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Dec 27, 2023 11:40 PM

Dec 2022
This was fun. Stupid fun.
Dec 28, 2023 1:25 AM

Jan 2013
Reply to Takata
ExcelDog said:
So Konoha went back to 1999 and gave the game and the letter to Mamoru and the Alcohol Soft team, but they just didn't show it to us?
And the past Alсohol Soft team did not do anything for this game themselves, but their future versions from the alternate world did. But they got the money ans moved to US anyway as in the other timeline.
How this game is different from the last one? why this game left Akihabara looking the way it supposed to look?
I suspect what was meant was that the previous game elements from everywhere it could, which is why Fate, Stein's Gate, Clannad, etc. didn't come out afterwards.
and this game doesn't interfere with future games, but it's still great game on it's own.
but it's never explained properly.
Why do I have to guess?
i thought it will be one of my top favorites of the season
I must sadly admit that it didn't happen. 5/10 probably

also why were the guys from UFO waiting for Konoha? they could find imagination in other forms of media like books and movies.
The letter is for Mamoru in 1999. As for the game, Konoha has to convince some other publisher to sell it to compete with The Last Waltz. Sounds like something Touya could help with. And this is supposed to somehow prevent the entire Japanese games industry from uprooting itself, moving to America, and never releasing all the games Konoha loved. (Kind of funny how in a timeline in which Akihabara lost its anime culture, Steins;Gate was also lost.)

LessThanAnimeFan said:
Sadly, they didn't show how she brought that disc to another company, and how did it happen that she wasn't recognized as an author of two games from different companies, produced at the same time.
If anything, I think it makes sense to silently remove Konoha's name from The Last Waltz, and maybe put it on The Things I Hold Dear. Then, The Last Waltz won't have some mysterious, missing creator for people to wonder about.

Maybe we'll get an episode 12.5 OVA. But most likely, we can only imagine how Konoha used this game to keep anime culture in Akihabara.
That said, this reminds me of the point in a game when you're about to face the final boss and move beyond the final point at which you can roam the world and do what you want:

Strangely enough, some people commenting on the earlier episodes were right: by time-travelling, Konoha keeps Alcohol Soft alive so it can make her game with her heroine in 2023.

Just noticed, that's Konoha's heroine, Nanako, on the center billboard. Coincidentally, opposite Dejiko on the transparent billboard, another character from around the same time.
Takata said:
The letter is for Mamoru in 1999. As for the game, Konoha has to convince some other publisher to sell it to compete with The Last Waltz. Sounds like something Touya could help with. And this is supposed to somehow prevent the entire Japanese games industry from uprooting itself, moving to America, and never releasing all the games Konoha loved. (Kind of funny how in a timeline in which Akihabara lost its anime culture, Steins;Gate was also lost.)

i rewatched the episode 5. Mamoru don't show in any way that he saw Konoha literally 1 week ago. Comic party was released at May 29 1999 and Kanon was released at June 4 1999. If Mamoru had mentioned it somehow, we could definitely say that the writers looped the plot like that. without that, we have to make up our own theories instead of the authors.
Dec 28, 2023 2:49 AM

Dec 2018
It doesn't feel complete; I'd like to see a much better ending than this.
Dec 28, 2023 3:15 AM

Sep 2023
Takata said:
If anything, I think it makes sense to silently remove Konoha's name from The Last Waltz, and maybe put it on The Things I Hold Dear. Then, The Last Waltz won't have some mysterious, missing creator for people to wonder about.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Mamoru from the past, he probably did that.

Takata said:
Maybe we'll get an episode 12.5 OVA. But most likely, we can only imagine how Konoha used this game to keep anime culture in Akihabara.

Really hoping for an OVA, would love to see more details on how she found an other company (really thought it would be Touya's company, if I remember correctly she had one in 1999 already).
Dec 28, 2023 6:08 AM

Apr 2018
not a bad ending.
anime was a breathe of originality even tough certain scene was kinda wtf.
but loved the originality and seing akihabara and computers in 1992 was cool to see.
8/10 for me
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.
Dec 28, 2023 6:50 AM

Jan 2017
I want to love it but it feels like a wasted potential also that whole alien subplot is *insert the So unnecessary alien meme*.
Dec 28, 2023 7:56 AM

Mar 2012
It was a really good anime but unfortunately went downhill in the last few episodes. They didn't even show what actually happened in the last time slip.

Always the same… Every age, every generation.
Human beings are infinitely more cruel and selfish than any demon in hell

~Dantalion (Makai Ouji)
Dec 28, 2023 8:39 AM
Feb 2023
Wasting potential
Dec 28, 2023 8:40 AM
Dec 2017
346, how is this the adaptation of the manga? It's more like it's loosely based on it.
Dec 28, 2023 8:46 AM
Apr 2022
Reply to GrumbleDango
When she opens the Comic Party box isn't she supposed to go to 1999? Why'd she go straight to an alternate 2023? Are we to assume she did go back to 1999, did everything right, and then popped back to 2023, all without showing us?
@GrumbleD hahaha, i thought that too
Dec 28, 2023 9:44 AM

Sep 2020
I found this idea of mixing timelines really cool, overall very interesting series, but sometime it just feels too fast without the details.
Dec 28, 2023 10:55 AM
Aug 2017
The finale was surprisingly fun and the anime feels complete with, nice!
Dec 28, 2023 11:08 AM

Aug 2020
And 16bit ended. Konoha managed to deliver her game to 1999, and Mamoru is back to Alcohol Soft, now they can make their games together in the present time.

It was surprising to see how the last episodes turned to a different mood. I'm glad everything went well, but I think this ending was unexpected due to how bittersweet it was. There were lots of things in this last episode, such as Touya having a last conversation with Konoha, Meiko and Kaori showing up and the whole crew supporting Konoha.

I'll miss waiting for the next episodes every week... Guess that's a farewell. Or maybe I'll read the manga to compare both.

Dec 28, 2023 11:55 AM
May 2017
Reply to julranma
Really good ending. I really liked the show.

Some of you have already said it - would've done without the alien thing - but since they haven't taken up that much space, I think it's okay.
We finally see the long-awaited present-day versions of Kaori and Meiko. The way they went to great lengths for Konoha to make their plan come true was really great.

The ending with Konoha and Mamarou-kun was really nice. How he has been waiting for her all these years - and of course the PC-98 is there again. He can't help it.😂

I like how the show has changed its style. At first I thought the whole series would be set in 1992 and the finale would be her returning to the present day. But that already happened in episode 3. Then an exciting back and forth between times, new world lines and we learn a lot about bishojou games, a bit reflexion of A.I. and a celebration of otaku culture.

I think the winning concept of the show was to stop doing something before it got boring.

aloradear said:
why did everyone else move to the US? didn't really understand that part.
I assume that because Konoha developed the first Bishoujou game with them in the past, they became so successful that they were able to expand into the USA and were offered interesting job offers there, like in the dystopian future last episodes - but without the side effect that the entire otaku culture in Akiba had to be wiped out, since Konoha developed a second bishoujou game for the competition through their last trip into the past (in today's episode). So she was able to exploit the best of both world lines.

Was 16Bit Sensation the best show ever? Definitely not.
Was it good entertainment to lure you in front of the TV every Wednesday in anticipation of what would happen next - definitely!

🎶"Nani wo seotte nannen ni naredo" 🎶was the catchiest intro of the whole season and Konoha is a bit of a crybaby at times - but it still quickly grows on you.
leonardobarba said:
Very good ending episode of a very good series! Not expecting further seasons because the story is done.
Yeah, the ending is probably pretty final. A second season will probably remain a pipe dream forever. Nevertheless, I hope that the Alcohol Software team will meet us one day in an OVA or something similar.
skeyupower said:
I'm guessing the anime is a side story to the manga since Meiko is apparently the main character there.
The series definitely made you want to read the manga - although there seems to be a lot of other things going on there too. Konoha doesn't exist, the series takes place entirely in 1992, etc.. According to MAL, the manga has been running for 7 years - but I can only find 7 chapters so far😅

All in all I would rate this as a solid 8 / 10.
Would really recommend this, even if you never played a bishojou game.

Shingster said:
The welcome message for Konoha combined with the photo of her with Meiko and co sure was a nice touch. Such an excellent end to the series.
Ending sequence was really nice. Also nice to hear the OP once more in the end.
🎶"Nani ga kibou de nan ni iratsukedo"🎶
@Hexejulian The series is as quirky as the PC-98 itself.
Mene, mene, tekel, parsin
Dec 28, 2023 5:01 PM
May 2020
GrumbleD said:
When she opens the Comic Party box isn't she supposed to go to 1999? Why'd she go straight to an alternate 2023? Are we to assume she did go back to 1999, did everything right, and then popped back to 2023, all without showing us?

well it is i think hahahaha
Dec 28, 2023 7:33 PM

Feb 2020
Writers were definitely on something because wtf is this 😭😭😭 I really liked the concept at first of it just being about old visual novels and the time travel stuf, but then when they started introducing aliens in to the show I was like, WAT??? Then when they added all that dystopian shit I was just straight up confused.

The show got weird REALLY quickly. It went from a show that I liked to a complete mess real quick. Like, what were they even thinking when making this 😭😭😭 seriously 💀
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Dec 28, 2023 8:09 PM
Oct 2023
the story is really good, I really like this anime, the lesson that can be taken is don't always give up in facing this life because time will not repeat itself
Dec 28, 2023 8:28 PM

Apr 2023
The beginning went very well, it generated expectations with all the game and anime references, but the attempt to explain Konoha's jumps with the alien stuff was pointless. I would easily exchange this for a supernatural assumption if instead I could see even more of Konoha showing her talent for producing games overcoming the technological limitations of those eras. But the worst part is that she never kept her promise to Touya-chan.😥
Shaka-bunDec 28, 2023 8:32 PM
Dec 28, 2023 9:06 PM

Oct 2020
Reply to Aversa
Well time was still changed but not as badly as it was in the first alternate timeline.
Toya did the right thing by reporting that place tho.
Also the crampy owner of the company Konoha used to work for also seems to have been put in his place.
Aversa said:
Also the crampy owner of the company Konoha used to work for also seems to have been put in his place.

Really? It's more like he's living like a true king in the future. The man has upgraded from 2D milfs to 3D milfs.
Dec 29, 2023 12:10 AM

Apr 2015
Overambitious towards the end
Dec 29, 2023 1:29 AM

Dec 2022
Ngl, this episode really could've used one of those 1-2 minute voiceless fast tracks at the end where Konoha would be seen delivering the letter and the game to 1999 Mamoru; really would've made the following ending much less confusing than it needed to.

The ending is still very sweet though once you fill in the missing context, so I just can't be too upset at it at the end of the day.
Dec 29, 2023 1:57 AM

Jul 2020
such a nice, sweet story, although a bit too fast paced for my taste
Dec 29, 2023 5:23 AM
Feb 2012
For a snaking train wreck leading up to this, the ending was satisfying in a generic way at least
Dec 29, 2023 1:10 PM

Mar 2012
An ending can make or break a story, and this broke it for me.
It was one of my season favourites and ended up making me feel disinterested the last couple of episodes.

Now we are at ep 13, after wasting time in that Aggle copy subplot of the humans as AI CPUs and the aliens being proving their weight in the story being near 0, so the entire 80s travel for Mamoru was just a way of say "wow, you are telling the truth". After all that time wasting we find that the meat of the show is cut, nothing about making the game and nothing about how she traveled back one last time and made it happen.
I took for granted that Toya's company would publish the second game, but I was expecting at least some conversation with Mamoru since that's were most of the appeal of the show has been so far, the back and forth between their clashing personalities.

Not only they skip that, but don't explain how the new Akiba came to be, why AlcoholSoft still went to America despite moe culture reigning supreme again or nothing else.

This last ep reminds me of Charlotte, where they cramped what should have been a whole season of the anime in one ep after wasting time with unneccessary subplots.
Waifus only represent ideals
Dec 29, 2023 3:50 PM
Aug 2015
Man what? There was so much set up that she was going to travel back in time and make a new game to rival the big one she made with Alcohol Soft but with Toya this time and that would be what saves Akihabara. I just assumed she was going to stay in the past at the point anyway. Instead its just all over in a flash, in an unsatisfying manner.
Dec 29, 2023 4:00 PM

Nov 2023
Most insane plot I've seen but ended in a good way.

Underrated? Probably.
Dec 29, 2023 5:02 PM

Mar 2020
This was one of the anime I looked forward to the most for the majority of the season, but I'd be lying if I said the second half wasn't a decline from the first half. The departure from the makings of bishoujo games and seeing retro technology was not the best direction for sure. I felt like it was just wasted potential, especially with the members of Alcohol Soft, and Toya as well, especially the latter. That said, the second half being rather lackluster doesn't erase the fact that the first half was a ton of fun, it just bit more than it could chew, but it is what it is.

Dec 29, 2023 7:43 PM

Dec 2016
Woah, what a way to jump the shark and throw away everything built with just 3 episodes. Evil and greedy corporations? Matrix-like setting? Aliens saving the day with a deus ex?

The show would had a decent ending if it stopped on episode 9 with a grim 2023 and let it all up to the viewers imagination for a possible sequel.

This could had been an easy 8.5/10 but the last episodes threw all that away into a 5/10
KimurahDec 29, 2023 7:50 PM
Dec 29, 2023 8:30 PM

Mar 2008
I think the show was good. While I was good with it just being a slice of life like show about making games that was just a misdirect for the shift into dialogue about creativity and the dangers of AI and corporate greed against creativity and I can appreciate that attempt even if it was patched together in a weird way.
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Dec 29, 2023 10:57 PM
Dec 2014
One of the worst I’ve seen in a while. Horrendous.
Dec 30, 2023 6:32 AM
Jul 2021
A sh!t ending to a sh!tty anime! Good bye, good riddance and don't ever come back! Totally INACCURATE attempt at early pc/internet era nostalgia.

The only good thing that will come out of the ending is the fact that I (we) will never have to hear that terribly annoying voice the mc had. OMG it was such an ordeal to survive every single episode! Every time she opened her mouth it felt like hearing nails scratching on 1000 chalkboards.
DawizzDec 30, 2023 6:38 AM
Me every time I hear the word "reparations": 🤣🤣🤣
Dec 30, 2023 11:55 AM

Nov 2013
well... this one is hard to comment on lol

the 1st 7 or so episodes were what i was expecting from the anime, the fun and joy of making the games

episode with the aliens started the fallout for me (as well as many others according to comments)
i really didn't like the eps 9 to 12... kinda wish i could forget about them...

now with ep13, i enjoyed the episode since it was the ending and had a nice resolution to everything ... but...

1st, we didn't get Toya doing games with Konoha = -1 point lol
2nd, the most obvious problem... the total skipping of 1999 arc, come on at least give us 5-10 minutes or something, holy shit lmao hopefully there's an ova for that
3rd, American games are bad, wtf was that Saber in ep9 or whatever it was? coughcough
4th, even with the opening song showing a few of the girls in swimsuits, we still need our beach/pool/onsen episode, wtf dude (LOL)
(edit: i guess we had a quick screenshot of a pool scene in ep7, but still lackluster)

anyway, no idea what to rate this, on one side it was fun, on the other side it was not fun at all ... so i guess i'll go with the middle score, 6/10
there's like 99% chance of this anime never getting a season 2, but i wonder if i would have the will to watch it
winddevil1Dec 30, 2023 12:22 PM
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
Dec 30, 2023 1:24 PM
Jul 2015
The bad-future arch was dumb overall and the dx moment completely unnecessary, making the ending a mess.
Dec 31, 2023 2:01 AM

Apr 2018
Nice everyone could come back from the USA and the whole issue is fixed, was good to see Akihbara saved and especially Mamoru waiting for Konoha at the end :) Of course that's a very obvious ending but it works
Dec 31, 2023 4:00 AM

Jan 2011
Yeah, these last few eps really lessened this series.

I only now looked at the manga and see this is more of a spinoff/alternative story to it, and sounds like it's more what I'd wanted/expected from this, so I guess there's at least that for me to get to in the future.
Dec 31, 2023 1:22 PM

Jan 2022
Why couldn't they have released the game in present time? I'm disappointed that Toya didn't participate in making the new game. Damn, that ending made me tear up a little. This was a wild ride lmaooo I hope that Mamoru and Konoha fell in love. The alien invasion was a waste of time. Disappointed that we didn't get to see what happened in 1999 or her success in all of this. What the heck, we didn't even get to see her give the letter to younger Mamoru. I was originally going to give this a 6/10 after the weird episodes but I guess after this ending my score is now 7/10. I'm still wondering why everyone moved to the US even after the new ending. Its weird that we never learned anything about her personal life. What happened to her apartment and her belongings? Her signature was funny tho
As a wise man once said, "No one hates anime more than anime fans"

Jan 2, 2024 10:03 PM
Oct 2022
Aaaa, I'm not really going to be objective, i'm aware that the series has its ups and downs, there is an incredible rush in this last half and it would have benefited a lot to reach 24 episodes, I would have liked to see a lot more of the making of visual novels and video games. Maybe the story is not solid and its conflict falters from time to times, but if something holds up and I carry the plot to the end over how interesting it was to see the work and explanations of the world of old visual novels, It is the relationship between the protagonists. I just won't be objective because their development from the past to the future is lovely, they have real chemistry and they fill my soul, much more than average romance anime couples.
I'm not going to be fair in the sense that my entire rating for the series depends on the fact that he waited twenty years for her, she didn't forget him and they are going to make video games together༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽
wHy I'mCriYinGg?? nghhh, It could have been a lot better, but I'm happy with just Mamoru and Konoha being implicitly together.
Jan 4, 2024 1:08 AM
Oct 2023
I'm late, but, just in case anyone was wondering why that one bit of soundtrack seemed so familiar
Jan 4, 2024 1:25 PM

Jan 2016
6.96 is normally a good score, but by MAL standards this should at least be a 7.4.
Jan 4, 2024 11:16 PM

Jan 2021
it was all good when it was about making games and changing the future, but it all went to shit when they started the UFO things. also it was never answered who the old lady who gave Konoha the games was. Still an 8/10 for me
Jan 5, 2024 7:58 PM
Oct 2023
Reply to TohruBestDragon
it was all good when it was about making games and changing the future, but it all went to shit when they started the UFO things. also it was never answered who the old lady who gave Konoha the games was. Still an 8/10 for me
@TohruBestDragon Pretty much agree. The show was a nice love letter to 16-bit rpgs - it didn't need to turn into one at the end.
Jan 6, 2024 1:01 PM

Jul 2011
Reply to Cestlavie_
The alien subplot in this show was the textbook definition of useless.
Cestlavie_ said:
The alien subplot in this show was the textbook definition of useless.


However this ep in general was better compared to the previous one with out-of-the-blue kidnapping/villain stuff..

Overall they had screwed the ending.

5/10 for me
Jan 6, 2024 3:08 PM

Aug 2020
i tok my time for the last episode

martian etc was too much for me...
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Jan 6, 2024 3:11 PM

Aug 2020
Reply to _Kaorinite
I feel the alien stuff and future changed to a darker timeline was bad and ruined the show, even if yeah i admit it makes for an interesting conversational and here is what's happening in 2023 currently (Hopefully minus the AI think tanks using humans...) but thankfully the future (or present technically) did get changed back mostly into what it used to be. Still, the plot changing on us like it did even if it was hinted at coming, still ended up killing my love and hype for the anime which is a real shame as i REALLY enjoyed it till Mamaru-kun went back in time, that's where the anime diverged and changed into something unrecognizable. I also hate they didn't give it 14 eps... so much corner cutting harmed the anime further because of that 14th ep not being given.

To name some, which includes unanswered questions for the anime... Not showing Toya in the final timeline or what her sitch is. Not showing Toya and Konoha making a game together thus promise not kept yet (Am sure in this new timeline they'll make a game together but, the Fin, aka End at the end of the credits says we'll never see it...) not having enough time they legit skipped Konoha going back in time with her new game... oh and, speaking of the new game, did they not list the credits for who MADE it? Because that, would need to be done (Omitting everyone's name besides Konoha and MAYBE Mamoru-kun) since it can't be Alcohol Soft that made it as it needs to compete with their 1st game Konoha made, yet it was still Alcohol Soft that made it. And lastly, perhaps THE BIGGEST MYSTERY OF THEM ALL which this ep very well might have ruled out what everyone thought was the case... WHO or WHAT was the old lady who GAVE Konoha these time traveling games that made this all possible and WHY did she give them to her!?!? Its never ever once answered and since the shop disappeared, its equally possible time travel was why the shop she was in disappeared or its possible it was something else entirely... This whole time, including thanks to the OP song and what we saw when the aliens came into the story proper, I thought it was the aliens, but, they were traveling through time (Presumably) to meet her... everything they said and did contradicts them being the old lady. And I am sure there's other unanswered stuff or corners cut/not shown but these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. Oh and, you can't even say for sure Konoha asking the aliens if she knew them and them not answering her was indication they were the old lady, as nothing conclusive there but yes that's about the only possible hint (along with them presumably also having time traveling power) that they were the old lady and even then, it could've been another in their species who was the old lady which is more likely I'd say but still, unanswered questions all the same...

I liked the show, but I have mixed feelings about the 2nd half. To end on a good note though, am glad the last ep wasn't as rushed as it coulda been and it was a sweet ending and, I believe the girl (white hair girl from the game) that we saw here was the one Konoha wanted to bring to life, glad she got to :)
@--Kaori-- i totally agree with you,they did too much, they killed my vibe...
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Jan 6, 2024 4:49 PM

Sep 2018
If the series cut the ep 8-13 I would have given it a 8 or 7. 8-13 makes me want to give a 5 or 4. Shame a lot of characters were scrapped for this sci fi plot over the coolness of making games as a team idea.
Jan 6, 2024 8:50 PM
Feb 2014
Love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 9, 2024 1:21 PM

Jun 2021
Reply to GrumbleDango
When she opens the Comic Party box isn't she supposed to go to 1999? Why'd she go straight to an alternate 2023? Are we to assume she did go back to 1999, did everything right, and then popped back to 2023, all without showing us?

Because the show is garbage and they completely dropped the ball in the second half, after Mamoru time travel. The whole aliens and alternate time future was utterly pointless and had nothing to do with the rest of the show.
Jan 19, 2024 10:23 AM
Feb 2020
This episode really got me. So beautiful and much better than most of the season.

Overall, it's been entertaining, but stories with time travel elements are never easy to make "logical."
Jan 25, 2024 5:47 PM

Dec 2009
Pleasantly surprised and cute ending. Definitely worth the watch.
Jan 28, 2024 12:57 AM
Mob Character C

Oct 2009
I didn't mind this anime. It was a nice little throwback at many points. It was cute and a really sweet love letter to bishoujo games and just the passions we hold dear to us in general. I wasn't sure where it was going to go just reading the premise and watching the PVs, but I think they went a fun route despite any little flaws here and there.
Also, that MILF cafe seemed really nice. :U It reminds me of this one cafe I went to in Japan called Komorebi Fika. It wasn't sleazy or anything though. The maids were just a little older and it was a very calming vibe-- well, I guess I was actually pretty nervous because there was a lot of keigo/super formal talk going on.;; I felt bad because they didn't seem to want to break character but I was like adsfkhsa I haven't spoken keigo in like four years, fam. I didn't remember like anything besides that they invited me to read from their library and ordering food.;; So like I was able to be a customer, but for small talk I was like " :^D This is it. This is where I die. " Still, it was nice to have the maids more focused on being actual maids instead of the focus being on looks and such. I would love to go back when I've done a refresher on keigo.

Anyway, I did like this anime. Will miss it a little bit!

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