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Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! (light novel)
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May 2, 2024 8:12 AM
Aug 2017
Reply to Neterosan
@Neterosan This might be difficult for you to understand, but Takaomi Kanasaki has stepped back from being the director and “Chief” on production, they aren’t the creative lead for this project and this much was made very clear if you followed the studio announcements. The director for this project is the same as the person who worked on the Megumin spin-off.

Please refrain from pinging me with misguided information in the future.
May 2, 2024 8:37 AM
Dec 2023
Reply to davidyodo24


yes nice whataboutism... it's bad it's bad what's there to defend? One thing based on source material is good (whilst source material also being good; and previous seasons not having these issues...) but another ends up missing the mark and on top of that censoring. Again, anime-only viewers with these strange takes.


thought the vibe felt similar to the spin-off... no wonder. Apart from the censorship he's just not a good director... the alderp peeping scene should've had them about to shake hands then kazuma pulling his hand back like in the LN when he realizes darkness is at the door. The directing clearly misses the mark for this season... everything loses its impact. Takaomi Kanasaki please return...
May 2, 2024 10:45 AM
Mar 2018
Oh no. The animators of a comedy show came up with a funny way of displaying information in the aforementioned comedy show. Tragic.

Yeah, it's not censorship. Konosuba's always been relatively light on the eye candy stuff anyway.
KiikaniMay 2, 2024 11:05 AM
May 2, 2024 12:33 PM
Nov 2022
I just read this whole thread, and can confidently say I wasted 10 minutes of my time.
May 2, 2024 12:58 PM
Jul 2023
Did you even watch the previous 2 seasons? It seems like you didn't.

Season 1 only had one blatantly ecchi episode, max 2 if you count the OVA. Season 2 had like 3, the ones I recall are Kazuma fighting against Darkness, Darkness being "tortured" by the golem in the second OVA and maybe when they were at the hot springs.

It was also established in previous seasons that Aqua and Kazuma will prioritize a life of luxury and laziness instead of risking their lives.

You guys need to chill with your expectations or maybe don't watch the anime until it is completed so you can give you final review after watching everything. Also, you wouldn't feel like this if you weren't watching the anime spoiled by the manga or LN.

The only censorship I would say it's happening right now is not displaying Aqua's buttocks a bit more like in previous seasons but since she's not currently the main focus of the plot, that might be the reason.
VOLTHOR6May 2, 2024 1:05 PM
May 2, 2024 1:01 PM

Feb 2017
I check it, even though it's not manga source but changing the whole scene into pudding actually can count as censorship.
Nothing different with SAO where non censored version showing asuna changing scene but in censored version only showing the house.
I guess the studio rules that do not allow it even with same staff.
May 2, 2024 3:36 PM

Aug 2019
AmeKnite said:
I think this new studio really messed up Konosuba. It was famous for its depraved animation and humor, and I think they are changing it in this season with less ecchi and more censorship.

Also, it looks like they changed Darkness's personality to seem less perverted, and Aqua is portrayed as if her entire personality revolves around being an alcoholic

It's like the animation and direction are off.

What is going on?

Just look at these two scenes with Kazuma x Chris in the 4 episode:

Darkness behaving a little different is part of the story, it has nothing to do with the studio.
Aqua was always an alcoholic. The very first episode of the whole series did show her drinking till she puked!
The only thing they censored is that they didn't show Kazuma groping Chris's boobs for a few seconds.
May 2, 2024 4:27 PM

Apr 2020
What's going on?

Studio Drive is going on.
No surprises here.
May 2, 2024 5:47 PM

Sep 2018
It's almost like Darkness is trying to play the part of a noble lady in front of other nobles, "her personalities different waah", you gotta be kidding me lol

You have may have a point about the censorship, but it's such bare bones ecchi, that I hardly care.
May 2, 2024 7:37 PM
Sep 2021
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
so i went to a lot of work to do this, any thing to make peace. i just went and looked the manga/LN, iam not a manga reader though.
yah the studio did fucked this up. these are the panels from manga.

so let's just give the L to the studio on this on.

the anime is not adapting the manga you dummy
May 3, 2024 4:08 AM
Mar 2023
What is bad about censorship ?
May 3, 2024 11:24 AM

Jul 2023
I haven’t read the light novel yet, but even I can say for sure I don’t know why censorship would matter. I’m just here for the laughs.

If you want more explicit scenes, go on some hentai website. Otherwise, just enjoy the show for what it is. Even if it is true what you say, I doubt it deteriorates the quality of Konosuba as a whole. I mean, it’s definitely not worth dropping it over something so trivial at the very least.
May 3, 2024 12:41 PM

Dec 2020
People somehow always find something to whine about.
May 3, 2024 11:35 PM

Feb 2010
everyone spefically mentions the LN. this guy @Yeshaiah2015yesh

"but the manga tho."

LN and manga are not the same. anime doesn't need to take art and scene directions from the manga if the source material is the LN.
"among monsters and humans, there are only two types.
Those who undergo suffering and spread it to others. And those who undergo suffering and avoid giving it to others." -Alice
“Beauty is no quality in things themselves: It exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty.” David Hume
“Evil is created when someone gives up on someone else. It appears when everyone gives up on someone as a lost cause and removes their path to salvation. Once they are cut off from everyone else, they become evil.” -Othinus

May 4, 2024 8:40 AM

Jul 2016
Are you seriously that desperate to see MC groping Chris? Man, you have problems.
Try watching Mushoku Tensei instead. That show may fit your tastes better.
May 4, 2024 1:24 PM
Jul 2022
I always forget how weird the anime community can be. Like my boy woke up today, saw a pair of balloons, and got upset enough to make a thread about it.

There is soooo much ecchi and straight up H anime out there to watch if that's what you wanna see. This is a comedy about 4 idiot adventures.
May 4, 2024 6:42 PM

Apr 2018
possible that the new studio might have different creative goals or interpretations compared to the previous seasons
May 4, 2024 11:02 PM
Feb 2020
AmeKnite said:
I think this new studio really messed up Konosuba. It was famous for its depraved animation and humor, and I think they are changing it in this season with less ecchi and more censorship.

Also, it looks like they changed Darkness's personality to seem less perverted, and Aqua is portrayed as if her entire personality revolves around being an alcoholic

It's like the animation and direction are off.

What is going on?

Just look at these two scenes with Kazuma x Chris in the 4 episode:

It's just your media literacy.

First of the staff it the same, the studio has changed multiple times already, the staff hasn't.

Second, the source material which is superior to the anime never had anywhere near the same levels of ecchi and obviously, whacky animation isn't supposed to be part of it, so S3 is by default already superior to the previous seasons, being more faithful to the source material and adapting better volumes.

The characters personalities didn't change, you are just unable to understand the characters and therefore can't comprehend the dynamic between Darkness and Lalatina or why it exists, nor can you grasp anything on Aqua's personality.

The LN don't describe what Kazuma was gropping, or gives any detail to it, it's meant to be ambiguous, and the anime adapted it as it was supposed to.
May 4, 2024 11:04 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to SoLongGayBowser
New studio, new director, new team. Anyone who thought this wasn't going to be a massive downgrade from previous seasons is either extremely gullible or doesn't follow production information at all.
SoLongGayBowser said:
New studio, new director, new team. Anyone who thought this wasn't going to be a massive downgrade from previous seasons is either extremely gullible or doesn't follow production information at all.

Studio has changed multiple times, the staff didn't.

This season is superior to the previous ones in every single way, better arstyle, animation, more faithful to the source material and adapts by far better volumes. Anyone thinking it's inferior is just an anime-only with negative media literacy.
May 4, 2024 11:14 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to gmfddatsh

Perhaps it's that but it's bad nonetheless. Even Darkness getting her arm cut turned into an almost uneventful still image in the anime... The maid scene wasn't even that ecchi but they still did that and gave her a super long skirt/dress instead.
gmfddatsh said:

Perhaps it's that but it's bad nonetheless. Even Darkness getting her arm cut turned into an almost uneventful still image in the anime... The maid scene wasn't even that ecchi but they still did that and gave her a super long skirt/dress instead.

Why do you keep posting this garbage?

This trash manga is NOT THE SOURCE MATERIAL, the manga suck, it's light years inferior to the anime and the anime doesn't adapt it.

The anime adapt the LIGHT NOVEL, can you read? THE LIGHT NOVEL.

The way the manga adapts Darkness blocking the sword is totally non-canon, the anime adapted it way closer to canon:

“Ahhh! No, don’t…!”

The princess said hastily.

Before her voice could reach, the white-suited woman swung her sword down at Darkness…!


With a dull thud, the sword cut deep into Darkness’s wrist.

Red blood sprayed onto the clothes of the princess, Darkness, and the white-suited woman.

The white-suited woman remained still.

Or rather, she couldn’t move.

She probably swung with the intention to slash off the wrist.

But that blow only tore through Darkness’s skin and a bit of her muscle.

Konosuba LN Vol. 06, chapter 01.

Seriously, if you don't even know what is the source material and never read, stop trying to bring this up, it's embarrassing, especially when everybody knows the manga suck and has a disgustingly bad arstyle.
May 4, 2024 11:20 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to Yeshaiah2015yesh
gmfddatsh said:

yes thank you these gaslighters are shameless when they're obviously anime-only and shouldn't be typing... also has negative implications for further interactions in the anime :/ (check out the scene where alderp is peeping that's also censored)

yah, even though it's source is from LN, it can still be consider as censoring, i don't think there's any harm in not censoring this seen's. in previous seasons they did many times fumble boobs and other things.
so don't get the aproch they are taking
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
yah, even though it's source is from LN, it can still be consider as censoring, i don't think there's any harm in not censoring this seen's. in previous seasons they did many times fumble boobs and other things.
so don't get the aproch they are taking

How the hell can you acknowledge the manga is irrelevant, it's not the source, it's just a piece of garbage before adding that it's still censoring in the anime?

THE ANIME DOESN'T ADAPT THE MANGA, how hard is it to understand?

In the darkness, a figure was looking at me as she whispered in a familiar voice.


“Wahhh! Wait, it’s me! Hey, I’m Chris! Stop! Where are you touching, stop! Darkness! Darkness, save meee~!”

After grabbing the intruder, I realized she was Chris.

/\ This is the LN scene. Have you seen any ecchi? Any detail? Nothing, we don't even know where Kazuma touched her.
OthawastzMay 7, 2024 2:53 PM
May 4, 2024 11:38 PM
Dec 2022
Othawastz said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
yah, even though it's source is from LN, it can still be consider as censoring, i don't think there's any harm in not censoring this seen's. in previous seasons they did many times fumble boobs and other things.
so don't get the aproch they are taking

How the hell can you acknowledge the manga is irrelevant, it's not the source, it's just a piece of garbage before adding that it's still censoring in the anime?

THE ANIME DOESN'T ADAPT THE LN, how hard is it to understand?

In the darkness, a figure was looking at me as she whispered in a familiar voice.


“Wahhh! Wait, it’s me! Hey, I’m Chris! Stop! Where are you touching, stop! Darkness! Darkness, save meee~!”

After grabbing the intruder, I realized she was Chris.

/\ This is the LN scene. Have you seen any ecchi? Any detail? Nothing, we don't even know where Kazuma touched her.

your right about that, but
if all he does is tickling, why give us the wrong idea, pleasing scenes were, the balloons rubbingb each other, and what with the sound effects, you don't need to be a genius to understand what that means.
seems like the anime isn't following the LN either in this scene and on that regard.
how hard it is to understand that.
and she doesn't seem to be laughing from tickling in the anime, which is totally different from what we seen in the LN.
just because the source is from LN, don't mean everything would be the mirror image of it,
so shut up. would you.
Yeshaiah2015yeshMay 4, 2024 11:41 PM
May 5, 2024 2:33 AM
Apr 2021
season 3 is about plot and development character :3
May 5, 2024 8:55 PM

Apr 2018
Safe for everyone
May 5, 2024 11:06 PM

Jul 2015
I’m not gonna lie I thought this when I finished ep. 1 and started ep. 2 😆didn’t even notice till I watched the opening, and that’s when thoughts of censorship started coming in lol
May 6, 2024 6:29 AM
Aug 2017
Reply to Othawastz
SoLongGayBowser said:
New studio, new director, new team. Anyone who thought this wasn't going to be a massive downgrade from previous seasons is either extremely gullible or doesn't follow production information at all.

Studio has changed multiple times, the staff didn't.

This season is superior to the previous ones in every single way, better arstyle, animation, more faithful to the source material and adapts by far better volumes. Anyone thinking it's inferior is just an anime-only with negative media literacy.

>Anyone who thinks it is inferior is an anime only
>Lists anime only traits as being deciding factors
>Refers to it as media literacy

Either this is poorly formed bait or the take of a mentally incompetent.
May 7, 2024 2:55 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to Yeshaiah2015yesh
Othawastz said:
Yeshaiah2015yesh said:
yah, even though it's source is from LN, it can still be consider as censoring, i don't think there's any harm in not censoring this seen's. in previous seasons they did many times fumble boobs and other things.
so don't get the aproch they are taking

How the hell can you acknowledge the manga is irrelevant, it's not the source, it's just a piece of garbage before adding that it's still censoring in the anime?

THE ANIME DOESN'T ADAPT THE LN, how hard is it to understand?

In the darkness, a figure was looking at me as she whispered in a familiar voice.


“Wahhh! Wait, it’s me! Hey, I’m Chris! Stop! Where are you touching, stop! Darkness! Darkness, save meee~!”

After grabbing the intruder, I realized she was Chris.

/\ This is the LN scene. Have you seen any ecchi? Any detail? Nothing, we don't even know where Kazuma touched her.

your right about that, but
if all he does is tickling, why give us the wrong idea, pleasing scenes were, the balloons rubbingb each other, and what with the sound effects, you don't need to be a genius to understand what that means.
seems like the anime isn't following the LN either in this scene and on that regard.
how hard it is to understand that.
and she doesn't seem to be laughing from tickling in the anime, which is totally different from what we seen in the LN.
just because the source is from LN, don't mean everything would be the mirror image of it,
so shut up. would you.
@Yeshaiah2015yesh It's irrelevant if the anime adapted the scene perfectly well or not.

You're complained about the anime CENSORING the scene, when it never did, because there was no ecchi described or showed in the LN to begin with.
May 7, 2024 2:57 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to SoLongGayBowser

>Anyone who thinks it is inferior is an anime only
>Lists anime only traits as being deciding factors
>Refers to it as media literacy

Either this is poorly formed bait or the take of a mentally incompetent.
@SoLongGayBowser The animation and arstyle could have been the same that S3 would still be better, I just mentioned them as a bonus because they're superior now.

The main point, which I mentioned, was the fact S3 adapts much better arcs/content than S1-2.
May 7, 2024 5:53 PM
Aug 2017
Reply to Othawastz
@SoLongGayBowser The animation and arstyle could have been the same that S3 would still be better, I just mentioned them as a bonus because they're superior now.

The main point, which I mentioned, was the fact S3 adapts much better arcs/content than S1-2.

I fail to see how your main point relates to anything when I never brought up the source material and am strictly discussing how the anime is being handled. Covering content you prefer isn't going to directly transfer over into a better product when its as mishandled as this season has been. I'm going to judge works as they are even if I've already read/watched the source because they have to stand on their own merits and are designed to do so in most cases. Honestly, for me at least, the change in the style of direction with this season has ruined the comedy for me entirely with how awkward the timing is, similar to how I felt on the direction in the megumin spinoff from the same person. I've already dropped this season after 4 episodes as it's clear after 4 weeks of watching a husk of a show I used to enjoy that I'm going to enjoy my time more if I just move on to other stuff. I hope you enjoy the show so at least it was made for someone, but your comment on media literacy hit me as pretty ironic, especially if you are going to judge an entry based on preconceived notions.
May 7, 2024 9:50 PM

Aug 2008
Alright, as an anime-only viewer, here are my takes takes on the points I've read in here.

First, the Chris scene. In the manga, Kazuma fondles her. In the anime, it is implied he does but not shown. In the LN, he just tickles her. And so, you could say it's censored in the anime, since it is implied he fondled her. Regardless, I found the bit hilarious, so I'm more or less fine.

Then the the mirror scene, has a slightly sexier looking maid in the manga, where the anime she's more covered. Not sure about LN. I could see it as censoring here. But it's mostly whatever, as the "fan service" here was negligible anyway.

Lastly. In the manga, when the Knight cut Darkness, the blade went through her forearm, whereas in the anime it just does a small cut. I actually thought it was fine at the time when I watched that scene. She's supposed to be highly resistant to physical damage, after-all, so it didn't seem out of place to me.

Ok, I see. The gist is that the anime doesn't follow the manga or LN to the letter. They take alot of liberties, generally taking the parody and slapstick comedy to the next level, from what I understand. And so overall, it's still very entertaining and funny, and I enjoy watching these series.
May 8, 2024 10:37 AM
Jun 2022
I hope you're satisfied with new episode ya horny weebs
May 8, 2024 3:15 PM
Feb 2020
Reply to Genix
Alright, as an anime-only viewer, here are my takes takes on the points I've read in here.

First, the Chris scene. In the manga, Kazuma fondles her. In the anime, it is implied he does but not shown. In the LN, he just tickles her. And so, you could say it's censored in the anime, since it is implied he fondled her. Regardless, I found the bit hilarious, so I'm more or less fine.

Then the the mirror scene, has a slightly sexier looking maid in the manga, where the anime she's more covered. Not sure about LN. I could see it as censoring here. But it's mostly whatever, as the "fan service" here was negligible anyway.

Lastly. In the manga, when the Knight cut Darkness, the blade went through her forearm, whereas in the anime it just does a small cut. I actually thought it was fine at the time when I watched that scene. She's supposed to be highly resistant to physical damage, after-all, so it didn't seem out of place to me.

Ok, I see. The gist is that the anime doesn't follow the manga or LN to the letter. They take alot of liberties, generally taking the parody and slapstick comedy to the next level, from what I understand. And so overall, it's still very entertaining and funny, and I enjoy watching these series.
@Genix Anime doesn't follow the manga at all.

It doesn't adapt it, it adapts the LN, the source material.

The manga for the main series is totally garbage, all readers agree it's by far the worst of the 3. LN >>> anime >>>>> blackhole >>>>> manga.
May 8, 2024 3:30 PM

Jan 2021
The only thing that got "censored" were Aqua's ass shots, which, weren't even supposed to be a thing because Aqua has panties both in the novel and manga.

Darkness' personality isn't different, in the most recent episodes she is acting differently because she doesn't try to act in her usual way around nobility, that is something you should have already known from season 2, so it's not even a new thing.
May 8, 2024 6:23 PM
Jul 2020
Really isn’t such a big deal
May 8, 2024 7:21 PM

Apr 2022
don't know what you're yapping about, this studio is killing it so far.
May 8, 2024 9:24 PM

Dec 2014

This is a light novel adaptation. The manga (I didn't know there was one) is a light novel adaptation. What is there to even censor when the jigglies convey what's going on just fine and rather creatively too. If you need an outlet for your urges there are other places to go, you know.

If this was a troll, I took the bait.
I need sleep.
May 9, 2024 12:48 AM

Dec 2015
Until we see the blu ray version differences (if any), please kindly shut the fuck up about censorship. While them showing balloons and flan is a classic way of censorship in ecchi anime, this anime isn't an ecchi in the first place.

If after we get the BD version and they show Kazuma fondling Chris, then feel free to doompost about censorship and anime dying. Until then, you look like a schizo instead of someone who despises censorship. And just so we are clear, I hate censorship myself.
May 9, 2024 1:37 AM

Aug 2018
Censorship in my goddamn anime? Oh hell nah.
May 9, 2024 9:11 AM

Feb 2017
I guess i will continue watching, hope the director for this ep4 not appear again until the end of the episodes. Changing scenes just because of something silly like this(tickling) is showing how sensitive he is.
Jul 13, 2024 12:15 AM
Mar 2016
doesn't matter if it is same director or not? new studio = downgrade. downgrade = censored. unlike previous studio doing uncensored. I love seeing aqua butt that seen like no panties.
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