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Jan 30, 2012 11:50 AM
Jan 2011
Ok, so a new girls comes in who happens to pilot a mech, Lan, joins in withy Modoka fumbles a lot "WOOF!" The alien's new leader dresses like rock stars and Modoka's elder sister looks like the techer from Kiss X Sis.
Jan 30, 2012 12:15 PM

Oct 2011
Nasty001 said:
Ok, so a new girls comes in who happens to pilot a mech, Lan, joins in withy Modoka fumbles a lot "WOOF!" The alien's new leader dresses like rock stars and Modoka's elder sister looks like the techer from Kiss X Sis.

Ya pretty much.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Jan 30, 2012 1:04 PM

Jul 2010
Lan was feeling more and more isolated with Muginami there. And now they're both in Madoka's class and living with her. xD

Something tells me there's some tension between Muginami's and Lan's "clans". I wonder what that's all about. In the end that third guy escaped too! I wonder who opened the cell door.


Jan 30, 2012 3:38 PM

Jul 2010
Gotta love using the cliche transfer student event but it works.

Poor Lan had such a hard time being a waitress, bumping her head with the customer and the wood pillar, dropping everything. I still like her nonetheless.
Jan 30, 2012 3:53 PM

Aug 2011
entropy13 said:
*Implies where her Memoria is by zooming there

My reaction:


However, has anyone made the connection between Madoka's Uncle and the new "bad guy?"
Is it just me, or do they look exactly the same.
Just one with a chin strip and one with a stubble?
Perhaps they are brothers? There is still a lot we do not know about their family.
It sounds like Madoka's mother knew a thing or two about mechs. And did not want Madoka to be involved.

Jan 30, 2012 4:39 PM

Nov 2011
Jan 30, 2012 6:47 PM

Oct 2011
frustrated said:

You sir, are hilarious. Same reaction here.
"Evidently... There's no such thing as 'meaning' in this world. But that in itself is wonderful... isn't it? Since if there isn't a set meaning, then you can just find one on your own."
- Filicia Heideman, So Ra No Wo To
Jan 30, 2012 7:39 PM

Dec 2011
BRSxIgnition said:
frustrated said:

You sir, are hilarious. Same reaction here.

Ha ha! couldnt agree more.right on the money.
Jan 30, 2012 9:27 PM
Apr 2011
Finally I'm starting to enjoy this show and Madoka isn't acting so over the top with her happy-go-lucky-personality. This was a cute episode with Lan being cute and all.
Jan 31, 2012 12:17 AM

Apr 2011
Great episode

Muginami is a natural waitress, and Lan is a natural klutz. lol

I don't remember any mecha anime that can be so funny, cute, lightearted and entertaining as this.
Jan 31, 2012 2:26 AM

Jun 2011
clumsy lan
Jan 31, 2012 4:09 AM

Jan 2011
Laughed at the waitress part.
Nice ep overall.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Jan 31, 2012 7:27 AM
Jul 2011
So... does this count as the beach episode, then? ^^

Muginami is nice and interesting, even though I'm pretty much immune to her fan-service. And she brings out the best in Lan (if you don't count almost dying). Seriously, her jealousy against Muginami pushed her to a whole new level <3

So there's a third party now - even though it's only one guy - and apparently no one really knows what to make of Muginami yet. Things just got even more interesting.
Jan 31, 2012 7:55 AM

May 2009
So Lan is a klutz... WIN, I never thought it was going to end up like that, I thought Muginami would be the airhead lol anyways, seeing Jelly Lan was just way too cute, HNNGHHH'd quite a few times, specially when she kept hitting her head while waitressing (does that word exist?)

Jan 31, 2012 8:25 AM

Sep 2009
I'm so happy that we got to see the third main character of the show, Muginami. I have a theory that she's somehow against Lan...but I'm sure than Lan will persevere (or at least I hope so, I'm pretty much in love with Lan)

There's a full review of this episode on my anime review blog c:
Jan 31, 2012 11:43 AM

May 2008
Whoa WHOA...

I'm seeing double..this is insane..he looks practically identical to Malik Caesars from Tales of Graces.

asdfghjkl;...but that aside, I loved how all the dudes kept texting their friends to come to the place xD; "THERE'S A HOT CHICK WAITRESS GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE."
StarPebblitJan 31, 2012 11:47 AM

Jan 31, 2012 8:26 PM

Nov 2011
I thought of this epi as weak. I don't like this sort of episodes and I hate transfer students motifs. xP Not too mention all was so fast with all 3 suddenly living together I guess...

Lan x Muginami rivalry was nice though and made me at least don't hate this episode. XD
Feb 1, 2012 4:48 AM

Sep 2011
Muginami got introduced in this episode! From this episode she was really interesting. I dunno why, but I was really entertained when she said "MUGINAMI DESU" a lot during her class intro.

Lan was pretty much my favorite during this episode. Her being jealous of Madoka and Mugi was adorable. She got so jealous that she enrolled in Mado's school and immediately joined the Jersey Club.

KayChan4U said:
Whoa WHOA...

I'm seeing double..this is insane..he looks practically identical to Malik Caesars from Tales of Graces.

Heh, I was thinking of Kotetsu from Tiger & Bunny when I saw him.
Try your ability! Do it!
Feb 1, 2012 8:36 PM

Feb 2008
Great episode. A little break from the action world, but they'll probably continue the fight next week, now that the prisoner escaped. I agree about the Lan part. Thank god she's not THAT clumsy to trip on nothing. She was just nervous as she was doing that for the first time. So I don't know if she would really count as a clumsy type, but let her be that for now. The way she dropped the drinks was both cute and hilarious.

About the visual aspect, while I like the design, the episode actually was bad. They made errors on still pictures. It was all derpy. But yeah, one can't expect anime these days to be great visually.

Still a great episode.

"Your sight, my delight. Will you marry me?"
Feb 2, 2012 11:34 AM

Jan 2009
Lan feeling jealousy and clumsy was so cute. She thought Muginami girl would rob her of Madoka's best friend and Comrade position. I guess, Madoka is the first friend for Lan. And seems she doesn't know how she should do against the serious problem.
Now, I expect Yuri cohabitation life of Madoka and Lan, plus one.
Feb 2, 2012 11:41 AM

Aug 2010
Oh Lan, so much jealousy, but don't worry, you have my support. I'm not really a fan of Muginami, but I guess she will spice up the interaction between the characters. Wan (5/5).
Feb 3, 2012 9:22 PM

Aug 2010
Feb 4, 2012 9:28 AM

Aug 2008
Maybe I was a little too harsh with this series. I really didn't like episodes two and three, but this one definitely made me laugh out loud. There's definitely a lot more under the surface of this show. But for now I'm just going to enjoy looking at Muginami.

Feb 4, 2012 1:05 PM

Aug 2011
I'm starting to really like this show...

It seems to me like that alien dude with his eyes closed is going to be revealed as the true antagonist, and the other three "villains" are trying to stop him. Maybe. We'll see, I guess.
Feb 5, 2012 1:35 PM

May 2011
I lmfao when Lan was trying to be a waitress. This episode made me really like her, was always like meh when she appeared before. Muginami desu! Had high hopes for her and she didn't disappoint. I lovee her already, best character of the show. I love her seiyuu too, she's doing alotta main chars this season. Madoka is as great as always. 3 Awesome MCs, win anime.
ZeroZxFeb 5, 2012 3:16 PM
Feb 5, 2012 10:43 PM

Sep 2010
Klutz <3
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Feb 6, 2012 11:14 PM

Feb 2011
goblinmitzu said:
And oh, "Wild Tiger" is back. :D

And Lan = Blue Rose with her bangs/fringe on the right side... So when Tiger finally arrives on Earth... Love triangle?

Somehow I think Array is related to Muginami... Now to episode 5!
Feb 16, 2012 10:17 AM

Nov 2007
I'm Muginami I'm Muginami I'm Muginami I'm Muginami I'm Muginami I'm Muginami

anyway it's better with her and Lan having more active roles. another how Lan was so jealous.

better than the first few episode. still don't think those 3 guys are all that bad.
Feb 18, 2012 7:56 AM

Jul 2011
loved lan's clumsiness, so mugi and lan ended up enrolling in madoka's school and staying at her place. Love it. I like their friendship and the anime is at an excellent start.
I look forward for more.
Feb 24, 2012 9:13 PM

Aug 2010
Adhdfjeldwu! Kaburagi T Kotetsu from Tiger and Bunny makes a debut as a doppelgänger?! This is definitely the show worthy watching!!!
Feb 27, 2012 5:42 PM

Sep 2008

Did you see how easily Mamiko Noto got her conditions?
She is so powerful.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Mar 22, 2012 3:25 PM

Aug 2009
Very fun episode. Lan being a klutz was hilarious.
Apr 23, 2012 2:30 PM

Dec 2009
lol @ Lan being all cute and jealous :3

It's awesome how this show has soo awesome background activity going on, for example irritated girlfriends or boys goofing off in front of the camera xD


Sent with Mal Updater
Oct 24, 2012 7:16 AM

Apr 2012
That was... quite an interesting development. Now all three of them live together...

I'm not too fond of Muginami though, too much fanservice in one character if you ask me.
Dec 29, 2012 12:54 PM
Jul 2018

Muginami is strange, for me.
Who helped Array escape?
Jan 5, 2013 2:27 AM

May 2009
Aaaaand Muginami is my new least favorite character.

And this show is like, right on the borderline of having enough fanservice for me to dislike it.

Panaru said:
The moral of the episode is:


Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Apr 12, 2013 12:32 AM

Aug 2007
I think its pretty messed up for her to be ignoring Lan like that
May 22, 2014 1:15 AM

Dec 2012
Looks like Madoka is building herself a harem. That waitress scene was great, the women all looked pissed off and annoyed. Madoka's uncle looks a little bit like that older guy on the spaceship.
Jun 16, 2014 9:41 PM

Aug 2013
If if Muginami didn't mean any (serious) harm to Lan, that was still a bitch move. "Don't tell me she can't swim!" Well no shit, she's clearly drowning and she wouldn't be in that situation if you didn't pull that stunt.
"May those who accept their fate be granted happiness."

"May those who defy their fate be granted glory."
Dec 3, 2014 12:04 PM

Jul 2009
Las was jealous, it was funny! lol
May 13, 2015 12:00 AM

Jul 2008
Yeah I'd be jealous too if someone tried to kill me and the MC just fondles all over her.
Jun 17, 2015 9:05 AM

Jun 2013
OMG! Lan is such a freeking cutie pie!
Sep 24, 2016 6:43 PM

Jul 2012
If I were to come up with a narrative justification for Lan's klutzyness, it's that her world spaceships had a slightly lower gravity, so she's not quite as familiar with moving in Earth's gravity.
Mar 29, 2019 12:37 PM
Sep 2018

So, not cultures in conflict, but internal conflict within one interstellar culture.
With at least three factions, possibly more.
1) The chaps who the Earth authorities are cooperating with; these appear to be the dominant faction.
2) The lads.
3) The chap who just showed up, who's clearly from a faction close enough in philosophy to think he can recruit the lads.
4) Whatever group Migunami is allied with, if any; too little is known so far to rule out her being a lone wolf, not allied to anyone else. Well, the same can be said of the chap who just arrived.

Clearly, something is wonky with the extraterrestrial's economy, that starships and Ovids are something that all of these have access to, unless the factions are actually either significantly large, or have individual backers with very deep pockets and their own tech support capability. Or maybe military elements (possibly Academy Cadets) gone rogue, taking their equipment with them; it's possible that star travel is sufficiently automated that a small crew can handle it, even if they don't have the personnel to deal with repairs if something get's badly broken; the lads look like that might be their situation.

And, the Voxes are indeed relics from the far past, which had been lost on Earth during a previous conflict.

Or so it seems at this time.

Now, as to why all the aliens appear human...
Given the premise that the previous conflict, the one which resulted in Earth's destruction as mentioned by the one lad in Ep 1, was an earlier culture of this species, my guess is that Earth was a colony planet of that culture, and thus... they aren't aliens when it comes to species, but only in regard to having an off-planet origin at this time.
Any bets that it was the previous conflict, where the Voxes were misplaced, that was the origin of The Legend?

It would certainly explain their attitude concerning the artifacts they are examining.
These aren't historians, archivists, archaeologists or whatever, but rather technologists, they aren't thinking of them as rare, possibly unique, artifacts in need of careful preservation, they are thinking of them as tech manuals in need of deciphering so that they can properly utilize the Voxes; once the information has been extracted and stored in modern media, they don't give a d*mn about the originals.
I've done the exact same thing myself; once I've transferred files from a 5.25 floppy to a 3.5 floppy, I ditched the old floppy, and did the same when shifting to CD-R/DVD/BD.
Jul 19, 2024 4:26 AM

Dec 2022
Tipping over someone's inflatable boat when you don't know whether or not they can swim... now that's no good. But it did result in a kiss scene.

Now who released Array from his cell?

╔⏤═⏤╝ ╚⏤═⏤╗
Shaded Horizon

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