Hello, welcome to my profile!
"I'm probably there, watching some anime or reading some manga just to pass the time...🍃"
I've loved anime and manga since I was a child, and now at 20 years old I still find myself fascinated by this culture. Besides that, I like to do weight training and read literary books from time to time, Series and movies are also part of my routine, but my love for anime is still unbeatable! Maybe I'm someone who's too skeptical and sometimes someone who just wants to relax watching something sweet and healthy...
I like relaxing and solid things with what propose, after all integrity is what makes something special and unique. I carry this ideal not only into the real side of life, but also into everything I watch or read.
Overall, I'm a lover of slice of life, fantasy, adventure, and romance genres. But I usually watch and read everything, trying new things is always good. I'm particularly a fan of just one anime/manga, which is 3-gatsu no lion, but I still have others that I really like and some not so much...
I don't consider myself a critic. I consider myself someone who chooses and evaluates everything from a general perspective, as a whole. There are things I watch or read that are abominably bad and others wonderfully good. But everything is a matter of opinion and everyone has their own. I respect you and you respect me, tastes are different, but respect should be the same for everyone. Thanks for reading this far and feel free to chat if you want 🗣️💫
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
- Total Entries108
- Reread0
- Chapters8,318
- Volumes938
All Comments (6) Comments
I mentioned its similarities to Vinland Saga in the context of how these stories approach their subject matters. Obviously they are very different in what topics, genres and narrative structures they use, but they are both dead set on a single idea. With both the concept of a moral truth present in Orb and the pacifistic ideology of Vinland Saga being the thing that contextualizes these stories above all else. This is what I tried to say comparing the two, they are simply very similar in their utter devotion to the lessons they try to teach.
Lastly, I think you misread that one sentence, because in its entirety it reads as follows:
"If you want a character drama with a focus on conflict originating from characters, not ideas, then you should still give this anime a try, but it probably isn't for you"
This is simply me addressing people who usually don't like these kinds of methodical stories and would rather watch shows with a focus on character drama. The sentence just says that, while this might not be a story written for them, the characters are still so well written that it is more then worth it to give it a shot.
Once again thanks for taking the time to read my review and special thanks for giving me some feedback.