Welcome Everyone!!
I Enjoy Anime here and there. There are plenty anime but no time to watch lol. One day I will clear my PLAN TO WATCH. Not much of a manga reader, but I'm trying.
You only age when you feel like you can't do anything
(I don't really accept random friend requests. I hope that I recognize you or we have talked first before you send a request)
1st Anime: One Punch Man
1st Anime Movie: Nausicaa Valley of the Wind
100th Anime: Violet Evergarden
200th Anime: Maquia: The Promised Flower Blooms
1st Waifu: Violet Evergarden - Violet Evergarden - even before I watched the show
Largest number of episodes watched in one sitting: 14 episodes - Death Note - on a rewatch with others
1st anime I hated: Mayo Chiki
100th Forum post - 27th of July, 2023
When rating, I take in consideration:
1. Themes
2. Story and Film elements
3. Characters
4. Plot
5. My preferences
My preferences:
Romance, wholesome or cute animes. Animes with a lot of references and comedy are much welcome too. If an anime has an awesome OST that I like, I usually have it in high regard. I also look for anime that are unique compared to other animes in premise or other aspects. I also like animes that I can relate to or have motifs that I agree with. Plot driven and action anime I would give a watch and depending on other aspects, it will determine how much I like it, it's a plus if I think it's cool or interesting. I also enjoy a bit of "trash" here and there. Whatever the theme, premise, synopsis or genre, I may give an anime a watch to see if I like it or not. Except.....
Horror, Gore and Boys Love. I don't necessarily hate anime like these, but I won't prioritize them. I might still give them a watch. Also, I generally avoid anime rated below 6, unless its recommended to me.
10 - are like 9 but I feel are extraordinary in a way. Special.
9 - are anime that I felt really passionate about and/or are exceptional in one or several aspects. Not only do I recognize its qualities, but it may have had me emotionally invested as well. Amazing. Worth a rewatch.
8 - are anime like 7 but that are outstanding and/or I have a strong disposition to and had an impact on me. Might be prevented from being a 9 because of minor details. 8 and above I consider my favorites. Great. A recommendable watch.
7 - are anime I was drawn to in by one or several aspects and/or I found entertaining/interesting. Probably lacks something to prevent it to being a 8. This is the standard of any enjoyable anime. Good. Worth the watch.
6 - are anime that are not as engaging compared to other anime and/or I had a couple of issues with that prevents it from being 7. Held my attention. Decent. Wasn't a waste of time.
5 - are anime that are rather drab, has some issues and/or I found little enjoyment out of it. With a few things going for it. Pretty boring or the issues prevented it from being a 6. Mediocre. Could have used my time for something else.
4 - are anime that I found irritating and/or had a number of issues with it. Might have some things going for it, but even if so the flaws outweigh them. Bad. Waste of time.
3 - are anime that I found little value in and/or had major issues with it. Anything going for it is considered near negligible. Horrible. Why did I watch this?
2 - are anime that are near intolerable and/or repulsive. Irredeemable of any qualities. Hated it
1 - are like 2 but made me question my faith in humanity. No one should ever watch this atrocity. Existential Crisis
All Comments (261) Comments
I haven't gotten to Parts 2-4 yet but I am purposefully delaying because waiting 1.5-2.5 years for every movie through the 6 part movie is too much. I rather wait until Part 5 is released to then focus on watching 2-5 and the period of Part 6 would not that long in between. Felt the ending in Part 1 was abrupt (not that there was a good place to end a long match that has just started), but certainly made me aware that I do not want to witness that 4 more times.
Too bad the subs wasn't as it once was. I want to see the rest of Yukari explaining tank facts getting subs.
As a result, I have it on here
But thank you for the encouraging words and verses, they mean a lot to me! And it also means a lot that you say I'm important! Not saying this because I don't get enough love otherwise, but because I rarely get this in the online space
Not the art style, but the structure of the plot. Its characteristics. The tragedy, the deaths, the brutality, and the drama.
But if we speak of art styles, I'm sceptical about anime with alternative art styles. They scream that "I'm not like the rest. I'm unique! I'm morally deep! I'm better!" But I know this from other media and it usually translates to "I'll show you reality, my reality, so you'll see that it sucks. Enjoy! Or rather, don't enjoy."
Okay, so simply follow the airing order, I'll note that!
Yes, I study programming (both writing and designing programs), and I chose this for two reasons.
First, because quite simply this was the thing that interested me the most.
The second one is much sillier: I always wanted to write a game, but I knew I'm not diligent and persistent enough to learn how to do it right, so I thought, if I go to university, they'll surely give me the tools to make it reality! And I was mostly right, I learnt object oriented programming, and this semester I finally had my chance to take on my long wanted game development course! Most people signed up just because it was worth a ton of credits, but I really attended most of the classes and now I know how to do it right! I guess I'll have to start over my whole project now that I see how terrible it is, haha.
Back to the original topic, where I study they don't offer a specialization in BSc, that's what MSc is for. In short, BSc is where you learn all the basics* you will need, so to say. It gives you enough knowledge to get a decent job. But if you take on MSc, the "real university level" education, you'll be able to get much higher level jobs. And it's also about prestige :)
*Naturally, it's not that simple, and there are two other options (below BSc) you can take: vocational training and higher education vocational training. The first one is instead of normal high school, my brother chose this route and it's actually a pretty good option, especially that you can still take university afterwards and you start with a huge advantage. The second one is something I don't know much about, but it's probably similar, except that it's less thorough and more intense, because you also start to do real work during your studies to gain experience.
It's a dilemma for me to decide when to watch dark shows. If I watch them when I'm happy, I'll ruin my happiness. But if I watch it when I'm feeling down, it'll make it even worse. It's best to take the middle road.
Yeah, it's scary how good AI can copy things. Now it can make everything: images, voices, texts, music, even animations! But it wouldn't be the end of the world except that anybody can use these! I always said that every good thing is only good until it becomes widely available
Thanks! I got this set from viraat_pirate, but as it turned out I'm using it the wrong way. ^^' It's a forum set, not a profile set, and it's actually a signature. I didn't think of this because I keep the signatures hidden. The only forum I was part of before MAL didn't have signatures so I don't find them nostalgic, I see them as visual clutter, especially when the answers are very short and the page has 99% pictures and 1% text. Maybe in the future I'll make my own profile set and use this as a sig, who knows.
Yes, the potential questions corner was a funny idea that was part of my profile already, but I didn't call it a corner. My plan is to replace it with a house blueprint with clickable rooms, or just four button images on a 2x2 grid, and it'll take the visitor to MAL blog pages with the texts. It's not my idea, but it'd be cool.
thanks so much for the well wishes and let’s definitely discuss anime more in 2025! so glad you had a great year!! :D
She is from Psycho-Pass, one of the main protagonists to be precise. I can recommend the anime if you like cyberpunk series, I see you were okay with Madoka Magica so I reckon Urobuchi's style is not insulting for you (some people hate him).
Aria is already on my offline plan list, thanks! But I didn't know so far what it is about. What watch order do you recommend for it?
Thanks for the question, you are so kind for offering to pray for me! It went well! Since it's only an internship and it's a state-owned company they only wanted to know if I'm clear about the basics, I could answer almost all of their professional questions so they said they were satisfied with me and would gladly offer me an internship, if I accept it of course. It was a little shocking to see how much they wanted to convince me to choose them. I feel important now.
But of course I don't think I am a genius or something, in fact, I felt like I was a little too honest during the interview and in a real situation going for a serious job I probably would have killed my chances with some of my negative claims about my skills. I didn't want to lie to them and wanted to look perfectly honest, that's it. And it worked this time.
About the other question, my work would be to write database queries and/or migrate code between program versions. I'm not sure about the exact details, but something like this. It's not my favorite task (it's closer to my most hated one) but maybe it won't be that hard since they also know I'm new at this. And it's also an important factor that I have very few time left to start it if I want to finish BSc by the next summer.
Yeah, Evangelion is quite melancholic, not the happy slice-of-life type. But it worth watching so go for it when you feel your are in the mood! (No forcing though)
Yes, I wanted to put it in the middle as a contrast, haha. ^^ To show I like lighter anime too.
Last Christmas? Okay, I totally didn't expect you to remember that. Let me check our conversation history.
I'm still not sure what mug you mean, sorry. 😅 I thought we only talked about your mug. Speaking of it, I found a wonderful one a few weeks ago, it's not real, it's just an AI art, but a very good one. The creator is Moon Rabbit, she creates all sorts of anime pictures on Nightcafé (I use the site too, my pictures are moderately popular, I'm not going for mass appeal, I just have fun)
"If you like thoughtful shows you might like this one, so I highly recommend it." - yup I would give it a shot in the future for sure.
Oh, I wish I could relax. I'll have a small job interview tomorrow, maybe I can finally get an internship. I hope I won't screw it up. The fact that I probably won't get any money for my work means that maybe the bar is lower and I have a realistic chance to be hired.
I couldn't agree more, Maomao has a colorful personality you don't see often. Who is my favorite female MC of all time? I can't choose, the top 3 in no particular order are maybe Tsunemori Akane, Maomao and Nausicaä. But I could mention more.
No, he doesn't have a MAL account. I'm not sure about it but maybe his most liked shows were Black Butler and Mission: Yozakura Family.
I finished Yuru Camp S2 long ago (about time) and as I expected it was peak. I gave it a perfect score, Yuru Camp is the anime that I won't start inspecting under the microscope for fault because it has no point to do so. If I enjoyed it, I'll score it accordingly.
My two favorites are Nausicaä and Howl's Moving Castle, but I enjoyed all of those I've seen (speaking only of the Miyazaki directed ones). Because I have a few left but movies require much more time than a 25 minute episode (or about 21 if you skip the intro, outro and preview) so I rarely watch them. I'll really have to watch the rest of the Evangelion Rebuild movies though.
"Girls Last Tour" - nope, but I have it on my planned list - I didn't thought about watching it for a while, as I thought that it was "cute girls doing cute things" type of show, that's most of the time not for me, but I plan to give it a shot.
[also I really like Uramichi on ur profile picture, his face just cracks me up XD]
And you're welcome! hope your day was amazing!