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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Dec 22, 2023 5:28 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, they did manage to summon a powerful enemy for Goblin Slayer and his party in the finale after all. I wish the show gave some of the goblin characters some development but that priest was used a a tool to set up this episode.

Nonetheless, Goblin Slayer put his plan into motion and we got a hell of a finale dealing with possibly the most powerful monster they've ever faced.
Dec 22, 2023 5:28 AM

May 2020
Goblins in this series do some of the weirdest things ever, this shouldn’t be a news at this point, I mean the gang literally made a mess out of goblin priest and the whole bunch of goblins he had with him, just to still see the resurrection of greater demon… his one hand specifically.

All blame goes to the princess, who had it easy while being fainted the whole while, when the gang literally had to fight that one big creepy hand while making sure she, the princess, makes it through safely. After hell storms and whatever, mind you even pushing goblin slayer to the corner, it was the priestess who kind of managed to seal it away and escape the whole ordeal.

Literally thought the gang faced their worst till day when a whole army of goblins were awaiting them outside the dungeon. I mean they somehow made it past that greater demon’s hand and now this… until the sword maiden arrived with an army of her own. Hype entry made things easier quite a bit in the end, and hey she somehow faced her own fear of goblins too that way, head on, so… it was a win-win.

Things ended for good, for the priestess, for the goblin slayer… at least he wasn’t left depressed or anything despite thinking nothing changed at all, and is okay with it, sort of.

This was announced a long back, and then this second season came this year. Not confident about a third season soon enough, but will love it if we do have one. First season still tops.
Dec 22, 2023 5:28 AM

Dec 2021
The final goblin slaying for a while.

The Goblin Slayer and his companions engage in a intense struggle against goblins as they strive to rescue the princess from the ominous Dungeon of the Dead. Despite their efforts, the goblin priest successfully completes a ritual just before meeting his demise, summoning the hand of a powerful daemon. As the greater daemon unleashes a formidable snowstorm, the party finds themselves powerless to retaliate. Nevertheless, Goblin Slayer reveals one last cunning strategy.

Wow, that hand is huge. I'm not kidding; this opponent is seriously tough this time. And there's a bunch of goblins too, but Goblin Slayer, as always, takes care of them. It's great to see Goblin Slayer, Priestess, and even Sword Maiden experiencing personal growth. This season seems to be centered around the theme of "What should I do next?" as the main characters repeatedly ask themselves that question, leading to some surprising and unexpected answers. The action was great, but what really resonated with me was seeing Goblin Slayer and Priestess growth. With the change in production, the animation and overall direction took a hit, and it left me feeling a bit underwhelmed. The character illustrations for the girls remained solid, but I see them more as an extra element in this series.

Just got to enjoy some more Goblin Slaying action this season. Nothing too groundbreaking, but it was still a fun watch. I'd totally be up for a Season 3.

Dec 22, 2023 5:33 AM

Apr 2020
This anime is mid but dark fantasy is my guilty pleasure so I can't hate it.
Go watch Gintama boyo/grill
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Dec 22, 2023 6:02 AM

Apr 2010
I think this season was better than the previous one i think the characters got some good development and i also like the focus on some of the side characters.
The episode was nice tho the fight at the ending was as expected someone shows up to help them tho i didn't think it would be the sword maiden with her forces, i was expecting the Hero to be honest.
I also like that the Priest is developing nicely she is clearly more powerful and skilled then she was at the start of this season.
Dec 22, 2023 6:19 AM

Feb 2021
Are Lizardmen weak to cold temperatures?
Sword Maiden appearing like that was epic!
The part with the noble and the knight felt like a teaser for the next arc at first, but I suppose it's just one of those little peeks at what's going on in the world, like with the Hero defeating the demon lord in season 1. This getting a 3rd season would be both surprising and unsurprising, with all these sequels being announced right after an anime finishes lately.
I feel bad for GS here, but yeah, this is the path he chose, and he's not going to waver. Him looking back on everything is so wholesome.

I think I enjoy Goblin Slayer more than most people. It just feels very atmospheric to me. Love both action and slice of life parts. I like the artstyle of season 1 way more though. Also the OP by Mili is really good. I hope she gets to make OPs for more anime in the future.

Btw I heard that 2 volumes got completely skipped from the anime (between season 1 and the movie). Were they important? Would be cool if they got adapted too someday.
Dec 22, 2023 6:27 AM

Aug 2020
it was a good episode

tbe season was not bad but i was hoping for something more bloody etc

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Dec 22, 2023 6:39 AM

Jul 2011
Was a cool battle to end the season. Shoot a sword with a bow, squish the Demon hand with an elevator that is very modern that have the "ding" noise.

When the party seen the horde that was outside, I expected the Hero's party appear and just cast the biggest fireball and burn those goblins. But Sword Maiden casting thunder, and commanding the church army, and having a huge albino alligator, is cool too.
Dec 22, 2023 6:46 AM

Apr 2008
Second season just didn't measure up to the first. Feels like the writer had a really solid plan of how to start the show but in the bigger picture it's felt like it's kind of wandering around not sure what its plot is, also feels like it's lost its overall trademark brutal style to a more generic fantasy feel. Had its decent moments but I don't feel confident in the momentum of the series after this season.
Dec 22, 2023 6:50 AM

Jul 2016
Compared to S1's Goblin Lord and the movie's Goblin Paladin, H A N D didn't have quite the same final boss presence to end the season with imo, but I can't deny the development Priestess went through.

Yet another season of goblincide would be pretty cool, so here's to hoping for that.
Dec 22, 2023 7:39 AM

May 2021
Pretty happy this is season is finally over. I think S1 is better, and S2 just got a bit too boring for me. Its weird since S1 and S2 are both about killing goblins, but S1 still feels more interesting.
Dec 22, 2023 7:42 AM
Apr 2022
Man, Cowgirl is so clearly the end girl it makes you feel bad about the other girls haha
Dec 22, 2023 7:45 AM
Jun 2022
I think this is the problem of this kind of show. You write about something specifically at first; in this case it's Goblin. It's all well and good until they have nothing interesting anymore, only Goblin.

even Goblin Slayer himself know about this fact. He might just repeat doing this untill old age (and I bet there's still goblin out there) and then finally settle down with cowgirl.
Dec 22, 2023 8:22 AM

Jun 2017
Yeah, this definitely didn’t have the grand finale like the first season, which is a pity because it seemed that this season was a step above the previous with most things besides. To be honest, that whole demon hand deal felt kind of cheap and I was expecting to see Goblin Slayer go on a rampage, but he’s always got plan Bs so sadly not this time.

Princess taking note of the Priest’s support was a nice addition and there was a nice moment with her and GS. Too bad though, Cow Girl with that little waifu moment in the end definitely trumped that over. So effortless, it must be said, lol.

Wouldn’t mind more, I suppose. It seemed like this season was trying to get us more attached to the cast and while that did take away some of the goblin action screentime, I guess this will go a long way, in case of more sequel content.
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Dec 22, 2023 8:27 AM

Jun 2015
Honestly the princess was such an idiot. The fight against the demon hand really was well done. Sword maiden leading an army of church paladins was quite the sight but given the state of the party showed up just in time. Given her trauma from sensing gobs though must have taken a lot for her to stand there. Guess humans never change with their greedy and nefarious plans no matter what world they're in. Heck of an entrance for the knight of diamonds though. Despite what GS says every adventure that he's been on has allowed him to change bit by bit. Overall an excellent finale that featured a great balance of action and tension.
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Dec 22, 2023 8:55 AM

Nov 2016
From mid to fun. My view of Goblin Slayer has changed in the last 5 years. I guess I learned to appreciate it for what it is or the cast simply grew on me. Anyway 6,5/10

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 22, 2023 9:03 AM

Mar 2019
There was more 'goblin slaying' in the opening than in the season itself lol.
This season had a lot of silly scenes but it wasn't all bad.
Dec 22, 2023 9:23 AM
Feb 2022
The first season was better, but it was still entertaining.

Spanish translation:
La primera temporada estuvo mejor, pero aun así estuvo entretenido.
Dec 22, 2023 9:28 AM
Mar 2021
which manga chapter do I continue from?
Dec 22, 2023 10:09 AM
Ero Ojisan

Jun 2019
Goblin Slayer Season 2 was more of the same, not that it was a bad thing. I just wished we got to know the characters a little bit more along with the hero's party. Hopefully they will finally adapt Goblin Slayer Year One.

Dec 22, 2023 10:15 AM
Mar 2019
need other season for me 9/10
Dec 22, 2023 10:17 AM

Dec 2013
This season ended more on a gloomy note, the party almost got killed and then GS monologue on his endless struggle but at the very least the Sword Maiden managed to get some strength back to fight her awful trauma and help the party and Priestess keeps growing as an adventurer.
KanameYuukiDec 22, 2023 10:23 AM
Dec 22, 2023 10:33 AM

Dec 2018
A pretty exciting final episode, I thought with the Goblin Priest defeated that we were done but the priest ended up summoning a giant demon hand which really threw the party for a loop, imagine how bad it could have been if more than just the hand was summoned lol. And I really liked the battle with the hand, the whole party played a role with the Priestess getting the finishing blow using the hammer and anvil thing that she was taught by the Goblin Slayer before, she’s definitely come a long way from where she was at the start of the series, she even mentioned that the princess reminded her of how she used to be.

And after it seemed like they were done once again, they were met with a horde of goblins on the surface, but thankfully the Sword Maiden herself showed up with help to defeat all the goblins which I really liked to see giving how terrified she is of them. And at the end of the day, it’s like Goblin Slayer said, nothing has really changed, they beat the goblins and now it’s time to go home to his beautiful pink haired babe, and that’s where we’ve left off here at the end of Season 2, and I gotta say I really enjoyed the whole thing. I think I prefer Season 1 overall but this was a lot of fun goblin slaying goodness once again, if the whole season was just the gang killing goblins with no other plot progression I’d still love it lol. I also want to mention that LIDENFILMS really did a good job with this, I may prefer the style of Season 1 but I think they did good, especially with no CGI Goblin Slayer lol.

And Mili killed it once again with another great OP song, as well as Yuki Nakashima’s ED which really grew on me as it went on, of course I wish it could have been more dark themed like Season 1’s ED but I do really love it still. And I hope we could possibly get a 3rd season or another movie after this, and hopefully it won’t take 5 years this time if we do lol.
TheColonel76Dec 22, 2023 10:42 AM
Dec 22, 2023 10:33 AM

Apr 2018
a generous 8/10 overall.
But what was the meaning of the last words MC said ? he doesn't want to change nothing? whats the futur ?
Whats gonna happen in season 3

This season wasn't dedicated on pure slash, kills and goblin's developpement, but i guess it will open for a great season 3 with full of surprise.

this season is maybe a set up for a big season 3.

Let's see how it goes.
Morpheus: The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work... when you go to church... when you pay your taxes.
It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.

Neo: What truth?

Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo.
Dec 22, 2023 10:37 AM

Nov 2013
NGL, enjoyed S2 a bit more than S1. Hopefully we'll get more of GS!!!

P.S OST playing before the credits roll is absolutely beautiful!
Dec 22, 2023 10:38 AM

Jul 2017
The princess might be saved, but the Goblin Shaman is just the beginning of an even deadlier battle: a greater demon's hand that forces everyone to be on the defensive. Even if that wasn't a goblin that doesn't need to be defeated, it would've been a costly affair to just let it roam around scot-free, so they try to restrain it to the best of their abilities and force it into a corner, with Priestess holding on for dear life until the elevator comes to crush it. This was their toughest battle yet, and it paid off.

Both Goblin Slater and High Elf Archer may have sustained damages, but the ruse is not over: thanks to their feud with the giant hand, a horde of goblins await them at the dungeon entrance, and this is something that Goblin Slayer can only do to protect the fact that the princess was caught in the dungeon. It took a while, and Sword Maiden coming in for the clutch with adventurers ready to commit some goblin slaying, overcoming their past struggles.

To Goblin Slayer, he must do what he has to do: trust his gut and instincts, as he heads home to Cow Girl.
Nothing will change...goblin slaying his is only calling.

A rather meek sequel after 5 years, though it'll take years to have Season 3 (which I'm not hoping much).
Dec 22, 2023 10:49 AM

Jan 2018
That hand thing they fought was weird.

Thankfully Sword Maiden showed up to show support. Otherwise, the Goblin Slaying team would've been dead meat. Ngl I would've liked to see how they'd overcome that situation on their own.

The princess is saved. Apparently, all of this was planned from the beginning by some shady men. Good thing they got caught.

End of Season 2. Overall it was pretty good. The animation quality was inconsistent. Some episodes it looked good while in others it looked off. Probably the result of LIDENFILMS working on multiple projects at once.

I hope Season 3 comes out soon. Would really prefer it if there's no big gap like there was between Season 1 and 2.
Dec 22, 2023 11:13 AM

Jul 2017
Goblin Slayer is peak writing, really hope we can get a season 3 soon!

*Doom music starts playing*
Dec 22, 2023 11:17 AM
Jul 2022
Dec 22, 2023 11:33 AM
Mar 2015
A lot going on behind the scenes Our heroes prevented a powerplay in the kingdom by saving the Princess and preventing the god from being born Never thought goblins would be used by humans to further their aims Our boi refused the reward for the princess Our priestess may be disappointed that the Goblin Slayer and the Archbishop had a plan to deal with goblins all along but she did level up and converted the Princess.
Our boi does think about the Priestess and Archbishop but nothing will change He will always kill goblins and come home to Farmgirl
Dec 22, 2023 12:16 PM

Dec 2022
as always goblin were slayed this time an greater demon hand was also slayed
i think the king is the diamond knight also i really liked when archbishop came to stop the goblins

thought a lot of this season went over my head i dont know if it were meant to be like this or there are more deeper meaning to it i just dont get it

like when Priestess let go of goblin slayers hand and said i want to support him made me think there is a deeper reason behind it or maybe i am over complicating things i dont know
Dec 22, 2023 12:34 PM

Feb 2019
The giant demon hand gave off serious Elden ring vibes lol. That was disturbing. Priestess coming in very clutch with her magic to trap and crush it. No need to use purify and anger the earth mother this time.

Of course it wouldn’t be a GS finale without slaying some goblins, but that army was a bit much even for our party. Sword maiden got her redemption arc! After the traumatic experience she had in that dungeon in the past, she comes to the rescue here. That spell was awesome. Would love to see her in the action more!

Aw priestess, you support him already more than you know!

Well the conversation with the cultist and noble was certainly interesting. Goblins might not be this world’s biggest problem. You’ve got people like this trying to bring demons and other evil into the world for personal gain. It’s been mentioned that something “came from beyond the stars” a couple times in this season.. some extraterrestrial stuff going on? And that diamond knight dude was really cool too! Wonder who he is to make the noble get so scared..

Really enjoyed the more slice of life, character driven story in this season. A lot of people don’t think it hit the same as season 1, I think it was actually better. Learnt a lot about the goblins, the world and other characters. Had fun with it and I hope we get another season!
Marinate1016Dec 22, 2023 12:50 PM
Dec 22, 2023 12:35 PM
Jul 2011
It was a nice episode, how they destroyed the demon's hand. One thing I'd like to see more it's about the diamont knight, who he is and what it is his importance into the story.
My candies:
Dec 22, 2023 12:37 PM

Dec 2018
those guys at the table discussing their plots...was a really awkward method of exposition. who does that? nobody. that's just sloppy writing right there. this season was okay, nice to see him becoming more open, but i still feel like something is missing.
Dec 22, 2023 12:46 PM
Feb 2014
I hope for a season 3, farmer girl will be the winner of this contest.
Dec 22, 2023 1:18 PM

May 2018
Good fight against that demon hand! I love dark fantasy fufufu

Dec 22, 2023 1:28 PM

Sep 2014
Imagine beeing the greater demon who lost his hand to an elevator. Happens to the best of us..

For a final this was kinda underwhelming, I expected a lot worse than just a big hand. There has been all this buildup with the marks and the research too..
Atleast Sword Saint got to slay some (some as in 100 or more lol) goblins with a single spell. Now her beeing asked to rescue the princess alone makes sense.

Whatever happened to the adventurer girls who were send to investigate the stone? Why was that a plot line at all?

And what was up with the prince(?) suddenly appearing to arrest those 2 traitors. Throwing 10 seconds of politics into this just when the show ends seems a bit odd.

Overall I did like this season quite a lot though. And that OP, lovely.
I wasnt the biggest fan of S1, I did not outright hate it but I was annoyed by all the hype it got when it was really just an all around mediocre show. Oh and I didnt like the pretentiously dark part of it, showing the goblins having their way with the party from the beginning implies this will happen again, yet it never actually does. 7/10

Looking forward to more content though!

PS: Anyone knows other down to earth "dark" fantasy shows like this one? I think much of its appeal comes from not beeing a powertrip like every other fantasy show minus grimgar.
Comander-07Dec 22, 2023 1:33 PM
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Dec 22, 2023 1:52 PM
Aug 2020
Cant believe its over ;_; how many years till a new season?

It was a good ride, especially priestess growth, the wedding and the elfs were cool too, overall a good season with cool story lines and goblin slaying.

Animation left a bit to be desired really.

Dec 22, 2023 2:26 PM

Apr 2021
Well, this season is not without flaws, of course, but I still like that the heroes do not become overwhelmingly powerful and still manage to get out alive because of proper tactics more than anything else. Overall, I enjoy watching this and it being a bit less unsettling than season 1 was not that bad.
Dec 22, 2023 2:41 PM

Aug 2010
Felt like Priestess regressed in this last arc
Just constantly calling out for Goblin Slayer.
I wanted him to be like "Gimme a break, I'm busy"

I get it's just an anime thing to constantly call out each other's name, but it really annoyed me this time around.
ComboSmoothDec 22, 2023 2:56 PM - I make free-to-play browser games for PC and I sell pixel art animation here
Dec 22, 2023 2:58 PM

Nov 2011
I like how self-aware Goblin Slayer is getting at the end and you really feel it throughout the season.

While we met a lot of new characters and got to see grand places, ultimately in the end it always went back to Goblin Slaying.

Accept a quest, kill goblins, go home. Rinse and repeat. You see all these unique people about to go on their own epic adventure as if they're MC of their own anime, but ultimately Goblin Slayer chose the life of a background character. I feel like this next season is really going to highlight Goblin Slayer trying to break out of that cycle and become something more.

Hope they announce a season 3 soon
Touch me, you filthy casual~
Dec 22, 2023 3:58 PM

Jul 2014
The priestess going first for her chainmail and then the princess was such a funny moment xD.

Sword Maiden overcoming her fear to come to the rescue (even though we could see her shaking) was great. That spell was awesome!

It's always nice to see how Goblin Slayer has Cow Girl to welcome him home. "Nothing will change" and if anything does change I hope it is not for the worse.

Anyway, that's it for Goblin Slayer, at least for now right? The ending was... okay. I remember how good the first season's final episode felt with that big battle and last minute reveal of "GS's face". Meanwhile I feel like this season just... ended.

I really liked the season though. Loved the interactions between the characters and the slice of life, Priestess' development was good, Sword Maiden was cute af (we even had pouts), "Wife" Cow Girl is so wholesome and of course, it was always good to see the party kill some goblins!

Special mention to Elf. She's just so lovable, I love her and I love Nao Touyama voicing her. One of my best girls of the season.

Here's hoping for a third season! Although in my case I still have Goblin's Crown to watch lol.
SkyLETVDec 22, 2023 5:25 PM
Dec 22, 2023 4:09 PM
Jun 2021
so nothing has changed was the last words from him, might be another season coming ?
Dec 22, 2023 5:14 PM

Jan 2013
if you break down the fight with the demon arm step by step then you understand that it's total bulshit.

LIDENFILMS sucks. s1 was 8/10 for me. s2 is 4/10.
Dec 22, 2023 5:21 PM

Nov 2010
  • The unstable camera angle and blurring effect were annoying.
  • It seemed the hand monster was squashed by an elevator. What a poor rendering.
  • As a whole, the episode was a patchwork of abrupt scenes.
  • Only the good thing is we can glimpse a part of the power of maiden of sword.
Dec 22, 2023 5:25 PM

Jan 2008
Elevators are not to be trifled with. IRL, elevators have killed numerous people in the past. I often take the elevator, but I always carry a little bit of fear in the back of my mind of all the things that can go wrong, like losing a limb or my life in some Final Destination movie.

I'm glad to see Sword Maiden has overcome her trauma, even if it was only slightly, but that small amount was enough to at least kill some goblins again in the AOE attack. In a way, she was able to exact her revenge with her own hands. It was also pretty epic to see the holy army charge in after casting their enchantments.

Here's hoping for a 3rd season 🤞
Dec 22, 2023 6:25 PM
Aug 2018
A pretty fun episode that takes some random turns that seem to not make senses, but perhaps set up a season 3. Who the heck is the Knight of Diamonds? Maybe I missed something, but this wasn't a terrible closing episode.
Dec 22, 2023 7:33 PM

Feb 2019
not a bad finale to this season. they tied things up nicely, but now i'm curious as to who that knight diamond guy is. hopefully a 3rd season comes out soon.
Dec 22, 2023 8:12 PM

Feb 2011
Eh, it was a very mid season. Less spice than the first season. Goblins were graping niggas left and right, now they just get one shot.

not bad, but not good.

a solid 6.
<-- click that egg to make your waifus appear in real life
Dec 22, 2023 8:35 PM

Jul 2016
Great season

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