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Bocchi the Rock! 2nd Season
Bocchi the Rock! 2nd Season
Feb 15, 4:34 AM
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Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Ginga Eiyuu Densetsu
Feb 8, 6:05 AM
Completed 110/110 · Scored 8
Dandadan 2nd Season
Dandadan 2nd Season
Feb 4, 6:12 PM
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One Piece
Apr 14, 2024 2:29 PM
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Dai Dark
Feb 11, 2024 2:43 AM
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Yume de Furarete Hajimaru Yuri
Yume de Furarete Hajimaru Yuri
Nov 29, 2023 3:05 PM
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galimx May 8, 2014 1:15 PM
lol, dejansko so bili taki podnapisi v Commie verziji? Jaz gledam od HorribleSubs, tak da ne vem :D
Nič, zdaj pa počasi na novo Ping Pong epizodo!
galimx May 8, 2014 4:58 AM
Mekakucity mi je bolj kot ne meh... Zgodba o mulcih s supermočmi, shaft pa vse skupaj naredi confusing pa pretenciozno. Pa še scenarij je pisal nek amater (producent glasbe za vocaloid Jin), tak da je vse skupaj razmetano in zato skačejo sem ter tja pa probajo povezovat stvari, ampak zaenkrat izgleda vse skupaj brez repa in glave. Pa še hudo dolgočasno je.
Tole je imho najslabše delo kaj sem gledal od shafta. Pa še vizualno je precej bogo, ker so zgleda ves budget zmetali v Nisekoi.
Nisekoi pa mi je zaenkrat gledljivo. Pač povprečna rom-com zadeva v stilu Seto no Hanayome, začinjena s shaft stilom. Za ležerno gledanje je. Mange pa nisem bral.
galimx May 7, 2014 7:52 PM
JoJo prvi arc je bolj bogi in ne pokaže tistega tapravega filinga ki ti ga JoJo lahko ponudi imho, ampak ko se Joseph pojavi je veliko boljše ja, kot si rekel. Part 3 pa je itak fabulous. Jotaro + predstavitev Standov in Diotov povratek. Setting je odličen (potovanje vse do Egipta). Animacija se je napram 1 sezoni izboljašala. David Production si je lepo franšizo našel za adaptacijo in zgleda se jim obrestuje. Da glasbe ne omenjam: Opening mi prav sede. Nad endingom pa sem bil presenečen. Pričakoval sem (oz. večina ljudi) je tole:
Upam, da bodo v drugi polovici animeja dali tale komad hehe. Sicer sedanji je tud dober. Sem se mislil tudi mange lotit, sam zaenkrat mi anime zadostuje.

No Game No Life je tudi fun, sem pozabo omeniti. Čeprav bolj "stupid fun", ampak ok. Ne vem zakaj sem pričakoval malo bolj zapletene igre, v stilu Akagija al pa Kaijija. Preveč sem upal, my bad.

Kako ne? Studio Pierrot je znan po najboljšemu animeju ever, to je Bleach (sarkazem btw.)
Kako to da ne spremljaš MekakuCity in Nisekoi? A nisi ti ful shaft fan al se mi samo zdi to xD
galimx May 7, 2014 6:48 PM
lol, ti si Mammoth? Se te spomnim iz foruma ja. Ma ja, saj sloanime ni nikol bil neki ful aktiven. Za slovenski forum se mi zdi še preveč heh xD
Jep, kar dobra sezona. Trenutno uživam ob moji najljubši trojici:
-Mushishi 2
-Ping Pong
Potem pa še je kar nekaj kul animejev (sidonia, haikyuu!, ishuukan, bokura wa minna pa še kak bi se našel,..) Itak so pomladne pa jesenske sezone ponavad najboljše. Poletja pa zime pa ponavadi bolj boge. Če ne drugo, komaj čakam na poletje in nov Watanabejev anime.
galimx May 7, 2014 10:21 AM
Dober okus maš za animeje, ni kaj =)
Orion1 Apr 7, 2013 4:56 AM
I hope you realize arguing with Solvite is a complete waste of time considering their rookie plebeian tastes. Put your faith in Hiroshi Nagahama, he is a good anime director.
okanagan Apr 6, 2013 7:06 PM
Please see my Post #974 for Episode 1 of Aku no Hana. I am
interested in your point of view.
VioLink Sep 24, 2012 5:56 PM
You should give Tari Tari a try.

riots Sep 24, 2012 4:12 PM
No problem! I'm glad I was able to share it, and even more glad that someone read the post :P Pendulum really was a heartbreaker, and I'm pretty sure everyone they showed during the live premiere of it teared up as well.
VioLink Sep 24, 2012 8:42 AM
Yeah TWEWY is my favorite game; the music, the gameplay, the story I loved everything. Did you read that guy's post about the sequel? I can't wait. After "Borderland" I have officially fallen in love with Kawada Mami's voice.

What anime are you looking forward to in Fall?
VioLink Sep 23, 2012 5:41 PM
Hmmmm, me and you are very a like. I am a huge fan of Mawaru Penguindrum, Baccano, Tsuritama, and Jinrui wa suita shimashita. We even have the same favorite character. Let's get along.
fujifruit Apr 12, 2012 11:28 PM
"But seriously, I'm curious. What ticked you off so bad about Death Note? "

I don't really remember. It just felt kinda try hard,I guess.
fujifruit Apr 12, 2012 8:20 PM
"Anime compatibility with NyuuuuSaaaan is:
Very High

FauxAzn Jan 28, 2012 11:59 AM
Sorry, I haven't watched too many shorts, but I'm definitely interested after Genius Party. It's like watching a new anime every 15 minutes. Well, I haven't tried them yet, but you could try Ani Kuri and Sweat Punch.

Yup, Pure Thrust is certainly up there.

"I've been neglecting AMVs for all the "let the bodies hit the floor" Naruto fight montages"
- Well, it's like anime, there will always be good and bad ones, and I've amassed tons of excellent pieces. I don't want to suffocate your comments, but I'll pick one from three great artists -- 720p them:

And, of course, plenty more where those came from.
FauxAzn Jan 28, 2012 9:26 AM
I highly, highly recommend you give "5 cm per Second" a shot if you want "nice shots of pure nature." Or, well, anything from Shinkai I'd imagine.

Haha, you must be something of an audiophile to have the Grado SR60. Or friends with one. I haven't tried them myself, but I'm definitely more than content with my set: the Koss UR40. The lightest and most comfortable circumaural set I've ever worn, with sound from the legendary KSC-75 drivers pulled out to an immense soundstage. All for 25 bucks.

Yup, big fan of Nostromo, and, well, AMVs in general. My favorite work of his, though the overall sound (especially bass) seems very dull on youtube:

About Genius Party, I actually made a thread ranking my enjoyment of each short (though MAL and its silly programming screwed up the poll):
Gala's my favorite by far. You?
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