief and to tell u the truth it is really sad I know what you mean, and, in fact, when writing that post, I first said the exact sme thing: that she also wanted a baby And I know where it's coming from, because she literally says so, at one point. But, when I thought about it, it didn't make much sense if you really take it at face value. I think one should rather interpret it as something either being said deliberatly, to confuse you-know-who, or, as a genuine wish, but more as an afterthought, a mental sigh of an irrational longing that is not meant as a serious 'striving for' contemplation (and action). I don't think that's the actual driving force for her behaviour thus. The reason is as simple as it is straightforward: She would die within a month: FAR to few time to get a kid. Maybe she wishes to 'get pregnant'; that would still be possible. But she can't hope to actually have a baby - which is normally what the wish for getting pregnant boils down to. It's impossible she doesn't realise that, and I don't think she would be so immoral to make and take an unborn kid with her in the grave when she's melting away. So I rather think it's not a conscious wish on her part, nor an actual drive for her slutty behaviour. Yes, somewhere, she might have the vain wish to have a kid, but I don't think she's actually trying to have sex to get a kid, since even an idiot would realise it's impossible. Even if the thought is there in a 'what if' sense, she knows it's in vain and can't possibly become reality. So the reason can't really be to get offspring, because she would live far too short to have any offspring, and she surely must realise that. That's why I removed that part from my comment: it doesn't make logical sense for it *actually* being the reason for her behaviour. I therefore think it's more along the lines that I said: she wants to get laid. I mean, that is not such an outrageous thing to want, on itself. ;-) The fact that she does it so overbearing, pushy and slutty is - apart from her own personality, of course (which IS more slutty-inclined than that of the other girls) - because she has little time left and is desperate to get laid before she is gone. On itself, it's not all that incomprehensible. Anyone who is a virgin (and even if not ;-)) but is sexually active and wants to actually do it and get laid (again; not an unfathomable wish), would try far harder (pun intended) to get that experience before he/she dies in a month. Kazumi is more sex-inclined, certainly compared to the other girls. For her it's the ultimate karaoke she wants to do before she dies. It's quite understandable, from that perspective. The fact, however, that she doesn't just jump another male when it doesn't pan out immediately with the MC, shows there is more nuance to it, though. Apparently, though her time is limited, she does want to try it first to have it with someone she likes. That too, is understandable. It is indicative that it's not the *only* consideration in her mind. That said, if she REALLY wants to get laid, and it REALLY doesn't work out with him, she should (logically speaking) go towards another boy. But I guess that's not going to happen, even if it would make sense from that perspective, since it's a typical harem-anime (aka, all females centred around one boy). ;-) In any case, some people are a bit too quick in depicting what the characters do as 'unrealistic'. Of course, to some extend it is: many clichés ARE typical of anime, after all, and this is an anime. But for some character-traits and interactions shown, some 'clichés' actually make sense and are more in line with the story and what you could expect from the extreme situation they're in, than in many other anime. So Kazumi might seem as the 'typical ecchi-craving character' like we often see in other anime as well, but it actually makes more sense in *this* anime THAT she would behave the way she does. If u read the manga than u should know that girl who predicted the future with 100 % accuracy told her that she would not have to worry about those pills as they would get a unlimited supply soon. Kazumi stated what i mentioned earlier after that which would make my point and her reasoning more valid and a better reason. But my main point is that we both agree that some people are too judgemnetal on anime char clichés that they dont really give it a chance to actually see the development more, i mean u cant expect to solve everything all at once. Mod Edit: Spoilers from the manga have been spoilered |
TyrelMay 18, 2014 4:22 PM
May 18, 2014 2:50 PM
May 18, 2014 2:59 PM
An okay episode, though the girls being half-naked inside the building made me lol xD. |
I probably regret this post by now. |
May 18, 2014 3:24 PM
That opening was ridiculous. "IT WILL TAKE HALF A YEAR. YOU MIGHT AS WELL GIVE UP. HAH OH WAIT, THERE IS A WAY TO DO IT IN A MONTH POSSIBLY". God damn. Glad that they can't make the pills within the month. The date with Kazumi was nice although Murakami is a bit of a dick. Girls just want to have fun but he always tries to ruin it. lol'd @ Neko getting all flustered after touching just his thumb. Nothing really happened in this episode. Felt more slice of life-y than mystery for sure. Speaking of which, the ED is a really nice song and would fit perfectly for a coming of age slice of life romance. |
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