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Dec 10, 2010 6:03 PM

Nov 2009
epic. this ep was full of win:
1. sunakos wicked cute dresses
2. annoying muroi is going to die
3. megumi is awesome as always. wished she was wearing a more badass outift tho
4. kaori doing the first useful thing she has this entire season
5. tatsumi's onesie!!!!

NEEDS MORE NATSUNO! where is he????
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Dec 10, 2010 6:54 PM

Mar 2010
Great episode! Loved every second of it! (^_^) Ozaki is giving out pain! Just what the doctor ordered! Judging from the preview, we see Natsumi next week in a bit of a frantic scenario. Looking forward to the next!
Dec 10, 2010 7:21 PM

Jul 2010
As usual, great episode and Sunako's fashion sense always amaze me! She looks so cute!
I still can't believe that Kaori is still assuming that Megumi is gonna come and kill her but I doubt it on last week's episode.

And now, the hunt begins...
Dec 10, 2010 7:47 PM

Dec 2007
Considering Fuyumi Ono's degree is in Buddhist Studies, it would not surprise me one bit if Seishin is a bit of her own criticism of some of the core buddhists beliefs.

That said, yet another awesome episode. My favorite part was probably Megumi roundhouse kicking Masao in the face.
Dec 10, 2010 7:47 PM

Nov 2007
Sigh. People who hate Seishin clearly do not understand him. Too long to explain, but nice episode.

We finally start to see the "beast-like" side of the humans, to show that there isn't a single difference between the humans and the shikis.

So Seishin's siding with the Shiki is his choice. And form a neutral POV there is nothing wrong or loathsome about that.
bla bla bla
The endless debate between fans and haters. At one point, after spending a lot of time on MAL, you just realize it's totally pointless.
Niko-kun said:
On MAL, everyone who has used the lame rating system becomes a critic and an intellectual by default, haven't you heard?
Dec 10, 2010 8:21 PM

Jun 2010
Neverarine said:
i realy hope Seishin gets killed... preferably in a by the doctor, in a violent way...
i want to see Akira again... whats he doin? chances are he's risen by now... O.o?
and did Kaori kill her dad?

I think Natsuno has him in hiding, maybe. That's how Tatsumi seems to have taken it, and he has a good reason to think that.

Seishin looks like he is on his deathbed as it is anyway, so he'll probably die one way or another, maybe. He doesn't appear to have any strength to fight back at least.
Dec 10, 2010 8:22 PM

Jul 2008
No logical, rational explanation of Seishin Muroi can ever explain his irrational, stupid behavior. Might as well divide by zero.

This is not "beast-like" behavior by humans. Not everyone are forced to kill shiki. In the shiki's case, they have to drink blood lest they die.

If you play Fallout: New Vegas, humans in this show are the NCR; the shiki are Caesar's Legion. Both have their faults (the NCR also have that Bitter Springs massacre) yet they're worlds better than Caesar's Legion.
Dec 10, 2010 8:49 PM
Sep 2010
So the war between shiki and humans have now begun. Chizuru death was kind of hard to watch and I'm not afraid to admit that I flinched a bit. I wonder what is Natsuno's role is in this war?
Dec 10, 2010 9:17 PM

Sep 2007
I feel like I must be one of the only people who actually like Seishin. I mean, if your a suicidal monk who's had a suckage life and a go with it type of personality, chances are if you meet a loli who can actually sympathize with you, you're gonna join her vampire brigade. :x

And I absolutely love Tatsumi's wardrobe. At first I was like WTH. And then I was like AAWWW YEAAAAAHHH! YEAH TATSUMIIII!
Dec 10, 2010 9:51 PM

Nov 2007
payback time you shiki bastards! finally, most of the village fights back. crazed mob mentality. poor Kaoru though .... after everything that poor girl has really lost it. as much as I hate Megumi, seeing her make fun of and beat up that creepy idiot was great.

I have to respect and like Ritsuko for being one of the few to not give in and sending that other nurse in there to be her victim? that's just cruel and there's no way she'd do that.

where is Natsuno though? he must plan something as I'm sure he's the only one who can really fight the other 2 werewolves.

I love that badass old guy and Ozaki though and I really really hate that cowardly monk. really? your a monk and you'll just sit back and do nothing but condone your village being slaughtered for "survival"? what about the survival of the innocents. I hope someone does kill him. what a pathetic character. I know they want you to feel some sympathy towards the shiki and him but I don't.
Dec 10, 2010 9:56 PM

Sep 2009
Urufuzu_rein said:
Megumi's still funny as hell.
Best quote of the day->''Chizuru was my bitch''.
I actually dunno if this was funny,nostalgic,sad,brutal,fabulous,hawt,ingenious or atmospheric.Maybe all of them.

Chizuru was my bitch part made me lol xD
Dec 10, 2010 11:15 PM

Oct 2008
Dec 10, 2010 11:40 PM

Apr 2008
A rewarding episode.

When Kaori numbly strikes with the bat anyway... just beautiful.
Dec 11, 2010 12:01 AM
Feb 2010
Kaori is badass. 'Nuff said. After Akira going missing, and the rest of her family dead, she went crazy but stayed strong.

Megumi is bleh. And so is Sunako. I realize she had a missing past, but if you realize it, she's just being selfish... Seishin is grr...I can't stand him.

This is a great series. Especially, when you feel a bond with each character. That's what makes this series so epic. xD

Oozaki is just awesome albeit a bit heartless... >.<

If they were just living dead not killing humans, I'd feel sympathy for them. But they are killing people and tearing families apart. Them doing that is much worse than the avenging by the humans.

Vampire logic is flawed anyways because what happens when a whole community turns to Vampires and they have no more blood to suck?
Dec 11, 2010 12:16 AM
Nov 2010
Ribbit said:
Vampire logic is flawed anyways because what happens when a whole community turns to Vampires and they have no more blood to suck?

They go vegetarian. Like that awful Twilight series so says.
Dec 11, 2010 2:25 AM

Feb 2010
Shiki or Human: Who. Will. Win? ^^

My favorite part was definitely when the Doctor went on and on about what he did to his wife and then casually mentioned, "Oh, and I've got the video tapes if you want to see them." Such a glorious bastard.
Dec 11, 2010 5:40 AM

Jul 2008
-Vid said:
And wow, the scene with Chizuru was brutal. D: Will seishiro (or w/e his name is) avenge her?:p

Dec 11, 2010 6:31 AM

Jan 2010
Ozaki is such a badass.

This show is flawless. Depending on the ending it will either get a 9 or 10 from me.
Dec 11, 2010 6:49 AM

May 2010
Chizuru got owned..

The stake. Oooww.. *feels the pain*

Badass Ozaki is badass..

"Oh, and I've got the video tapes if you want to see them." - WIN

Now, the village are on the shiki hunting..

But I hope the shikis will fight back to make it more interesting..
Dec 11, 2010 7:15 AM

Jun 2010
where´s natsuno?
the villagers finally went rampage after accepting the truth.
this episodes was really good. lots of facts got straightened up.
cant help feeling sad for the Sunako though.
Dec 11, 2010 7:36 AM

Aug 2009
If they're going to touch my Sunako...
Dec 11, 2010 7:41 AM

Oct 2007
Orulyon said:
Im sorry but i still cannot agree. Allow me to say my opinion (again, i do not wish to offend the fans).
If it wasn't for him this would be another Vampire vs humans show? with him or without him, this is in fact a vampire x humans show, and a great one. one single character would not change the show, its takes at least two to make a difference.
until now the most exciting scenes were the ones lead by other characters, specially supporting ones.
Also,a person who really wishes to die would not join the shiki, because obviously, there would be 50% chance of becoming a risen.
I do not blame his wish to die, but even Natsuno that also "wants" to be killed like he mentioned before (kill all shikis including himself), even him at least is doing something. The monk limited himself to say philosophical things without explaining the reason why he wants to die, a reason that surpasses the bond he had with his best friend Ozaki, and we still got no clue why he joined the shikis.
Pity for Sunako? maybe. But then if it was for that, i will dislike him even more, because he didnt feel any pity for humans and when his best friend needed his help he turned his back on him. Iam wrong?
Im still hoping he will at least redeem himself with Ozaki. Otherwise ill keep my opinion that he is indeed useless.

But thats only my opinion, and ofc, we all have different opinions...
He is the main reason why Sunako choosing this village. He is also the man who comes up with the name Shiki. In many other Vampire VS Human shows, Vampire attacking human and drinking their blood for the sake nobody give a damn about. But in Shiki, Seishin thinks otherwise "Shiki and Human are equal." as a monk.

I agree he is not the character that make shiki looks epic and awesome but the show itself is following his story. But too bad the show didn't give him enough screen time.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that he wish to die because he tried to commit suicide once. There could be another reason to it like he was blaming himself for something. And that reason could be something that make him believe that he is fit to be on Shiki side more than on Human side, well that is just my theory from the story he wrote and was being recited many times in the past episode.

P.S. Well this is discussion and why would I hate you for stating your opinion? And instead I would rather happy to see someone actually read my pose :D

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Dec 11, 2010 9:09 AM

Apr 2010
The war began between humans and shiki. Now let's see who will win.
Shimizu was great killing Chizuru, he finally avenged Megumi.
Tatsumi one-piece get-up was...facepalm. Seeing Sunako crying didn't make me to share the same emotions or at least to care for her or for the shiki except Ritsuko and that's because if she wanted a family she could just make it let's say 10 shiki top, but seeing that she wanted the entire village to be her family, well that was just selfish and reckless and now she's reaping what she sow.
So it appears that Seishin was bitten and he even let Tatsumi drink his blood. I don't know what to think about him, sure until now he was useless and he wanted to kill himself, but I think he has a bigger role to play in this.
I was disappointed that they didn't show Akira or even Seishin's father. I think that was why Seishin joined shiki so he can find out what happened with his father. Kaoru was great, first being afraid of Megumi and then seeing her embrace her fear and cracking her father's head. It looks like Masao wants a piece of Megumi and Megumi's finally afraid of something.
I can see why Natsuno didn't showed in this episode and that's because if someone saw him they will try to kill him since no one knows he's against the shiki.
I hope that Ritsuko will resist her hunger, she's the only one that I feel sorry if something would happen to her.
<img src="" border="0" />
Dec 11, 2010 9:20 AM

Jan 2009
the monk and Sunako's conversation scene was impressing.
Sunako said "Anyone who kills somebody, kills a man just in order to live, because otherwise he can't live on"
yes, I think it is basically true. then, I guess the author Ono-sensei raises a moral question that "Is it bad for us to kill somebody so as to live? or to realize a dream?"

I guess they may explain why the monk has an intention to kill against the village next episodes.
Hana-keiDec 12, 2010 6:56 AM
Dec 11, 2010 11:27 AM

Feb 2009
Urufuzu_rein said:

I actually dunno if this was funny,nostalgic,sad,brutal,fabulous,hawt,ingenious or atmospheric.Maybe all of them.

Brutal death for Chizuru. And lots of movements now from all sides.
I liked how Ozaki nonchalantly mentioned experimenting on his wife and showing the videos for it.
Where's Natsuno though in this fuss?
As for Seishin, no comment. Never really cared for him.
Wonder what'll happen for the next 3 episodes. Will the humans kill all the shikis before sunset or will the shikis take their revenge on the humans when night approaches and the humans are tired from searching all day. Can't wait.

Lol Megumi kicking Masao and Tatsumi's outfit.
Dec 11, 2010 12:36 PM

Nov 2009
There must be more Natsuno, damn! >.<
Haha, Tatsumi and his clothes. When i saw him i was "wtf?!". At least Megumi knows how to dress herself right. Ozaki pissed me off this episode. Not anyone will be able to kill their loved one, unlike you, sensei. They don't understand? Yeah, right. They aren't cold blooded like you.
Dec 11, 2010 1:38 PM

Sep 2007
Last 3 episodes promise to be damn awesome >___<

Dec 11, 2010 2:02 PM

Jun 2008

That's what I'm talking about, man this anime really got good after the 3 week hiatus...
Dec 11, 2010 2:18 PM

Apr 2009
This is making me sad. :(

Where is Natsunooooo
Dec 11, 2010 6:33 PM

Jul 2008
Dec 11, 2010 6:53 PM

Aug 2007
Well, the battle begins and people are "killing" the people who are raisen. I really like this episode.
Dec 11, 2010 9:08 PM

Apr 2009
Tatsumi's outfit. Seriously.
Dec 11, 2010 10:40 PM

Jan 2009
This was a pretty nice episode. The war has begun and yeah.. I agree with most of the people here about Tatsumi's outfit.. just wrong on so many levels lol!
"I don't want to live the dream because dreams always end when they get to the good part." - Sebastian Carmichael, A.R. Dragonfly
Dec 12, 2010 2:21 AM

Oct 2009
I love how most of these comments seem to be about Tatsumi's outfit. But I agree, it is pretty funny looking. XD
Dec 12, 2010 4:34 AM

Nov 2008
lostinabook said:
Snowley said:
LOL They obviously wanted to show that Humans are evil too. What's with the scary look ?

Maybe it's to claim that the hunted became a hunters. Killing, the other way or another in order to survive is inhuman and "evil" in both cases, isn't it?

There was that part towards the end of the episode where Sunako and Seishin were talking about Seishin's book and that the brother had killed in order to live. I think that statement was the "theme" of the episode, if not the whole series. The shiki kill humans in order to live, and now the humans are killing shiki so that they in turn won't be killed. Basically, it seems to be one big killing cycle that raises a lot of moral questions and obviously makes for an awesome storyline. :D

I agree, cause people can argue who is right and who is wrong. Shiki is not a story that you forget the instant after watching it :) Also the overall idea to put Kain and Abel into the story is interesting itself. Well, the story is based on a book, so that explains a lot.
Dec 12, 2010 5:18 AM

Jun 2009
This is getting interesting now. Want the next episode!

Dec 12, 2010 6:05 AM

Aug 2008
Argh I keep hoping for the priest to come to his senses. It's infuriating how useless he is. It's one thing to do nothing and another thing to help the enemy.
Dec 12, 2010 6:31 AM

Feb 2010
BlackSnake56 said:
Urufuzu_rein said:
Megumi's still funny as hell.
Best quote of the day->''Chizuru was my bitch''.
I actually dunno if this was funny,nostalgic,sad,brutal,fabulous,hawt,ingenious or atmospheric.Maybe all of them.

Chizuru was my bitch part made me lol xD

+ 1. That line made me laugh out loud.

The whole episode really was amazing. One of my favorite moments had to be near the end when all the villagers were chasing down the stranded Shiki who had no where to go and were killing them. I kinda felt bad for the Shiki in this episode.

The villagers are wearing the masks because they're ceremonial and they probably scare the Shiki. Also makes them look more badass XD

Bring on the epic battle!!!
Dec 12, 2010 7:15 AM

Jan 2009
So anyway, finally I've gotten to the point where hearing Gackt in an actual role doesn't sound strange.
Oh Kaori, you're still so broken. Even more so than before~
Also, suddenly I feel like the protagonists are the Shikis, while the villagers are the antagonists. I mean, seriously, the village went nuts.
Did Natsuno change his shoes in the next episode? They don't look very pink anymore.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 12, 2010 10:08 AM

Aug 2009
You're saying Natsuno isn't going to wear his fabulous pink shoes anymore?
Samu-tanDec 12, 2010 10:28 AM
Dec 12, 2010 12:08 PM

Jul 2010
Oosran said:
Did Natsuno change his shoes in the next episode? They don't look very pink anymore.

Where did you get that picture?

STM said:
You're saying Natsuno isn't going to wear his fabulous pink shoes anymore?

Lol. I like his pink shoes and new outfits, too.
Dec 12, 2010 1:10 PM

Jun 2008
Snowley said:
LOL They obviously wanted to show that Humans are evil too. What's with the scary look ?

Maybe it's to claim that the hunted became a hunters. Killing, the other way or another in order to survive is inhuman and "evil" in both cases, isn't it?

Yeah they kind of played with those things. Writers and directors like to show the bad side of humans and try to play with the "everything is not black and white" concept.

Tatsumi with another crazy outfit. Honestly his closet must be one crazy place to see. Along with lady Gaga they make a crazy dressed pair.

Megumi gets points for just kicking the shit out of Masao every time. And i can't believe that disgusting creature actually seems to has hopes of fucking her.
I so want to see him suffer in a similar way Chizuru suffered in this episode(Btw she was a cute human). I will certainly get pleasure out of it with out feeling any pity like a i felt for Chizuru.

Tohru is crying like a little shit because he thought himself as a very nice guy and he did what he did because it's impossible for anyone to resist, but now that he sees that someone can resist he can't take it because that means he could to and maybe his a lot shittier person for killing his friend that he thought he was. The nurse resistance shows that you still have a choice if you want and if you chose the killing path the it's your responsibility and you can't play the victim like Tohru was doing until now.
He hates the fact that with her resistance she showed him that he is killed because his a killer and he can't hide behind excuses, so he now cries like a little baby hoping for her to fall so he can feel better about himself.

Orulyon said:
Siva said:
There is no such thing as right or wrong in this situation. It is just a matter of from which view point do you see it from. Kill or be killed.

Linalee-Stratos said:
Orulyon said:
and geez, i cant stand the monk, did he did anything in this anime that gave him the right to be a main character?!
Same here. The only thing he has is the looks except that he just a suicidal bloody priest with loli + sucking fetish.
If it wasn't for him this will be just another of many Vampire VS Human shows. I think this role will be play more in the next episode where they will explain why did he want to kill himself which led him to join Shiki instead.

Im sorry but i still cannot agree. Allow me to say my opinion (again, i do not wish to offend the fans).
If it wasn't for him this would be another Vampire vs humans show? with him or without him, this is in fact a vampire x humans show, and a great one. one single character would not change the show, its takes at least two to make a difference.
until now the most exciting scenes were the ones lead by other characters, specially supporting ones.
Also,a person who really wishes to die would not join the shiki, because obviously, there would be 50% chance of becoming a risen.
I do not blame his wish to die, but even Natsuno that also "wants" to be killed like he mentioned before (kill all shikis including himself), even him at least is doing something. The monk limited himself to say philosophical things without explaining the reason why he wants to die, a reason that surpasses the bond he had with his best friend Ozaki, and we still got no clue why he joined the shikis.
Pity for Sunako? maybe. But then if it was for that, i will dislike him even more, because he didnt feel any pity for humans and when his best friend needed his help he turned his back on him. Iam wrong?
Im still hoping he will at least redeem himself with Ozaki. Otherwise ill keep my opinion that he is indeed useless.

But thats only my opinion, and ofc, we all have different opinions...

I t5hink in reality the priest just judged himself as incapable of killing and also considers the life of a shiki as valuable as any humans. So his escape to the shiki mansion seems to me more like hiding than anything else. Is not that he wanted to join the shiki's, is just that he wanted to do nothing and being at the shiki mansion he can sit there and play no real part and escape the questioning and the responsibilities he would have had and stop seeing the suffering of the human side.
He just went there because the burden of watching the humans or helping them is not something he can take.
Also do him is a lot easier watching Sunako being ruthless than watching his friend.
His a very weak individual really that just wants to avoid the unpleasantness of the situation.
Dec 12, 2010 1:47 PM

Jan 2010
Tatsumi shall be running around naked soon. LMAO.
I wonder where they'll end this at.
Dec 12, 2010 3:26 PM
Dec 2007
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 3:26 PM
Dec 2007
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 3:26 PM
Dec 2007
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 3:26 PM
Dec 2007
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 3:26 PM
Dec 2007
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

In every age, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.
Dec 12, 2010 4:12 PM

Jan 2009
Iilia said:
Oosran said:
Did Natsuno change his shoes in the next episode? They don't look very pink anymore.

Where did you get that picture?
Right thar in the ED. Full image at the time:

So it's right thar.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Dec 12, 2010 4:23 PM

Jul 2010
Jacut said:
Hell yeah. Irony is that the bloodthirsty killers are now the villagers and shikis have all become helpless victims except for werewolves. I love it.

So good you had to post it 5 times, eh? XD

Oosran said:
Right thar in the ED. Full image at the time:

So it's right thar.

Lol... that explains why I didn't see it. I never watch the ending credits; I just listen to them as I browse threads on MAL. Thanks for telling me. :)
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