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Oct 16, 2010 4:46 AM
Oct 2008
Great episode!

I don't liked Natsuno's father tough... vv'
Oct 16, 2010 6:28 AM

Dec 2009
Simitar said:
Great episode!

I don't liked Natsuno's father tough... vv'

Yeah Natsuno's father makes me mad to. I can't forgive him what he did.It's like he killed Natsuno.Akira,Kaori T~T Why did you belive his father?!
I hope they will come and save Natsuno.And that Natsuno's father finds out about the Shikis :)

Oct 16, 2010 7:07 AM

Apr 2010
I don't care for the ED, but the new OP can't compare with the previous.

Natsuno... It's depressing to see you like that.
And that's what I call real vampires. You did a good job resisting, Thoru-chan, but it looks like noone can go against his nature.

Like someone else said, the episode was beautifull and really sad, which makes it amazing.
ImpureSoulOct 16, 2010 7:58 AM
Oct 16, 2010 7:19 AM

Aug 2009
seizonsha said:
Nachtwandler_21 said:
New OP is good separately but very unfitting for this series.

I would very much like it as an Umineko Chiru Opening, or something for any Dark Fantasy series with action. But with a series founded mostly in brooding atmosphere it seems kinda they suddenly all gain magical powers and fight against evil overlord Sunako in a final battle of love and courage...

Okay, this post made me lol hard. Especially the concept of evil overlord Sunako.
Oct 16, 2010 9:00 AM

Nov 2008
The new ED's cool, but I'm really not happy with the OP. I think the last one was one of those OPs that actually add to the series' atmosphere instead of just matching it.
Oct 16, 2010 11:16 AM

Jun 2009
SkyCrawler said:
Natsuno's father....WTF?! He pissed me off
I wish I could shoot him down.

Oct 16, 2010 11:45 AM
Jul 2010
Love the new OP ♥
song is okay but I love how the animation :D
Natsuno`s father is just.... =_=
I was really happy when Natsuno wanted to run away with Tohru :3
Anyone who is a fantastic gif maker please contact me! ;)
Oct 16, 2010 11:57 AM

Mar 2010
Gonna miss the previous OP :(

Good episode, was waiting for a chapter with the doctor and his wife tho.
Oct 16, 2010 2:00 PM

Aug 2007
Well, finally episode 12.

The new opening and ending are better than the others. Now natsuno will die, soon.
Oct 16, 2010 4:56 PM

Dec 2009
Ahhhhhhhh, i still love natsunos father.
He did have that creppy little kid bother him before, so he was probably cautious of the other little kids n.n

and honestly, if this were happening to us, would you really go OMG THERE VAMPIRES?! when you'v seen one out in the sunlight and watched them do a test?

LOL at that guy and megumi though. How stupid can you be?
Oct 16, 2010 7:29 PM

Apr 2009
Websy said:
New OP was way better than the previous one. I hope this show keeps up the goodness and doesn't just fall to crap by the end. D:

Are you deaf? Old OP kicked the new ones ass. I'm sad to see it go. :(

So much hate for Natsuno's dad, lol. Though I guess I was raging at him when I read this part.
Oct 16, 2010 8:23 PM
Jul 2010
Tohru-chan ;__;
Oct 16, 2010 9:20 PM

Nov 2007
yeah his father is an idiot ... the guy needs a serious guilt trip after his son and wife die. just leave him alive so he knows it's his fault.

was hoping to see more of dr ozaki but I guess next time?
Oct 16, 2010 10:55 PM

Nov 2009
natsuno's father = RAAAAAAAAAAGE.
Oct 17, 2010 8:55 AM

Apr 2010
I hate the new OP. "Kuchizuke" was much more characteristic, it gave the perfect aura to the anime. This one is to pop-ish.

As for the episode, meh.
Oct 17, 2010 11:32 AM

May 2009
Natsuno sure looks like a goner. I'd be shocked if someone manages to save him at this point. Assuming he does become one of them, he'd be the likeliest candidate to rebel. Anyway, I really can't wait to see the tide start to turn (whenever that'll be). The thought of having them feast on a town until everyone's dead and then moving one to the next one and so on is quite depressing.
Oct 17, 2010 12:38 PM

Nov 2007
"oh yeah, she died" is almost just as epic as masao's "oh yeah, it's the librarian" LMFAO.

also what the new ed is mind-boggling -- NUDITY!! o3o o3o o3o
Oct 17, 2010 2:36 PM

Oct 2009
I was expecting Natsuno to put up a fight even though it is Tohru draining him.
Maybe there is still time, but it doesn't look like it.

Something needs to happen for the other side though, or this will just become a slaughter, and become far less interesting.

Oct 17, 2010 3:03 PM

May 2008
Awsome episode but another two weeks waiting what I don't want~

EDIT: The new OP/ED combo is great and I loved the animation~
sayamiOct 17, 2010 3:39 PM
Oct 17, 2010 5:12 PM

Sep 2009
The first opening and ending was much better T_T I don't know how many people likes Megumi, i can not stand her -.-'
Oct 17, 2010 7:52 PM

Jun 2009
And it is back!!! only to have another break next week.
Oct 17, 2010 8:01 PM

Nov 2007
Serves you right, Natsuno. Why throw away the tools that protect you from vampires in front of a vampire who wants your blood? You fucking idiot.

Megumi is super annoying. And so is Natsuno's dad. Man, why are all of the characters in this show unlikeable? Nobody thinks logically, either, aside from the doctor occasionally.

+New OP sucks. I like the new ED although why is the ear-hair boy missing and instead we have greenhaired!nurse? Implies she'll turn and maybe he won't.
Oct 18, 2010 6:35 AM

Jun 2008
ArcticMech said:
Natsuno sure looks like a goner. I'd be shocked if someone manages to save him at this point. Assuming he does become one of them, he'd be the likeliest candidate to rebel. Anyway, I really can't wait to see the tide start to turn (whenever that'll be). The thought of having them feast on a town until everyone's dead and then moving one to the next one and so on is quite depressing.

I totally agree. If Natsuno becomes one of them im almost 100% sure we will not join them and will keep trying to find a way to save the other humans. Otherwise, the story would end. As a shiki or human, he is still the protagonist, so i hope he acts like one;D

The doctor cannot take all the credits. And alone he will not win against all the shiki.
As for the the priest...he is a epic fail,until now he is a main chara but doesn't do anything except having EMO moments on the church.

ワンダーランド花 ♥

Oct 18, 2010 2:18 PM
Mar 2009
I like old OP better it was more...unique?

Can't wait to see next episode!
Oct 18, 2010 3:18 PM

Jan 2010
Atarashi "OP" ii ne !
Oct 18, 2010 5:10 PM

Sep 2009
Previous opening was better and the new ending is just awesome. Buck-Tick is pure fabulous.
Tohru surely is hot.
Seems like Ntasuno's mom has been bitten.
Missed the show so much and what the hell am I hearing about the Shiki abstinence next week?!
ValentilnOct 18, 2010 5:15 PM
Oct 18, 2010 7:23 PM

May 2010
Definitely a great episode. Natsuno's father is a douche. More here
Oct 19, 2010 1:37 AM

Nov 2008
The new opening is not good at all compared to what Buck-Tick had done before.
Oct 19, 2010 9:52 AM

Mar 2010
... So yaoi...
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Oct 19, 2010 10:15 AM
Oct 19, 2010 12:48 PM

Jan 2009
Oh, new OP, awesome. Which is many times better than the first one btw.
Though the first one did actually fit the creepy theme of the anime by sounding pretty creepy too.
Other than that, lolNatsuno'sfather.
Protip: I don't really check the forums anymore, so if you want something, take it on my profile.
Is it time for my long-awaited return to the forums? щ(゚Д゚щ) Nope™, probably not.
Oct 19, 2010 2:40 PM

Jun 2010
lo-chan said:
I don't know how many people likes Megumi, i can not stand her -.-'

noteDhero said:
Saku_Chan said:
... So yaoi...


And this too for good measure.

Anyway, this episode felt alot more focused than the others, maybe that is just because i was watching it after the break but the story seems to be developing alot better.

It won't give up it wants me dead god damn this noise inside my head
Oct 19, 2010 3:05 PM

May 2010
Saku_Chan said:
... So yaoi...

I didn't really care for the Natsuno/Tohru pairing at first but I was recently looking up Shiki pictures and there were so many of those two that it's impossible to not love them together.
Oct 19, 2010 3:05 PM

May 2010
Saku_Chan said:
... So yaoi...

I didn't really care for the Natsuno/Tohru pairing at first but I was recently looking up Shiki pictures and there were so many of those two that it's impossible to not love them together.
Oct 19, 2010 9:55 PM

Aug 2010
ROFL the lesson from the episode...Dads are slow....

"oh yeah, she died" XD
Oct 20, 2010 8:57 AM

May 2010
Natsuno's dad is baka desu XD haha

in this episode, you will die horribly... *laughs just as shion*
lightness vs. darkness
Nani mo kamo wo hoshigatteita Mayoeru mono no chikai
Mada miru sekai o tsukuridasu koto Kuchi hateteiku
Oct 20, 2010 12:06 PM

Dec 2009
kch33 said:
Natsuno's dad is baka desu XD haha

He is not stupid,but damn he made the wrong choice xD
He didn't belive Akira and Kaori .... that's the point nya nya x3

Oct 20, 2010 12:55 PM

Jan 2008
They're all stupid and/or plain stubborn. If Natsuno was intending to fight them in the first place (preparing those crosses and wooden stake and hammer) then he would have known that he'd face off against his dead friend. But instead he choose to give it all up for the sake of someone he cared about...even though he kills people. Natsuno had the chance to fight back even after being attacked once, and he threw it away...quite literally. I don't care if they are friends/family/loved ones...if they're dead, they're dead, and need to stay dead...especially if they're the ones killing people in the first place. If that happened to me, not matter what my feelings are towards them, I'd be whipping out the charms, arrows, crosses, and wooden stakes...and if possible, get my hands on some holy water.

Akira and Kaori are stupid for not adhering Natsuno's warning to leave, because there's not much they can do with everyone being stuck up pricks with shit for brains.

...especially Natsuno's father...he's the most narrow minded person of all. People are dieing left and right, and the two things that could be happening is either a more scientific epidemic, or superstitious okiagari: if it was an epidemic, with the spread being most likely airborne, why leave the !@#$ing window open!? even someone with HIV/AIDs can die from a common cold...and not sending Natsuno to a larger hospital despite his objections. If it was the okiagari (more precisely shiki) then it'd explain everything, but he didn't want to even play it safe by putting out the agnostic card. Even after seeing what has happened like all their symptoms to the previous people that died that's happening to Natsuno, his father does nothing expect being a prick by lying the honest kids (who looked nothing like that pale creepy little girl) and throw away their stuff...I rather have someone who'd be an honest ass to me than be two-faced and take my gift only to throw it away.
Oct 20, 2010 1:59 PM

Nov 2008
4kicks said:
They're all stupid and/or plain stubborn. If Natsuno was intending to fight them in the first place (preparing those crosses and wooden stake and hammer) then he would have known that he'd face off against his dead friend. But instead he choose to give it all up for the sake of someone he cared about...even though he kills people. Natsuno had the chance to fight back even after being attacked once, and he threw it away...quite literally. I don't care if they are friends/family/loved ones...if they're dead, they're dead, and need to stay dead...especially if they're the ones killing people in the first place. If that happened to me, not matter what my feelings are towards them, I'd be whipping out the charms, arrows, crosses, and wooden stakes...and if possible, get my hands on some holy water.

Could you really do that? I mean, imagine someone precious to you (for ex. your mother) going all strange and all... you know that this person is a vampire, but now imagine yourself killing it with a wooden stake. And it's not even like shooting someone, if you wanna go through the chest, you have to use a lot of force. I think normal human being, that is not under extremal cicustances (ok, you're gettin attacked by a vampire, but not tortured or so, it's a different level of threathen, this can't give you a boody rampage) would be anxious about doing this to even some stranger, not mentioning anyone closer.
Even if you don't agree, the way Natsuno is behaving is his character. He's kind of eccentric and very introvertic, but also just too kind. He has his own ways, too, so sometimes he seems to be cold and angry on everythig, but I think it's just what his conscience tells him to do. Plus, Tooru is the only person he made friends with, someone precious, maybe even more than his family (he doesen't seem to be close to his mother and father much).
Oct 21, 2010 1:35 AM

Dec 2009
Snowley said:
4kicks said:
They're all stupid and/or plain stubborn. If Natsuno was intending to fight them in the first place (preparing those crosses and wooden stake and hammer) then he would have known that he'd face off against his dead friend. But instead he choose to give it all up for the sake of someone he cared about...even though he kills people. Natsuno had the chance to fight back even after being attacked once, and he threw it away...quite literally. I don't care if they are friends/family/loved ones...if they're dead, they're dead, and need to stay dead...especially if they're the ones killing people in the first place. If that happened to me, not matter what my feelings are towards them, I'd be whipping out the charms, arrows, crosses, and wooden stakes...and if possible, get my hands on some holy water.

Could you really do that? I mean, imagine someone precious to you (for ex. your mother) going all strange and all... you know that this person is a vampire, but now imagine yourself killing it with a wooden stake. And it's not even like shooting someone, if you wanna go through the chest, you have to use a lot of force. I think normal human being, that is not under extremal cicustances (ok, you're gettin attacked by a vampire, but not tortured or so, it's a different level of threathen, this can't give you a boody rampage) would be anxious about doing this to even some stranger, not mentioning anyone closer.
Even if you don't agree, the way Natsuno is behaving is his character. He's kind of eccentric and very introvertic, but also just too kind. He has his own ways, too, so sometimes he seems to be cold and angry on everythig, but I think it's just what his conscience tells him to do. Plus, Tooru is the only person he made friends with, someone precious, maybe even more than his family (he doesen't seem to be close to his mother and father much).

I agree with you.I don't like cold characters but Natsuno is the first I like.Because he just isn't like he acts he is.He is a really good person.And he send Akira and Kaori home because he cared about them.He didn't want them to turn into vampires.And he didn't give up,he just didn't want to hurt Tohru.He is his only friend.Even if he is "death" he is still there,and he is the same Tohru as he was before.And Tohru didn't allow Megumi to bite Natsuno,I think if I was on Tohru's place I would do the same.With this he showed that shiki's are still human,they have feelings.And even if Natsuno turns into one of them.I think he still will continue to fight them.

Oct 21, 2010 4:11 AM

Jun 2009
I didn't like the new AMV, since the anime is like suspense genre, the 1st AMV fit this - much creepier. I think that Susano kid bit her mom. His dad I think was persuade that the disease was just a joke by Mr. Kirishiki when they met while he was walking his dogs..
Live well - Laugh often - and Love much

Oct 21, 2010 11:40 AM

Nov 2008
zinvince said:
I didn't like the new AMV, since the anime is like suspense genre, the 1st AMV fit this - much creepier. I think that Susano kid bit her mom. His dad I think was persuade that the disease was just a joke by Mr. Kirishiki when they met while he was walking his dogs..

AMV? I think you mean either the OP or ED (the opening/ending)? "AMV" is a term typically applied to fanvids.
Oct 21, 2010 12:06 PM

Nov 2008
AngelRaf said:
.And even if Natsuno turns into one of them.I think he still will continue to fight them.

That exactly what I'm lookin forward to, a little coup d'etat of a vampire family ;p
Oct 21, 2010 3:48 PM

Jun 2008
i too kind of dislike new op, maybe with time will get to liking it but idk >_>
the 1st one just had this very special feel about it, both music (very fitting this anime imo) & animation and made impression of a unique anime instantly, and just wouldnt get old yet, deff no, while new op's song is pretty much..meh? l=/ animation still kicks though
Oct 21, 2010 4:58 PM

Oct 2009
VillettaIchihara said:
Natsuno, your father's an idiot! Should you become a shiki, please make sure you eat him first!!
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Oct 22, 2010 12:10 PM

Dec 2009
Snowley said:
AngelRaf said:
.And even if Natsuno turns into one of them.I think he still will continue to fight them.

That exactly what I'm lookin forward to, a little coup d'etat of a vampire family ;p

Haha...Well I think/am sure x333 this will happen :)

Oct 22, 2010 1:20 PM

Feb 2009
Natsuno's father: Go jump off a cliff plz. Kthankx. <3
Oct 23, 2010 2:19 AM

Jan 2008
Now what, everyone is turning into corpse now? Are they serious to let us watch all of them die towards the end of the show, without much revolt against that K family? I was hoping Natsuno will be the one, or at least even after he rise again....but then again, it will be futile with the hunger for blood.
Oct 23, 2010 9:06 AM

May 2009
AngelRaf said:
Snowley said:
AngelRaf said:
.And even if Natsuno turns into one of them.I think he still will continue to fight them.

That exactly what I'm lookin forward to, a little coup d'etat of a vampire family ;p

Haha...Well I think/am sure x333 this will happen :)

I sure hope he'll turn into one of those elite vampires that can live in the sunshine too (like Tatsumi). That would kick ass.
Oct 23, 2010 9:48 AM

Dec 2009
viral_hun said:
AngelRaf said:
Snowley said:
AngelRaf said:
.And even if Natsuno turns into one of them.I think he still will continue to fight them.

That exactly what I'm lookin forward to, a little coup d'etat of a vampire family ;p

Haha...Well I think/am sure x333 this will happen :)

I sure hope he'll turn into one of those elite vampires that can live in the sunshine too (like Tatsumi). That would kick ass.

Or he even becomes stronger than Tatsumi :)

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