Anime Stats
Days: 245.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries1,060
- Rewatched77
- Episodes14,733
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Manga Stats
Days: 40.6
Mean Score:
- Total Entries139
- Reread1
- Chapters5,479
- Volumes793
Last Manga Updates
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All Comments (5494) Comments
I still need to get around to watching D Gray Man one of these days. It's one of those classics I never got around to, but I definitely should make some more time for it.
Really glad to see you're back online on MAL and hopefully watching anime. Are you watching anything interesting lately?
Yeah Okaishi and I have been really close friends for a while now, regularly watching (too much) anime together and playing games.
I liked Akatsuki no Yona a lot, and I'm sad they've never made another season. I don't remember how rushed the ending was, but I thought the show was very good overall. I might want to consider reading the manga, I used to be strictly anime only but I've started dabbling into manga a little bit!
I see you are watching Mahoutsukai no Yome S2 and Kanojo ga Koushaku-tei ni Itta Riyuu this season. Good picks :D
Glad to see you've been online, I had noticed were offline for a very long time. Welcome back :D