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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Movie: Orion no Ya
Feb 25, 2019 4:40 PM
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Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II
Feb 25, 2019 4:40 PM
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I haven't talked to a lot of people on my list recenly and since most of your draw or design in some way be sure to share any new works you have with me! I'd love to see.
On the subject of design I've collected all the profile and list designs I made for MAL and put them into some blog posts, I hope you'll check them out! Here's my avatar one:
I Hope to see you there *-*~
Thanks for joining my group in the past.
We got a cool Halloween scare to check out through
the link at the top of our club's main page:
my first question: any new characters in mind for Tekken 7 that havent been released yet you can tell me about?
his answer: I am so focused on Tekken Vs. Street Fighter and Tekken Tag 2, that my brain hasn't made room for coming up with new characters.
my second question: You based Craig Marduk on that Australian guy, right? (I read about that on Wikipedia once) Did you base Sergei Dragonuv on Marilyn Manson at all? I always wondered that cuz he looks kinda like him to me and I am a huge Manson fan so I hoped...
his answer: Hahaha no.
I couldn't really understand the rest of what he or his translator meant clearly but I was satisfied with the answer,from what I gathered I think he said he doesn't base most of his characters on famous celebrities at all, which seems weird cuz it looks like they usually do lol I mean Yoshimitsu looks a lot like Predator and Lili looks alot like Paris Hilton who was at peak fame around when she was introduced..
I also saw a lot of gameplay of Tekken Tag 2 at Evo2k11, and it was fucking sick! Its pretty much near perfect Tekken. The KO is even really awesome. The music is good and graphics are some of the best I've seen in a game yet. I still think the gameplay, music and stages in Dark Ressurection were best, but this is still really good and probably more balanced.
히나쨔응 그림 더 그리고싶긴 한데... 일단 과제 끝내고 방학을 해야 ㅠㅠㅠ
but imo the HnG movie character design is FUUUUUUUUUUUUU
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