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Feb 1, 2021 7:28 AM

Nov 2011
I like how much they're hyping up the training, competition, and in general, the overall sports rivalry of this episode.

McQueen and Teiou were to characters I kept my eyes on the most. However, it seems everyone was trying their hardest to win. Such an intense race imo, one of the most intense ones I've seen from this franchise. That hug was really something. They're both friends and rivals.
Feb 1, 2021 8:05 AM

Apr 2010
Well it was a nice race but it seems Teiou overestimated herself a bit, and it seem the trainer spotted something wrong with her.
Well hopefully her loss will be a good lesson for her next races.

McQueen winning was nice she was a bit of a underdog seeing that all the attention went to Teiou so i hope this win will boost her confidence.
Feb 1, 2021 9:52 AM

Apr 2014
Congratulations to the winner. The races are always cruel when there is only one winner.
Such an intense race. The long-distance races are really McQueen's field. This loss will be Teio's great lesson for the long-distance races, she will train hard and win the next races.
Teio and McQueen are truly friends and rivals. Their hug are really beautiful.
Feb 1, 2021 9:54 AM

Jul 2017
The training, the media and press, the days counting up to it, it's all full of hype. For one of the most awaited big competition.

The race finally started, with Teiou keeping eyes on McQueen from behind, coming up with strategies to overspeed her late in the race, she showed us a nice speed boost, looking like she is about to catch up to McQueen. It's all going to be according to the plan, backed up with all the trainings she had done for this moment, but somehow, she wasn't able to shorten the distance between the two anymore, is it true that Teiou really didn't suit for a longer race yet? All that hard work she done on the trainings won't pay off? You can really felt her frustration there. Even ppl on the stands could. Even more when the other contestants can catch up to her too.

It's ended, McQueen won with an outstanding 2 1/2 body from the second place, and a whooping 9 3/4 body from Teiou, which turns out be in the 5th place. Crazy. McQueen is so cool. She trains a lot too afterall. 2 Consecutive Tennoushou wins. That's truly amazing indeed.

Teiou didn't cry, just as McQueen wanted. Their rivalry and friendship is so beautiful. They are happy for each other's success. The huge is so meaningful, I shed a tear. Beautiful eps. Splending race. Teiou you might no longer be an undefeated horsegirl, but you are still one of the best out there. I hope you a good luck on the next race.

Feb 1, 2021 9:59 AM

Jul 2017
It's funny that Team Spica is trying their utmost best to promote the next BIG thing in the world of Uma Musume: Tokai Teio vs. Mejiro McQueen, at the Spring Tennoushou.

And a quick tidbit: Fun fact, Gold Ship ACTUALLY has a YouTube channel called PakaTube!

Teio running uphill, and McQueen running at lightning speed without the horseshoe heavyweights, this is gonna be an exciting and exhilarating build-up of a match between former winners within the same team, with winners from other races. And EVERY rival horse girl and teams are placing both on HIGH studial notice.

A karma straight before the race for McQueen, but thankfully it's just a normal mishap. 3,200 meters for a race that's superbly longer than the usual, there's some strategy and pacing to be had. The two guys in the audience doing the commentary technical know-how adds some variety to an already extreme race.

The underdog vs. the popular horse girl, the race between McQueen and Teio truly defines as one of Uma Musume's upper echelons to date. Assurance vs. over-confidence, Teio logged her biggest loss while McQueen basks in the limelight for a consecutive win. The mother of success are failures, and don't give up just yet, Teio!

Impressive episode, now this is what Uma Musume stands for: the best of what CyGames has to offer.
Feb 1, 2021 10:18 AM

Apr 2018
Teio vs McQueen and well McQueen won, I'm not too surprised even though she lost the horseshoe but I'm surprised that Teio easily accepted it at the end and she even hugged McQueen, it was pretty good to watch
Feb 1, 2021 10:51 AM

Mar 2019
Really deserved win for McQueen. Grats to her! She has the advantage when it comes to long distances no I wouldn't even say she was the underdog here, for me she was more favorite than Teio who even falled back to the fifth place which is kinda brutal...although probably second or last place wouldn't matter for her as long as it's not the win. Teio's sportsmanship is noble, she knows how to deal with a loss. Everyone will lose at somepoint in their life and especially in sport tournaments. All you can do is train harder and become better. I am sure this loss will make her stronger
Feb 1, 2021 11:34 AM

Dec 2015
I don't like how this season cuts the idols concert after the race.
Feb 1, 2021 11:52 AM

Sep 2019
The scene where they hugged each other was so sweet and emotional. I felt really sad for Kitasan Black.
Feb 1, 2021 12:27 PM

Oct 2020
I feel really bad for Teio. Her first dream gets crushed due to an injury. She managed to crawl back up relatively quickly and set herself another goal but that got crushed too.

Feb 1, 2021 1:39 PM

Mar 2013
Well, this was so wonderful and excinding race - and plus: a emotional one!!!

To race: If we would Teio and McQueen with race cars compare; then would be Teio a Drag race car, and McQueen a rally car. A Drag race car is compare to a rally car faster - has more HP than a rally car (about 1000 and more HP), but sadly in short distance. Because their engine doesn't allow longer, because it would the engine blow up. Well, a rally car has more endurance - what this in a race pay off would.

The hug at end was something... I can't find the perfect words for it, just that it was perfect.
Feb 1, 2021 3:01 PM

May 2018
God, that was intense. When it was all over and Mcqueen crossed the finish line I was also breathing hard, as if i had ran alongside them too!

Outstanding episode.
This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
Feb 1, 2021 3:10 PM

Jun 2016
McQueen is more of a long run racer, Teio is a sprinter, they are equal tier, both have their strong and weak points.
Feb 1, 2021 3:23 PM

Jun 2020
we lost huh, man it felt bad when she started to speed up and gain no ground. Still its probably the best race out of both seasons so far
Feb 1, 2021 3:28 PM

Apr 2015
I didn't expect McQueen to win this, so much attention was being shifted towards Teio, her recovery and training, that it managed to convince me she would win, but in the back of my head, I was actually wishing a third horsegirl would win instead.

McQueen showed her true strength, in a league of her own this race. Teio showed her best side as well, especially with that hug and the congratulations towards McQueen, Rivals on-track, best friends off-track! Love their relationship
Feb 1, 2021 4:41 PM

Feb 2020
Yeah, McQueen just too undefeatable at her own home race course. No matter how hard Tokai tried to surpass her at those long-distance race, its still not enough to beat McQueen out, after receiving the same amount of levelling up. It was proven in this match. McQueen kept maintaining her home race win status with a glorious way. Her effort, her calmness, her focuses, get a paid off. Even with all of those previous pressure she received, she got that as a motivation, beautifully. In the end, back-to-back Tennoshou victory success to obtained. What a nice title to close the day!

The rivality finally reached their end. Tokai knew she lost the undefeated status. However, its not mean the end of the days. Keep your hands up, horse girl!
Hide and seek is the best offline games on this fatamorgana-called-world-thing. Please comment nicely. I am newbie here.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges
Feb 1, 2021 6:03 PM

Jan 2011
was fine with either one winning but was counting on McQueen every time i saw her break the wind barrier i kept thinking god damn that girl is fast they both had their pros and cons ,the bigger shock was Tokai coming in like what 4th or 5th she really couldn't keep up in such a long race by the end sadly.

with the rival arc over i wonder if we'll shift over to a new main spica and the other members have been clearly outclassed right now.
Feb 1, 2021 6:04 PM

Jan 2020
I loved this episode and so far, I'm liking this season far more than I expected to. The dynamic between Teio and Mcqueen is wonderful and the race itself was really intense and as sad as the loss is, I'm glad we got to see Teio lose because I wasn't expecting that result. 5/5 ep. I really hope this quality continues throughout the season

Feb 1, 2021 6:52 PM

Mar 2019
Definitely NOT same energy like S1....

S1 > S2... sad
Nyan-Pasu!... [ Ara Ara ] [ Waifus ]
Feb 1, 2021 7:21 PM

Dec 2018
I actually wanted Teio to win, but McQueen winning is nice too, a very intense race, the long distance really got her in the end. I also feel like the weight training McQueen did was some kind of trade secret or something lol, she was zooming, I wonder what would have happened if Teio got the same training.

I also like the bit where the nerds were analyzing the race and the little horse girls got bummed out lol. Poor Teio tho, excited to see how she comes back from this. Great episode!

Chroma said:
I don't like how this season cuts the idols concert after the race.

I didn’t actually notice till you pointed it out, but I’m fine with it personally.
Feb 1, 2021 8:41 PM

Nov 2010
Although I'm kind of familiar with motorcycle races, I didn't know that there were clockwise courses for horse races.
Kyoto race course
Feb 1, 2021 9:47 PM

Oct 2013
Damn first I'm hit hard by watching episode 8 of attack on Titan! So I come here for a pick me up and then they hit me with some rival hug feels! What Monday release show is gonna hit me AzurLane: Slow Ahead gonna have one of the girls spring a leak and sink!

Back to back double whammy!!!!
Feb 2, 2021 1:13 AM

Oct 2017
Congratz to McQueen and too bad for Teio she couldn't even stay undefeated. Feel bad for her.
Feb 2, 2021 2:47 AM

Feb 2014
This was a rather exciting episode and one that isn't far off the highs of season 1's episode 12, which still remains my personal favourite of the series so far.

The episode did a nice job in the build-up to the Spring Tennoushou and seeing from many perspectives from other horse girls and the nerd duo as to who they would support.

I did get it wrong in thinking that the horse girl trained by the boxer-like trainer would run in this race. Thankfully she didn't, but I do see her running against Teio and/or McQueen soon enough, and my hopes of her actually losing against either of them to learn how to race and also enjoy it still remains the same.

Anyway, the race itself was really good. McQueen (her new outfit, also bearing her midriff and navel like Teio's, is always going to be rated highly in my book!) kept a nice a calm approach for the race and despite Teio giving it everything she had, McQueen's superior stamina and endurance won out in the end.

Despite McQueen telling Teio not to cry if she lost, they both ended up shedding tears as they hugged each other after the race, which was a nice touch.

I'm hoping that the next set of races will also be exciting like this one. =3
Feb 2, 2021 8:19 PM

Nov 2017
Me: Would totally watch the GolShi channel 😁
Also me: Totally forgot PakaTube was a thing 😅
...tho i don’t recall her chasing down & tackling anyone on PT, so it’s not really the same, is it 🤔
Feb 2, 2021 10:23 PM

Feb 2016

The build-up to this race was amazing, I really like Teiou, but McQueen has always been one of my favorites since her introduction in S1, and seeing literally everyone rooting for Teiou as if McQueen was just "the other one" worked perfectly in making me really want her to win, I'm really really happy for her, I thought this was going to end in a generic tie or something like that.

If they get to face each other at the end of this season I'm sure Teiou will win because she is the main protagonist now, but I don't care, McQueen beated her in this one like it was nothing, Teiou using her super-protagonist-turbo-sprint while McQueen just keept running as always showing how superior she is, that was amazing. Oh, and also, Teiou's new costume is really cool but I 100% prefer McQueen's new one, she is so beautiful ♥♥♥!!!

Oh, and I really like the new support characters, the little horse girls and the duo that comments everything, I found they to be hilarious xD
Sorry if my english is bad (っ˘▽˘)っ~~~
Btw, cry about it.

Feb 2, 2021 11:22 PM

Nov 2009
It's a given that the one with previous experience in long distance running has the advantage.

Not to mention after McQueen obtain similar speed as Teio, she was almost guaranteed to win the race even before it began.

All Teio has was her speed and her training wasn't enough. If anything Teio should have gone on a long distance full sprint training, a long distance regular jogging isn't going to do much for actual endurance training since it's a sprinting race and not a jogging race. (horse races is a bit different from human races, so the training is different too)

BTW, the Hare and Turtle thing wasn't cause the Turtle was looking at the goal, the original one was cause the Hare got lazy and took a nap thinking the Turtle can never catch up and overslept.

Also, RIP Teio... what other dream does she has that will be crushed by the end of this season?
amlgFeb 2, 2021 11:27 PM
Nothing Written Here But Us Anime Bunnies *boing boing boing*
Feb 3, 2021 6:58 AM
Jul 2013
Was waiting til the end of the 1992 Tenno Sho (Spring) to post my thoughts on the first part of Season 2. This race is the culmination of the rivalry the media made between Tokai Teio and Mejiro McQueen. I appreciate that the show continues to stick so close to the source material - even both the running of the race and the finish were identical to the real life race (even the saddle cloth numbers shown in the order of finish matched).

As a die hard horse racing fan, I appreciate the level of detail this show takes to the real life horses and races.
Loved that their outfits in the Tenno Sho matched so closely with the jockeys silks.
Loved that when Tokai Teio won the Japanese Derby, she held up two fingers, just like the jockey did after winning that race (imitating what Symboli Rudolph's jockey did in winning the Satsuki Sho years earlier).
Love that they continue to make Gold Ship so quirky. The real life horse is so strange - one that has a lot I speed, but also loves to mess around, play tricks on other horses, and decide some days to not run.
Loved that the line about Horizons/Heavens was used by Teoi and McQueen, just like their jockeys used it ahead of their Tenno Sho.

Really looking forward to what looks to be a thrilling story line between Mihono Bourbon and <horse that shall not be named> in the hunt for the Triple Crown.

Again, appreciate them sticking so close to the source material. Hopefully we get the Vodka-Daiwa Scarlet rivalry of the mid-2000s soon. And with the introduction of Kitasan Black, things could get interesting in future seasons. KB was a star!!!

Please write Crunchyroll and let them know their subtitles are wrong.
It's Tenno Sho, not Tennoushou.
It's Satsuki Sho, not Satsukishou.
It's Kikuka Sho, not Kikkashou.
mjtags11Feb 3, 2021 7:06 AM
Feb 3, 2021 7:02 AM

Oct 2008
So intense! it was gloruious! but contender star Tokai Teiou lost and Meijiro McQueen deservingly won!
Looks like that broken horseshoe before the start of the race was a sign of very good luck for McQueen!

Feb 3, 2021 5:21 PM

Jun 2011
Man this show does a phenomenal job of keeping up then tension and excitement that keeps you on the edge of your seat. I honestly didn't know who was going to win, but McQueen just smoked the competition.

I thought maybe that the glowing horse girl was going to be the winner instead of either McQueen or Teio, but she wasn't even shown after the starting line, so I thought that was a bit strange?

Teio is undefeated no more. Wonder where this will go from here? Will Teio be able to bounce back or will McQueen reign supreme? We still have to consider this Bourbon girl, as well as the hooded girl that follows her.
Feb 6, 2021 10:31 PM
Apr 2017
I really wanted Teio to win.
Feb 8, 2021 2:27 AM

Sep 2016
who allowed uma musume to be this good holy FUCK
Objectivity doesn't exist. Subjectivity is an excuse. Beautiful world of online discourse.

Feb 16, 2021 3:02 PM

Mar 2009
Had this spoiled for me. Thanks a lot, real life racehorses!

Poor Teio. That was a rough race for her.
Feb 17, 2021 2:59 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
That was intense and dramatic. Maybe Teiou overestimated herself a bit. McQueen was shining in this episode. What a great race for her!
Mar 19, 2021 9:09 AM

Nov 2016
Obligatory "X is cruel" line. At least I've heard it in many sports anime already xD

Given Teio's momentum and the distance of this race it was to be expected that MC Queen would win this time. But there will definitely be a rematch.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Jun 1, 2021 1:25 AM

Jul 2015
Was quite concerned with the broken horseshoe but it turned out to be nothing to worry about. Grandma's 'tortoise and the haze' advice really worked out seeing that Teio only focused on Mcqueen while Mcqueen focused on winning.

Jul 2, 2021 6:22 AM

Jan 2017
Teio'll sure to rebound after this, she now has to make another goal though now her winning streak is broken

I'm surprised however that Palmer is almost absent during the race when we see her quite a bit during the training scenes
FragmantLemonJul 2, 2021 6:34 AM
Dec 10, 2021 6:26 AM

Apr 2011
I'm surprised Teo couldn't keep up. Was hoping both will go toe-to-toe.
Jan 1, 2022 12:01 PM

Sep 2018
Really a great episode that manages to be engaging. The narration knows how to keep the spectator on his toes until the end, the race is adrenaline-pumping and gives great satisfaction. This second season is proving to be really interesting, superior to the first in how I see it, although I miss the characters of Spe-chan as the protagonist a lot and not just her. Too hilarious the comic sketch of the Golshi channel, I hope others will come after him. I was hoping for Teio's victory, but from the start and beyond, there was an aura of doom over her, however the final embrace between her and McQuenn is so beautiful.
Feb 12, 2022 2:29 AM

Apr 2014
i mean they made it super obvious who was gonna win and who was gonna lose

just like they was talking about the turtle and the hare race it ended up exactly like what she was saying

and in this case Teiou was the hare and McQueen was the turtle and Teiou had her eyes on McQueen while McQueen had her eyes on the goal and she win

to obvious what was gonna happen

but now is where they go from here
"one step at a time"
Oct 22, 2022 4:26 PM
Feb 2021
L cringe character L L L L L
Feb 10, 2023 7:53 AM

Feb 2022
for some reason, i had a feeling from the very beginning that McQueen would win.
that was an intense race, very well animated too imo.
ending was sooooo cute i wasn't ready for it.
let's see what Teiou's next goal is gonna be, now that she's no longer an undefeated horse girl.
                                                    slice of life anime, my precious. >3
Mar 6, 2023 6:13 AM

Feb 2021
I was shocked. I actually thought Teio would win. But lightning McQueen pulled through.

The Perfect Duo - has one who thinks and one who do's.
To have a party, there's at least two 

When the world is dark, and you feel near to end.
Just remember there's hope, in the form of a friend.

Jul 7, 2023 12:15 AM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Ah so the Bourbon girl wasn't actually racing in this one, and I'm glad that they're saving her for later instead. We needed at least one race just focused on McQueen and Teio. I really didn't know who the winner was going to be, but I had a small feeling that it was going to be McQueen. This is Teio's season after all, and she'd have to suffer a loss sooner or later as for some typical character development. And what better time to do it early on, before even halfway through the season. And I also like how it wasn't even close- not even 2nd place by a large gap, but if I recall correctly, she got like 4th place or something. McQueen flew down the track like a bullet; I feel like we haven't seen anyone go that fast yet, except for maybe Suzuka's blistering speed in the race where she broke her ankle in the previous season.

Anyway, I just love how there still is no room for any bad vibes whatsoever, just healthy rivalry, friendship and wholesomeness, as we see Teio give McQueen a hug and a congratulations for winning the race. And what I love even more is what McQueen said to Teio before they started the race: telling her not to cry- IF she loses. Not WHEN she loses. They gave each other a bit of trash talk before, but it never went too far. The respect that everyone has for everyone else just makes you wish everyone could be this way.

edit: I like how there's ONE single 1/5 "hated it" vote in this episode poll. Definitely someone who really really wanted Teio to win probably lol

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 21, 2024 6:18 PM

Jan 2010
That was the GUTS, EFFORT, and VICTORY I expect from a sports anime. I have no idea how Uma Musume manages to pull it off with anthromorphic horse girls, but it continues to do so.
Jan 7, 7:54 AM

Jul 2021
The race manage to make me hold my breath, although I'm sure that Teio is gonna lose. Thanks to the build up in the pre-race and the narration + execution throughout the whole episode.

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