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Dec 10, 2019 6:12 PM

Oct 2019
An entertaining watch with great production values. The story was executed well too.
Dec 15, 2019 7:47 PM

Feb 2018
Really hope he eventually brought flowers to Leila and would've loved to have seen it too (haven't read the LN or manga so idk if she ever comes up again. Even an after-credits original scene would've been cool since it probably happened based on the fact that D is the type of guy to keep his promises and he said he would. I ship it tbh). Hope we eventually see the animated series that's supposed to be coming out. The animation was fantastic and art detailed. Alright plot and overall solid movie; I think it was overall more engaging than the first, specifically in the middle (plus the old guy who he saved years earlier was a nice plot point). 8/10
May 10, 2020 11:48 PM
Jul 2014
2020 and it’s still one of my favorite animated movies. Not my usual genre and I don’t usually go out seeking gore, horror, etc, but the style is so old and iconic I really don’t mind it. The story is cliche of course, but it’s aged well and I really enjoyed rewatching it. At its core, it’s a love story. Tragic Romeo/Juliet type stuff. Still a better love story than twilight...? :P

Soundtrack was excellent. I watched it on kiss anime and idk why but the audio kept going high/low. Like action scenes were loud and then dialogue was super quiet. I think it’s the original mixing of the movie tbh, so I wish it was more even throughout.
Aug 2, 2020 1:14 PM

Aug 2013
Judging from the story alone and what I heard about it I feel like the original work must be a very bad pulp-inspired novel. The horse jumping on the mantas, D effortlessly slicing through the spirit guy who was just casually killing everyone on the vicinity a moment ago, the elder noting how awesome D is, it's all pretty ridiculous.

Still. It's the absurdity of it all coupled with the amazing animation and Yoshitaka Amano's art style that makes even the silliest things in the movie feel awesome.
Sep 7, 2020 1:35 PM

Feb 2018
My god, what an amazing movie. I absolutely adored the theme and setting of it, the world and it's characters were interesting, the plot was exciting and had great pacing, the score was mesmerizing, and the art and animation.. GOD I miss old Madhouse! What stood out to me most in that regard was the backgrounds of the castle, they were so beautiful I had to take a few screenshots for desktop wallpapers. Also how fucking crazy was it that Carmilla had a fricken rocket built into her castle?! Kind of silly I guess but I loved it.

That being said, the only real criticism I can give it personally, was I wish the final battle had more to it, and I wish they did more with Carmilla. I found her very interesting but D seemed to kill her pretty quickly, although I guess it makes sense considering he's apparently the vampire king's son. Honestly though in the scope of the whole movie it seems rather nitpicky, so I didn't knock a number off my score for that.
Also, the ending, I wasn't expecting to get emotional from that, but it got me.

This movie is truly a masterpiece in what it set out to accomplish. I'm fully invested in this world now, and I want to know more about it and D himself that I will most likely watch the original movie and possibly even read the light novels (if they're translated). That never happens with me.
I can't believe I didn't watch this sooner, I've known about it since I was a kid but it took this long for me to finally sit down and watch it. Truly one of the holy grails of classic anime.
praisethevillainSep 7, 2020 1:40 PM
Nov 22, 2020 6:59 PM

Nov 2012
Having seen the first Vampire Hunter D anime I can easily say this was improvement on it. Not just art/animation wise but also writing wise. The characters in the original were pretty shallowly written, now that's not to say the characters in this version were full of depth but it's amazing how much a little bit more characterization can do wonders for a series.

It's kind of a shame to say this but it feels like this might be Yoshiaki Kawajiri's peak as a director 8/10.
Feb 12, 2021 2:16 PM

Aug 2017
Hideyuki Tanaka as D sounds awesome, though I'm sad it was not Kaneto Shiozawa who played him (would've been a great last role). But hey, Motomu Kiyokawa is back! Other seiyuus are great too, it's legitimately a star cast, even for minor characters.

A few cuts during the horse seller's monologue (and a few other scenes) looked the same or at least very similar. Strange despite the movie generally looking so good. Did they reuse some parts?

Well, such minor details aside (and a few others like the werewolf dealing strangely little damage to Borgoff), an awesome movie and a huge improvement over its predecessor. The ending really did strike a chord. Though the song chosen for the credits was strange (given the movie's atmosphere). Still a nice song. Would be nice to see a short epilogue of sorts, with our Noble (jndeed) antagonist in solitude on the Moon (or wherever that city is).
St0rmbladeFeb 12, 2021 2:23 PM
Feb 23, 2021 12:51 PM

Feb 2020
It was a great improvement over the first movie. Storyline and art designs are way better in this one. Though kind of disappointed that that almost all character died that was a generic horror move. We also don't know what's with the rocket destination or their future, kind of ambiguous.
But still Good movie overall. I enjoyed it.
Click for a anime mashup!
Still not gone bandwagon u, keep crying. Here u are welcome to CRINGE at my EXISTENCE

May 3, 2021 4:57 PM

Jan 2021
Oh wow...
I have no words.
But this was definitely a 10/10 masterpiece.
Aug 3, 2021 3:55 PM

Oct 2013
One of the coolest, most visually interesting worlds I've seen in visual media. I had no idea this was a novel adaptation until a quick bit of research. It's a shame the reception for the novels appears lukewarm, because I'd adore seeing more of this world and D's adventures.

The ending got me a little choked up, too. This was a tragedy in a Shakespearean sense. Carmilla's illusions mindfucked me. Meier blasting off to space knowing there's nothing left for him out there because there's nothing more for him either is romantic and tragic, and it's particularly heartbreaking knowing he meant to take Charlotte with him -- the two of them leaving earth only to die in the stars. Beautiful and sad.

The epilogue struck me in the feels too. This movie really appealed to my sense of melancholic romanticism.

It's crazy the author of the novels is still publishing new content and has been doing so fairly consistently for nearly 40 years.

Aug 13, 2021 9:31 PM
Towel Attendant

Dec 2014
A very good movie!
1. Artwork - nicely angular, dramatic shadows, lots of gothic styling

2. Story - a fast moving plot that is basically familiar, the intertwined love story makes it deeper and pulls you into it

3. Characters - a great MC ... over powered and tortured in his soul .... what more could you ask for? LOL
Nice side roles with varying amounts of backstory as needed .... all well done

This is my only exposure to the VHD series of things and I was happy to have seen this movie recommended online ... 9/10
Oct 1, 2021 12:10 PM

Sep 2020
Everything about this movie is great except the story. 7/10
Apr 10, 2022 7:18 PM

Sep 2014
This was way better than I expected, especially the animation was superb!
Dark fantasy mixed with sci fi is great and doesnt need the most elaborate plot or characters, simplistic style heavy anime are nice to have from time to time as well.

Now I wish there was more, shame.

"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Jul 8, 2022 7:29 PM
Nov 2020
Wow that was truly amazing.
Jul 30, 2022 6:28 PM

Jul 2012
張大です for 張大勇督察
Aug 7, 2022 5:24 AM

Sep 2018
That was pretty nice for a 90 minute film, enticing atmosphere, you'd think it would be great in TV format. So he was the original Vampire Kings son, at least that's the idea we got from Carmilla. 8/10.
Aug 17, 2022 7:23 PM
Feb 2021
Animation, character and setting design were fantastic. The story was terrible.
Sep 25, 2022 3:10 PM

Jul 2020
Beautiful, emotional, and much better than the '85 movie. I loved it
Jan 2, 2023 12:31 PM

Aug 2008
Wish Leila was more useful in the film but I suppose she was mainly there to learn a lesson and give up hunting vampires and make a life of her own.  Still didn't like her needing to be saved by D though, be nice to of been able to accomplish more in her final "mission".  At least the line about D promising to leave a flower on her grave wasn't foreshadowing her dying in the castle and instead at the end of a long life.

The characters down to "D" himself weren't anything special though the fights were entertaining enough.  Even if it felt like Character A battling Character B.  Only basic information given on the world this takes place in.  I think 7/10 is where the film will land for me.
Mar 5, 2023 9:39 AM

May 2021
I was expecting a basic plot with great animation, OST, art-style, direction and full rushed packed action and I got that, definitely I'm not disappointed, 6.7/10.
Apr 5, 2023 2:42 PM

Sep 2020
Rewatched this on blu-ray for the 1st time since the dvd release.

Great visuals, great action, and many iconic scenes (especially when D catches the arrow in the graveyard, horse rearing up with the full moon behind = perfection).

But I found it all dragged down by the English dub and some of the dialogue, most of them sounded like they were just reading off the script with no energy. I wish we could've gotten the Japanese dub for once and seen any changes made (plus the ED song).

9/10, I still prefer the original movie.

PS: So Camilla still set up the rocket for them even though she planned to kill them anyway?

SlammyHammyApr 5, 2023 3:20 PM
"You can't decide the future, but I'm going to re-educate you in the past!" - Erna Kurtz
Jun 14, 2023 12:53 AM

Jan 2021
I don't know where I've been until I found this anime now... it's amazing, not a single boring second. Very exciting and thrilling from the first minute to the end. I was completely glued to the screen lol and the ending! I really liked the ending!

Aug 21, 2023 9:49 AM

Oct 2021
Now that was a once in life time experience.. Magnum opus of Madhouse Studio, honestly they peaked with this anime, i just saw the character designs sheet and flabbergasted the amount of details each character have. D was badass and cool character some may refer to him as edgy but he still got a human side to him. this movie's moral is "Nobody is evil when things are seen from their perspective, unfortunate events often turn one into a villain."
Sep 22, 2023 2:56 PM
Aug 2023
Masterpiece. It is great.
Oct 23, 2023 11:25 AM
Jul 2017
Really enjoyed this. Not my typical watch, but was fun. Better than the first, but even first one was cool.

Neat cinematography, decent story, great characters. Spaceships and vampires? More! Too bad there isn't more in this universe.
May 10, 2024 8:41 PM

Jul 2010
Rewatched it after, not sure, 10+ years. Still holds great, hell, looks and feels better than many anime nowadays. I miss when it looked like hand drawn animation and not set of crappy CGI-scenes. So much love and energy in these lines.

Couldn't brush off the feeling "Requiem Chevalier Vampire" BD was HUGELY inspired by this movie- themes and aesthetics-wise.

9/10. Probably will read novels one day, tho I hope some sort of TV series will come out at one point. From what I can tell, the series is popular in Japan and have been coming out for 40+ years, so come on, make a series already!!!
May 15, 2024 5:18 PM
Apr 2024
Some people say the storyline was bad or weak, but I think that even though it was slow, the actions scenes were great and the interactions with the characters were meaningful. The ending was beautiful, and it made me cry, I love the overall aesthetic and feel of this movie, the concepts and animations are so cool, plus the art style is so unique.
May 25, 2024 7:19 AM
Aug 2019
Excellent movie, they really don't make them like they used to, a very unique visual style that inspired many other prominent works, one that is very dear to me is DnD Dark Sun modules
Aug 17, 2024 8:36 PM
Mar 2023
muy bueno y interesante
Sep 21, 2024 8:09 PM
Apr 2023
Oct 30, 2024 2:13 PM

Jul 2017
Well, this started great, but I got both exhausted at the speed of the film and confused by the thin plot and character development. There are a ton of characters, many with cool powers, but most of the fights, while really well choreographed, are super fast or have really weird endings (like the one lady getting struck by lightning).

Wasn't this plot of tricking Meier and Charlotte and fending off hunters really elaborate just for Carmilla to suck some blood (which seemingly had to be a virgin based on what I read but should have been in the film itself)? Can't she just lure people to her castle anyway? How did Borgoff become a vampire but not Charlotte (maybe this has something to do with how she drained Charlotte's blood or is based on Stoker's novel)? Why did D and Meier fight at the end, and what made them stop? Did D see Leila grab the ring and realize he was in the wrong?

SlammyHammy said:
PS: So Camilla still set up the rocket for them even though she planned to kill them anyway?

Wow yeah I didn't even think about that part...

The settings are beautiful, and that ending with the rocket taking off was amazing. The epilogue was nice too. But the characters and plot overall feel underdeveloped, so that those great scenes also feel a bit hollow. It's so close, but it just barely doesn't make it.
satyrelfheimOct 30, 2024 2:28 PM
Oct 31, 2024 9:30 PM
Jan 2017
A timelessly beautiful movie and great for Halloween.
Nov 8, 2024 7:47 PM

Mar 2022
This I have to say is WAY better than the original movie by a landslide. I mean everything about it has improved immensely, the visuals from the 2000s look more beautiful and give the movie an edge when it wanted to be a lot more darker and intense, the voice acting for the English dub is heaps better considering you got a cast of experienced voice actors and actresses that are in this, even ones that I wasn't expecting to hear like Matt Mckenzie the voice of Auron in Final Fantasy 10, Pamela Adlon as Laela and even John Dimaggio is in this it's like my god, it's like we have Final Fantasy peeps in the cast. D especially has a more fitting voice this time, more quiet and stoic and young at the same time whilst still having a feel of badass to him. Even a couple of anime veterans like Wendee Lee and Mary Elizabeth McGlynn were involved in this which is telling that this movie had a lot more love put into the performances than the original ever did.

And last but certainly not least the plot and pacing is so much quicker. Straight to the point literally an action horror flick involving vampires and the like which again the original should've been like and they had the director for Fist of the North Star and even he couldn't get the original movie from being just ok in my eyes. I can't tell you how many times I was just mesmerised by the art-style of Bloodlust just incredible to look at. The fact that the artwork of the movie and the music themselves lend better into the more sci-fi horror aspects of the film better is saying a lot for me.

I really enjoyed this if I was to recommend any of the two Vampire Hunter D movies to watch, go watch Bloodlust you won't regret this it's just a great flick to watch personally. It easily dwarfs the original movie in so many ways and definitely more engaging for me I'll give Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust an 8/10.
Feb 11, 6:58 AM

Apr 2017
Reminds me a bit of Bride of Deimos, which is sad. Mostly because Bride of Deimos manga is actually brilliant, but the movie was a confusing mess. This was a more cohesive movie, which means that Bride of Deimos could've been good.
Feb 14, 12:50 PM

May 2024
The idea of ​​combining vampires with a technological environment is somewhat strange at first but it is executed in a decent way, the characters are nothing special but they fulfill what the story requires, which is also not very complicated, somewhat cheesy and really stands out more for the good drawing and animation but it is still entertaining. 6/10
Feb 17, 1:08 AM

Jul 2020
incredible movie n so underrated. great mix of fantasy n sci fi with phenomenal art n animation w some great shots. great character designs w a good ost. amazing ending song that doesn’t fit the vibe at all but idc. what a movie
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