All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 141.4
Mean Score:
- Watching11
- Completed500
- On-Hold12
- Dropped164
- Plan to Watch118
- Total Entries805
- Rewatched0
- Episodes8,310
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 65.3
Mean Score:
- Reading47
- Completed168
- On-Hold28
- Dropped126
- Plan to Read88
- Total Entries457
- Reread0
- Chapters9,818
- Volumes825
All Comments (72) Comments
Nič, zdaj pa počasi na novo Ping Pong epizodo!
Tole je imho najslabše delo kaj sem gledal od shafta. Pa še vizualno je precej bogo, ker so zgleda ves budget zmetali v Nisekoi.
Nisekoi pa mi je zaenkrat gledljivo. Pač povprečna rom-com zadeva v stilu Seto no Hanayome, začinjena s shaft stilom. Za ležerno gledanje je. Mange pa nisem bral.
Upam, da bodo v drugi polovici animeja dali tale komad hehe. Sicer sedanji je tud dober. Sem se mislil tudi mange lotit, sam zaenkrat mi anime zadostuje.
No Game No Life je tudi fun, sem pozabo omeniti. Čeprav bolj "stupid fun", ampak ok. Ne vem zakaj sem pričakoval malo bolj zapletene igre, v stilu Akagija al pa Kaijija. Preveč sem upal, my bad.
Kako ne? Studio Pierrot je znan po najboljšemu animeju ever, to je Bleach (sarkazem btw.)
Kako to da ne spremljaš MekakuCity in Nisekoi? A nisi ti ful shaft fan al se mi samo zdi to xD
Jep, kar dobra sezona. Trenutno uživam ob moji najljubši trojici:
-Mushishi 2
-Ping Pong
Potem pa še je kar nekaj kul animejev (sidonia, haikyuu!, ishuukan, bokura wa minna pa še kak bi se našel,..) Itak so pomladne pa jesenske sezone ponavad najboljše. Poletja pa zime pa ponavadi bolj boge. Če ne drugo, komaj čakam na poletje in nov Watanabejev anime.
interested in your point of view.
What anime are you looking forward to in Fall?
I don't really remember. It just felt kinda try hard,I guess.
Very High
Yup, Pure Thrust is certainly up there.
"I've been neglecting AMVs for all the "let the bodies hit the floor" Naruto fight montages"
- Well, it's like anime, there will always be good and bad ones, and I've amassed tons of excellent pieces. I don't want to suffocate your comments, but I'll pick one from three great artists -- 720p them:
And, of course, plenty more where those came from.
Haha, you must be something of an audiophile to have the Grado SR60. Or friends with one. I haven't tried them myself, but I'm definitely more than content with my set: the Koss UR40. The lightest and most comfortable circumaural set I've ever worn, with sound from the legendary KSC-75 drivers pulled out to an immense soundstage. All for 25 bucks.
Yup, big fan of Nostromo, and, well, AMVs in general. My favorite work of his, though the overall sound (especially bass) seems very dull on youtube:
About Genius Party, I actually made a thread ranking my enjoyment of each short (though MAL and its silly programming screwed up the poll):
Gala's my favorite by far. You?