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Aug 1, 2008 3:23 PM

Jan 2008
Nooo. Leina! Noooooooooo!!£)!*")&"!1£)*:(
"I'm starting to think mal is run by Xinil generating electricity on a bicycle." - idklol
Aug 2, 2008 3:16 AM

Feb 2008
Yeah, caught me off guard ... didn't see it coming at all.
Sep 2, 2008 6:22 PM

Oct 2007
Wow, I really was not expecting that at all. Everything up til now has been pretty lighthearted...

Dec 31, 2008 8:41 PM

Aug 2008
What the hell?! It seems cruel, but with her death maybe now Judau will become more focused and will stay to help do the right thing and not just b/c of his sister. Puru has definitely been pissing me off the past few eps, but she is so screwed up right now its not even funny, just dangerous.
Nov 27, 2009 9:06 PM

Feb 2009
Oh my... I wasn't expecting that... this episode was so freaking chaotic and intende, can't believe how good it was.

That's it...I'm raising the score for ZZ 1 more.
Dec 15, 2010 6:44 AM

May 2008
Ok, this was sudden.... I can't believe she's dead!!!
Dec 31, 2010 8:13 AM

May 2010
What, you guys seriously weren't expecting that with an episode titled "Leina's Blood"?
“Money can't buy dere”
Jan 27, 2011 6:24 AM
Nov 2008
Glad the Leina storyline is finally over. It dragged out and she wasn't a character with a whole lot of potential anyway. Now only if they'd do the same thing for Puru...
Jan 29, 2011 4:08 AM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
'Kill em all" Tomino finally gives a glimpse of being in charge of this anime. Leina's death was a bit unexpected. I kinda though that she's be an important factor towards the end, being a bridge between Neo Zeon and AEUG or something. Guess I was wrong.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Apr 24, 2011 8:09 AM

Aug 2009
Yay death!

I like death in Gundam... Plus Leina was kinda annoying...
Aug 26, 2011 11:20 PM

Jan 2009
They seriously managed to deconstruct their own series within a few episodes? man...her character finally became something too...
Jul 31, 2012 10:57 AM

Mar 2009
How could no one see it coming, to me it was obvious she was gonna die.
I mean they wouldn't have dragged out her recovery, and the fact that he went and fought after his monologue.

I still don't want to believe it though. Leina was one of the only characters that had any brains, and was starting to develop pretty well.

Maybe, she'll be miraculously alive somehow, but I seriously doubt it.
It looks like Tomino went the Kamille route, and used a family death to finally get Judau serious about this war.

The last two episodes actually felt like I was watching a U.C. Gundam. Let's see if they can keep it that way.
And, from what I've heard/read about this series, it only gets better from here. I hope that's true!

Urahara Out!!
Dec 19, 2012 7:08 PM

Jun 2012
So, finally things started to get interesting. It's nice that she died, but I expected Puru to dies too. Also, I hoped that the death scene was more dramatic.

I thought it would be better if Puru had kill Leina, and then Judau had kill Puru. But it's okay.

BTW, Glemy is starting to become more intelligent. He even managed to trick Roux!
Apr 27, 2013 9:58 AM

Oct 2009
I think shes alive..when she heard Glems voice and you sorta see her get up..
May 23, 2013 6:44 PM

Nov 2011
He was so close to saving her, too...The moment he left her alone... ;~; I feel sad. This series is succeeding in making me sad! :D

DannySEN said:
I think shes alive..when she heard Glems voice and you sorta see her get up..

If she is brought back now because she actually was able to escape, despite her injury and illness, and the "family" is reunited and lives happily ever after, this series is irredeemably campy. It would have to lose the Double Zeta title because it wouldn't even be half of what was Zeta.
Sep 8, 2013 11:25 AM

Mar 2010
I totally didn't see that coming.

he's so back

...and apparently bbs code is still broken
Dec 27, 2013 9:50 PM

Nov 2012
i honestly did not expect her to go out like that, I at least thought she was going to die from bleeding, but damn Tomino likes to put his cast in hell.
Jan 16, 2014 11:35 AM

Oct 2008
OMG. She can't be.. Can she? We'll see.
Feb 5, 2014 10:01 AM

Sep 2010
I doubt she is dead she will come back

Code Geass spoilers

She probably staggered off into the woods or something. At least I hope she did. Dx
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Feb 16, 2014 8:36 PM

Aug 2011
Yes, wallow in your own sorrow you stupid self-centered Puru.
Her saying that she would be Leina's replacement was the worst and most disrespectful thing she could of said.
Mar 15, 2014 11:53 AM

Sep 2013
This was the best, but also saddest ZZ episode yet.

The most touching death scene in any Gundam so far, for me. It was so unexpected so it hit even harder. And I really liked Leina. :(
Apr 14, 2014 1:45 PM

Sep 2011
Pretty fantastic episode, though if they retcon this like they probably will since we never saw a body im gonna be pissed. So im taking this good episode with a huge grain of salt

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jun 1, 2014 10:37 PM

May 2008
I don't think she's dead. Why? Because when she calls Roux's name, you can see her roll over as if to get up. If she WAS going to die, that scene wouldn't have been shown. Again, why? Because it served no point to have her call Roux's name as it didn't change anything. Say what you will about ZZ, but they don't dabble in pointless scenes.

Calling it now, she'll come back later on.

Otherwise, I really liked the battle in this episode even if the others' saying "we can't do it without Judau!" was a little wimpy. It's been a while since I saw a battle I liked.
And Puru is still annoying, so I can't wait to see her get her butt kicked especially with her being a Cyber-Newtype.
Dec 11, 2014 12:02 PM

Jul 2010
Nooo, Leina :( But I'm not so sure she's dead because I'm the sort of person if you don't see the person die on-screen s/he is not 100% dead.

Also when Puru said she will replace Leina almost right after her made me feel sick.
Jan 28, 2015 4:30 PM

Nov 2014
I-I didn't think they'd actually kill her jeez, they had to twist the damn knife too with Judau officially adopting Puru, and Puru and Leina finally getting along.
Feb 5, 2015 7:46 PM

Jul 2009
Wow what a Zeta like episode!

Still at first, Puru was trying to kill Leina just so she would hogged Judau all day. That's unfair for Leina.

The fights we're really awesome! Roux battling Glemy, Judau battling Glemy as well. Elle doing air support. Only stupid Beecha, Iino, Mondo are not doing any work other than complaining.

Damn my heart keeps pounding as each other fights, it's like i'm waiting till someone gets killed. Doesn't helped the music is Zeta!

Fucking Glemy tricking Roux like that.

Damn they really killed Leina!?! I have a feeling she survived, it could be that a third party helped her. Possible Amuro or even Char since they can sense her from far away.

Or even Sayla!!

That was stupid of Puru saying to Judau she'll be a replacement to Leina.

Damn tragic episode all around. Want more of these!

Can't wait for the next episode!
Dec 11, 2015 11:46 AM

Nov 2012
I know this episode was called Leina's Blood but wasn't really expecting her to die.

And right when she started to have some redeeming qualities too :/
Apr 15, 2016 12:15 AM

Jul 2013
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Why. Why did they have to kill Leina. Unexpected turn for ZZ right there. Finally something to look up to. excellent episode.
Apr 23, 2016 2:14 AM

Sep 2013
Damn. I knew Leina died, but after watching part of the ep preview last ep, I thought her and Puru would've 'fought' for Judau's affection for another ep or two at least. And Judau not slapping the shit out of Puru after saying she could replace Leina is commendable, considering virtually everyone else would probably smack the shit out of anyone who said that to them after losing a sibling.

How Glemy reacted to Leina dying and Puru betraying him was interesting. Though he doted on Leina, and poured hours of work into Puru, he was able to brush off the loss of two of them surprisingly easy. Despite him liking Roux earlier, he was quick to use her emotions against her too. Glemy's not super intimidating otherwise, but these past two ep's did say a bit about his personality.
May 21, 2016 6:37 AM

Dec 2015
The death surprised me, after several missed death occasions, I wasn't expecting it anymore. But it was after all the needed ultimate motivation for Judau to fully go to war.

I am rather sad Ple acted like she did, I thought she was going in the right direction and was not a cyber newtype so disturbed it was beyond recovery. Well, I still hope everything goes better for her, by opposition to the previous female CNT. After all, she is a victim of the war, an abused child soldier (even younger than all other incarnations of the Newtype "weaponization") and has not suffered as much yet as those ones.

Glemy used Roux's trick on herself, then casted away relationships after being "deceived". Is he evolving into something more? ... Like a man who doesn't trust humans anymore, who wants to wipe them out or something XD
Anyway, I kind of understood some regret about losing hours of work for nothing with the two girls. But I dislike what he made them go through. (especially the "loli" I shouldn't like based on what is written in the commentaries)


@FMmatron Maybe the fact that it was Judau's single reason to act and accept war and a personal one at that, unlike Kamille who only gradually found this will to save unrelated others and to fight for it while still being "psychologically blocked" over war. Plus, one was forced into this mess, the other threw himself in the hole.
Overall, I think it's mainly due to Judau.*
Rei_IIIApr 21, 2019 1:42 AM
May 22, 2016 12:33 PM

Jan 2014
This episode was 5/5 material but Puru genuinely disgusts me, now. I understand her circumstances are terrible and she probably cannot be held accountable for half the fucked up things she says due to her unstable mental condition, but I can't help but feel her selfishness is one of the indirect causes of Leina's death. The writers found a way to take a huge chunk of the blame away from Puru by having an enemy MS pretty much explode on the very same house Leina was located in, but fuck it, I'm still mad at her.

I felt like vomitting all over my screen when she said she would be Leina's replacement: I commend Judau for not slapping this little bitch into another nationality.
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Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Dec 20, 2016 11:41 AM

Jun 2013
Very good episode! Though i wasnt very sad about Leina for two reasons
1) I dont give a damn about her
and 2) Im almost positive shes still alive.
Dec 20, 2016 11:46 AM

Jun 2013
Yall are also being way too hard on Puru
She is very fucked up in the head, it was the wrong thing to say, but in her mine she was trying to cheer him up
And it is definitely not her fault
Jun 22, 2017 11:57 AM
Jan 2017
SakurasouBusters said:
Yall are also being way too hard on Puru
She is very fucked up in the head, it was the wrong thing to say, but in her mine she was trying to cheer him up
And it is definitely not her fault

We not being hard on her, she's unlikable and Tomino trying to pull the victim card doesn't work here since all her selfish actions including this episode were on her own accord she wasn't being controlled. If actual crew severely punished her it would make it bearable but she is allowed to get away with selfish actions constantly.

I can't feel sorry for her if she dies, she's too much of a liberty and she is beyond selfish it's her actual personality she wasn't being controlled during those moments.

At least in Zeta cyber newtypes were fucked up but they were likable never tried to purposely kill off Kamile's love interest (Fa) or friends to gain he's attention.

ZZ in general it's just a huge disappoint but this was a decent episode.
Temujin26SJun 22, 2017 12:04 PM
Jul 19, 2017 8:31 AM

Feb 2008
Now that was a messy affair. A bit of drama will spice the story up a bit, though.
Dec 30, 2017 7:33 PM

Jul 2016
Wow! Is this the same show that started off so brutally campy/bad that it would turn out like this? Just awesome.

I did not see Leina dying at all. When the mobile suit crashed into the shack my jaw dropped. Puru is just a lunatic and how did Judau did not smack the shit out of her is amazing. Also, Glemy is now becoming more fleshed out and is turning into a person you want to hate.
Feb 21, 2018 5:18 PM

May 2015
I know they are inexperienced but why they didn’t call reinforcement, Karaba or the Argama to the area (MEDEVAC) she can be evacuated meanwhile they kept fighting. She was kept alive (writing) to be killed like hat I would have preferred if she was killed instantly by Haman making her death a little more valiant. *Sigh*

RX-782 said:
i honestly did not expect her to go out like that, I at least thought she was going to die from bleeding, but damn Tomino likes to put his cast in hell.

stand said:
Her saying that she would be Leina's replacement was the worst and most disrespectful thing she could of said.

Tenth said:
Also when Puru said she will replace Leina almost right after her made me feel sick.

Rei366 said:
I am rather sad Ple acted like she did, I thought she was going in the right direction and was not a cyber newtype so disturbed it was beyond recovery. Well, I still hope everything goes better for her, by opposition to the previous female CNT. After all, she is a victim of the war, an abused child soldier (even younger than all other incarnations of the Newtype "weaponization") and has not suffered as much yet as those ones.

Sapewloth said:
This episode was 5/5 material but Puru genuinely disgusts me, now. I understand her circumstances are terrible and she probably cannot be held accountable for half the fucked up things she says due to her unstable mental condition, but I can't help but feel her selfishness is one of the indirect causes of Leina's death. The writers found a way to take a huge chunk of the blame away from Puru by having an enemy MS pretty much explode on the very same house Leina was located in, but fuck it, I'm still mad at her.

I felt like vomitting all over my screen when she said she would be Leina's replacement

mshea1213 said:
When the mobile suit crashed into the shack my jaw dropped.
Sep 5, 2018 8:05 PM

Jun 2014
I can't believe that Leina is dead. She died in such a horrible way. How long will it take for Judau to get over this?

Glemy must die.

Apr 20, 2019 5:08 PM

Nov 2016
This was awesome, pretty thrilling all the way until things had to end devastingly sad. Can't put my finger on what's so striking about this death in particular, but it really hit me in the feels ;_;


Thanks for your take.
FMmatronApr 21, 2019 3:39 AM

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 18, 2019 7:32 PM
Feb 2018
Was a solid episode! First time I've felt some genuine emotion to see Judau fighting through the whole series to save Leina, just for her to die in a fire. I wonder how this dramatic event will affect him through the rest of the series. The episode had lots of fighting, mainly Glemy, Roux, and Judau. Glemy deceived Roux by saying his feelings for her are real and then pushes her Gundam off of his just to get away. Haman doesn't realize how hard the Argama will fight back. This episode solidified the fact the Puru is an absolutely selfish girl who only cares about herself and Judau. Saying she will be Leinas replacement was very wrong and I commend Judau for pushing her away. I feel like Purus demise will come soon, it's for the best. Selfishness doesn't lend well in war.
Jun 30, 2020 2:36 PM

Aug 2017
That was really a battle with high stakes. Even more than mid-show battles in Zeta, I dare say.
Really a shame that Roux hesitated and didn't shoot Glemy. It's not like there's a substantive connection between them! But damn, Leina's death was impactful. Roux even threw here shoe in the fire ;_;

Ple's love/attention complex regarding Judau and Leina can have pretty dire consequences, as we see. She did a lot of bad things (and her line about replacing Leina was probably very painful for Judau to hear), but I hope she finds the way to continue her life and improve. I want her to stay alive.

Also I should say there's an interesting theory in this thread about the possibility of Leina being alive.

Notice how Glemy just left the scene. He probably thinks of himself as a noble soldier, not a total asshole to kill his unarmed opponent who's just witnessed his sister's death.
St0rmbladeJun 30, 2020 2:50 PM
Aug 22, 2020 8:18 PM

Apr 2014
and again dumb shit happened because she didnt kill the blonde haired guy again... and then next ep she mad by being treated un fairly? lol its her fault a lot of things happened just because she didnt kill the blonde haired guy smh

and as for his sister i mean tbh i feel she's still alive, im honestly still annoyed it even took this long to even get her back

also fuck the blonde haired guy thinking he could just take Puru away like that hopefully nothing happens to her she is one of the best characters in ZZ
DazeFireAug 22, 2020 8:22 PM
"one step at a time"
Apr 8, 2021 7:34 PM

Aug 2017
Leina dead??? I think something is wrong here. Well, this anime made her interesting before that scene.

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Jun 18, 2021 4:17 AM

Apr 2016
Nice to see Karaba show up again, but why isn't Amuro with them? IIRC there isn't really any other fronts he could be fighting on: the Titans were defeated weeks/months ago, and right now all of the Zeon invasion forces are concentrated at Dakar. What is Amuro doing, then? Did he get hospitalized?

RIP Leina. Of the three Tomino protagonists thus far, Judau has been the most compelling. Amuro and Kamille started off their stories with pretty much no stake in the conflict; their homes and families had already been killed. Whereas Judau starts off with his colony, his friends, and his sister at stake. There is a bitterness to having spent half the season with Leina, and the last 15 episodes trying to save her... only for the quest to fail.
Mar 8, 2022 9:46 PM
Jul 2018
5/5 episode 27 and 28 are the best episodes of zz so far if the quality stays like this I'm definitely going to really like this series leina's death was sad
Aug 2, 2022 4:13 AM
Oct 2020
Definitely the best episodes of double zeta so far. The lighthearted tone of the first half of the series makes this episode all the more impactful. God that bites. I wonder how this will effect Judau.
Dec 14, 2022 3:57 PM
Dec 2015
To be honest I would have searched the body a little if i were in judou's place, without listening to Roux

The death was definitely unexpected, and I would blame Puru even if she was trying to help her in the end

It was curious that the pilot was not an unnamed person, but a new named character (even female to boot) that just had to die minutes later, lol
Jun 17, 2023 5:37 PM

Feb 2016
Didn't saw that coming 
Damn you Tomino
Sep 8, 2023 4:20 AM

Jul 2017
oh my god what an episode.
this was for me completely unexpected, and made me really dislike more ple and haman more than before.
''Touch the darkness inside me''
Jan 13, 2024 6:16 PM
Apr 2021
I like this full newtype team we have, it's super cool how everyone can just communicate mentally when they really need to now. I also like how it can seemingly reach the enemy as well, since most of this communication is just strong thoughts that the group senses. I liked Judau's comparison on Leina vs Ple's treatment as an example of the war.

The battles have been really ramping up recently too. I love how competent everyone on both sides feels; it really feels like a fair fight most of the time. ZZ has been great at balancing battles with multiple enemies as well.

Also, holy shit. I was not expecting that to happen this episode. Tomino being Tomino I guess. I'm so interested where this is going now, this is gonna have huge repercussions.
Yes_thatJan 13, 2024 6:20 PM
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