I don't have much else to say now, this last episode was rather unscientific, But that's fine.
Ps: Edison was a MUCH bigger douche than the anime made him out to be; not a good guy to glorify.
It's a shame that J.C. Maxwell, C.P Steinmetz, Oliver Heaviside, and Nikola Tesla went unmentioned. Especially seeing as Tesla was such a king of patents that far exceeded his time. Though i guess Tesla's story wouldn't be one much of perseverance, he was kinda born with it all, and then shut out for opposing profitable technologies. Then we have modern day Eric Dollard and Ken Wheeler, possibly soon to be myself. If that seems silly or unlikely for such a person to be doing something as mundane as blab on an anime forum or uploading videos about cameras, well, you'll have to talk to me and find out what i'm really working on - that is finally cohesive solutions to convoluted models, the unified field theory itself (that is fields as fields, which are metaphysical and collectively define space and matter and magnitudes and time). Most of the significant scientists of the past lead pretty mundane lives outside of their projects, which often were just vision-motivated hobby projects or business opportunities. A lot of the british guys, such as in Newton's time, hung out in coffee shops like everybody else.
Fact is, the information in this is along the lines of pre-introductory level in electrical engineering. They focused on the toys that deceive the eye and ear, but didn't spent hardly any time on the actual explanations, merely the descriptions of effects. There is so much to be learned about metaphysics, and concepts such as cause-effect indistinction due to self-similarity (real relativity, before Einstein).
Science is fun, fascinating, and above all else, cool. Any idiots, such as the twits of academia (colleges/universities), who make it out to be mathematical chalk-waving, desk-sitting, peer-debating, circle-jerking yawn fest, are not doing pure science. Real science is getting your hands dirty. Doing stuff like this guy:
Fiddling with stuff, and recreating natural formations through experimentation. Then it's the wise people who can construct adequate explanations through retroduction and using only denotation with no corner cutting or gap-filling with hypothetical entities created by those mathemagicians, such as virtual particles.
On the internet, it's always prudent to avoid the torus fanatics and free-energy cultists when investigating electricity and magnetism. Even groups like the Thunderbolts Project won't be able to accomplish anything until they understand core principles, such as how magnetic fields MUST form with golden ratio geometry (this is where you learn something incredible about the universe by investigating the ferrocell).
The world is changing, relativity is losing traction, quantum is transitioning from particle theory to field theory, and electricity is gaining acknowledgement again, very fast (as even the highest funded 'scientists' are talking about electrochemistry, and electrical interactions of bodies in space, and mega-currents in Van Allen belts and inter-planetary Birkeland currents etc. Get on board and enjoy it or get caught in the wave when it comes.
I don't mean to drone on, but you gotta dress thick when you're the one facing the winds by taking point. Science is fun, and anyone can do it, you don't need to be particularly gifted, just have vision and an ability to grasp the mechanics of physical systems as you play with them. The stuff isn't hard to learn, and math is not as necessary as it's made out to be.
My drive is to build a unified field theory in a context that both based on fact and is easy to understand, then deliver it within an epic story that can suck people in, and casually show them better interpretations of it all. Why write scientific papers only to be criticized by people who don't even try to fully understand the work, when you can fuse it into a piece of fiction and deliver it to the people and light their fires to get them realizing that they can understand, and they can experiment with these things. Just as people do with star wars and so on, except using real factual entities and explanations that follow suit in practicality, rather than misleading people away from a controlled plasma field (what a light sabre actually is when explaining it's behaviour) and to a "light sabre" (you can't use light like a physical entity so that description is void); it is amusing that the thing is actually possible to make in such a stroke of inspirational luck. Cases like Interstellar and The Martian are unfortunate instances of depicting outdated and obsolete theory. The future is in dielectric-based field theory (incommensurability). |