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Nov 25, 2024 6:28 AM

Nov 2011
No surprise that Kirishima has enemies and a target on his back. And..of course, that got Yoshino involved as well. It's one of those episodes where the inevitable would happen. Yoshino is still able to maintain her usual image, something that I'm impressed by.

Got some actual action and gang violence this time around too. Looks like this show is heading to a climax soon with Kirishima being in the center of it all.
Nov 25, 2024 8:41 AM

Jul 2024
This certainly has improved dramatically the last 2 episodes.
Happy belated Birthday Kirishima!
I wanna see Yoshina crack that bozo over the head with a hairdryer again. She's really a handful.
Nov 25, 2024 8:48 AM

Dec 2022
Now there's the badass yakuza daughter I've been wanting to see. Yoshino really knows how to claim her turf. Kirishima better step up and prove his worth to her, although he's doing a good job of it so far. His plan to use Nao and Shouma as bait worked out well, and gave us another fight scene. It had been too long since the last one. New villains, Red Perm and... some emo guy. They exist.

To think I was considering dropping this. It might claw its way back and finish stronger than I expected.
MALoween 2024 Candy: ///
Nov 25, 2024 9:08 AM
Sep 2015
The action is quite well done. This will be a good lesson for Kirishima that playing around with other women will only bring headache situation, and that's probably why he decide to settle down with Yoshino.

Look like the real dangerous guy appear with mysterious mask. Yoshino can handle two wild dogs but can she handle three? Talking about two wild dogs, I want more scene featuring Kirishima and Shouma interacting with each other.
Nov 25, 2024 9:28 AM
Oct 2024
it was interesting
Nov 25, 2024 10:03 AM
Sep 2022
Ngl I love a good yandere
Nov 25, 2024 10:52 AM

Aug 2018

This episode showed how many layers the plot of this anime actually has, and it also highlighted Kirishima and Yoshino's relationship.

But first, let's just reflect on how our boy Shouma was used by Kirishima. He didn't deserve this disrespect, and Kirishima is only digging his grave if he continues to mess with Shouma, since Yoshino would 100% stay by the side of Shouma rather than Kirishima. But anyways, we got to see some Shouma showtime, so I kinda have to thank Kirishima for this. Now Shouma has to take care of the annoying Nao (like, girl, you were giving Kirishima and Yoshino away, so stop complaining while they're trying to literally save you).

We got to see that Ozu is completely afraid of that guy that has Levi's voice actor (really curious to hear his voice though, since he didn't say a word this episode), so he really is just another pawn, and not the source of the problems. Also, curious about the curly hair guy, since he seems to be relevant for the story, but didn't really care about Shouma running away with Nao. AND YES SHOUMA, HIT HIM.

Kirishima of course doesn't do what Yoshino wanted, because that would make her involve in this mess too, which he doesn't want. However, Yoshino wasn't having anything of that, so she sent him an ultimatum, which just made Kirishima be more in love for her. We love toxic relationships. Anyways, the last scene with that soundtrack was so good! They really match eachother's craziness. I already know which clip Crunchyroll is choosing to upload this week.

Also, it seems like the last 2 episodes of bad animation was for them to save the animation for this episode, because the fight scenes were good, I mean, they weren't magnificent scenes, but they went well above my expectations.

Overall, this episode has been my favorite from the anime so far, manga readers weren't exagerating when they said that this arc was fire! I really hope this anime gains more recognition after these 2 episodes, because I think people have judged it quite early one, and I don't think the 3 episodes rule applies for this anime, you really need to give it more time.

Anyways, can't wait for next week's episode! Also, only 4 more episode left! Can't believe we're already at 2/3 of the anime! This is the only anime I'm watching this season that is only of 1 cour, so it's the only one so far that I have been like "oh no, only 4 more weeks of this ;-;"
Nov 25, 2024 10:56 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to joemaamah
This certainly has improved dramatically the last 2 episodes.
Happy belated Birthday Kirishima!
I wanna see Yoshina crack that bozo over the head with a hairdryer again. She's really a handful.
joemaamah said:
Happy belated Birthday Kirishima!

Right! It was his birthday just last week! Happy Birthday Kirishima, you can finally marry Yoshino ;)

Lampblasted said:
To think I was considering dropping this

Considering the score drop from 2 weeks ago, I really feel like many people dropped this way too soon, right before things were getting better. This one of those animes you really need to give it time to warm up. And I think things will only get better from this episode on, especially considering what manga readers have been saying
Nov 25, 2024 10:58 AM
Oct 2010
Yoshino is 1000x more interesting when she drops the good girl act and returns to yakuza princess mode, she was not effing about and I loved it. So did Kirishima, obviously. lol

The one thing weird about this ep was the eye changes, going all yellow and glowy. It's an... interesting artistic choice that apparently reflects their inherent anger level.
Nov 25, 2024 11:00 AM

Feb 2019
Now this is what I’m talking about! Some real Yakuza mind games. Yoshino my beloved omg how can you not have her as one of the top girls this season?? Gorgeous, intelligent and badass. She played the hell out of Ozu in this one 😂.

Kirishima also did his thing behind the scenes too. Getting Shouma involved and having him rescue Nao was smart. That hallway scene with Shouma and Ozu’s goon was one of the best parts of the episode. Why wear your hair curly if you hate it that much, lmao? I love how defensive Shouma gets when Yoshino’s name got brought up too, he’s still my best boy here

Will never get tired of seeing Yoshino cook Kirishima dumbass and slip into her Osaka accent, one of the most attractive things a Japanese woman can have. She gonna regret giving Kirishima a deadline/challenge though because when it come to her bro turn into superman. He’ll have that Ozu fight wrapped up in an hour tops lmao.
Marinate1016Nov 25, 2024 12:12 PM
Nov 25, 2024 11:08 AM

Jun 2009
Best episode so far, the story is only going to get better and better by each episode.
Nov 25, 2024 11:12 AM

Jun 2009
Reply to phantomfandom
The action is quite well done. This will be a good lesson for Kirishima that playing around with other women will only bring headache situation, and that's probably why he decide to settle down with Yoshino.

Look like the real dangerous guy appear with mysterious mask. Yoshino can handle two wild dogs but can she handle three? Talking about two wild dogs, I want more scene featuring Kirishima and Shouma interacting with each other.

You'll get the Kirishima & Shouma interaction in episode 10 if the anime keeps the same pace.
Nov 25, 2024 12:45 PM

Jul 2022
This episode was fantastic. Shouma is a real beast, taking down those guys with such ease, but it looks like the one with the curly hair is going to give him some trouble. It was hilarious to see Kirishima cheat on him.

The marriage proposal is on the table, but Yoshino won't let Kirishima win the bet, nor will he or anyone else get in his territory.
Nov 25, 2024 2:08 PM

Jul 2012
Animation seems better this episode. Kind of odd how their eyes change colors whenever they're angry/emotional but at least it's not super ugly

Some movement to this arc of the plot but not that much. Excited to see what happens next tho

Still rooting for this romance to develop 😩 but i'm sure by the time the 12 eps are up, we aren't going to see much. i don't have hopes it's getting another season either too so 🤷‍♀️
Nov 25, 2024 2:50 PM
Aug 2020
I almost dropped this show right at the first episode with how Kirishima talked to Yoshino. Now I'm excited and looking forward to the next ep. Very surprised.
Nov 25, 2024 5:46 PM

Nov 2016
Well played Kirishima. This arc is frigging good so far and I'm excited for the next episode.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 25, 2024 5:49 PM

Dec 2015
Just wow. Yoshino is freaking awesome. Nao and Shouma are just being strung along by these two while they are making a bet. Feel bad for Nao she's surrounded by a bunch people with a few screws loose.

Was wondering why that guy looked familiar. Thought he'd learn his lesson last time. I want to see Shouma duke it out with that guy.

On another note, pretty sure Kirishima got his contact when he cloned Yoshino's phone.
Notice: I read most manga in Japanese now so I'm not sure where you can read in English. Sorry in advance.
Nov 25, 2024 7:44 PM

Jan 2021
Oohhhh Azami's here! I don't really like him, but if I remember correctly, his level of insanity is almost on par with Kirishima's.

On other hand, Yoshino is really awesome (as always). I love her so much!! Shouma as well!!! My maaaan.

I really like this wedding bet. Basically a must win or just die lol.

Nov 25, 2024 8:36 PM
Jan 2022
now this is the competitive, toxic dynamic we all love!
Nov 25, 2024 9:55 PM
Jan 2024
A thrilling episode indeed. I love how Kirishima and Yoshino one up each other all the time. and honestly yoshino is full of surprises.
there's just two things I can't like about this series.
first is the shitty animation. the colours are brightband that's what saves it. I wish they had done their body movements a bit more smoothly. it literally looks like paper puppets moving around.

the second thing is, the entire premise is gull of yakuzas, violence, romance, prostitution etc...all adult themes and the main cast is 17 and 18. every time I'm reminded that they're high schoolers, the entire plot feels like a joke. even when we get flashbacks of kirishima, it makes me realise he's was 14 or 15. unfortunately the age thing spoils this in many ways for me.
it would have been much better if they were atleast 20. so the flashbacks could still have a 17 or 18 year old kirishima.
the problem is no big yakuza organization will let their 17 year old grandson handle big deals like this. then the unrealistic part where they don't ever go to school. their character designs also do not match that of any teen. they look, dress and speak way more maturely.
the fact that yoshino anf kirishima have so much power and authority while being high schoolers is just...well..
even the OST, if you see, yoshino has been shown In a very sexual tone. there's a scene where you caj basically see th shape of her nips cause that's how she's shown, that's what the shows trying to capture. a hot passionate dangerous love story between two unusual people. but again, the minute I remember they're high schoolers I find it so oit of place.
honestly I dont think there was a need for them to be teens.
Nov 26, 2024 2:06 AM
Dec 2020
this is just getting worse and worse with every episode, but i'm too far in to drop it now.

the forced gangster attitude they sometimes sponteniously put on is just dumb and honestly cringe af.

i'm afraid we've lost the plot
Nov 26, 2024 8:59 PM

Jan 2022
I loved this episode! Kirishima is annoying for using Shouma, but man was it great. I loved the scene between the curly red haired guy and Shouma. That was hilarious. Poor Shouma is getting involved in something that isn't his fault all because of Kirishima. The way he defended Yoshino made me happy, he's still my number 1.

Yoshino is a badass. The fact that she was holding Ozu up by making him drink is so smart of her.

Looking forward to meeting the new guy...he also looks cute hahaha
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Nov 27, 2024 12:16 AM

Jul 2008
And the vicious side of Yoshino comes out now.....they really are 2 kinds of crazy.
Nov 27, 2024 5:03 AM
Jul 2024
Love to see Yoshino's eyes turn from red to yellow. When that happens, you know whatever she's going to say would get Kirishima in heat haha!

This is getting good 😏
Nov 27, 2024 6:10 AM
Jul 2019
A match made in heaven.

Both as crazy as each other :)

And have freaking loved this from Episode 1 -- the art style, the animation, the voice acting, the plot, the way it's perfectly adapted from the equally superb manga.

Can't wait for the next ep.
Nov 27, 2024 6:18 AM
Sep 2021
The expressions & the attitude killed it. Getting ready for more action.
Nov 27, 2024 12:00 PM

Aug 2020
last one for me, i will go read it

i can't really not enjoy it
otakuweek (100k Followers) on insta for News /best recom etc

just have a look, you won't regret it...

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Nov 27, 2024 12:26 PM

Aug 2018
Reply to AakBan_Pochi29
A thrilling episode indeed. I love how Kirishima and Yoshino one up each other all the time. and honestly yoshino is full of surprises.
there's just two things I can't like about this series.
first is the shitty animation. the colours are brightband that's what saves it. I wish they had done their body movements a bit more smoothly. it literally looks like paper puppets moving around.

the second thing is, the entire premise is gull of yakuzas, violence, romance, prostitution etc...all adult themes and the main cast is 17 and 18. every time I'm reminded that they're high schoolers, the entire plot feels like a joke. even when we get flashbacks of kirishima, it makes me realise he's was 14 or 15. unfortunately the age thing spoils this in many ways for me.
it would have been much better if they were atleast 20. so the flashbacks could still have a 17 or 18 year old kirishima.
the problem is no big yakuza organization will let their 17 year old grandson handle big deals like this. then the unrealistic part where they don't ever go to school. their character designs also do not match that of any teen. they look, dress and speak way more maturely.
the fact that yoshino anf kirishima have so much power and authority while being high schoolers is just...well..
even the OST, if you see, yoshino has been shown In a very sexual tone. there's a scene where you caj basically see th shape of her nips cause that's how she's shown, that's what the shows trying to capture. a hot passionate dangerous love story between two unusual people. but again, the minute I remember they're high schoolers I find it so oit of place.
honestly I dont think there was a need for them to be teens.
AakBan_Pochi29 said:
the problem is no big yakuza organization will let their 17 year old grandson handle big deals like this. then the unrealistic part where they don't ever go to school.

If I'm not mistaken, it was hinted as early as episode 2 that these things that Kirishima is doing are done behind the Yakuza's back (they might know about it, but it's not like they sent him to do it).
And right now they are on their summer vacation, so it's expected to not see them at school.

However, I do agree that the story could have been pratically the same if they were university students, for example, or even just working young adults.
Nov 27, 2024 1:44 PM

Jun 2009
Reply to PokefanPT
AakBan_Pochi29 said:
the problem is no big yakuza organization will let their 17 year old grandson handle big deals like this. then the unrealistic part where they don't ever go to school.

If I'm not mistaken, it was hinted as early as episode 2 that these things that Kirishima is doing are done behind the Yakuza's back (they might know about it, but it's not like they sent him to do it).
And right now they are on their summer vacation, so it's expected to not see them at school.

However, I do agree that the story could have been pratically the same if they were university students, for example, or even just working young adults.

I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.
-Hotaru_Nov 27, 2024 3:03 PM
Nov 27, 2024 5:48 PM

Jul 2011
Reply to -Hotaru_

I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.
Nov 27, 2024 5:48 PM

Jul 2011
Reply to -Hotaru_

I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.
Nov 27, 2024 5:48 PM

Jul 2011
Reply to -Hotaru_

I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.
Nov 27, 2024 10:24 PM
Jan 2024
PokefanPT said:
AakBan_Pochi29 said:
the problem is no big yakuza organization will let their 17 year old grandson handle big deals like this. then the unrealistic part where they don't ever go to school.

If I'm not mistaken, it was hinted as early as episode 2 that these things that Kirishima is doing are done behind the Yakuza's back (they might know about it, but it's not like they sent him to do it).
And right now they are on their summer vacation, so it's expected to not see them at school.

However, I do agree that the story could have been pratically the same if they were university students, for example, or even just working young adults.

even when they weren't on summer break, they weren't really doing anything that high schoolers do. the age still doesn't doesn't right. the entire yakuza theme would have fit in perfectly if they were a bit older
Nov 28, 2024 4:25 PM
Aug 2022
Anyone else feel like they'd understand this story better if we knew wtf yakuza crime families are actually like?
Nov 28, 2024 5:07 PM
Feb 2016
I'm feeling quite conflicted about this whole anime, actually. On the one hand, I love Yoshino and Shouma to pieces, but on the other, I hate Kirishima to death. I mean, I've watched a lot of shows (both live action and anime) in my time and I've seen a lot of horrible characters, but he's one that I have a special hatred for. I want to see him get beat up by Yoshino, stabbed a few times by Shouma and left for dead in a ditch in the rain. Unfortunately, I don't foresee this lovely dream of mine taking place and so I know I'm just going to be incredibly angered by the events to come. Even so, I will finish the stupid show because I love Shouma and as long as Yoshino doesn't suddenly become an idiot, I'll love her too. But to even think about accepting a guy like Kirishima who doesn't know what the meaning of the word love is, is already maddening. No, he doesn't love her, because you can't love someone and then leave them to constantly go sleep with other people. I mean, there's just no reason why she should lower herself to that asshole's level. Especially not when a perfect guy like Shouma is around. Yes, yes, I know she just views him as family, I don't care, it's still true. Thank god it'll be over soon and my rage will eventually subside. But unless he gets hurt enough to suit me, this will be given a very, very low rating.
Nov 28, 2024 7:10 PM
Feb 2024
Fudge, that was a good episode...
Nov 28, 2024 9:42 PM

Jul 2011
Solid episode! Best episode so far.

Plenty of action from Shouma, and some Kirishima x Yoshino tension.

Let's gooooo

Nov 30, 2024 8:58 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to samspot8r8s
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.
samspot8r8s said:
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.

Well, that explains it maybe. Although I'm not so sure of this "comedic" side of them being younger, it really just makes things more unrealistic than what they should.

AakBan_Pochi29 said:
even when they weren't on summer break, they weren't really doing anything that high schoolers do. the age still doesn't doesn't right. the entire yakuza theme would have fit in perfectly if they were a bit older

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that they should be older! It would fit the story much better!

-Hotaru_ said:
I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.

Now that I think of, I don't think I have ever watched an anime that was on an university setting.
Nov 30, 2024 10:34 AM

Jun 2009
Reply to PokefanPT
samspot8r8s said:
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.

Well, that explains it maybe. Although I'm not so sure of this "comedic" side of them being younger, it really just makes things more unrealistic than what they should.

AakBan_Pochi29 said:
even when they weren't on summer break, they weren't really doing anything that high schoolers do. the age still doesn't doesn't right. the entire yakuza theme would have fit in perfectly if they were a bit older

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that they should be older! It would fit the story much better!

-Hotaru_ said:
I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.

Now that I think of, I don't think I have ever watched an anime that was on an university setting.

A few josei/shoujo series have a college setting: Nodame Cantabile, Honey & Clover, A Sign of Affection. A few seinen also have a college setting: Grand Blue, Tatami Galaxy and Genshiken. And Technically Steins;Gate, but it's more of a sci-fi series with college student main characters than a series that takes place in college.

From what I noticed, about 50% of anime series take place in a modern Japanese highschool while only about 1% take place in a modern Japanese college, the rest of 49% take place either in middle school, elementary school, workplace or a fantasy world/historical period/another country/another planet/the future etc.
Nov 30, 2024 3:04 PM

Jul 2024
This was probably my favorite episode to date of this show. I loved seeing all our main peeps being the most unhinged they could be (ngl, super hot on all sides😘😝). I loved seeing Yoshino show Kirishima just how much of a Yakuza princess she really is, holding her own and showing him up. Of course, because of how fucked up Kirishima is, just made him more obsessed with her.
Born to shoujo, forced to shounen.

Nov 30, 2024 9:02 PM
Jan 2024
PokefanPT said:
samspot8r8s said:
I never really understood the joke myself, but them being high schoolers acting as adults feels like an intentional running gag by the author.
It’s called out so often (usually re Yoshino looking nothing like her age) that I can only imagine it’s supposed to play as an absurdist gag.

The author has said there are so many culture-specific references and jokes that they didn't know how well-received the manga would be outside of Japan. (If I can find the source, I’ll post it)
Sometimes I wonder if the age thing is one of them. I know I’ve only seen a very small handful of yakuza stories, so theres only so many tropes I can recognize in a series that plays into and parodies the genre.

Well, that explains it maybe. Although I'm not so sure of this "comedic" side of them being younger, it really just makes things more unrealistic than what they should.

AakBan_Pochi29 said:
even when they weren't on summer break, they weren't really doing anything that high schoolers do. the age still doesn't doesn't right. the entire yakuza theme would have fit in perfectly if they were a bit older

Don't get me wrong, I completely agree that they should be older! It would fit the story much better!

-Hotaru_ said:
I agree, the story would have made more sense if they were in college, they're in their last year of highschool anyway. But the Japanese audience HAS to have their highschool setting anime, no matter what.

Now that I think of, I don't think I have ever watched an anime that was on an university setting.

cool doji danshi, one of the male protags is in university.

also to some extent My Love Story With Yamada Kun.
Dec 1, 2024 2:59 AM

Aug 2018
Reply to -Hotaru_

A few josei/shoujo series have a college setting: Nodame Cantabile, Honey & Clover, A Sign of Affection. A few seinen also have a college setting: Grand Blue, Tatami Galaxy and Genshiken. And Technically Steins;Gate, but it's more of a sci-fi series with college student main characters than a series that takes place in college.

From what I noticed, about 50% of anime series take place in a modern Japanese highschool while only about 1% take place in a modern Japanese college, the rest of 49% take place either in middle school, elementary school, workplace or a fantasy world/historical period/another country/another planet/the future etc.
-Hotaru_ said:
A few josei/shoujo series have a college setting: Nodame Cantabile, Honey & Clover, A Sign of Affection. A few seinen also have a college setting: Grand Blue, Tatami Galaxy and Genshiken. And Technically Steins;Gate, but it's more of a sci-fi series with college student main characters than a series that takes place in college.

From what I noticed, about 50% of anime series take place in a modern Japanese highschool while only about 1% take place in a modern Japanese college, the rest of 49% take place either in middle school, elementary school, workplace or a fantasy world/historical period/another country/another planet/the future etc.

Ohh, that's right, Grand Blue takes place in university! Had forgotten about that! But the other ones I haven't wacthed yet, so thank you for examples!

AakBan_Pochi29 said:
cool doji danshi, one of the male protags is in university.

also to some extent My Love Story With Yamada Kun.

Thank you for the recommendation! I will make sure to check them out later!
Dec 8, 2024 9:21 PM
May 2024
Now it's really back to the good stuff
Dec 10, 2024 7:51 PM
Jan 2017
Reply to Lampblasted
Now there's the badass yakuza daughter I've been wanting to see. Yoshino really knows how to claim her turf. Kirishima better step up and prove his worth to her, although he's doing a good job of it so far. His plan to use Nao and Shouma as bait worked out well, and gave us another fight scene. It had been too long since the last one. New villains, Red Perm and... some emo guy. They exist.

To think I was considering dropping this. It might claw its way back and finish stronger than I expected.
@Lampblasted I was going to comment something a lot like this. But that's what I get for getting back on the train late. I watched the first four episodes casually. The plot was different, but it seemed just another opposites attracting each other. From episode 5 the story got more and more exciting. Now i can't wait to see what happens.

Lampblasted said:
To think I was considering dropping this. It might claw its way back and finish stronger than I expected.
Dec 11, 2024 12:06 AM

Apr 2021
i should drop this fucking anime for my sanity, fuck the mc ...

✮ slumbering arc
Dec 11, 2024 11:30 AM

Apr 2012
Using cunning to trap a villain with a perfect reputation who leaves no trace behind him? Don't show this episode Aka Akasaka.
Dec 13, 2024 10:27 AM

Jan 2016
They are so in sync >_<

Curly got some strength!!

Dec 16, 2024 3:21 AM
Oct 2024
Dropping it, did not like the pacing
Dec 22, 2024 4:39 AM

Oct 2017
Ah it's those losers from before lol, now it makes sense but they are getting used by Ozu Kento who's getting used by that yakuza looking guy who also looks like Shouma.

Both Yoshino and Kirishima are crazy. Kirishima made good use of her plan to his advantage and to make things go his way. Both of them want to handle this their own way. Yoshino in her home turf is even fiercer. Also I really hope they show the Shouma action.
Dec 31, 2024 3:05 PM
Mar 2018
This arc has certainly been a welcome improvement! The show's not mind-blowing or anything, but it's definitely entertaining and less awkward than it used to be.

Also, I love how Yoshino has agency and is proactive in the story, doing her own thing and investigating on her own.
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