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May 28, 2012 12:09 PM

Nov 2011
The pendant...and Konoha, watch out! That's...

Some pictures:

Stark700May 28, 2012 8:39 PM
May 28, 2012 2:03 PM
Mar 2011
aww they kissed how sweet. i wonder if the manga has a jin ana taka pairing.
May 28, 2012 3:00 PM

Oct 2010
The episode went well. I was surprised that the scientist guy sacrificed himself for the president but it was quite a pumped up fight. Kouga most impressed with a upgrade upon himself of not having the suit. Despite that fared out rather more than I anticipated.

Konoha being OK and all was a good relief however I AM VERY DESPERATE RIGHT NOW! Look at the following,

IT’S OVER! Kiss goodby Konoha x Jin FOREVER! Since I kind wished with the first kiss thing really and even if some romance may happen after still the first kiss will never belong to Konoha with this pic. So yeah forget about that now. Tanaka I hate you for that. Just that kiss and most likely the sex that follows with the lights down. Yeah sure Jin.

Well that’s OK cause in thee end Jin will miss out the following,

See how much more refined Konoha is compared to Tanaka.

Really hard blow you all for this Konoha x Jin fan. TT_TT Might edit later.

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May 28, 2012 3:34 PM

Aug 2011
I prefer the Jin and Tanaka pairing over konoha. But I still feel bad for Konoha especially cuz nobody wants her to kno the truth. I liked the mother-father talk between the Amagis. It let us see how the two feel about their family situation and how pissed Mrs. Amagi is getting.
May 28, 2012 5:51 PM

Aug 2009

You know, this is funny... I was SO excited for this show to air and when episode 1 aired I couldnt stop spazzing! At that time I felt this would honestly be my favorite show of the season!, but look at me now, I hate this show now!

In the beginning, Jin knew Konoha cared about him and still needed protection but since at that time he felt about himself that "I cant get close to anyone or I'll hurt them" he rejected Konoha's feeling and pushed her away. Now all of a sudden this pushy, ignorant whore, Tanaka comes into the story, insists on staying at HIS place, REFUSING to leave, ALL OF A SUDDEN she is an exception to him and all of a sudden hes all head over heels for her and wanting to protect her!!! -____-

Seriously, fucking you Jin, and FUCK YOU TANAKA! I hope you both live a happy fucked up life!
Its a shame since I REALLY liked Jin's character in the beginning of the story, but now I hate him!

I swear, the only character I like in this show is Konoha -_-

Ever since Tanaka came into the story, I started hating this show! >:000
May 28, 2012 6:05 PM

Jul 2011
Lulexiaa said:

You know, this is funny... I was SO excited for this show to air and when episode 1 aired I couldnt stop spazzing! At that time I felt this would honestly be my favorite show of the season!, but look at me now, I hate this show now!

This. Though I don't quite hate it yet, I'm facepalming intensely.

Jin + cheesy lines + kiss = what the hell just happened.
That felt so random and slapped into the plot. Ugh.
May 28, 2012 8:47 PM

Apr 2012
Even though I really like some parts of this series overall it feels rushed. The manga handled things way better.
May 28, 2012 9:18 PM

Oct 2011
haha its just intteristing to read the coments ,you either HATE this episode or LOVE it,im in the in between ,more withthe love
May 28, 2012 11:52 PM

May 2011
Damn, Konoha just leave the safety house!

And next week it's a test for white hero there.
May 29, 2012 12:08 AM

Nov 2011
HAHAHA, why so much hate for Hanako in this show? XD

And will someone please just tell poor Konoha as to what the f*ck is going on. Ignorance can be dangerous :P.

That kiss between Hanako and Jin did feel a little forced. If both of them had more character interactions and development together then maybe there would be far less fanwanking ;).

Kouga still makes me facepalm every week with all his black and white crap talk about justice :P.

I think the only characters I genuinely like right now are Jin and Haitani LOL. Let's just kill everyone else off right now and have those two go on a bromantic road trip together. Now THAT would be a really interesting show :D.
May 29, 2012 1:35 AM

May 2011
1. Your family is all keeping a secret from you after some creepy things happened.
2. Your house got blown the hell up and still no one is telling you why your family is attacked.
3. You got sent to a safe house because things have gotten extremely unsafe (at this point your mind should be telling I should stay with everyone).
4. Leave the safe house because you're upset people are keeping secrets to protect you.

Konoha's logic ladies and gentlemen.
May 29, 2012 3:15 AM

Feb 2012
Like the Haitani said "Things are getting interesting". I don't know this show is bad or good. Konoha is poor child don't know what in the world's going on and Sayonara kiss for Konoha from Jin x Tanaka lol. But i prefer Jin x Tanaka and "DON'T HATE ME" just because of this argument.
May 29, 2012 4:27 AM
Apr 2011
im liking the way the series is going, i gotta say tho, i havent read the manga but from the way its going and the pacing of the story, will this have a second season cause i cant see it ending in a good way at only 13 episodes.
May 29, 2012 5:34 AM

Jan 2012
Jin x Tanaka for the win ! In your face Konoha. The episoe in general was really good, I enjoyed all of it. Looking forward to next one.

May 29, 2012 5:37 AM

Nov 2008
Lol that party next episode?
DuroDeMatarMay 29, 2012 5:42 AM
May 29, 2012 7:04 AM

Mar 2012
Meh, the first part was kind of good but the rest was shit. And Kouga is still the worst char. this season
May 29, 2012 8:08 AM

Jan 2008
Nooo, Jin! It's should be with Konoha. Hahaha. Man, I am one of those hoping for Jin x Konoha pairing but oh well, this is "quite" realistic but that was kinda cheesy words of Jin to Tanaka.

Anyway, we got to see Master showing his power, err a bit of transformation of himself. Now I know Haitani's stance in this story and having heard Master admitted his weakness.

Anyway, I kinda get discourage in looking forward to the next week's episode. The romance has been concluded between Jin x Tanaka here....unless there will be a twist later.
May 29, 2012 8:08 AM

Oct 2010
Aww the JinHanako kiss <3 Probably the only reason i still stick with this anime because it is so confusing xDD
May 29, 2012 9:07 AM
Apr 2010
i started to watch this because i thought maybe it will be somehow fresh compared to manga, or maybe provide a new vibe. well now i see no advantage, only mixed plot, and lines from nowhere
May 29, 2012 9:16 AM

Jun 2009
Aww yeah, that Jin x Hanako development was perfect, too bad Konoha is more of a main girl.
レッツゴー ED イケイケゴーゴー
May 29, 2012 12:25 PM

May 2011
Well, this anime started sucking a few weeks ago, but Jin x Tanaka may just redeem it a little.

Also: lololol. So many Tanaka haters.

Go, braces girl!
May 29, 2012 1:09 PM
Jan 2011

It looks like they had sex.

Konoha is really irritating, he made her brother worry. man why can't she just keep still in the secret base?
May 29, 2012 1:14 PM

Jan 2009
Lulexiaa said:

In the beginning, Jin knew Konoha cared about him and still needed protection but since at that time he felt about himself that "I cant get close to anyone or I'll hurt them" he rejected Konoha's feeling and pushed her away. Now all of a sudden this pushy, ignorant whore, Tanaka comes into the story, insists on staying at HIS place, REFUSING to leave, ALL OF A SUDDEN she is an exception to him and all of a sudden hes all head over heels for her and wanting to protect her!!! -____-

Seriously, fucking you Jin, and FUCK YOU TANAKA! I hope you both live a happy fucked up life!
Its a shame since I REALLY liked Jin's character in the beginning of the story, but now I hate him!

Well, I couldn't agree more :D
I actually started watching this yesterday just because I saw Paku Romi and Namikawa Daisuke were the voice actors for Jin. I thought Jin could be my favourite character but looks like that won't be happening. In fact I like Haitani the most. He has an interesting personality :)
Jin can live happily after with that stupid clingy girl. I don't care anymore ^^
May 29, 2012 1:31 PM
Jan 2011
it was nice seeing kouga holding out on his own without the suit.

jin and tananka or w/e is nice to see. glad that jin is finally a little bit more happy.

the amagi parental interaction gave us interesting view on what they both think. father is an ass, but at least he makes the show a little more interesting.

that damn konoha....she is pretty much the princess peach of this show.
May 29, 2012 2:29 PM

Dec 2011
Jin pulled off those cheesy lines... But I like this pairing. In my POV, Jin hasnt really shown any strong romantic feelings to Konoha. Tanaka achieved what she wanted... to be with Jin. I really loved the part when she said I want to be your family. Ahhh!

Konoha is bombarded by misfortune. Damn it.
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May 29, 2012 3:59 PM

Jan 2009
is interesting as an anime can change the course of things ... I HATE Hanako in manga and I think why not like her in the anime too.

I really, really hate her so much.

english isn't my native language... ;)
May 29, 2012 4:14 PM

May 2010
Nice ep but what the hell is jin thinking? did he not learn
May 29, 2012 4:18 PM

Apr 2012
Ah well this show has been god awful since episode 2 and it keeps getting worse. Jin's romance out of nowhere with Tanaka makes so little sense any way you look at it and his cheesy lines were laughable this episode. The guy has almost no personality and then tries something emotional like that, it's hilariously bad to watch. At this point I'm rooting Haitani. Let him destroy them all.
May 29, 2012 6:00 PM

Nov 2010
So this is what it feels like to ship the pairing a show/story goes with... megusta

As for the other hate going on here, yeah, this was a poor choice for a 13 ep series, it was doomed to derp from the beginning.

next ep: oh god, I was hoping to not have the Kouga party.
May 29, 2012 7:50 PM

Nov 2007
Why the party now?

I know the original manga wasn't that good with pacing but who thought it would be a good idea to shift things around like this?
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
May 30, 2012 2:31 AM

May 2008
I didnt tink Jin would go with her ... Meh Kouga gets no one :(

Awesome Sig by Lailide
May 30, 2012 3:47 AM

Feb 2012
Time to re-read Zetman, things are getting way too mixed up.

I like Hanako and I prefer her as Jin's girl but yeah, the romantic scene didn't fel believable.

Holy shit, next week the party but how can they handle that, it should've happened before they became adults?
May 30, 2012 5:17 AM

Sep 2008

Seriously, where is this show rushing to? I never read manga, probably never will, but this show just rushes from part to part without explaining what happened in the middle.

They really should've made it 25 episodes long instead of 13, this way it's just overly rushed. Pity, it could have been really great.
May 30, 2012 5:54 AM

Jul 2011
Well...Jin can still have Hanako and Konoha at the same time.
May 30, 2012 8:06 AM

Feb 2012
aiNkyy said:
Well...Jin can still have Hanako and Konoha at the same time.

And then the ending should be a harem right?
AmbleMay 30, 2012 8:20 AM
May 30, 2012 8:11 AM

Jan 2012
I liked those clones...
May 30, 2012 11:48 AM
Feb 2012
Solid episode.
It basically set up some things for the future and showed us a really awkward kiss. Seriously, who the hell got to animate that? That person really has no idea about kisses; even if they're anime ones.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one. - Albert Einstein
May 30, 2012 12:01 PM

Dec 2010
I dont care about the Manga, but this anime is just terrible. Not because how it was adapted because idk the Manga but the storyline is so fucking shit, it honestly makes me cringe.
May 30, 2012 2:09 PM

Nov 2011
A few episodes left and the good guys dont seem to have the slightest advantage or idea on how to stop the bad guys

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May 30, 2012 3:43 PM

Apr 2011
Jin x Tanaka for the win !

No hate toward Konoha ofc, but sadly Konoha do not apply. I always dislike fans for hate on a character, because she was chosen. Tanaka was more assertive than Konoha, that was where she lost.

You Konoha fans can be happy, you might get some incest ROFL!
May 30, 2012 5:16 PM

Dec 2011
Great episode, finally they kiss!! I personally prefer Tanaka over Konoha
May 30, 2012 10:57 PM

May 2012
being a jin x konoha fan, i felt like i don't want to watch this anime any more after i saw this scene, seriously.
i used to love jin, i used to thought the only reason he stayed away from konoha is that he just doesn't want her to get hurt.
now it's all over, it really bugs me that hanako just jumped in, and jin liked her more than his childhood friends from 6(or so) years ago.
now, jin, why don't you just protect your auntie? why don't you just protect konoha? because you never loved them do you? you are really my FAVORATE of the season if you loves your auntie if you loves your friend. i liked that jin who cared about his family and friends not this girl who did nothing but trying to get him to be her boyfriend!
May 30, 2012 11:30 PM

Jun 2009
LoL Jin and Tanaka.. NICE...

Tanaka is probably going to die, just based on all other anime series where the Main Protagonist gets with the non-main female love interest..

Latest example would be Hare from Guilty Crown..

In the end I'm just glad it happened lol. Just not going to last. Plus there's something off about Tanaka and all her Migranes
SnuggLes__May 30, 2012 11:47 PM
May 31, 2012 2:31 AM

Mar 2011
I pity Konoha, nothing good is happening to her, while that braces girl is having sexy time with Jin. I'm starting to hate this show ugh
May 31, 2012 10:17 AM
Sep 2011
good episode
May 31, 2012 10:21 AM

Jan 2011
He kissed the ugly crybaby girl I'm so mad. T_T
Old scientist died although it wasn't emotional because of animation failure.
I'm looking forward to some epic fights.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
May 31, 2012 3:01 PM

Nov 2008
ownosourus said:
Jin x Tanaka for the win ! In your face Konoha. The episoe in general was really good, I enjoyed all of it. Looking forward to next one.

Usually I support characters like Konoha, but I just don't really like her, so this episode made me happy : )

And she really is stupid, she needs to think more clearly, someone scared wouldn't go around exposing herself to danger....
I am a sucker for romance!!!!

May 31, 2012 6:10 PM

Jun 2008
MM-Rosiie said:
Lulexiaa said:

You know, this is funny... I was SO excited for this show to air and when episode 1 aired I couldnt stop spazzing! At that time I felt this would honestly be my favorite show of the season!, but look at me now, I hate this show now!

This. Though I don't quite hate it yet, I'm facepalming intensely.

Mmmm!! Delicious tears from Konoha fans. They are just so tasty. Muhahahaha! Suffer more along with your Konoha.

MonadMay 31, 2012 6:17 PM
May 31, 2012 9:15 PM

Jul 2008
Is there really a stupidity requirement in the show? The show's better off without Konoha's stupidity.
Jun 1, 2012 1:05 AM

Sep 2007
First thing's first, Tanaka sucks. She's an immature, needy girl that whines about Jin not calling enough or wanting her at this place when she has two parents that are worried about her at home. A typical boo-hoo, woe-is-me, the-world-doesn't-understand-me mentality that is annoying to say the least. I hope, unlike many Konoha fans, that Tanaka lives to see Jin ditch her for Konoha so she can live with the pain her stupidity has wrought.

Also, Konoha IS stupid, but I mostly claim her stupidity as a result of a mix of being naive and the secrecy of practically every other character in the show. Though I don't think that she needs to know every dirty detail down to how Jin's gramps' head was kept alive as a personal databank for the chariman, I do believe a little disclosure of information is necessary considering she has been abducted, assaulted in her own room, and had her house blown apart. Just saying, I'd want to know what the hell was happening too.
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