Since this has been asked for by some people, I finally decided to write a list on how I rate shows, starting from lowest and getting to highest.

Anime that falls under this has practically no value whatsoever. There is no underlying message, no care or consideration for the plot, characters, or even the background animation. Every single aspect of the show is choppy and cheap, and could probably have been jumbled together in a better fashion were the directing powers handed to a five year old child. It is garbage, plain and simple, and should be avoided at all costs.

This anime isn't much better than those in the 1/10 category, but there is just enough of a tiny spark within it that I can see where it might be good. Perhaps if the concept, artstyle, characters, music, or setting were taken control of by a capable designer or writer, it might have been more tolerable. Not great, for nothing this low could ever hope to achieve a higher rating than 6 to be placed here, but in some of the episodes I could tell that hidden behind the screen there was someone with inspiration and a desire to do something great. However, through all the horrific mediocrity or just awful elements in general, this was a total flop.

These are the shows that nobody wanted, needed, or asked for, but which were still produced as a way to throw money at the wall and hope something sticks. They aren't terrible per say, but they don't need to be made either. This is probably where a lot of terrible chibi spin-offs are destined to go in, along with any hentai (though God help me if I ever decide to start watching those). There might be some pretty animation, character designs, cute soundtracks or jokes, but it's so mind-numbingly dull that soon even the pleasant aspects start feeling stale.

These aren't necessarily the worst shows. In fact, they can have several enjoyable aspects, and keep me entertained if not happy while watching! However, they are often the shows I just don't end up understanding. Why are the characters such cardboard cut-outs? Why don't you deal with your problems more logically? How about you stop with the "baka" and "uwus" and treat each other like rational human beings instead of pixels on a screen?!
They definitely have potential, and they might be gobbled up and loved by others. However, stereotypical elements and clichés contained within bored me too much to give this a higher score.

Now we're starting to get to better quality. This is where most of the "mainstream" or "popularized" anime will be placed, since the ones most fans seem to enjoy are those most "meh" among the anime content. They certainly have enjoyable moments, and no one can contest the way characters stand out from the crowd. But they don't take enough risks, following a plot that is fairly predictable and making many of the same mistakes anime in the 1-4/10 categories do. If you believe an anime placed here deserves a higher spot I will be more than happy to explain my reasoning further, and possibly decide on a higher score.

This is where most of the shows that fall outside my understood genre will lie; basically, comedy, romances, and slice of life shows. As someone whose sense of humor and romance is biased there is always a chance I'm simply not going to appreciate some types of stories as much as others. There are exceptions of course, but generally stories I really like will gain a 6/10 rating. It takes a lot to wow me and get a 7 or above, and there's nothing wrong or shameful about being placed here. These are all anime I would recommend watching, whether to get a good laugh or work yourself up to seeing the greats if you're a new fan of the medium.

This is going to be the nostalgia-factor area. If I were to watch them now as someone used to the common anime tropes and subsets in anime, I would most likely place them in 5 or 6, but every time I rewatch an episode it invigorates me with both happiness and awe again, bringing me back to more tranquil days where I hid under my blanket watching episodes until midnight. This is most clearly seen on my treatment of Inuyasha, which I have as a permanent favorite. I don't care if it has tons of flaws, those characters, openings, and that sweet soundtrack will stay with me until I die and no amount of cynicism can change that.
Of course there may be newer anime that I add here as well, and in describing those I can almost call them a "guilty pleasure." They're the ones everyone talked about and is over, but I can't stop thinking about them. The settings and characters fill my mind and though I know and understand the flaws hidden within, I can't detach myself from the happiness that fills me watching the episodes take place on screen. They introduce revolutionary new concepts and ideas that can overwhelm the bad with the good, and keeps me coming back for more.
These anime are undeniably great. They are the ones that are generally agreed to be high-quality and worth watching, and are among the top recommended shows I will ever advise another to see. They succeed on a variety of levels, in pacing, realism, and scenery which is astounding to view. The only thing stopping them from being rated higher is the fact they're good, but they stop short right before reaching spectacular heights. Perhaps one of the lesser elements was denoted in quality, such as the art, music, or scenery. Maybe the concepts within are a little too mainstream and they don't quite breach the level fans are hoping for. Nevertheless they are still amazing and definitely worth seeing.
These are outstanding shows that are unique in their own right. They tell a story that strikes within the viewer and stays with them, and fills them with a desire to spread positive change. I often feel like writing a book, exercising, or just doing something productive with my life after finishing these. They give me a hope for the future, for through their dark plots and resonant notes there is a glimmer of light which wholly invigorates me. These are the stories that stay with me forever, that I treasure and wish to emulate. Everything is beautiful and of high-quality here, though there is one simple element missing that 10/10 provides.

Something for everyone. That's what these anime have; no matter what age, gender, genre interests, or attention span, the stories shown here have some aspect that the audience is sure to love. Fight scenes, couples going for a walk, even painting shown here is interesting and captivating when done through the beautiful animation provided. I have not found many anime that I believe are truly worthy of being placed here, but the few that I do find I love most of all.