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Feb 8, 8:57 AM

Nov 2011
Tsukasa is a good role model for Inori. He offers advice and also tries to bring out her best. There's a skill gap between Hikaru and Inori right now but she can definitely improve.

Not going to lie, I really enjoy Inori and Tsukasa's chemistry. Even the little moments in this episode shows their bond.
Feb 8, 8:57 AM

Dec 2021
After what happened last episode, yeah, I expected these two to get closer than they were before the match. They've gotten so close in fact, that Tsukasa finally opened up to Inori about his backstory and what really happened in the past. And what the fuck man. I expected it to be fucked up... but that fucked up... Jesus dude. I mean, as if the fact that him and his former partner got fourth wasn't bad enough, which isn't bad, but in a world where only the podium matters, it's meaningless, but as well as one of his supporters.. well, died.

Also got some look into Tsukasa's life outside of skating, like some of the people who care about him like Meiko (rip), Yoh, and Koichi. I mean, This dude's such a nice boss, even with his family being super close to Tsukasa ‘cause of his ice-skating days lol. But yeah, other than Tsukasa's backstory in the beginning, this did feel like a filler episode for the most part imo. I mean, that whole thing with Inori's backstory as to how she used to get into the rink for free... lol. Was nice seeing such a cute version of Inori though.

Feb 8, 8:58 AM

May 2020
Everyone really does need someone as supportive as Tsukasa in their life. As I mean, when you see every next person in this series discouraging Inori… just for existing, a thought does come to mind that what would’ve happened if Tsukasa wasn’t here. It can also be because he relates to Inori a bit, but yeah, taking nothing away from him. He got the support from people back in the day, so yeah, I think that’s why he didn’t even think twice while volunteering himself to be Inori’s coach.

Kinda hilarious btw how he was trying his best to not trouble Kago and his family anymore because yeah, he’s already so much in their debt, but hey, people who think good for you, never do feel that way or make you feel how much they’ve done for you. Kinda sad that Meiko isn’t around anymore to see Tsukasa did make it in the end:(
Feb 8, 9:43 AM

Mar 2021
Tsukasa really is a sweet and nice guy am glad we got to learn his Backstory in this episode.
Feb 8, 10:17 AM

Feb 2019
It’s very fitting we focus on Tsukasa and his backstory in today’s episode. After all, none of Inori’s success in the prelims would’ve been possible without Tsukasa as her coach. It might not seem like an impressive story to him, but to Inori it means the world and made her respect go up 100-fold. I think just like Inori, Tsukasa sells himself short too much. Picking up skating as a grown man basically is not easy at all and just to have been competitive is impressive.

It was also good to learn more about Tsukasa’s inner workings. In the first few episodes, he’s come off as this kinda perfect guy who has everything together.. but in reality, he’s struggling to make ends meet and can’t even afford proper socks. Coaching Inori is probably the highlight of his day and allows him to escape from all the problems he has. Reminds me very much of a basketball coach I had in elementary school. People like that, who prioritize the education and development of young people are treasures.

The Kago family are a treasure too. Very sad to see Meiko passed so young, but the fact the husband still wants to help Tsukasa out and give him a place to stay.. man what a friend. Everyone in this show is so healthy and wholesome I love it.

Lmao at Yo ordering that big ass Sundae just for the strawberry on top πŸ˜‚

One last thing I really liked about the episode was the fact Tsukasa doesn’t try to live vicariously through Inori or make any sporting decisions for her. Like it’s not about what he thinks about the level one competition, just what she does. He’s very much committed to watching her journey unfold and respecting her autonomy as an athlete. Perfect coach.
Marinate1016Feb 8, 12:46 PM
Feb 8, 10:31 AM
Sep 2015
Apparently coach had it even harder than Inori, start training twice of her age must be almost hopeless.
Feb 8, 10:33 AM
Oct 2021
Feb 8, 10:54 AM

Jul 2016
The reveal that Meiko pretended to randomly bump into Tsukasa again before officially taking him in hurt in a way I wasn't ready for. Inori might be the rising star to root for but I'm glad it was made clear that this is still very much Tsukasa's story too and that the dude is just as worthy of love.

But man, did they really have to get me this emotional just to appreciate Tsukasa more than I already do?
FarCriticalFeb 8, 12:11 PM
Feb 8, 11:24 AM
Jun 2015
They changed a lot from how it all was in the manga including Mr. Kago's more laidback personality making it more melodramatic. It wasn't bad per se, but I significantly liked it better in the manga.
Feb 8, 12:17 PM
Oct 2020
Ok we got the backstory episode on our Coach.

I honestly get how he feels not wanting to getting too much support from the Kago family and feeling guilty that he was never able to pay them back in anyway but they really just do want to support you like how you support Inori.
Feb 8, 1:13 PM
Jun 2015
Reply to Rexnihilo
Ok we got the backstory episode on our Coach.

I honestly get how he feels not wanting to getting too much support from the Kago family and feeling guilty that he was never able to pay them back in anyway but they really just do want to support you like how you support Inori.

This got explained in the mangas Chapter 1 and Bonus 2. A bit of context. The Kago family lived in Yokohama and recently moved to Nagoya.

Feb 8, 1:16 PM
Nov 2019
Reply to Marinate1016
It’s very fitting we focus on Tsukasa and his backstory in today’s episode. After all, none of Inori’s success in the prelims would’ve been possible without Tsukasa as her coach. It might not seem like an impressive story to him, but to Inori it means the world and made her respect go up 100-fold. I think just like Inori, Tsukasa sells himself short too much. Picking up skating as a grown man basically is not easy at all and just to have been competitive is impressive.

It was also good to learn more about Tsukasa’s inner workings. In the first few episodes, he’s come off as this kinda perfect guy who has everything together.. but in reality, he’s struggling to make ends meet and can’t even afford proper socks. Coaching Inori is probably the highlight of his day and allows him to escape from all the problems he has. Reminds me very much of a basketball coach I had in elementary school. People like that, who prioritize the education and development of young people are treasures.

The Kago family are a treasure too. Very sad to see Meiko passed so young, but the fact the husband still wants to help Tsukasa out and give him a place to stay.. man what a friend. Everyone in this show is so healthy and wholesome I love it.

Lmao at Yo ordering that big ass Sundae just for the strawberry on top πŸ˜‚

One last thing I really liked about the episode was the fact Tsukasa doesn’t try to live vicariously through Inori or make any sporting decisions for her. Like it’s not about what he thinks about the level one competition, just what she does. He’s very much committed to watching her journey unfold and respecting her autonomy as an athlete. Perfect coach.
@Marinate1016 Nice summary!
Feb 8, 3:08 PM
Dec 2019
Reply to doomrider7

This got explained in the mangas Chapter 1 and Bonus 2. A bit of context. The Kago family lived in Yokohama and recently moved to Nagoya.

@doomrider7 After reading your spoiler I'm actually that much more impressed by the directing. Although the scenes are different and cut differently, you clearly get all the beats of their relationship that you described. And in some instances I think it is a great decision to trim some fat from the source (I know, manga readers don't like this at all^^). Here the detail about the insurance sounds way too much and it is good that they decided to cut it, in my opinion.
Feb 8, 3:15 PM
May 2017
Another excellent episode! Tsukasa and Inori are soulmates.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Feb 8, 4:42 PM

May 2024
I can't get enough of the opening, it's honestly soo good!
We finally learned Tsukasa's whole backstory! He really had it tough, but luckily he had people to support him and his dreams. He worked really hard and it's a pity he couldn't make his dream come true in the end.. Now he is a perfect coach for Inori though, ready to support her in whatever decision she makes. They make a great duo fr πŸ˜‚

Feb 8, 4:42 PM
Dec 2024
Nothing special, just chill episode
Feb 8, 4:49 PM

Mar 2016
Tsukasa’s backstory was really a nice follow-up from the cinematic festivities of the previous episode. It was fairly simple but hits hard with all its weight in gold. I heard people say he had it harder than Inori, but I wouldn’t want to highlight that in particular because Inori is still a middle schooler and I’m sure she absolutely shouldn’t go through what her coach did back then.
Feb 8, 4:57 PM

Aug 2020
it was a good ep

interesting to learn his past...
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Feb 8, 5:13 PM
Nov 2015
My man Tsukasa I thought he was just not good enough when he started at 14 but he had it way rougher than what I thought. The Kago family is wholesome and Yo is a little trouble. The celebration was wholesome and heartwarming.

@Auti_ The OP is one of the best thing I've heard, and it even rivals Blue Box first OP.
Feb 8, 7:41 PM
Jan 2017
Statistics for the past 30 years in Japan
Figure skaters who have competed in the Olympics began competing by age 8

Only one male singles athlete in the past 30 years who has reached the level 7 badge test or higher, which is required to compete in national competitions, started competing in college.
Feb 8, 7:45 PM

Mar 2018
really nice backstory. was never into ice-skating as a sport, but continuously seeing this episode really shows how high the bar of entry is.
Feb 8, 9:47 PM

Nov 2021
I will always find Inori's thing about worms so funny lol especially the ED it's so cute. Tsukasa's had it rough and I agree he should be proud of himself
Feb 8, 11:50 PM

Apr 2016
In this episode we have learned a little more about Tsukasa's origins and beginnings!
Feb 8, 11:51 PM

May 2023
Tsukasa I LOVE YOUUU. Inorin and Tsukasa chemistry is my favorite for this season, love their passion and energy.
Feb 8, 11:59 PM
Sep 2024
Episode 5/5

Tsukasa and his life were exposed in this episode, his desires and motivations even at an advanced age for skating were beautiful to follow. And he can easily motivate people around him, Inori is an example of this, I really like him because in a way I see myself in him, I'm the kind of person who tries to do my best but always comes in 4th place (reference to the competition he came fourth in)

The jokes between him and Inori are sooooo healthy and cute man, I love them both, and I just wish that this kind of relationship between coach and apprentice would develop even further. It's incredible how much he and Inori have each other as support in moments of fragility, when our mind becomes our greatest enemy, is when we need good people around us, and this applies to him as well as to Inori as well as to anyone. It was a beautiful episode as always, this anime doesn't have any bad episodes, incredible.
Feb 9, 1:06 AM

Jul 2023
I'm glad we now have a clearer picture of Tsukasa's backstory. He is just as inspiring as Inori.

And Meiko(RIP) was so hot.
Feb 9, 4:25 AM
Oct 2024
This episode is nice story telling and well direction
Feb 9, 8:24 AM

Jan 2017
Cheerful and confident Inori is so cute. 😭😭😭
Feb 9, 8:26 AM

Jan 2011
Now this was a wholesome episode. You got Tsukasa's backstory and it was great. He always came up shot and felt he wasn't good enough but doesn't realize what he did was rare. It's not fully realistic as there are many pro skaters that start when he did and are very successful. It's important to start young but you aren't old all because you are 14 or 20. It is all about having the desire to do it. I also love the ending of this episode. Their character dynamic is so cute. It's a nice big brother and little brother.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Feb 9, 9:12 AM

Nov 2013
Sad for the mom :(

Tsukasa did indeed win a lottery there with such amazing, caring, supportive and loving family.
Feb 9, 10:12 AM

Oct 2016
what's GOE supposed to mean?
Feb 9, 11:27 AM
Jul 2021
This show really knows how to mix drama and comedy, and to tell you I was shocked when Meiko passed. The emotions throughout the whole episode are very genuine you can also feel what the characters are feeling
Feb 9, 12:37 PM
Dec 2017
Every miracle lasts max. 3 days it seems... Studio ENGI really dropped the ball with Medalist ep.6, haven't seen such a weakly composed, cliched and dare say entirely pointless anime episode in a long time!
Controversy regarding Kamisaki Hikaru's spectacular routine from ep.5 being plagiarised from a south korean (!) figure skater's real-life world champion performance also hangs menacingly over the series' future (possibly forcing foreign licensors to drop the show, considering the still rocky relations between historically colonialist Japan and occupied Korea). It also doesn't help that Tokyo 2020/2021 Olympics's original decal was also a plagiarized one and had to be replaced haphazardly, everyone remembers that snafu.
Feb 9, 1:30 PM

Feb 2014
I wasn't expecting this episode to be focused on Tsukasa's backstory, but after watching it, my respect and appreciation for Tsukasa has gone up a lot.

His backstory went into more detail of how hard he had to work to do what he wanted to do. The Kago family were really kind to help Tsukasa out so many times when Tsukasa needed it the most. Meiko in particular always did her best to help Tsukasa, so seeing her die at a young age hurt quite a lot. Even in the present day, Kago and his daughter are very welcoming towards Tsukasa and want to help him however they can.

As long as he doesn't lose sight of himself, Tsukasa has the makings to becoming an excellent coach, so this episode dedicated to him only makes me more confident in his potential in getting Inori towards their next goal. Their dynamic is very strong, including how they both celebrated Inori's recent success in such a wholesome and energetic way. =)
Feb 9, 7:07 PM

Jun 2012
He's screwed with a capital S. I didn't expect them to dive into his story, let alone this well.

In a way, I get his rejection of help—I’d feel the same… Being in that guy's family home with a space just for him, just waiting for him to accept it—that's shipping material right there.
Feb 9, 7:43 PM
Mar 2021
Reply to Mikarin_Enjoyer
what's GOE supposed to mean?
@Mikarin_Enjoyer Grade of Execution, it's a number between -5 and +5 and it's added or subtracted from the base value of the element(such as a jump) to get the score for the element
Feb 9, 9:51 PM
Mar 2015
Our boi meets the people who helped get started in skating and they show him what is really important
Feb 9, 11:20 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to Tacsk0
Every miracle lasts max. 3 days it seems... Studio ENGI really dropped the ball with Medalist ep.6, haven't seen such a weakly composed, cliched and dare say entirely pointless anime episode in a long time!
Controversy regarding Kamisaki Hikaru's spectacular routine from ep.5 being plagiarised from a south korean (!) figure skater's real-life world champion performance also hangs menacingly over the series' future (possibly forcing foreign licensors to drop the show, considering the still rocky relations between historically colonialist Japan and occupied Korea). It also doesn't help that Tokyo 2020/2021 Olympics's original decal was also a plagiarized one and had to be replaced haphazardly, everyone remembers that snafu.
Hikaru's model is not one but several athletes. While Hikaru actively incorporates high-difficulty loops in his performances, Kim YoonA did not like high-difficulty loops as much during her active career.
Feb 10, 5:57 PM
Mar 2023
episode 6 was perfect, seeing Yo and getting to know a little more about Tsukasa's past was really good
Feb 10, 11:28 PM
Oct 2024
I loved this episode the more episodes that come out the more I love it. I love how we're seeing Tsukasa fleshed out more and seeing more of his true self. Can't wait for more episodes!!
Feb 11, 2:40 PM
Jul 2023
Tear-jerker... Juuki Hanada strikes again!
Feb 14, 7:21 PM

Jul 2016
Absolutely loved this episode. We finally got to see Tsukasa's backstory and I gotta say it was indeed pretty moving. Not to mention I totally understand his mindset regarding not wanting to accept any more help from the Kagos. He's a man of principles and I gotta respect that.

Well, six episodes in and they all have been truly engaging. Character writing for both Inori and Tsukasa has been amazing and I can only hope for the rest of episodes to feature the same (or even higher) level of direction and overall dedication.
Feb 16, 11:19 AM

Jul 2021
I won’t say much… I just love the coach, that’s it.
I love slice-of-life works.

Feb 19, 11:03 AM

May 2019
This episode got into Tsukasa's backstory into great detail and I like that Inori's takeaway was that he worked hard for his dream despite his age.
Feb 24, 1:04 AM
Jan 2025
Way too much suspense :(
Feb 24, 8:21 AM
Feb 2025
il migliore anime del 2025 stagione invernale, le animazioni sono splendide una vera perla

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