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May 27, 2008 9:33 PM

Jan 2008
woaaa that kinda threw me off guard.. i dont know what will happen now... but there is still 4 more eps left. i really fell sorry for kaede, her mind is not stable... but she did do a good job holding it in for the first 18-ish eps when rin and and company suddenly barge into their lives...
Jun 22, 2008 7:32 PM

Oct 2007
I kind of think Rin reached the wrong conclusion for the time being...

Finally Shuffle! delivers some real drama! It's what I watched the series for in the first place.
Jun 29, 2008 10:00 PM

Feb 2008
Agreed about the drama in the series, I am finally happy to see it

92% of teens have moved on to rap. If you are part of the 8% who still listens to real music, copy and paste this into your signature.
Jul 5, 2008 2:13 PM
Jul 2018
That's worst case for Kaede now ><
And I still believe there has to be some mystery behind Asa-senpai, I remember she refused the use of magic to cure her and her illness does look strange.
Jul 28, 2008 10:23 AM

Jun 2007
Uh-oh, it looks like this anime is going to do what most anime like this do...If there's a character going of the deep end, everything bad that can happen to push them further, does happen! Please don't let this have a crap ending...
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Dec 17, 2008 12:59 PM

Feb 2008
NarutoTony said:
Agreed about the drama in the series, I am finally happy to see it

Same here. It's great.
In this episode were many unexpected situations.

Under-eye circles ftw
Dec 21, 2008 1:17 PM

Apr 2008
Kaede looks scary O_O

Looks like more Yandere-time in the next epi

Dec 30, 2008 9:25 PM

Dec 2008
Wow I've run out of things to say...All I can say is that I don't ever see Shuffle! ending just doesn't seem possible...It's a huge mess for everyone, except for Nerine who hasn't been saying much lately and Primula who seems to accept everything (but what about her reaction to Rin's decision to leave at the end of the episode?). Looks like it's all downhill from here, but I still have to see how things end...

Dango, dango, dango, dango, dango, daikazoku~

Apr 22, 2009 6:05 AM

Jun 2008
lol how did things turn this way?
i thought Rin was supposed to date Sia >.>
he never actually gave any hope to Nerine nor Kaede..but uuh Asa-senpai?
lol Kaede is a psycho xD
May 13, 2009 9:20 PM

Jan 2009
I really feel sorry for Kaede. She cleans the house, prepares the food, takes care of Rin, she's practically his fucking slave and yet she still gets treated like crap. I want a happy end, but why do I feel like in the end one of the characters is going to be completely screwed over?

Jul 5, 2009 11:35 AM

Nov 2007
I guess it's down to Asa/Kaeda, still kind of odd with all the drama going on that Sia/Nerina wouldn't appear. Their cheerful attitudes might ruin the current atmostphere though. I still feel kinda bad for Kaede, she tried to give him the only thing she hadn't tried yet and even naked in his bed didn't get his interest at all. I'm sure the mean things she did to him in the past have something to do with it but yeah she has done literally ever thing for him to make up for it. I just wonder why she reacts like this now but didn't when he went on dates with Sia?
Jul 20, 2009 2:22 AM

Nov 2007
Okay, getting to dangerous ground here. I thought he was going to talk with Kaede and come to a resolution but to leave the house when she's in the state she's in? Now that might not be wise.
Jul 23, 2009 5:47 AM

Jul 2008
I think Kaede really needs to learn to lead a life of her own. This kind of radical cut might be neccessary, but this might be a bad timing to leave her alone with Primula. Might have been a better time when her father would be back.
I'm still worried about Asa. :(
Jul 25, 2009 12:13 AM

Jun 2009
I don't see this show having a happy ending...
brinanJul 25, 2009 12:41 AM
Aug 2, 2009 5:24 PM

Dec 2007
I wouldn't be surprised if Kaede did a double murder suicide in the next episode. What's with Asa getting sick when there was a full moon. Is she a werewolf? Rin is also really weird. What kind of guy would run out of the house when a naked girl jumps into bed with you?
Aug 10, 2009 10:06 PM
Feb 2009
it took 18 episodes, but now its really getting interesting
[url=]<img src="" border="0" />[/
Aug 11, 2009 4:07 AM

Jan 2008
Every time Rin refused one of Kaede's meals, I was afraid she'd snap and go berserk. o.O

Uh-oh, shouldn't leave the house now o.O This isn't even understandable in the current situation. I mean, he has seen how psycho Kaede is at the moment, how can he leave her right now without clearing things up first?! o.o
I still fear for Kaede to lose her grip, barge into Asa's room and kill her o.o
SaorinAug 11, 2009 4:28 AM

Oct 9, 2009 9:54 AM

Jun 2009
I hated Kaede in her Higurashi-style state
Oct 11, 2009 11:12 AM

Jun 2009
I was angr yat Rin for leaving Kaede in such situation.He acted like a coward! But I never really liked Rin in the first place....
Oct 20, 2009 7:26 AM

Mar 2008
Finally Rin made a decision about something, although he's kind of a coward for leaving without clearing things up with Kaede (she's really going to snap now).
Nov 7, 2009 9:14 PM

Oct 2008

Kaede, no...

Nov 15, 2009 11:31 AM
Nov 2009
Rin is a coward. All throughout the story, I was sooo proud of Rin for handling nearly every situation the right way, always making things clear, always ending in what seemed peaceful. Now, he's gone and done the worst possible thing I could think of.

On another note: I think primula will have a big role soon, Her reaction gives me the feeling she'll lose it again or something. I don't even know how Rin is going to fix this whole...mess..and yea...Kaede is CRAZY.
Dec 19, 2009 8:58 PM

Oct 2009
Kaede officially scares me now lol. She's completely lost it.
Jan 10, 2010 12:48 PM

Sep 2009
she is gonna kill
Jan 19, 2010 10:06 PM

Jul 2009
kaede has been dropping some pretty strong hints the last couple episodes. :p i think rin deserves a gold medal for ignorance, don't you? :)
Jan 20, 2010 1:13 PM

Jul 2009
no but seriously, all jokes aside, the way rin has been treating kaede this whole series (and moreso apparent in this episode, as well as the next episode) is just horrible and resulted in me giving this series a 5/10. well done scenario writers. /sarcasm.
Mar 26, 2010 10:01 AM
Aug 2008
Someone needs to go child services and get Prim outta there asap.

And while I agree that Rin does *not* handle his life with Kaede in the right way (now or in the past), I don't have much pity for Kaede. I don't think she loves Rin so much as she obsesses over him.
Jun 27, 2010 2:57 PM
Jun 2010
who's really the monster ?

kaede or rin ? :D

Jul 24, 2010 5:59 PM

Apr 2010
i love how kaede goes all crazy eyed at the end lol had me laughing and had to watch it again lol. i would leave 2...
Its better to have burned out than to have never really shined...
Jul 29, 2010 8:01 PM

Jun 2010
am i the only one who got nervous when she picked up the knife?!?!?!?!?!
Jul 31, 2010 11:47 PM

May 2008
Wow... talk about emotionally moving... Just watching Kaede take shot after shot of Rin's choices when he gets home... This is amazing to watch.
Aug 8, 2010 6:00 PM
Jun 2010
Funny how they fought so hard to bring Primula back and no one even pays her any attention anymore >.>
Dec 9, 2010 7:26 AM

Oct 2009
Gah, how many times is it now? Can't Rin just eat his goddamn meal at home?
I don't have a thing for unreasonable and illogical situations that turn out like this. Might as well watch it to the end now, though ^^

Rin should've watched School Days.
NaratchiDec 9, 2010 7:30 AM
Dec 18, 2010 4:52 AM

Jul 2010
Poor Rin in the past but really nice that he told her that lie so she would come out of her... "trance"? Poor him who gets bullied by her, she was really scary...

But now I feel so sorry for Kaede, maybe cauz I never liked Asa, poor her... I know there had to be something "wrong" with Asa but well I can't guess what it is... maybe she has a dark side?
Jan 11, 2011 1:57 PM

Nov 2009
i think kaede should do what rena would do. since she wants to be her anyway. just go kill everyone. done.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Jan 19, 2011 8:51 AM

Nov 2009
kurichan said:
Someone needs to go child services and get Prim outta there asap.

And while I agree that Rin does *not* handle his life with Kaede in the right way (now or in the past), I don't have much pity for Kaede. I don't think she loves Rin so much as she obsesses over him.

This pretty much.
Mar 28, 2011 12:33 AM

Sep 2010
why are most anime leads so dumb? Having them completely ignorant isnt good just frustrates viewers...need more intelligent leads like the guy from kimi ga nozomu eien or the dude from clannad.
Apr 24, 2011 8:33 PM

Jul 2010
Ohhh come on! Kaede just kill Rin now that son of a bitch has to die just like school days or like higurashi how can he do that i hope Asa dies to from the illness.
Sep 20, 2011 5:06 AM
Sep 2011
SquattingTurtle said:
am i the only one who got nervous when she picked up the knife?!?!?!?!?!


Kaede has really been starting to freak me out lately.
Nov 24, 2011 7:11 AM

May 2011
SophiafrmAustria said:
why are most anime leads so dumb? Having them completely ignorant isnt good just frustrates viewers...need more intelligent leads like the guy from kimi ga nozomu eien or the dude from clannad.

haha believe me, rin is far from a dumb lead. he is thinking of every1 in the harem, but his dilema is that hes trying to make every1 happy when the only real way to do that is to go steady with one of them. and also there may be a good reason as to y he treats kaede the way he does, u havent seen the hints from his dreams? the past that he shared with her isnt exactly a birght one and since hes been having those dreams has probably felt less comfortable around kaede
Jan 27, 2012 12:13 PM

Jan 2011
Is Rin just now realizing...? Gah, forget that, how long was he sitting in that rain? I think he might have already caught a cold. It's already sunny...
And now Kaede is gonna go all crazy... How is Primula even putting up with everyone's crap? I mean, Jesus man.

Formerly gutsyGumshoe
Apr 22, 2012 7:30 PM

Mar 2012
Not sure Rin leaving the house would solve anything... except for Kaede going off the deep end.

And whatever happened to Sia and Nerine? Still don't see anything good coming out of this.
May 16, 2012 2:23 PM

Sep 2010
I... have... an..... urge to kill.... that Tsuchimi Rin T_T He's making me go mad, I'm irritated like hell. I feel terribly sorry for Kaede. Kaede.... I felt like crying. How dare he be like that @_@
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Jul 28, 2012 12:17 AM

Jun 2012
i feel like the last few episodes have been kinda like watching higurashi..its all sweet cute and funny then everything starts going wrong the characters snaps and kills everyone...i honestly feel like kaede is going to get her kitchen knife go to the hospital and stab her throat...and maybe kill rin and anyone else on the way
Dec 14, 2012 9:11 PM

Jul 2012
Rin is a total ass ,sure he can chose who he loves and spend time with her but he can't ignore everyone else , Anyone could see that Kaede only wants him to eat her shit and spend a little time with her ,I mean they live in the same fucking house is that so dam impossible for Rin to pay 1/10 of the time he spends with Asa to spend time with a girl who has been taking care of him for all this time, I think it would be interesting if Kaede's father came back now ,But Rin better not fucking leave that house he cant do shit by himself and the only place I can see him going to is Asa's house since he has no job ,can't take care of himself at all and only wants to spend time with Asa , Also what about Prim his so called "Family" who he risked his life to save only a few episodes ago!! WTF RIN I FUCKING HATE YOU NOW,If he moves to asa's house then asa has a 95% chance of dying ,Kaede killing spree anyone?
Feb 1, 2013 9:28 AM

Sep 2012
U Rin hater's: coin has 2 sides but u see only 1 side, so shut the hell up, ur just blind people!!! :) (that smile is to show that i'm not angry :D) & second Kade dose not love him, she is obsessed (obsession is not love), read Shuffle! Episode 19 Discussion to find out what i mean

but this dose not mean i ton't feel bad for Kade, i do feel bad for her
Sugram22Feb 1, 2013 9:57 AM
Feb 1, 2013 9:45 AM

Sep 2012
NatalijaW said:
I... have... an..... urge to kill.... that Tsuchimi Rin T_T He's making me go mad, I'm irritated like hell. I feel terribly sorry for Kaede. Kaede.... I felt like crying. How dare he be like that @_@

ur bit wrong, what u say'd is gonna happen only if he stay's with Kade, if he leaves it wont happen, cause Rin is part of her mental problems, 1 reason if some1 is obsessed over u then u need to keep away from her so she cold get better, cause if hes there she will keeps that up (that obsession) & then she will never get better!!!
Sugram22Jul 4, 2022 7:38 AM
Mar 26, 2013 6:37 PM
Jan 2009
I find this genuinely hard to watch..
May 2, 2013 8:09 PM

Apr 2013
Sugram22 said:
NatalijaW said:
I... have... an..... urge to kill.... that Tsuchimi Rin T_T He's making me go mad, I'm irritated like hell. I feel terribly sorry for Kaede. Kaede.... I felt like crying. How dare he be like that @_@

ur bit wrong, what u say'd is gonna happen only if he stay's with Kade, if he leaves it wont happen, cause Rin is part of his mental problems, 1 reason if some1 is obsessed over u then u need to keep away from her so she cold get better, cause if hes there she will keeps that up (that obsession) & then she will never get better!!!

I wanna too just kill him but I understand he's point of view. I feel bad for Kade but sometime you have to make hard choise even they don't see so right
May 20, 2013 1:52 PM

Feb 2013
Damn Kaede's ready to lose it
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