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May 10, 2019 7:49 AM
The Bitch Princess's Party should've just been left outside the barrier, but anyway, it's a swift kick in the nuts for them too, now that the Religious order has stage a coup. |
“What do you do when there is an evil you cannot defeat by just means? Do you stain your hands with evil to destroy evil? Or do you remain steadfastly just and righteous even if it means surrendering to evil?” ― Lelouch Vi Britannia |
May 10, 2019 11:35 AM
I rather liked that twist. Pope's reasoning is good: heroes aren't doing their work and royalty (mostly Malty) only complicate everything. He went for extreme solution and turned villain, but at least he isn't some maniac that only wants to rule the world for fun. |
May 10, 2019 1:25 PM
I hope we get a good explanation because this is very confusing. I thought the Church and the royal family were on the same page. |
Albi-kunMay 10, 2019 1:29 PM
May 10, 2019 2:58 PM
papsoshea said: The worst kind of storytelling this year so far lol and it isn't much so the anime studio's directing, script and storyboarding but just that the source material is horse shit. It doesn't matter if parts are left out or not, because the WN/LN/manga is as if it were written to entertain edgy 12-year-olds. The author is a master at being a horrible storyteller, writing stupid (beyond belief) characters, one-dimensional villains - all with cardboard personalities and weak motivations. The Pope lol we are seeing the same plot device, over and over. I like how this has become a weekly ritual for you. It's borderline religious fanatic mentality when the same catchphrases and buzzwords are repeated over the course of 2-3 months. But let's talk about the Pope a bit. If I was the supreme leader of a religion, and both my allies and enemies are hurting my religion's credibility, I would wipe out the heroes and the royal family. The king was told to fuck off by the Shield and Myne keeps on making the Shield more popular. Why would I want a weak king and incompetent princess sticking around? But what makes this one special is that we saw it coming from miles away. Who's this "we" and do you have examples of those people of "we" predicting the event? Or should I listen and believe you? This is the type of stuff that really kills any tension the show might have and makes the waves feel irrelevant. Glass anyone? Glass is still alive and would've defeated Naofumi had time not run out. But let me guess, muh "Naofumi is OP because he didn't lose to Glass" argument? Nah, let's keep repeating the villain/obstacle of the week just so the imbeciles that enjoy this schlock can get their precious justice porn and show how great Naofumi is. Or perhaps, the shit that Myne, the Pope, and the king were pulling were part of a conspiracy meant to turn Melromarc into a global superpower, i.e. hog all the walking nukes (hinted by Fitoria) and keep the Shield weak (by sticking a false crime on Naofumi) so the country can serve its interests without opposition (hinted by Raphtalia's village getting pillaged by Melromarc soldiers and the kingdom hellbent at preventing Naofumi from getting to Siltwelt). And the dialogue was awfully painful. Scraping the bottom of the barrel, eh? I was expecting some poor grammar or something. Did anyone see how many times Naofumi and Malty were off-model? The art took a dip - wooden faces! For example, when Naofumi called Melty and Filo to do their combination attack. The animation was inconsistent (more so here). It was... meh. There was nothing there that wowed me, but there wasn't anything that made me have the opposite reaction either. "So bad" should be reserved for something like Dororo Ep 15. This episode was so bad (it keeps getting worse lol) that it only proves that the shows only selling point - is that people want to see the King and Malty (especially her) get the ultimate punishment. And yet, we will presumably have another 5 episodes after the punishment... People want to see Malty get brutally murdered, or savagely raped or some kind of thing like that. And what's wrong with that? She's a piece of shit. This is what this whole show is riding on. Then the anime would've concluded at the punishment if that's the case. If the punishment is what everyone cares about, then it wouldn't make sense for the post-punishment content to be adapted because they would not be interested. The waves have felt unimportant We've only seen 2 waves in which the second could've gone worse if not for a technicality. Chill out. the heroes "saving the world" have felt unimportant The other 3 heroes are used to emphasize the theme of not treating a different world like a game (i.e. "Well in the game I played, X happened if you do Y. Therefore, we should do Y") and putting in the effort (crystal ball "TMs" vs. grimoires) to get stronger as opposed to taking shortcuts. what seem important in this series is pitting Naofumi and his harem of loli's in situations where he is given the high moral ground I think you mean pitting Naofumi and his party members who happen to be female against a political conspiracy. where he is shown to be awesome and great You state this as if it's a negative, but without providing the proper context, this statement means nothing. where the fans get their sweet and spicy justice porn and the eventual divine punishment that awaits Malty. Absolutely abysmal. Getting to see a discriminatory religion and political conspiracy go crashing down next week isn't what I would call justice porn. |
May 10, 2019 3:47 PM
@papsoshea The animation and sound design in this show have been laughable for something with this much hype behind it. I've been noticing Naofumi's age changing by 10 years from shot to shot - unless he's secretly aging backwards and the story just hasn't told us yet, what a twist that would be. |
May 10, 2019 4:40 PM
F*ck The Pope! F*ck Myne! Naofumi should not have shielded Myne and Motoyasu and let them be annihilated with that big ass flame pillar bombardment strike! It's a good thing Naofumi learned that skills can also be used as a Combo and not only that he learned them from trash Motoyasu & bitch Myne! 5/5. |
May 10, 2019 6:27 PM
SSL443 said: Man this writing is dumb. "If you don't tell them they're wrong, you're basically admitting your guilt." Was this written by a 12-year-old? He already denied the allegations when they were made, but no one believed him because that was what the plot needed to happen. The author contrived the circumstances so that Naofumi would be "forced" to buy slaves and act like an emo 24/7. The story is trying to backtrack for the sake of having a nonsensical reconciliation arc. This subplot would be far more effective if he had some practical way of proving his innocence. As it is the other heroes have no reason to even entertain his side of the story. But of course, a solution that conundrum comes later in the episode! Once they actually get to the border, Naofumi says "we'll force our way through". But wasn't the whole point of the last few episodes that they couldn't force their way through the border? What the fuck is happening in this anime? Then Melty says "this isn't the time to be worrying about appearances". But isn't the whole point of this episode for Naofumi to try and regain the trust of one of the heroes and keep his promise to the chicken queen? What the fuck is happening in this anime? As for the rest of the epsiode, we get yet another evil character that is evil, and who conveniently wants to depose the royal family as well as kill the heroes. This will also have the fortuitous side effect of both absolving Naofumi as well as sidelining the conflict between him and the royal family. I guess the author realized that they had no idea how to advance the narrative, so they just dropped a literal nuke on the thing to blow all their problems away. The implication is that none of these characters are going to get any kind of earned development. Naofumi doesn't have to prove his innocence or put aside his contempt for the royal family in order to work with the other heroes, and the other heroes don't need to get over being arrogant dimwits. Instead, we get another deus ex machina character to obviate all the existing conflicts in the narrative. Why bother resolving conflicts when you can just write them out of existence with a cheap plot device? I'm sure fans will laud this development as a brilliant setup to an amazing plot twist, but in reality it makes so much of the story unnecessary. A huge amount of filler could have been cut out of the middle episodes, while content from the second cour could have been moved to the beginning of the story, even the first or second episode. Revealing the church as the true antagonist after so long isn't so much remarkable feat of writing as a cop-out. Why bother doing the work of concealing the true threat in your story when you can just write them out of it until the plot needs them again? Why are you still watching this show? You post in every episode thread about how much you hate this anime, just drop the show already and move on lol |
May 10, 2019 6:30 PM
It's funny how more and more people are getting disappointed about this show, even those who claim to still like it, yet some extreme fanboys just come with the same outcome of "hurr durr stupid haters stop not liking what I like without reason even when they actually have reasons and arguments to justify their criticism". And it's more funny how their arguments to bring down others opinions rarely go further than "iT wAs BaDlY aDaPtEd". And then this: >Someone complains about the same issue the serie keeps doing >"That's not criticism, you just keep repeating the same buzzwords and catchphrases over and over" >Someone complains about a new issue the serie does >"That's not criticism, you just focus on another topic all of a sudden only to have something to hate on" |
May 10, 2019 6:56 PM
Kuribro said: Why are you still watching this show? You post in every episode thread about how much you hate this anime, just drop the show already and move on lol Look, another drone telling me to drop the show. |
May 10, 2019 10:48 PM
When the Spear-Dumbass-Hero said "We Trusted You" to Naofumi, I was like "No you fucking didn't." Can he honestly just die already. |
May 10, 2019 11:21 PM
May 11, 2019 6:31 AM
The episode is good. And that cliffhanger! Can't wait for the next episode. |
May 11, 2019 12:27 PM
May 11, 2019 3:49 PM
Pretty meh, i don't even know whether i'm right at liking this or not anymore |
Monchete99May 11, 2019 3:53 PM
WILL YOU STOP WHINING!? No I don't understand! You snap at people, you're scary, you tried to eat me, but you're also kind and you're filled with life! You gave me a name when I was a number, you gave me that compass, you taught me what it means to be alive! That's why I care about you Velvet! I'll protect you for my own sake. I don't care if you're malevolent, or if it was pointless! If it's a mistake to love you, then I"ll fight the whole world! A world without you, Velvet, is the one thing I couldn't bear! Eat my arm, just leave me the other one! I need it to clobber the jerk who made my Velvet cry! -Laphicet, Tales of Berseria |
May 11, 2019 5:16 PM
whilst the pope is evil, he has good reasoning for his actions and quite frankly, good intention overall. not looking to rule the world or take over the country for selfish action, just that the heroes and royal family are acting like total dog shit right now. |
May 11, 2019 6:48 PM
papsoshea said: I think you're talking about yourself and your undying defense of the show. Too bad that is based on what you think and not what actually is observed. And an "undying defense" of the show would be someone thinking that the show is flawless and that any criticism is an affront. That is quite the opposite of what I've been doing and my comment history backs that up. But hey, apparently to you, disagreement means an "undying defense" which is no different than the SJW argument that "disagreement = you're a Nazi". A lot more people than usual have been showing their disappointment in the last month because of the flaws that people like you defended with all your heart were made clearer with each passing episode. They're disappointed not because of people like me who have also expressed their disappointment with some of the past episodes. You're basically saying a lot more people than usual are disappointed because people like me are not disappointed enough. Not to mention, that's an ad populum argument which says a lot about your approach to this conversation. Not once did you actually talk about merit of the adaptation in your response and instead, focused on "No, you!" statements and what other people think. papsoshea said: Why do you read his post in every episode thread? If you don't like what he says, then don't read them. You see how stupid your "Don't like, don't watch" argument is? Why do have you read every post that disagrees with your little buddy? If you don't like what other people say about him, then don't read them. |
VeryLTTPMay 11, 2019 6:54 PM
May 11, 2019 7:04 PM
possibly one of the worst fight scene i have ever watched. randomly throwing waza here and there, and you still called them a fight? more like a child's quarrel. many things are wrong with the episode. this might be the first time i preferred a 'filler' like the previous episodes rather than the main plot of an anime. |
if you want good story, read novel. if you want good graphic, read manga. anime is beyond that. |
May 12, 2019 12:32 AM
LeSponge said: The TRUTH HAS BEEN REVEALED to SPEAR HERO and everyone that the POPE HAS PLAN TO TAKE OVER THE COUNTRY by pulling off some conspiracies against shield hero and killing Bow and sword hero since they did investigate. Is this the one that will unite the 4 heroes. Lets see about this one no, the queen will. |
May 12, 2019 1:38 AM
May 12, 2019 3:17 AM
The haters seem to lack common sense..... it makes sense for the spear hero to think the way he is.People have white knighted for worse in real life,esplecially when the prejudices have been built up throughout the show. Finally the Church reveals its intentions. |
genesic123May 12, 2019 3:49 AM
May 12, 2019 5:28 AM
Wow....someone finally appeared that might actually make the Spear Hero go "Wait...Maybe I was wrong about the Shield Hero this whole time" Of course seeing how stupidly thick-headed and stubborn Motoyasu continues has been this whole time, I wouldn't be surprised if after they get out of the conflict they're in right now he goes "Naofumi! You brainwashed the pope/ whole religious order to kill us too HUH?!" GAWD.....Someone please spank Motoyasu with a reality stick soon. |
May 12, 2019 7:11 AM
Am i the only one that see spear hero the same has highschool dxd mc? |
May 12, 2019 9:15 AM
Yukikaze_sama said: I rather liked that twist. Pope's reasoning is good: heroes aren't doing their work and royalty (mostly Malty) only complicate everything. He went for extreme solution and turned villain, but at least he isn't some maniac that only wants to rule the world for fun. Honestly, with that smirk at the end, and his declaration that he killed the other heroes because they found out too much, it very much seems like all that is just an excuse for the masses while the pope himself is just after the power. |
May 12, 2019 9:23 AM
oh my fuckin god is raphtalia's only line "naofumi-sama?" it feels like it at this point |
May 12, 2019 3:37 PM
Another great episode. Like always : Haters gonna hate. In same time, i don't know where they will finish the anime ... THey can't go for the next arc ... with only 5 épisodes. Oo |
May 12, 2019 3:39 PM
@VeryLTTP in the previous season I note how many index fans kept clinging to the foolish idea of: how this novel is the best there is anime also has to be good (although it is so bad, the rate is too frenetic that can not explain anything of what happens on the screen) happens the same here since the "critics" are always in defensive plan -"as it could be better" supporting you as the novel and the manga made it better, but always ignoring the most obvious mistakes that nobody has ever been able to justify as the attitude of Myne towards the hero of the shield or the motoyasu stupid. |
May 12, 2019 6:21 PM
Motoyatsu, aka: The Spear Hero pisses me off! He's probably one of the most unlikeable characters I came across in the Fantasy world! (My opinion ofc) xD |
May 13, 2019 4:11 AM
Aniteku said: Am i the only one that see spear hero the same has highschool dxd mc? hes nothing like dxd mc |
May 13, 2019 12:22 PM
It's funny, because I think both sides of Naofumi making up with the heroes have a point. Fitoria does have a good point to be made. If the heroes are gonna act stupid and not get along, it might just be best to clean the slate and try again. Of course she's a somewhat simple girl and doesn't realise the extent of the manipulation. Chances are, any new four heroes would be changed in the same way. And on the other hand, yeah Naofumi is kind of a stubborn jerk for not making more conversation with the other heroes about his situation, but it's pretty understandable from his perspective. These are the guys who abandoned him the moment allegations were levelled at him, but considering Ren and Itsuki did take his side during the duel, it would've been pertinent to try. Still, I enjoyed this episode. As usual, tricks and cunning winning over brute force, especially draining Motoyasu's SP was a good move. Though there are times the MMO elements of this show fade in and out, not sure if that's a good or bad thing. |
May 13, 2019 12:30 PM
So close to a Haiku... so close. |
May 13, 2019 3:51 PM
I wonder why the pope is calling the shield hero the devil of the shield. Surely he knows the truth about the waves, the heroes in general, how it all relates to each other etc. And he had specific grievances against the other heroes. They really did those things, and they turned out as bad as the pope said. So whether you accept that they did that because they thought it would help or not, there are some issues with those guys that need to be resolved for them to be true heroes. But whats up with the shield hero? I get the king, i get Myne. I get the spear hero. But whats with the pope? There shouldn't be anyone feeding him lies, he's already in a plenty powerful position, he could get rid of the king etc. without going against the heroes, he should know that the heroes are needed for the waves.. he even claims the other three aren't real heroes. Why bother with all that if he doesn't care and has another reason? That is way to complex for a simple powerplay when he's already on top. And killing Naofumi and party simply doesn't make sense if he's truly concerned about the heroes etc. I agree with most everyone here about the rest. Another contrived fight against the spear hero and Myne, a cop out by Fitoria why she doesn't go and harass the other heroes.. And the (for now) last one who could clear all up, the pope, is the last in a long line of villlains because of shits and giggles. Oh, and Naofumi's strength varies from moment to moment. Blocking the judgement from a army of priests and the pope, that (didn't?) kill the other two heroes? Not a problem if he has two seconds to prepare. Blocking the spear hero who mostly spends his time ordering regular people around or lusting after Myne? Almost evenly matched. And Myne somehow got promoted to crown princess. It's not that she just walks around and telling everyone that she's gonna be queen, we know she lies like all the time. But she used it in a spell. And Melty didn't even protest. I also don't understand why Naofumi doesn't go *over* the wall? Filo alone should be able to jump high enough anyways, and if not, he can use at least two air shields now. Not that he couldn't fight through it without breaking a sweat. Seriously, by now it's all over the place. It's still enjoyable when it's not about "the shield hero this, the shield hero that", but it could be so much more. |
May 14, 2019 1:33 PM
modboy said: redwhitenblue said: SSL443 said: Hegar said: They are both ordinary guys from Japan. Why would Motoyasu so easily think that Naofumi is evil from the very beginning? This was one of my main issues even in the first epsisode. It made no sense for the other heroes to be so against Naofumi right from the beginning. Not enough characterization or setup to explain motivations. You're kidding, right? With recent IRL things going on you don't realize that there are a bunch of people that will automatically believe a woman just on her accusation alone? It works both ways with both sexes. Gee, seems every week we get a guy like you. Afraid of feminists and ironically who's only contribution to society is a meaningless campaign to out all social justice warriors. Going by the subtext of your remark - I really don't know you. Bullshit. It does not work both ways with both sexes. How often do you see men being believed that some woman did something to him? Hardly ever. How often do you see everyone coming to the aid of a woman just because she said something? ALL THE TIME. Afraid of feminists? Wow you're delusional. Edit: If anyone, the ones to be afraid of are the idiotic white knights that believe women. Recent case in point: |
redwhitenblueMay 14, 2019 1:47 PM
May 14, 2019 1:52 PM
redwhitenblue said: modboy said: redwhitenblue said: SSL443 said: Hegar said: They are both ordinary guys from Japan. Why would Motoyasu so easily think that Naofumi is evil from the very beginning? This was one of my main issues even in the first epsisode. It made no sense for the other heroes to be so against Naofumi right from the beginning. Not enough characterization or setup to explain motivations. You're kidding, right? With recent IRL things going on you don't realize that there are a bunch of people that will automatically believe a woman just on her accusation alone? It works both ways with both sexes. Gee, seems every week we get a guy like you. Afraid of feminists and ironically who's only contribution to society is a meaningless campaign to out all social justice warriors. Going by the subtext of your remark - I really don't know you. Bullshit. It does not work both ways with both sexes. How often do you see men being believed that some woman did something to him? Hardly ever. How often do you see everyone coming to the aid of a woman just because she said something ALL THE TIME. Afraid of feminists? Wow you're delusional. Edit: If anyone, the ones to be afraid of are the idiotic white knights that believe women. Recent case in point: Personally I don't see it that way. There has been a concerted effort lately to discount women's claims of rape. There may have been a legitimate case or two but it's not something that happens all the time. What I meant by it it works both ways with the sexes is that it's often the men who are lying about what happened. So these victims need to convince a judge, who may or may not care about her and then fight someone in court who often has higher standing and more money than them. This happens all the time and it's been happening for thousands of years. Just last month in NY State a bus-driver actually plead guilty for raping a 14-year old. The judge gave him NO jail time because he "only raped one girl". |
May 14, 2019 1:58 PM
zeus-faber said: I’m not alone !! Finally I see someone who thinks like me. Every one is like it was a super nice episode and that the fight was nice too but I find it so boring and the fight so ugly. It was just some frozen images moving! In addition there are so many characters that annoys me that, like you, it becomes difficult to watch. I even start to dislike Philo! I don’t remember if it was like that since the beginning and it’s just me who don’t like this anime anymore or if it gets worse.This crap is keep getting worse, and it had potential to do good. Now it's just painful to watch Edit: I found others people thinking more or less like me in the next comments. Good to see that I’m not completely crazy. |
DieuMivasMay 14, 2019 2:05 PM
May 14, 2019 2:06 PM
modboy said: redwhitenblue said: modboy said: redwhitenblue said: SSL443 said: Hegar said: They are both ordinary guys from Japan. Why would Motoyasu so easily think that Naofumi is evil from the very beginning? This was one of my main issues even in the first epsisode. It made no sense for the other heroes to be so against Naofumi right from the beginning. Not enough characterization or setup to explain motivations. You're kidding, right? With recent IRL things going on you don't realize that there are a bunch of people that will automatically believe a woman just on her accusation alone? It works both ways with both sexes. Gee, seems every week we get a guy like you. Afraid of feminists and ironically who's only contribution to society is a meaningless campaign to out all social justice warriors. Going by the subtext of your remark - I really don't know you. Bullshit. It does not work both ways with both sexes. How often do you see men being believed that some woman did something to him? Hardly ever. How often do you see everyone coming to the aid of a woman just because she said something ALL THE TIME. Afraid of feminists? Wow you're delusional. Edit: If anyone, the ones to be afraid of are the idiotic white knights that believe women. Recent case in point: Personally I don't see it that way. There has been a concerted effort lately to discount women's claims of rape. There may have been a legitimate case or two but it's not something that happens all the time. What I meant by it it works both ways with the sexes is that it's often the men who are lying about what happened. So these victims need to convince a judge, who may or may not care about her and then fight someone in court who often has higher standing and more money than them. This happens all the time and it's been happening for thousands of years. Just last month in NY State a bus-driver actually plead guilty for raping a 14-year old. The judge gave him NO jail time because he "only raped one girl". There's a difference between one person's word against someone else's with no other evidence and thus the judge has to side with the accused being innocent (innocent until proven guilty) versus believing the man just because he said so. How do you know it's often the men who are lying? Because a woman said so? Many women have regret sex. That doesn't mean she was raped. Higher standing and more money means nothing in a court unless the judge is corrupt. Or are you implying the vast majority of judges are corrupt? As to the case you mentioned, yes I was quite pissed off about that. Thankfully, judges doing something like that rarely happens. It happening in New York doesn't surprise me though. Are you familiar with the many cases of female teachers that have statutorily raped their underage students and gotten little to no jail time for it? Edit: I suppose I contradicted myself. It does happen often where the judge gives lenient sentences to statutory rape. It's just usually a woman raping the boys that the lenient sentence is applied to. Rarely do we see a grown man getting a lenient sentence if he raped an underage girl. |
redwhitenblueMay 14, 2019 2:12 PM
May 14, 2019 4:20 PM
DieuMivas said: zeus-faber said: I’m not alone !! Finally I see someone who thinks like me. Every one is like it was a super nice episode and that the fight was nice too but I find it so boring and the fight so ugly. It was just some frozen images moving! In addition there are so many characters that annoys me that, like you, it becomes difficult to watch. I even start to dislike Philo! I don’t remember if it was like that since the beginning and it’s just me who don’t like this anime anymore or if it gets worse.This crap is keep getting worse, and it had potential to do good. Now it's just painful to watch Edit: I found others people thinking more or less like me in the next comments. Good to see that I’m not completely crazy. Welp, you're not alone. But it seems majority of fans are getting little less demanding about anime quality. This particular show turned out to be generic harem-ish isekai garbage. Don't get me wrong, i'm kinda sucker for that kind of show but this doesn't have a single redeeming quality and it's just plain boring. |
May 14, 2019 9:08 PM
papsoshea said: Lol this is funny. I showed that person how stupid the "Don't like, don't watch" argument is, and then you think you have a "gotcha" moment. Because you got butthurt because someone expressed an opinion you don't like and you responded in a similar manner. Show me where I have read every post that disagrees with my "little buddy" hmm? And "little buddy" lol you see all the things you accuse others of and do it yourself? Well, you and your little buddy love to piggy back off of and reiterate the same opinions in every thread, so he might as well be your little buddy. Can you prove that he's my little buddy? This is what you did with the other things you wrote, it's what you do best 😂 Looking at each thread will suffice as evidence. That was easy. Reddmart said: @VeryLTTP in the previous season I note how many index fans kept clinging to the foolish idea of: how this novel is the best there is anime also has to be good (although it is so bad, the rate is too frenetic that can not explain anything of what happens on the screen) happens the same here since the "critics" are always in defensive plan -"as it could be better" supporting you as the novel and the manga made it better, but always ignoring the most obvious mistakes that nobody has ever been able to justify as the attitude of Myne towards the hero of the shield or the motoyasu stupid. Bad grammar aside, those questions have already been answered. Ready for them? Myne's attitude towards the hero - Three Heroes Church religion Motoyasu's stupidity - Treating everything as a game and LARPing around |
May 14, 2019 10:34 PM
If the three heroes think that everything is just a game, why are they taking the "NPC's" side when Naofumi gets accused? Why are they not supporting a fellow "gamer"? Citizens of Melromarc act in a human way. Mere NPC's do not carry grudges or hatred towards players. I don't understand how these three heroes can think it as a game when they are practically interacting with these characters. |
May 15, 2019 2:51 PM
Every time Christians are portrayed in shows as religious fanatics and as "big, evil masterminds," I die a little more inside. It's not like I was expecting anything lofty or interesting out of the antagonists of this show, considering how they began the plot with "everyone against the protagonist is just a big stupidhead dur dur" but this is just getting ridiculous. Must every isekai just be completely unoriginal?! And I don't necessarily hate the side characters, but the fact that Naofumi's crew can't think rationally for five seconds without relying on his input is infuriating. Yes, I get that they need to rely on each other, but if can't use sentient output for even a basic action then maybe Myne and Motoyasu have a point, and Naofumi really is making them wholly dependent on him. Which is a scummy thing to do. Overall, can't really say I liked this episode. In fact, I despised it most out of all these episodes, so here's hoping that it gets somewhat better in the next one. |
May 16, 2019 2:04 AM
Tarable said: Every time Christians are portrayed in shows as religious fanatics and as "big, evil masterminds," I die a little more inside. Where do you see Christians here, though? They're specifically the Three Heroes Church, and their beliefs are so different from Christianity, there's nothing even to compare. Sure, the structure of the organization as such may be similar, but that can be said about a number of both real and fictional religions and is just an easily understandable form for the viewer, which doesn't really say much when the underlying beliefs and motivation of the church are entirely different. |
May 16, 2019 2:35 PM
Chrome_Falcon said: If the three heroes think that everything is just a game, why are they taking the "NPC's" side when Naofumi gets accused? Why are they not supporting a fellow "gamer"? Citizens of Melromarc act in a human way. Mere NPC's do not carry grudges or hatred towards players. I don't understand how these three heroes can think it as a game when they are practically interacting with these characters. They probably think that the "game" is programmed using sophisticated and advanced AI technology that can simulate/mimic human beings... That could be the case xD |
May 16, 2019 9:27 PM
papsoshea said: Lol 🤣 Nitrous oxide overdose is bad for your health. I showed that person how stupid the "Don't like, don't watch" argument is and how it could easily be flipped around where there is no comeback, for the lulz - you're just stretching things, as you always do. So we got "little buddy", "piggyback", and "butthurt" lol This is basically a rehash of what you already said and doesn't address that you responded with as much butthurt, if not more. Oh, and didn't you know that inhaling too much nitrous oxide is bad for your health? "Well, you and your little buddy love to piggy back off of and reiterate the same opinions in every thread, so he might as well be your little buddy." well by using your same logic, I guess you're talking about yourself and what you do lol in "every thread" he says haha too funny. And yet, my comment history says otherwise. I don't always agree with everything another fan says. The nitrous oxide overdose really messed with your brain, didn't it? "Looking at each thread will suffice as evidence. That was easy." - the irony of this coming from you. You can't even prove it lol every time you ask for evidence of something similar, I am going to use this. Yes, I can. One can just look at you and your little buddy's comment history, and assess for himself or herself. Not much diversity of opinion there. Quite a lot of patting in the back circle jerking if you ask me. Also, this is why nitrous oxide overdoes isn't good for you. |
May 16, 2019 9:48 PM
Pretty hype episode, but the next couple episodes are going to be the best in the series, or at least they should be if they're adapted well lol |
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy |
May 16, 2019 10:03 PM
papsoshea said: "Looking at each thread will suffice as evidence. That was easy." - the irony of this coming from you. You can't even prove it lol every time you ask for evidence of something similar, I am going to use this. Well since I'm nice enough to do the legwork for you, here's the most recent example: papsoshea said: Believe it or not, it will only get worse from here. No tension, more inconsistency, more plot conveniences, more repetition, more continuity errors, more stupidity, more one-dimensional villains, more edge, more plot armor, more pointless chatter, more revenge/justice/grudge porn, all for underwhelming conclusions. This is why so many episodes end in a cliffhanger. A dumpster fire is an understatement. SSL443 said: There it is! Finally, we get some of the sweet, sweet, justice porn that the series has been building towards for 18 episodes. Fanboys can rejoice that their justice blueballs have finally been relieved. Of course, I didn't expect it to happen in the middle of a major fight. I can't tell if this decision was a misguided attempt at levity, or if the writing is just that braindead. Regardless, this episode was completely boring and predictable, with no tension whatsoever. Next to nothing happened to advance the plot. The events from the last couple of episodes could have been compressed into an episode or even half an episode; but instead they've been dragged out to pad the runtime. This whole sequence with the pope is nothing more than a giant plot convenience to get all the heroes on the same page. Naturally, things end on yet another cliffhanger, because that is the only way that this show knows how to maintain interest or a semblance of suspense. What a joke. What I find most hilarious is that people are complaining that this show has gone downhill from the first four episodes. I'll readily agree that it's gotten worse, but seriously; the opening of this series was filled with as much lazy, inept writing as these later episodes. Complete with bad character development, plot conveniences, and forced edge. I guess all it takes for people to hail a series as the next masterpiece is an edgy hook, no matter how badly executed it might be. What's even funnier is that your and your little buddy's comments were made after your responses here. "The walls are closing in" - SSL443 and papsoshea, maybe |
VeryLTTPMay 16, 2019 10:07 PM
May 17, 2019 3:15 AM
MouradSME said: Chrome_Falcon said: If the three heroes think that everything is just a game, why are they taking the "NPC's" side when Naofumi gets accused? Why are they not supporting a fellow "gamer"? Citizens of Melromarc act in a human way. Mere NPC's do not carry grudges or hatred towards players. I don't understand how these three heroes can think it as a game when they are practically interacting with these characters. They probably think that the "game" is programmed using sophisticated and advanced AI technology that can simulate/mimic human beings... That could be the case xD Oh, they're well aware that this is not really a game, but at the same time, their extensive experience in their respective games colors their behavior as a hero. They do their "quests" (kill the dragon, solve the food shortage, take down the oppressive government) and move on without considering how this affects the people after they're gone. |
May 18, 2019 10:15 AM
May 19, 2019 9:30 AM
papsoshea said: And there it is lol you're contradicting yourself left, right and center. Who is actually the "butthurt" one here? And it will be said over and over because it's the truth - you're stretching things so you have something to say. "Every thread" that was a good one, look how you danced around it. Just like how you said I am always here 'religiously' when the same could be said about you. Almost all my posts on these threads are towards the show, while most of yours are towards me and a few other users - which goes to show who is the one that gets annoyed about what other people say between you and me. It's you lol oh, and to take a page out of your book - I don't have to provide quotes, because our post history is enough evidence. You see the problem when you use that 'post history' excuse? You ask others to provide quotes as proof but use this excuse for yourself. When someone provides one quote, it is not enough. If someone says, "I guess all it takes for people to hail a series as the next masterpiece is an edgy hook, no matter how badly executed it might be." you will ask for names to be provided, if names are provided, it won't be enough. That is how you roll lol Hmm, looks like someone is extremely butthurt when presented evidence especially when that piece of evidence arose after he and his little buddy got called out. "Lol, you're contradicting yourself!" *Proceeds to do exactly what the person is called out for afterwards. *Shown proof "Lol, you're just butthurt!" It's quite funny that you respond with so many words and yet the substance is extremely lacking... |
May 19, 2019 10:30 PM
luinthoron said: MouradSME said: Chrome_Falcon said: If the three heroes think that everything is just a game, why are they taking the "NPC's" side when Naofumi gets accused? Why are they not supporting a fellow "gamer"? Citizens of Melromarc act in a human way. Mere NPC's do not carry grudges or hatred towards players. I don't understand how these three heroes can think it as a game when they are practically interacting with these characters. They probably think that the "game" is programmed using sophisticated and advanced AI technology that can simulate/mimic human beings... That could be the case xD Oh, they're well aware that this is not really a game, but at the same time, their extensive experience in their respective games colors their behavior as a hero. They do their "quests" (kill the dragon, solve the food shortage, take down the oppressive government) and move on without considering how this affects the people after they're gone. Okay. That is a good explanation. I hope for some character development of the other heoroes eventually. |
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